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Wednesday, 24 November 2021

To Be In Conflict Or Not!!


Written by Mathew Naismith

That is indeed the question but not for many spiritually aware people. The quest is to not be in conflict or to become of a state where conflict is impossible. How many of us feel different in nature than in a human created reality, where the reality itself was created on some kind of conflict?

We go into nature a feel tranquil and at one with nature, while nature itself is in continuous conflict, even plants are in competition to each other. If a tree is unable to bend with the wind, the tree breaks. Conflict abounds in nature but we humans often feel so much at home in nature, we now may think this is due to humans being conditioned to conflict.

A person spends all their life or even part of their life in avoidance of conflict, they then end up obtaining this quest of a reality in the absence of conflict. In all honesty, their life has been in conflict with conflict, even though we may reach a state of the absence of conflict, it was due to being in conflict with conflict itself. Yes, in the process a reality of the absence of conflict was created on the back of being in conflict with conflict. This is really something we should be avoiding, even people who have said they have never been in conflict are in conflict, not just due to being in conflict with conflict but because nature is of growth but also the deterioration of growth. There is always conflict between growth and deterioration of growth.

What part of us wants to control the ego, the quest of being egoless? The ego, for the egoless self has no conflict with the ego to theretofore have a desire to dispose of the ego. So would an egoless self desire to spend a great deal of it's life trying to rid itself of conflict? As nature exemplifies, it is not conflict itself that we should be disposing of in life, it is the way we approach and live with conflict in harmony with conflict.

We may now say that war is conflict, so we now should live in harmony with war!! No, this is not saying that because war is in conflict with conflict, what you want to create is harmony with conflict, as we do while experiencing nature. The ego desires you to be in conflict with it, to try to create a reality free of the ego, in the process creating a reality based on the conflict of the ego.

Now think of being in harmony with the ego and it's conflicts, you then create a reality based on harmony instead of conflict. I could have spent all my life in a state in the absence of conflict, knowing that this reality is actually based on the opposition to conflict. Good luck with this as my body deteriorates in opposition to growth. The trick is living in harmony with this deterioration as with nature is a dog eat dog world.

So why do we so often feel so good in nature if it is a dog eat dog world, a world of competition? Because it is not always in competition or a dog eat dog world, like in the human world, it is a world in harmony with this dog eat dog world, not in conflict with it.

Even as spiritually aware people, we have learnt very little from nature it would seem.

Friday, 5 November 2021

A Precious Commodity, The Soul


Written by Mathew Naismith

Firstly, actual scientific evidence of the existence of souls are too evident to simply ignore due to our own biases and beliefs or disbelief, souls to someone like me exist beyond any doubt. I am also going to mention aliens in this post which again is evident beyond doubt.

What if I told you that souls are a precious commodity that are sought after by a consciousness that has no soul. Souls are highly valued, especially souls that can be captured and literally tortured. Souls that are attached to a physical form are most highly sought after due to the torturing of the soul as well as the form the soul is attached to. Also, just because a form is aware of it's own existence doesn't mean the form or the consciousness of the form has a soul.

I know it may seem inappropriate to state that the soul is a commodity, something of great value, but commodity in this case refers to something of great value, exceptionally precious, the sad thing is, to many humans the soul has no value. If humans don't value their own soul, even to the point of not wanting to know of the souls existence for whatever bias, other conscious forms do. If we are going to abuse the soul, why wouldn't another conscious form desire to do the same, especially a conscious form that knows the existence of and value of the soul?

So does this mean that all aliens have no soul? Not at all. Sadly, it would seem the aliens that look like not possessing a soul have the most influence over human consciousness at present, have for some time now. The consciousness that is of these aliens have influenced human consciousness a lot longer. If we valued the soul as being precious, the aliens seemingly without souls could have no influence over human consciousness at all. The fact that these aliens have so much influence over human consciousness, shows how little we value our own soul. What is presently occurring could actually propel human consciousness into a much more aware state, but this can only occur if we too see value in our own souls.

Can consciousness exist outside of form, especially a consciousness that has no soul?

Consciousness, a state of one's own awareness, does not need a soul to be of consciousness. Consciousness is not limited to the existence of a soul but a soul can't exist without being of consciousness. No, this is not saying that souls are limited to consciousness unless the consciousness is of limitations itself. An aware consciousness has far less limitations than a consciousness that is not as aware. Aliens that don't possess a soul are limited in awareness no matter how technologically advanced they seem. A consciousness that abuses energy will always seem more consciously advanced due to it's technological advancements, however, if a consciousness has to abuse energy to become technologically advanced, this advancement and associated conscious progression will be limited.

Aliens that don't seem to possess a soul know within themselves they have limited progressive capabilities technologically and consciously, this is why they try to keep any consciousness that has a soul under it's control. As we know today, the pandemic is not about saving lives but about controlling human consciousness even more. Make no mistake, a consciousness that possess a soul and is aware of the precociousness of the soul, has nothing to fear from a soulless consciousness, only souls that don't see value in souls have something to fear. Let's be honest, if we are going to abuse our own soul, why wouldn't an abusive consciousness do the same, seen as we show no value in souls?

I am not going to call them aliens, but entities not familiar to most humans that possess souls seem to have the most brilliant beautiful souls and consciousness, only because they see how precious the soul is. The more precious the soul becomes to a consciousness, the more magnificently beautiful the soul seems to become and yes, we could quite easily find ourselves in this position of great beauty, not just consciously but soul deep. A truly aware soul does indeed seem to posses great beauty due to it's awareness.