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Showing posts with label religion. Show all posts
Showing posts with label religion. Show all posts

Sunday 11 July 2021

New Religion COVID


Written by Mathew Naismith

I am so saddened. An old friend of mine that I have had a good deal of respect for just blew me away. I am the one who is pushing their own opinions religiously onto other people, even though people like me have not been indoctrinated into the new religion, COVID, and it's many indoctrinating programs and enforced mandatory restrictions based primarily on, you guessed it, fear!!

It was the following that lead to a very sad moment for me.

Is this new religion COVID and it's indoctrination's based on fact, remembering that covid in no way came from a lab? Of course the so-called conspiracy theorists were right, it did come from a lab.

What restrictions do people like me impose on other people, but to look outside the square of this new religion? Yes, how dare people like me even hint at looking beyond the doctrines of this new religion!!

Literary thousands of health professionals, some now assassinated, are risking their livelihood, being persecuted and falsely prosecuted, risking their actual lives, etc, for speaking out. We are not talking about fools here but people of high esteem and moral values to the point of being Nobel prise winners.

Okay, if you want to become indoctrinated into the new religion COVID, that is fine, just leave the rest of us alone but we know this is not going to happen in regards to a religion gone extremist.

Should we have fear of this new extremist religion? No, but we should be aware of it's extremist indoctrination's, enforced restrictions and inhumane directives.

The following comes across as being anti-religion but is still worth reading the COVID content. I am not anti-religion/spirituality but very cautious of anything expressive of religious/spiritual extremism, as the COVID religion clearly exemplifies.

For thousands of years, religion has been used as a tool to keep control of the ‘ignorant masses’.”

I will rephrase this. For thousands of years, religion has been misused as a tool to keep control of the ‘ignorant masses’.

Actual spiritual religions are not based primarily on fear but this new religion is!!

Friday 25 June 2021

Atheism in Support of Religion!!

Written by Mathew Naismith

What if I said to you that atheism is in full support of religion, so many people of course would say that I am mad, delusional. Think on this, could a disbelief exist without a belief being disbelieved in in the first place? Atheists believe or disbelieve that a God like consciousness could not at all, no matter what, have created the universe therefore everything within this universe. Either it be of belief or disbelief, atheism is to start with in support of beliefs, also, “no matter what” determines that atheism is of dogmatic principles as well!!

It is strange to think that religion, believing in a God like creative consciousness, also created atheism and it's doctrines, not that a lot of people, understandably, think this to be strange. Yes, atheism has doctrines. Apart from many atheists simply believing that all wars were religiously caused, and that we are all born atheistic, which is cognitively impossible, they also express a great deal of faith in theories of how the universe was created, like the big bang theory. There are actually several different types of theories of the creation of the universe for atheists to have faith in, the big bang theory is just one of them. To have this much faith in a simple theory, not fact, is indeed religious, to base an entire belief or disbelief system on faith is also indeed religious. Yes, by heart even atheists express a great sense of religion!!

Don't get me wrong, I think having faith and theories is cognitively healthy and vital for the good health of human cognition, I strongly believe this to be true.

I can't believe that people like me have become so controversial today, but look at how this has come about. Be it of extremism of religion, atheism, right and left wing politics, communism or fascism, black and white. etc, you can see why people like me are now looked at being so controversial. So many people are embarrassing extremist ideologies at a phenomenal rate, usually in counteraction to another extremism, be it that the extremism is made up or not.

We are indeed in an age of extremism, where even vaccines that are known to kill and maim people for life are not just accepted but marketed and even enforced onto everybody else by so many people. The question is, have people like me become more controversial or has the world around us become more of the embarrassment and acceptance of extremism, in the process making people like me seem more controversial!! Yes, even in new age spirituality extremism in counteraction to other extremism's, made up or not, abounds sadly enough.

Only in the absence of a balanced disposition will human consciousness fail itself.

Wednesday 13 March 2019

The Perception of God

Written by Mathew Naismith

Try to keep in mind before reading the following, I was brought up as an atheist and I have never followed a religion or any other ideology or ism in my life. What I have exercised in, after extracting myself from the doctrines of atheism, is finding reason within all the ideologies and isms man has created in discovering the environment man exists in. This of course includes the perception of God.

Before I go on, I would like to share with you a dream I had last night. As usual as in an awakened state, I was looking in all the nooks and crannies I could for whatever presents itself. I usually do this in the absence of bias as a lot of ideologies and isms can create a great deal of bias at times. I saw this cave so I of course decided to investigate even though this cave was quite dark. The cave didn't turn out to be a cave and I found myself looking out over an ocean. I was in awe while listening to the wave's crash on shore. The ocean was quite rough but still so beautiful. I then decided to in my dream on purpose think of the perception of God, what occurred then was quite amazing.

When you are consciously aware that you are having a dream, this is called lucid dreaming. In this state of dreaming, you are able to consciously influence the dream; in my case it was to do with an experiment to see how the perception of God changes my dream. As I said, I like to look into all the nooks and crannies, into all the possibilities in the absence of a much bias as possible. I thought the scenery was beautiful before. As soon as I had a perception of God, the ocean was no longer rough and everything simply sparkled. It is as if everything came alive.

Don't make the mistake and think religion is of God or has to be of God, religion is simply one of many tools for man to investigate he's environment as a whole. As of a lot of atheists who totally denounce that a consciousness can exist outside of the physical brain in accordance with atheistic doctrines, religion can have its own biases as well as human history clearly shows. As history clearly shows, not everyone of religion was of God, far more of the church than God sadly enough. You see, to be of God or have a perception of God has very little to do with religion but religion can keep us in touch with God or the perception of God.

It is also important not to separate religion from science. Take Hinduism for example, where science has always been apart of the religion of Hinduism. How many modern day scientists believe in a God and/or follow a religion of one kind or another?

So many people today are denouncing God just because of the perceptions of religion has in relation to God. In all honest truth, what would we know? We can't actually know so we can only perceive through various religions in relation to God. Try to remember, not everyone of a religion is of the perception of God as history quite clearly shows us, actually quite the opposite at times. Yes, as of any ideology or ism created by man to investigate and examine his environment, the ideology or ism to do this is only as perfect as man himself, considering man isn't perfect, denouncing God just because of a number of indiscretions in religious history, isn't exactly a wise of unbiased way of reasoning. Man is not perfect therefore it is quite unreasonable to expect his created ideologies and isms to be perfect. I actually expect them to be imperfect before expecting them to be perfect, within this, a reasonable an unbiased deduction can be formed. How perfect is numerous science theories taken as being fact? Even some of Albert Einstein's theories that were taken as fact are being questioned as science should to evolve.        

What I have exercised through life is an unbiased culmination of the universe being created by a far more aware and wiser consciousness. If you culminate all the research on out of body experiences (OBE's), reincarnation, CERN, that scientists can create mini universes and on it goes, I would have to be a total ignoramus or a very ignorant atheist to ignore all this evidence. Of course not all atheists are this ignorant, just not convinced enough to believe which is fair enough. Having been an atheist, it is amazing how bias one can get when you religiously follow atheistic doctrines. Of course the same can be the case for religious people as well as history clearly shows again.

God or the perception of God doesn't follow a certain religion; religion simply follows a perception of God or whatever you want to call a more aware and wiser consciousness than our own to be. As of my dream, the perception of God changed my scenery to something even more beautiful and spectacular. In a time of chaos, deception and destruction, what is so wrong in having this kind of perception? My subconscious and consciousness obviously perceives God to be a changer of worlds, but only through our own awakening and intervention.         

Monday 5 March 2018

Atheism Is Quite Correct

Written by Mathew Naismith

The question of what is or isn’t correct is a funny one only because the perception of correctness is as varied and as numerous as our perceptions. To get a grasp on this one needs to look at how many different people there are, not just by race or by cultural diversity but how everyone is physically and mentally different. Is one way to look and think more correct than another way to look and think? It really comes down to what is accepted which is governed by what is accepted as being correct. If it’s not accepted, it’s usually not correct, in all, correctness is usually and mostly governed by what is accepted.

For someone like me who is quite accepting, correctness can be seen in various and even opposing perceptions and ideologies, within this way of perceiving there is no absolute correctness, there are only variations of correctness. This simply means atheism is a variation of correctness, not of absolute correctness like any other created ideological ism.

So why am I saying atheism is correct? To answer this we must first look at why I think religion is correct, especially in relation to God and divine entities.

In recent times we have seen science create the God particle and most recently a mini-universe. The question science is rightfully and wisely asking now is if man can create such things, what would a far more aware intelligent consciousness be able to create? Of course the universe we exist in comes to mind. In the whole scheme of things I don’t think man’s wisdom, awareness or intelligence rates very highly but even in this conscious state man is able to create or mimic the creation of the universe through science perspectives.

The religious perspective was to get a far less intelligent, literate and aware consciousness, in ancient times, to perceive that the universe was created by a far more aware consciousness than man. Even today religion isn’t incorrect in this as science is showing. Religion, as of any ideological ism, is governed by what is or isn’t accepted. How would you be able to get a less aware and intelligent consciousness to be able to perceive through science perspectives? This simply would not have been accepted therefore comprehended. In actuality the perception of a creator of the universe was highly intelligent in my mind, especially in ancient times.

Atheism was to accept what religious establishments were unable or unwilling to accept, perceptions and perspective based on a different kind of what is and isn’t accepted. Of course you do have one of the oldest surviving religions that also incorporate science perspectives and perceptions to one degree or another, in actuality a lot of religions today are more accepting of science perspectives and perceptions. On the other hand you have a number of new age spiritual people who totally denounce science, science perspectives and perceptions are simply not accepted therefore correct.

Atheism simply avoids calling the creator of our universe a God, a divine entity, there is no idolisation or of giving thanks and a show of appreciation to our creator. If we are of this creator, this divine consciousness, what is there to idolise and/or show appreciation to? Of course you also have atheists who can never accept that our universe was created by a far more aware consciousness; their doctrines are simply unaccepting of this. You also have atheists who look at everything created as ego, an illusion. Each perception is simply governed by what is and isn’t accepted therefore correct.

To me, the closer to the source we become, the more we become aware we have always been one with this source. If we were all aware that we are one with this source, what would then be perceived as a God?  You have to have a perception of separation to have a perception of God separate to ourselves. Yes, the separation is real but it's still simply a perception of separation, there is no true separation only a perception of separation, within this, we perceive the creator as a God and rightfully so in a state of separation in my mind.

In all, to someone like me, is atheism correct within their own perceptions and the answer would have to be yes, however, this does not mean that religion is incorrect within their own perceptions, it simply means that each ideological ism is correct within what their own doctrines are accepting of.

No ideological ism is totally correct but they’re not totally incorrect either, it’s all governed by what we accept and don’t accept as being correct. In all, what would any of us truly know……….