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Thursday, 11 February 2021

Benign Catalyst


Written by Mathew Naismith

I am hoping to address the difference between benign consciousness and malign consciousness. It is important not to define consciousness into negatives and positives, simply that each variable consciousness is of it's own domain/reality, often in reality one extreme expression of environment leading to the rise of another very different environment.

To observe through the eyes of a controlling ego is very different to observing through the eyes in the absence of a controlling ego.

Benign: Pleasant and beneficial in nature or influence

Malign: Evil or harmful in nature or influence

Catalyst: Something that causes an important event to occur

I am going to firstly address malign consciousness.

What makes a consciousness malign because a created consciousness is not by nature malign nor benign?

A firstly created consciousness is neither malign nor benign. What I mean by created is like with the universe, the universe is neither one or the other but can be expressive of one or the other through environmental changes within itself. Look at how human beings change within themselves through varying environmental influences in life. You are not born an atheist nor religious, this is determined by the already existing environment you are born into and by all means, you don't have to become what the environment influences around you depicts. I should also state there is also a non-created consciousness as well, a consciousness of infinite value, which can assist in our endeavours in a finite existence if we choose.

Would it be fair to say that the malign consciousness is only malign in nature due to the abuse or harmfulness of energy around it? Malign simply refers to an energy that is abusive towards itself and/or other energy fields around it, you could also relate the malign to a controlling ego, an ego in control which is very different to an ego that is not in control. The malign by nature is controlling therefore abusive, really, this is it's nature and within itself this is very positive to the abuse of energy while the benign is seen as feeble, not abusive towards energy, therefore seen as a negative by malign consciousness. Within a malign consciousness, the inability to abuse or be harmful to energy is simply seen as outright negative.

Could we also relate the malign to desired truths which is very different to actual truths? How many of us ignore other truths in favour of our own desired truths? Followers of QAnon seemingly preferred a desired truth over and above actual truth, the same with desiring socialist communism. Socialist communism is made out to look promising through desires truths but in actual real truth it is highly abusive as we have all seen in the past and present. This is important, now look at the difference between QAnon desired truths and socialist communist desired truths, one is speaking out and acting against harm and the other is speaking of and acting for harm!! QAnon was simply a catalyst, a reactionary catalyst, in response to harm, can we honestly say the same in regards to socialist communism? Yes, through desired truths rather than actual truths, socialist communists think they are not of harm, simply preventing harm, but in reality any movement depicting harm is of harm by nature. QAnon was simply exposing harm, a lot through actual truths, which is a huge threat to what consciousness? A consciousness malign in nature.

Yes, we can also relate the malign to the censoring of anything remotely representing actual truths to desired truths. Be aware though, to simply depict the malign as being negative, even though the malign is a natural creation of certain environmental influences, is also being influenced by the malign. The benign does not judge what it is not of negative, the benign simply observes and acts upon what is abusive towards energy, by nature.

Yes, the nature of the benign is to be beneficial towards energy by nature, the benign is also not of desired truths but actual truths nor is the benign of a controlling ego. Yes, the benign even avoids casting judgement onto everything not of itself, of it's own nature, as being negative, to depict what is and is not negative and positive is of malign environmental influences. To judge a difference to yourself as being negative, is simply abusing energy as it is likened to name calling or even bullying which the benign is not of by nature, however, to call out and expose the malign abusiveness, particularly in the absence of name calling, is not abusive, simply the telling of actual truths which the abusive malign will of course state is abusive. Look at how many actual truths today are called out being simply abusive when it is simply of telling the actual truth as opposed to desired truths!!

So, how do we become more benign?

Take note of the above but also become aware of the difference between a finite consciousness to an infinite consciousness. Even though the infinite consciousness seemingly refers to the benign, the opposing force to the benign is not of finite consciousness. Try to relate the finite consciousness to a human being at birth, where there is no perception of right or wrong, negative or positive, religion or atheism, etc, it is simply a neutral mode of consciousness until influenced by other conscious environments around it. I often myself relate the infinite consciousness as being the parent or guardian of the finite, in other words the parent of the child.

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