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Saturday 2 January 2021

Manifested Reality!!


Written by Mathew Naismith

I would like to say that the following is but from my own perceptions, perspectives and experiences, at no time am I stating that the following is real for other consciousnesses that are governed by other perceptions, perspectives and experiences. Often a consciousness of one reality will be unable to adhere to perceptions, perspectives and even experiences from another reality. A good example of this is the belief in a God and within an opposing reality, the belief that there is no God, two different realities that at times express similar attributes. To disbelieve in a God firstly takes the belief in a God, to disbelieve in!!

Seen as I have already mentioned God, does God, this kind of consciousness, primarily represent a physical entity or a non-physical entity? Yes, often through religion God takes on a physical form, while this consciousness seems to be primarily non-physical.

What we perceive within this reality to be physical and what is seen as physical in other realities is quite different. Humans relate a physical reality to form and mass, not to motion and consciousness. A reality based on form and mass is actually less physical than a reality based on motion and consciousness. If you believe that a far more aware and wiser consciousness created this universe, did not this consciousness, of the absence of form and mass but of the presence of motion and consciousness, create a universe of form and mass?

It is the type of motion and consciousness that determines a reality, in our case a reality based on form and mass. Think on this, does not everything man creates firstly come from a reality of motion and consciousness, a mental abstract? As to disbelieve firstly takes a belief to disbelieve in, within the process a belief creating a disbelief. It is the same with motion and consciousness creating form and mass.

It is how it is done, not that it shouldn't be done!!

Motion and consciousness is far more of a physical aspectual reality than a physical reality of form and mass. Can form and mass create consciousness and motion? Many believe so without any evidence to how consciousness was developed in the first place. What if consciousness and motion within a timeless state always existed!! Of course we have an idea that form and mass didn't always exist due to form and mass being reliant on time, a starting point of creation. Motion and consciousness is not reliant on time to exist therefore a starting point of creation.

Yes, many people throughout human history have made reference to this consciousness and motion, predominantly calling this state not based on time but timelessness God. Think on this, why wouldn't you call this kind of state of consciousness and motion God, a consciousness and motion purely governed by an infinite eternal state of existence? Now, how is a consciousness primarily if not entirely based on form and mass going to be able to comprehend this state of existence? We are expecting a state of the finite comprehending a state of infinite!! It will be denied to the bitter end.

Now for the cruncher.

Should everything of this state of motion and consciousness become manifested within a reality based on form and mass? A reality based on form and mass is what it is, trying to turn this kind of reality into a reality based on motion and consciousness is of futility. The infinite does not belong within the same state as the finite, they are two very different states in that one creates the other, it does not replace the other, however, this state of the infinite of motion and consciousness can greatly enhance a reality of form and mass. At no time is the infinite supposed to replace the finite. This means that, for example, love and light is not supposed to replace hate and dark, but to simply enhance what is of love and light, in the process nullifying the effects that hate and dark have upon a reality based on form and mass. Yes, there is a great deal of love and light within realities of form and mass, it is just hate and dark are more active within this kind of reality. You see love and light often consciously becomes less motional therefore less active in realities of form and mass than hate and dark. It is not that we should become less of motion therefore less active but less expressive of motions based on hate and dark.

The question is not if we should become active within what we manifest, but how we become active in what we manifest!!

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