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Thursday, 9 September 2021

A Weakened Mind


Watch your thoughts;They become words.

Watch you words;They become actions.

Watch your actions;They become habits.

Watch your habits;They become character.

Watch your character;It become your destiny.  

Written by Mathew Naismith

A weakened mind is simply of a mind that is unaware of what is beyond the boundaries of the physical mind, it is also of a mind where the ego is in control even when beyond the perception of the boundaries of the physical mind. It is also of a collective mind that thinks it is beyond a consciousness that created nature. In a real sense, this consciousness cannot even simulate nature, it can only mimic nature at best.

Yes, science perceives how to create a universe, this of course is only copying nature, science is unable to create anything remotely novel that is not a simulation or copy of the original creation in some way. Imagine a universe created by science. Would the consciousness, if a consciousness could be implanted seen as we don't even know where consciousness came from to begin with, be as diverse as the universe we exist in? The implanted consciousness would only be of what is of the creator, very limited due to the lack of awareness.

So what consciousness is so many people today in awe of?

Look at all the power, control and physical wealth of multinationals, which could only come about due to abusing a less malign consciousness, a consciousness not entirely true to what created something like the universe and nature itself from scratch. There was nothing to mimic or simulate from, only an awareness far beyond human perception. A malign consciousness is simply a product of being less aware and quite naturally so. Yes, a malign consciousness is simply a creation of nature, a natural development of a consciousness being less aware.

Today, the observer just smiles at what less aware humans have created and are trying to create, however, the participator feels great anguish and distress at what this unaware consciousness is creating. It is funny, because multinationals are only simulating a malign consciousness while trying to act like some kind of deity. The observer just smiles.

To the participator, we are suffering big time but to the observer this suffering is of nothing real or of great importance, for what is of suffering is nothing to what is not suffering. Our suffering is like a grain of sand on the beach. So what would I know about suffering? I know as much about suffering as I do about not suffering, yes, I often smile at my own literal life long suffering when I am not participating in my suffering. For starters, I have literary had a broken arm since I was six years old, I also have at no point taken pain killers for any amount of time. Yes, my pain killer has been the ability to simply observe my own suffering.

“Suffering is something entirely different, however. Suffering is what we think of the pain, not the situation that caused the pain. Suffering is the emotional energy we invest in pain. Suffering is a choice. You might just read that last sentence a couple more times, as well. If it is a new concept, it might just change your approach to life. If you are in the habit of really getting in deep with your suffering, it will seem impossible that you could choose something otherwise. Suffering is simply our attachment to our pain, our ownership of and identification with it.”

Sorry, the blog doesn't seem have a language translator.

In a real sense, if you want to suffer from what the multinationals are creating at present, you will feel much greater pain than you have to. Make the best of life instead of the worse of life, however, a no time suffer from not being able to make the best of life either, you won't if you are participating for this is a part of being the participator. Yes, Yoga as whole, not just the exercises alone, teaches you to become the observer as many spiritual teachings do. You can see why the multinationals and communists alike desire to rid the world of any teachings that help is lessening the suffering through becoming the observer. I smile all the times I think of the observer, I just can't help it, very lucky me, but I also suffer from pain at times as this is a part of being a participator as well.

The induced suffering could push people's consciousness to become the observer, as many traumas can cause an awakening of some kind. The malign can interfere with the psychical mind, but the observing consciousness is unaffected, in a real sense.

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