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Sunday, 21 February 2021

The Arrival of Little Angels


Written by Mathew Naismith

So where do I start? I wasn't going to share this but circumstance warrants me sharing this, even though what I am about to share could be simply of a desired truth than of real truth. Remember, real truth is simply of a truth in the absence of what we desire to be the truth.

How often are mothers referred to as angels or alike for putting their family or other people before themselves? So what would you call a soul who puts humanity as a whole before their own selves?

We often relate angels to divine entities that depict human form with wings. Probably because I was brought up with this perception is why I depict at present little angels flying around, by the looks of it in their thousands.

This is the sad bit. Why the presence of so many little angels at present?

Mark Zuckerburg, the co-founder of Facebook, has recently shown even more where he stands with paedophilia. Mark Zuckerbrg is not the tip of the iceberg but simply a very tiny part of the tip. The meek shall inherit the Earth. To be so week as to harm those not abusive is simply meek in character and disposition.

Meek: Humble in spirit or manner; suggesting retiring mildness or even cowed submissiveness.

Every child should be protected by every adult no matter what, to do the opposite is to cower submissively to the malign. Let's be honest, how easy is it to give into the malign, especially when it seems to deliver what is desired and lusted for? In truth, it is without a doubt meek is to give into the malign, in the process you simply become a subordinate to desires and lusts. Could you possibly say it is meek of people that do not succumb to these desires and lusts, at the same time protect those most vulnerable to the malign?

Malign is to be evil or harmful in nature or influence, in other words abusive primarily to those less abusive. This is where cowardice comes into it in relation to the malign. The malign only chooses to abuse those less abusive, in the process avoiding the possibly of being abused or being overwhelmed or confronted by the truly benign. At all cost the malign will avoid direct confrontation with the benign, instead resorting to trying to undermine the benign. The most malign has no answer to the most benign, so it resorts to undermining the most vulnerable who are benign. The less abusive often become the most abused deceptively and underhandedly which is of cowardice and meek in mannerism. Make no mistake, the malign is exceptionally meek in manner.

So what is going to come from abusing angels? Nothing good for the malign. Because the malign is totally governed and controlled by egotism, their egos tell them they are infallible and quite deceptively so. You would think they would wake up to how deceptive the ego can become, but the ego prevails in it's deception of infallibility and the more the ego takes control, the more deceptively the malign is deluded in being even more infallible.

So it comes to this, a lot of the children being abused at present are actual angles, or so it is the way I vision it. The more angels the malign abuses, the more of the benign humanity will be influenced by. It is funny, once the Freemasons where of the benign in every sense, but as it would seem today they are very much of the malign. Angels are not cowards and will certainly seemingly sacrifice themselves for the good of the collective without blinking an eyelid. In saying this, at all times speak of what these children are going through and certainly speak against those who are sacrificial by nature. These children are not really being sacrificed or sacrificing their lives, they are in a real sense humbling themselves to those less able to help themselves.

Never think the malign is all powerful as societies like the Freemasons try to portray, in every sense they are powerless unless they can abuse the less abusive. Take the ability to abuse the less abusive away from them, how powerful then do you think this malign would be? The point is that you can't sacrifice angels as the malign thinks it is doing by abusing these children. Yes, the malign is all to do with sacrificing the benign but this is not what is actually occurring, the malign has indeed deceived itself in a real sense, or how I could be desiring to perceive it to be so!!

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