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Wednesday, 21 July 2021

The Eternal Being

"You are an eternal being now on the 
pathway of endless unfoldment,
 never less but always more yourself." 

Written by Mathew Naismith

A very short post but to me a very important message considering what is occurring in the present.

I have been accused of over thinking in regards to covid and the authorities responses, in other words rationally thinking. Is there such a thing as overreacting to traumas while not thinking enough? Think on this, can overreaction to trauma be associated to irrationality, overreacting while not thinking enough? Let's now look at people who are more of the eternal being to people who are more of the ephemeral being.

Death to the eternal consciousness is simply a transition of energy, within this, the fear of death is transient if not absent altogether. It is of science as well, where energy can't be destroyed, only transformed!! This is the same with possessions, where you actually own nothing even when in acquisition of energy.

Death to the ephemeral consciousness will understandably react differently to death and possessions, in the process creating even more fear, not less fear, as we are presently seeing. You will also understandably witness more immorality and inhumanity within what this ephemeral consciousness creates.

Sunday, 18 July 2021

The Higher Self!!

Written by Mathew Naismith

This subject for people like me is very important, mainly due to our comprehension of this subject. This doesn't mean we completely understand what we are aware of, it just means we comprehend what we don't completely understand. This is very important to comprehend in the first place.

So, would the higher self see itself as being a higher form of consciousness, of a higher stature?

While of this higher self, can a consciousness of this higher self abuse energy? The answer is no, it is utterly impossible for this higher consciousness to abuse energy due to the inability to abuse energy, this mainly because it is this inability to abuse energy that makes this consciousness of a higher plain. A more aware and wiser consciousness has no need or more importantly desire to abuse energy, in actuality to do otherwise is not of the higher self.

As we look around today in the world, what kind of consciousness is of a higher stature? As we are experiencing in the present, the now, in regards to COVID, abuse reigns supreme. The more abusive you become, the higher the stature you are elevated to.

This brings us back to the initial question, would the higher self see itself as being a higher form of consciousness, of a higher stature? To elevate yourself to something higher is of stature, but as we know, a higher stature or even a perception of doesn't mean you are of a more aware and wiser consciousness, in truth, quite the opposite.

To be of this higher self is to not perceive you are of a higher self, simply that you are in a state of consciousness of awareness that is governed by wisdom. As we find ourselves today, we are more aware today than ever but far more abusive towards energy than ever. Why? Probably due to the lack or even absence of wisdom. It is like democracy. If not governed by a just governing system, democracy can be just as dictatorial, corrupt and of inhumanity as governing systems such as fascism and communism. Now imagine having a perception of being of a higher self in the absence of wisdom, the higher self simply becomes of a higher stature, in this case to abuse/ostracise anything not of this higher self/stature.

We often think that a higher state of consciousness would avoid being of any part of a lower consciousness, the bad vibrations from a lower consciousness would be too much to handle. In actuality it is the other way around. If you are able to put yourself into an environment of discord and not become abusive, which also means not ostracising and demeaning people of a lower stature than yourself, you are of this higher state of consciousness. No amount of bad or negative vibrations are able to penetrate this consciousness. The reason for this is the absence of status and segregation of the higher self to the lower self.

In all honestly, we are utterly surrounded by material and non-material consciousness that is of this deemed higher self. So you may ask why is not this more apparent to most of us? Because we are still looking for a higher status within ourselves and in other forms of consciousness. This consciousness that we call the higher self does not in anyway deem itself to be of a higher stature, but it is understandable why a less aware and wiser consciousness would do so. The trick is to go beyond the perceptions of higher and lower statures, in the process become less abusive towards energy, as a whole. We just don't become less abusive towards each other but less abusive towards energy as a whole.

We have got ourselves into a bit of a dilemma though, where actual truths, that can hurt our egos, are felt by the ego as being abusive, we then add to this dilemma by only desiring what makes the ego feel good. Of course what makes the ego feel good is of desired truths rather than actual truths, as always.

Sunday, 11 July 2021

New Religion COVID


Written by Mathew Naismith

I am so saddened. An old friend of mine that I have had a good deal of respect for just blew me away. I am the one who is pushing their own opinions religiously onto other people, even though people like me have not been indoctrinated into the new religion, COVID, and it's many indoctrinating programs and enforced mandatory restrictions based primarily on, you guessed it, fear!!

It was the following that lead to a very sad moment for me.

Is this new religion COVID and it's indoctrination's based on fact, remembering that covid in no way came from a lab? Of course the so-called conspiracy theorists were right, it did come from a lab.

What restrictions do people like me impose on other people, but to look outside the square of this new religion? Yes, how dare people like me even hint at looking beyond the doctrines of this new religion!!

Literary thousands of health professionals, some now assassinated, are risking their livelihood, being persecuted and falsely prosecuted, risking their actual lives, etc, for speaking out. We are not talking about fools here but people of high esteem and moral values to the point of being Nobel prise winners.

Okay, if you want to become indoctrinated into the new religion COVID, that is fine, just leave the rest of us alone but we know this is not going to happen in regards to a religion gone extremist.

Should we have fear of this new extremist religion? No, but we should be aware of it's extremist indoctrination's, enforced restrictions and inhumane directives.

The following comes across as being anti-religion but is still worth reading the COVID content. I am not anti-religion/spirituality but very cautious of anything expressive of religious/spiritual extremism, as the COVID religion clearly exemplifies.

For thousands of years, religion has been used as a tool to keep control of the ‘ignorant masses’.”

I will rephrase this. For thousands of years, religion has been misused as a tool to keep control of the ‘ignorant masses’.

Actual spiritual religions are not based primarily on fear but this new religion is!!

Wednesday, 7 July 2021

The Rise of Serenity

Written by Mathew Naismith

How could anyone seriously talk about the rise of serenity in a time of great pandemonium? Only a consciousness that has the insight to see what this degree of pandemonium will inadvertently create!!

How much effort and energy expended does it take to create a reality built upon pandemonium? It takes many years of great effort and energy expended to create such a reality. Now as many of us know, how much effort and energy expended does it take to create a reality of serenity? Serenity can come from the smallest of sparks and without effort, in fact the more effort expended, the less likely the spark will materialise. Yes, without effort the materialisation of this spark is inadvertently created by the very same consciousness that is trying to stop this spark materialising!!

This spark of great awareness and wisdom may seem to be in counteraction to pandemonium, like positiveness has for many people become a counteraction to negativeness. We are even at the point where anything that doesn't make us feel good is judged negative, something to separate ourselves from and even denounce. A counteractive response takes a great deal of effort in line with what is being counteracted upon, this spark is therefore not a counteractive response to pandemonium.

I would like to say something here in relation to awareness. Numerous times it has been said to me that I think too much therefore I can't be spiritually minded or connected, could it not be that when a consciousness enters into a certain state of awareness, this awareness just simply flows without effort!! What does take effort is putting this awareness into comprehensible human conscious format, especially when this format at times seems alien, unfamiliar. I am aware that a lot of aware people have experienced this same unfamiliarity at times.

So is this spark, this great spirit of awareness and wisdom, predisposed by the materialisation of pandemonium and trauma, created by a seemingly opposing force?

As positive and negative are not opposing forces, only in disdain or in forced separation do they seem opposing, neither is serenity to pandemonium, only through great energy expended is positive and negative, serenity and pandemonium, opposing each other. In all honesty though, like with a true state of positiveness, where the negatives are never seen as simply opposing forces, it is the same in a state of serenity where pandemonium is never seen as opposing serenity. There is a however. When in a state of pandemonium, as with a state of negativeness, it is the state of pandemonium that will see serenity as being opposing, not a true state of serenity or positiveness. Would a true state of positiveness see everything not of itself as being negative? No, it is the other way around. Yes, often the most positive people will express the most negatives!!

How much effort do we expend to be and stay positive or happy? It is within the lack of expenditure of energy we should be looking for. If it takes a great deal of effort to materialise, be it of serenity or possessiveness, it is not truly of serenity or positiveness. The sign of this is within the effort expended.

What scares multinationals the most? What are they in great fear of? The spark that can seemingly come from nothing, but the very same thing they are inadvertently materialising. Multinationals fear in being in a conscious state where they will give away a lot of what their expended energy on has created, for within this state of great spirit human consciousnesses selfishness and self-preservation will simply vanish. This is the multinationals worse nightmare, being in a state of consciousness of the absence of selfishness and self-preservation, I mean for real.

Is this great degree of expenditure of energy by a state of induced pandemonium inadvertently going to make the spark occur, the great spirit within all arise?

Cause and effect, not counteraction, where a cause creates an effect, naturally. The cause takes up a lot of energy but the effect the cause creates take no effort to materialise itself. There is no energy expended by the effect itself, the cause expends all the energy needed to create an effect. Look at it this way, what causes the negatives to be so negative? Negatives are only as negative as the energy expended by the positives. The negatives don't have to expend energy to be negative, they only have to not create good feelings for the positives to be negative!!

Sorry people, it would seem the cause, pandemonium, has to expend a lot of energy to inadvertently create an effortless effect, serenity. I am not saying that the cause pandemonium will inadvertently create an effect of serenity, all I am saying is that it is a big possibility. Nothing in the infinite is determined, decided to be the case, while considering infinite variable causes and their effects, but having some awareness of my past lives lived, it feels just right this time around.