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Showing posts with label ego. Show all posts
Showing posts with label ego. Show all posts

Sunday, 30 June 2024

The Spiritual Zone

Written by Mathew Naismith

I will keep this very simple so this may seem a little boring for some people to read. I will firstly touch on what is called the zone in sports for a very good reason.

Athletes most often tell of a period where one experiences a heighten sense of awareness, time transformation, effortless motion, unconsciousness and an extreme sense of concentration or focus. During this extreme sense of focus, similar to meditating or alike, the surrounding environment seems to not exist, this of course depends on how much of the environment around you you can extract your mind from.

Now awareness and experiencing an unconsciousness state seem to contradict each other. They don't actually. Our subconscious most often is more aware of the environment around us than our conscious mind is, mainly due to the conscious mind participating in the environment, where the conscious mind is distracted by the surrounding environment. It would seem the more an athlete extracts their conscious mind from the surrounding environment, the more heighten their athletic abilities become. I should say that the subconscious mind can also be in a state where it also becomes distracted by the surrounding environment, this is where various spiritual practices can assist in extracting our subconscious from various environmental distractions.

I would myself state that the conscious mind is the participator in the surrounding environment and the subconscious mind is the observer of the environment. This to me is of balanced mind set where if the subconsciousness also becomes primarily the participator, this is of an imbalanced mind set, a mind set that creates realities of numerous imbalances.

Imagine a state of consciousness where you extract your mind subconsciously and consciously from ego lusts and desires, even to the point in extracting oneself from ego created realities period!! Now imagine the zone you would experience in this state where you extract yourself from ego created realities period!!

What makes playing in the zone for athletes so rewarding is the experience of pure pleasure or ecstasy, so what do people experience in the spiritual zone? What you experience in the spiritual zone depends on the degree one extracts themselves from the surrounding environment, especially from an ego created reality. Our conscious mind is apart of the surrounding environment as our physical selves are, this means that I don't think we are suppose to extract ourselves from the surrounding environment altogether while of and created by the surrounding environment. However, imagine a reality, our present environment, being predominantly influenced by a mind set not primarily influenced by the ego as it is at present!! You would actually create a heaven like state of mind therefore reality, a zone of pure utter bliss.

Tuesday, 19 March 2024

Discrepancy Acknowledgement


Written by Mathew Naismith

The acknowledgement of discrepancies, a trait that often comes to those conditioned to certain practices, especially practices to do with making us aware of the ego and it's own indiscretions, which directly relates to being injudicious.

Injudicious: Lacking or showing lack of judgement or discretion; unwise.

Basically speaking, the untamed or out of control ego creates an environment of the absence of wisdom, wisdom being a trait a lot of spiritual practices and beliefs create an environment of the presence of.

Have you noticed people around you that can't or won't see occurring discrepancies, like the excess deaths rates in covid vaccinated countries to countries that weren't as covid vaccinated. What about Russia killing a few civilians accidentally while Israel indiscriminately kills civilians. Russia being labelled inhumane and of war crimes and Israel is not, particularly in the west which is interesting within itself. You have got to ask yourself, is western NATO and the NWO of creating an environment of indiscretions therefore an environment of the absence of wisdom!!

Discrepancy: An event that departs from expectations.

The expectations of the ego out of control, a state where all the lusts and desires of the ego are tended to over and above all else including humanity and integrity, is evident within the expectations of the egos lusts and desires. How many people desire that the covid vaccines are not causing excess deaths, instead believe that covid is causing these excess deaths, while countries not as vaccinated have a far less excess death rate, even though they may be a third world country that should have experienced the worse of covid. The absence of acknowledging these rather serious and obvious discrepancies is evident.

Recently, my wife and I had a direct personal experience of acknowledging a discrepancy in a so-called friend, which is interesting within itself. They portrayed that they did not have an aggressive bone in their body and that they only see the good in everyone, which many of their friends and family members also believe or desire to be so the case. A number of our friends also believe this to be the case, however, my wife and I seemed to be the only one's who could acknowledged their discrepancies. You know how actions can speak louder than words, their actions in the end confirmed our acknowledgement of their discrepancies.

You must realise a lot of things that can happen to us even on a personal level can awaken us, or lead to us only desiring to acknowledge what our egos want us to acknowledge, in ignorance of the level of discrepancy that exists it would seem. My wife and I did not desire to have this acknowledgement, not of someone who we have assisted for a number of years now. No, it is not easy acknowledging these discrepancies, especially on a personal level, but what we practice in and put in actual practice instead of just words is of creating an environment of truth. Simply an environment of the absence of lies and deception as much as possible, especially self-deception.

Considering the excessive levels of discrepancies in today's society, self-deception is on the rise it would seem, often in line with what is desired rather than what the acknowledgement of these discrepancies tell us. What is presently concurring can indeed make us a lot more aware and wiser, as it did for my wife and I, the choice is indeed ours to make on a personal and collective level.

Friday, 12 August 2022

Sorting Out the Ego, One Tribe

Written by Mathew Naismith

Fulfilling the desires of the ego or being submissive in relation to the ego's desires has always been humans nemesis, a state in where misery resides over and above well being of ourselves and others. It is a state where we live for ourselves over and above the tribe. It is a state where we see a difference in each other while avoiding acknowledging that we are of one tribe first and foremost in spite of our differences. A state of one tribe foregoes submissiveness to the ego, where we don't humble ourselves to the desires and lusts of the ego. Yes, a one tribe state is when we become controlling of other people and we don't abuse this position, it is a state where we work with energy while avoiding abusing energy, all energy.


  • Humble in spirit or manner; suggesting retiring mildness or even cowed submissiveness.

  • Very docile.

  • Evidencing little spirit or courage; overly submissive or compliant

Can we say that the spiritual/religious people are the meek, docile in mannerism, submissive to our past, present and future environments?

Can we also say that being docile in mannerism to the ego desires and lusts, submissive to the ego first and foremost, meek?

Are spiritual/religious people really the meek that shall inherit the Earth? Seen as many are not submissive to the ego, it is hard to see that the spiritual/religious people are the meek. You don't become submissive to docile tendencies either, you simply stop abusing energy or a position of power and control over other people. Yes, as of atheists, spiritual/religious people have indeed abused their position of power and control over other people, in the process become of the meek.

This is interesting, atheists often work on what they desire to be reality, while denouncing any other reality opposing their desired reality, the same exact trait atheists accuse spiritual/religious people of. I am not saying that spiritual/religious people don't work on what they desire to be reality, what I am saying is the same exact trait exists within whatever group you belong to within the tribe, in other words you become submissive to what the ego desires to be reality.

So do the people of faith simply desire to be of the meek that shall inherit the Earth? As do the people who abuse their position of power and control who simply desire not to be the meek, it is all based on what is desired rather than what really is. For people like me, we don't want to be the meek that shall inherit the Earth, for this means being submissive rather than simply not being abusive, where you work with energy rather than abuse energy. You work in harmony with energy, you don't become submissive to energy, like the desires and lusts of the ego. Try to remember though, expressing harmony while working for the tribe is disharmonious to the disharmonious, so even being docile is disharmonious to these groups into abusing energy and their position of power and control.

So working in harmony with energy means one is of that energy so there is nothing to become submissive to. Do people of power and control over other people, be it atheists, spiritual/religious people, etc, often desire to become of a separate entity to what energy they are going to abuse? As soon as you desire to see other energy forms not of your tribe, you become submissive to what is desired, in the process creating reality based on what is desired rather than what truly is reality. How many spiritual/religious people desire that they are the meek that shall inherit the Earth? How many abusers of energy simply desire that they are not the meek?

Forget about what group shall inherit the Earth, we have become too focused on what group will inherit the Earth, primarily focusing on inheritance, which by the way may last for a very short time like with any inheritance. Inheritance refers to a possession from a predecessor, the Earth is not anyone's possession to start with, even if this is desired by the groups into abusing energy. The Earth in real reality was not a possession of a predecessor, therefore can't be in real reality, only a desired reality, be inherited. A desired reality does not make the desired reality real.

The Earth is not a possession, simply a creation, only can abusers of energy falsely claim the Earth as an inheritance. I know of devout Christians that actually agree with this believe it or not. No, this does not mean that all Christians and spiritual people period who believe they are the meek are abusers of energy, it simply means that you can't inherit that which is not a possession of a predecessor, that which is simply a creation and not a possession to inherit. Allow those to inherit the Earth, for it will show the falsities we have been existing under as a broken tribe for so long.

We will eventually learn to never allow this to happen ever again.

Wednesday, 24 November 2021

To Be In Conflict Or Not!!


Written by Mathew Naismith

That is indeed the question but not for many spiritually aware people. The quest is to not be in conflict or to become of a state where conflict is impossible. How many of us feel different in nature than in a human created reality, where the reality itself was created on some kind of conflict?

We go into nature a feel tranquil and at one with nature, while nature itself is in continuous conflict, even plants are in competition to each other. If a tree is unable to bend with the wind, the tree breaks. Conflict abounds in nature but we humans often feel so much at home in nature, we now may think this is due to humans being conditioned to conflict.

A person spends all their life or even part of their life in avoidance of conflict, they then end up obtaining this quest of a reality in the absence of conflict. In all honesty, their life has been in conflict with conflict, even though we may reach a state of the absence of conflict, it was due to being in conflict with conflict itself. Yes, in the process a reality of the absence of conflict was created on the back of being in conflict with conflict. This is really something we should be avoiding, even people who have said they have never been in conflict are in conflict, not just due to being in conflict with conflict but because nature is of growth but also the deterioration of growth. There is always conflict between growth and deterioration of growth.

What part of us wants to control the ego, the quest of being egoless? The ego, for the egoless self has no conflict with the ego to theretofore have a desire to dispose of the ego. So would an egoless self desire to spend a great deal of it's life trying to rid itself of conflict? As nature exemplifies, it is not conflict itself that we should be disposing of in life, it is the way we approach and live with conflict in harmony with conflict.

We may now say that war is conflict, so we now should live in harmony with war!! No, this is not saying that because war is in conflict with conflict, what you want to create is harmony with conflict, as we do while experiencing nature. The ego desires you to be in conflict with it, to try to create a reality free of the ego, in the process creating a reality based on the conflict of the ego.

Now think of being in harmony with the ego and it's conflicts, you then create a reality based on harmony instead of conflict. I could have spent all my life in a state in the absence of conflict, knowing that this reality is actually based on the opposition to conflict. Good luck with this as my body deteriorates in opposition to growth. The trick is living in harmony with this deterioration as with nature is a dog eat dog world.

So why do we so often feel so good in nature if it is a dog eat dog world, a world of competition? Because it is not always in competition or a dog eat dog world, like in the human world, it is a world in harmony with this dog eat dog world, not in conflict with it.

Even as spiritually aware people, we have learnt very little from nature it would seem.

Wednesday, 9 December 2020

Unifying Energy

Written by Mathew Naismith

This post may seem a little dark to those not quite poised within the light. If the light is fearful of the dark in any way, even when being enveloped by dark, to be honest, one is not truly of the light. I think you will find in the dark times a consciousness poised firmly within the light will be more of the light and far less fearful of the dark, especially when within the dark. The light will make the best of the situation, this simply means making the best of the dark as it stands, not how we desire it to stand.

Poised: “Marked by balance or equilibrium and readiness for action”, also, “Be motionless, in suspension.”

This is important, really, make the best of it as it stands. What this means is to make the best of what is how it is in the present, not to make the best of what is while desiring a desired future of light to be within the present. The funny thing is, we have simply allowed the light to be obscured by the dark, the light is not of a desired future but of the actual present!! So often have I come across an expression of light within the future, at the same time trying to bring this light from the future within the present. I know that people of true light just smile at this, being that even this reaction of future light and trying to bring this light within the present is simply of the present.

So what is the opposite of making the best of it?

At present, the multinationals are using a communist style capitalist system to squeeze every dollar out of their investments, this means using a system that abuses capitalism and just about everything else. Is this an abuse of energy and is this making the best of it?

Yes, the multinationals are making the best of a situation by using a communist system that uses capitalism in such an abusive way. Is the abuse of energy to squeeze energy for all it has to be squeezed out of it making the best out of energy? Any action resulting in the abuse of energy is certainly not making the best of it, for this stile of existing is exceptionally imbalanced, for only the abuser is the best being obtained for. It is funny to those in the real know, that by nurturing energy can the best be obtained from energy.

Look at it this way. The darkest of dark thinks it is all powerful over all else, being that the ego has duped the ego itself to thinking it is all powerful when being the most abusive. How easy would it be for an egotistical controlling ego to manipulate and abuse an ego that is far less egotistical and controlling? It wouldn't take too much effort therefore power. Don't be duped, the only power the egotistical controlling ego has, is what the lesser egotistical controlling ego allows through simply being less abusive. Yes, I have myself been in a situation where highly abusive egos just cringe at the sight of a consciousness that is not controlling therefore controllable. Yes, the ego of the consciousness can be controlled but the consciousness behind this ego is not controllable. The inability to control certain energies utterly terrifies an egotistical controlling ego of abuse.

By all means introduce communism that abuses capitalism to an extreme, in the process giving the main player of communism economic, military, psychological and spiritual control of the world. Is this highly abusive consciousness going to, in the end, stop at abusing any abusive ego that assisted this communist consciousness gain complete control of all energies? As they have turned on their own, they will of course eventually turn on those who are not of their own, even when assisted by those not of their own. The abusive ego will not stop at abusing the lesser ego, but will in the end even turn on the greater ego for total control!!

All I can do is smile, knowing what can be created when working in unison with energy, and the ego thinks an abusive energy source is all powerful and controlling!! My ego today is quite perplexed at how we still don't know how to use energy, but as we don't know how to use the ego!!

Monday, 6 July 2020

Freedom from Letting Go

Mathew Naismith

So how do you simply let go of things that are no longer of your reality?

In reality, it is your ego that is letting go. Your ego simply learns or becomes conditioned to letting go of what is harmful to itself and even the soul. In reality, at present our egos are conditioned to hanging on, even to the bitter end. This occurs a lot in personal relationships and in business, where you try to hang onto the material. In a lot of people's personal relationship, the primarily attachments are based on the material, be it monitory or lustfully, of course there are a number of relationships that go a lot deeper than this, in the process negating material attachments.

In recent months, Tom Hanks the actor has been linked to paedophilia, even to the point of satanist paedophilia. Another actor my ego adored is Kevin Spacey, who has had three known complaints in relation to indecent sexual orientated behaviour. These three complainants are now mysteriously deceased!! My ego was in shock but mysteriously my ego had very little problems in letting go of these materiel attachments, as I found out, very different to other people's reactions.

This is inline with presenting a clarity of truth in relation to vaccines, covid-19 and proceeding lock-downs, 5G, etc, where clarity of truth for me allowed my ego to become aware, unlike what is experienced through obscurity of truth. For a prime example, how many western atheists would accept that the universe could have well been created by a far more aware and wiser consciousness than human consciousness? To stay an atheist, a high degree of bias has to be implemented in this case, in the process creating or becoming conditioned to the obscurity of truth. Let's be honest, if an atheist knew this they would either have to stop being an atheist or obscure the truth. I should say that a more aware and wiser consciousness may or may not be labelled a God, this is within each persons perceptions.

If you have not guessed it, clarity of truth is all about awareness where obscurity of truth is all about a deliberate induced unawareness (ignorant) state of consciousnesses therefore reality.

Yes, it is understandably quite difficult for the ego to let go of attachments when of obscurity of truth, but when the ego is conditioned to clarity of truth, the ego letting go of attachments becomes a lot easier. The reason for this is that the ego becomes less bias. The less bias an ego becomes, the more of clarity of truth the ego becomes. Yes, this means the more bias the ego becomes, the more of obscurity of truth the ego becomes. In a sense, there are no lies, only clarity and obscurity of truth. In the absence of clarity of truth, there is only obscurity of truth. Think on this, what part of you is learning or become of clarity or obscurity of truth? Your ego. Once the ego becomes conditioned to less bias, the more of clarity of truth the ego becomes. Are biases of direct lies? No, biases are simply of obscurity of truth where clarity of truth in absent.

What a test, in testing my egos attachments and associated biases in relation to Tom Hanks and Kevin Spacey. The clarity of truth of my ego stood up to the obscurity of truth, where my ego could have simply obscured the truth quite easily as it seemed to have for a number of people's egos in denial. For me, spirituality is all about awareness, not an unawareness to serve my ego of obscurity inline with my egos biases.

Thursday, 19 March 2020

The Importance of the Image

Written by Mathew Naismith

Is this just for me?

What I am about to write maybe just for me, but not for my ears only. Me is actually a we, being that I am not the only soul that could possibly comprehend what I am about to write about.

Hmmm, okay then, this is not going to be easy it would seem as other ears are listening, ears that may not at all comprehend what I am about to write about. It is like having an image of a house to build, but being unable to put this house to plan to start with to then physically create.

A lot of people seem to have an image that a spiritually connected person has to eat right, sleep right, stand and sit right, live life right, etc, of course right being opposing to wrong. Right being a positive and wrong being a negative, of course only through the right, in accordance to the ego, can one become truly spiritually connected!!

How many people have their most enlightening experiences while experiencing some kind of duress or mental and/or physical dysfunction to start with? Also, the ego most often goes through some traumatizing experiences while becoming enlightened, awakened to its own constricted consciousness. It is like physiologically awakening a person to a traumatising experience their consciousness mind deliberately forgot, but their unconsciousness mind didn’t.

One person I came across was distortedly physically crippled up, but their spiritual connectedness could only be a dream to most people’s ego. Believe it or not, not all souls are the same. Some souls, going by my own experiences, are like a crystalline consciousness, a consciousness not polluted by ignorance, where other souls are extremely polluted by their own deliberate ignorance. Yes, this ignorance is very much like the pollution and destruction we create due to our own ignorance, for only in ignorance can a consciousness create physical pollution in a solid form. Make no mistake, what we think to be physical is not actually as physical as the image that consciously created solid physical mass. Solid physical mass is simply an abstract image of what is truly physical, think of it like a house plan, is a house plan less of a physical state than what is built from this plan, the solid physical mass of the house? Let’s go further still, is the mental image to draw a plan any less physical than the plan itself? Most of us would say yes even though without a house plan most houses are unable to be built.

Your own souls awakening often has nothing to do with what you experience in solid physical mass form, for the plan has already been drawn up. The life plan itself that creates solid mass is the awakening, not what is created from your life plan or planed path’s journey. Yes, what can occur while experiencing solid mass form is that your soul can become conditioned to physical existence, be it of solid physical existence or of non-solid physical mass form.  I have experienced souls that have become totally lost within the creation of physical reality, be it of the image of the plan, of the plan itself or of what is created in accordance with the plan. These souls are not of solid physical mass themselves but are just as much of the physical plane or reality if not more so. Why? Because ignorance can only become created in a physical reality, be it of solid mass or simply of a consciousness that is not of solid mass, like an image of a house plan.

How often is a composer of music or an artist of images not happy with their creation created in physical form? Until the image of the physical act is right with the physical image itself, the creation of the physical act is not as physically correct or inline with the physical image. Truly, the image itself to any artist is as physical as the physical created act is itself created from the image. In other words, the image itself can seem just as physical as what is created from the image itself for a very good reason.

What occurs when a spiritually aware person focuses on a particular point only, like with one’s own breathing pattern while going into a meditative state? Your ego becomes more aware beyond its own set physical boundaries. The ego becomes aware of a physical state beyond what was perceived to be physical by the ego. An artist who is focused often touches on this physical image, in turn recreating this physical image into or through solid physical mass.

Nothing comes from nothing, but only from nothing is all created.

This is my own quote that I know of, a quote that seems contradictory. What the ego perceives to be nothing is more than everything, for the ego can only comprehend everything through the images of something it can only comprehend to be something. For example, only solid physical mass is seen to be physical, all else is seen as non-physical, even though only through the image can solid physical mass become created!!              

Just because we cannot physically measure all energy at present, like many energies before we could measure them, doesn’t mean they don’t or didn’t exist or there is nothing beyond of what the ego is able to measure at present physically. Our egos are looking for something inline with something existing, not what is actually existing in this so-called nothingness.

When you go into this state of nothingness, all is revealed.

It is an image of all of what is, in the complete absence of being a participator of what is imaged. Unless there is some kind of participation between energies, the ego thinks this non-participation between energies is nothing, an empty void

Yes, to someone like me, the image, God, Great Spirit, nothingness, etc, has more importance than what is deemed to be real by the average ego or soul for a very good reason.     

Saturday, 7 March 2020

The Value of the Insignificant

Written by Mathew Naismith

Biologically speaking and knowing, life on Earth could not exist without the existence of microorganisms nor electrons and protons. This means life on Earth as a whole relies on microorganisms including the creation of the air we breathe, however, what if I told you that there is something way smaller than microscopic organisms or entities as a whole!!

Actually, microscopic organisms or microscopic entities are immensely huge compared to what everything was created from. If life on Earth and the universe itself relied and relies on microscopic organisms and mass/form to exist, what does everything, including consciousness, rely on to exist? If physical mass on Earth relies on microscopic organisms to exist, what would, say for example, consciousness rely on to exist? Would not consciousness itself in the absence of form consist of something far less miniscule than micro matter or form?

I often visualise my egos right index finger ever so gently touching something so seemingly insignificant to the ego that it almost seems not to exist, not until this interaction creates a ball of bright light. Light in this sense seems to represents a pure state of awareness. The interaction seems to be between two distinct entities of ego and non-ego. Often the ego exists in a state of bias and/or desire thus lessoning its state of awareness.

Isn’t it funny, how the ego always goes after or searches for what is significant to what is insignificant. How huge is the expression of love or material gain these days?  Love to a lot of people is far bigger than the universe itself with huge gains, something significantly significant. Materialism, there is never enough in volume where material gain is hugely significantly significant.

Yes, people like me are in quite a different state of consciousness to the above, where the ego sees more significance in the insignificant than the significant.

Insignificant: Not worthy of notice

Significant: Important in effect or meaning

No, I am not a theist but I am certainly not an atheist either. To an atheist, before microorganism could be proven to exist, they simply couldn’t have existed as there was no device to measure their existence. So if it can’t be measured, it simply could have never existed!! I don’t think like this, where facts are the main stay to the existence or none existence of everything, usually in the absence of truth. Yes, I certainly seem to think more like a theist, where measurable facts are not the only way to know or have some idea of the true existence of something.

What are human measuring devices totally reliant on? The five senses, in other words truth is very limited to the five senses. In this case, no device can be created to measure anything beyond the five senses, within this, of course nothing smaller than what can be measured by these devices built upon these senses will ever exist.

Sixth sense: Grasping the inner nature of things intuitively

Intuition:  Obtained through intuition rather than from reasoning or observation

Our reasoning if often governed only by our five senses, as is our observation and even life experiences, however, an observation beyond the limitations of our five senses creates a totally different reasoning process that is not limited to certain specific biased variables.

So let’s get to the truth of the matter. God, or what ever you may call this state of pure awareness, is that small that the ego often overlooks this state. It is like the measuring devices based on the five senses, if it not of a significant size or feels good to the ego, it is insignificant therefore either non-existing or totally ignored as having no significant value to the ego. The perception of love and materialism has a huge significant value to the ego. Yes, if it is not valuable in someway to the ego, it is often ignored. Think on this, how could something of non-ego have value to the ego?

So why is this God state so minuscule that is almost doesn’t seem to exist to the ego? 

The answer is obvious, it is a state of non-ego for only the ego has volume therefore value.

So does this state of non-ego have value to me? Yes, to my ego, but not in the same way as a measurable value, a value of some kind of significance.

Our own bodies are made of trillions of microscopic atoms, could not everything as a whole, including consciousness, be the creation of something even smaller than microscopic or electrons and protons, in other words something very insignificant to the ego but highly significant to existence as a whole? 

If our egos like it or not, the ego and everything else of physical significance is totally reliant on the non-ego entity or non-ego state of pure awareness existence. Yes, even in a pure state of ego, the non-ego resides, be it of insignificance therefore unimportant to the ego in this state.

So why does this state of pure awareness give a strong feeling of love?

As hate is in relation to ignorance, for only in ignorance can a consciousness become abusive to energy, so it is the opposite of love, for only in awareness can a consciousness become complementary to energy. It is the awareness in the ego that creates a feeling of love, as it is that ignorance creates a feeling of hate, and quite naturally so.

In all, the non-ego (God) within everything has no self-value, only can the ego see value in a non-ego entity, of course to do this, the ego itself has to see far more value in the insignificant than the significant. You could relate this to; it is the people’s inactions not actions that tell the true story!! Something to ponder…….

Saturday, 29 February 2020

In the Presence of Wisdom

Written by Mathew Naismith

Yes, the ice age on Mars is ending which is primarily due to the natural cycles of Mars, not simply due to the sun heating Mars surface temperature as has been suggested. Yes, the sun solar flares are tripping away the Earth’s ozone layer, at the same time, being so intelligent of course, our own egos are stripping away the ozone layer on the inner side of the ozone layer.

As more egos are gorging (gormandising) themselves on materialism, the more we are helping the sun to bemire (befoul) or putrefy life on Earth as a whole. Of course a real intelligent being would do quite the opposite, counteract the suns influence on Earth, or so people like me would presume!!           

Intelligence: The ability to comprehend; to understand and profit from experience

Wisdom:  Ability to apply knowledge, experience, understanding or common sense and insight

How many people are materially profiting from the gorging of materialism? Our egos certainly understand how to profit from the experiences of materialism, at the same time ignoring how life itself as a whole could profit from not gorging itself on materialism. Yes, utilise materialism in moderation but not to the excessive extent of gorging on materialism.  

Yes, this takes wisdom for the implementation of the proper use of intelligence; this is instead of an improper or degenerative use of intelligence. I say degenerative because the improper or overuse of anything to the extent of degenerately bemiring life on Earth, isn’t what I would call a sign of a stable mentality. This is while considering how the sun is influencing life on Earth. Is the use of intelligence in the deliberate absence of wisdom of a stable mind? As wisdom has become less used and known to the mass, has our mentality degenerated to the point of gorging on anything to feed an ever hungry gorging ego?

Only in the absence of wisdom can intelligence 
be so misused, causing a degenerative 
deterioration of the mind or consciousness as a whole.
~Mathew G~

Sunday, 16 February 2020

Working on Our Weaknesses

Written by Mathew Naismith

My own path is to avoid playing up to the ego, my own or others. I must tell it how it is, not how the ego would prefer it to be told, knowing that the western mind is easily offended and often takes this offence as being abusive. Even what I have written in this paragraph already will no doubt be taken offensively therefore unjustly critically judged as negative by the western mind in all of us. Yes, the spiritual path for the western mind is a very hard path to follow truthfully and honestly, especially of self-honesty as I will explain.   

"Through my own studies and life experiences Shilpa, the western mind in all of us looks upon negatives as a weakness. As it is well known, the western mind will often only work upon its strengths, the positives, while ignoring the weaknesses, the negatives.  The eastern mind works the opposite way around it would seem, working on its weaknesses (negatives) while retaining the strengths (positives), in the process keeping balance of mind and being.

“Eastern cultures and teachings actually help in keeping balance in a western minded controlled world. As it seems a lot of easterners seem to be doing, never forget your eastern teachings Shilpa. It would seem this would never occur in your case.

Now, how many western minded new age spiritually aware people only focus on the strengths (positives), while critically judging the negatives as simply negative or of toxic vibrations? Within this process, the weaknesses are never dealt with, just simply buried/forgotten. Truly, this is the western minds idea of being positive and enlightened!!

The western mind in all of us is also easily offended as well, at the same time the western mind is abusive to others but don’t dare be abusive to the western mind in a simular way!!    

My own western mind predominantly influenced by a western culture has had to be honest with itself. Not easy for the western mind to accomplish within a western minded controlled environment.” 

So is it seen as being wrong (negative) to people like me when other people play up to the western mind?

A lot of the times the only way the western mind will see the truth is through playing up to the ego. If the western ego feels good, it must be good therefore not seen as a weakness, a negative to ignore and shun. You could say it is wiser to change things from within, change the way the western mind thinks to a more balanced way of thinking from within. I basically practice what I preach; playing up to my own ego or anyone else’s ego is not within my own practices, however, if your own practices are to do with playing up to the ego, this is the way it is. There is a lot of wisdom in trying to change something from within, but not all of us are here to change anything, just to be just in case the western mind in all of us decides enough is enough.

I am fortunate through a lot of self-honesty by my western ego that my ego is not conditioned to being played up to. If your ego is used to being played up to, anything and everything outside of this condition can seem negative, this is probably why so much today is critically deemed negative. And this is supposed to be positive and of the new higher consciousness!!

It is funny, when the western mind takes offence to guidance like this, all I am doing is being negative and simply wrong. The reaction from the eastern mind, even when of a westerner, is usually completely different. Don’t’ get me wrong here, people from the east can take offence too, especially when of the western mind, for only the western mind can take offence so easily in all of us. Yes, what I have written here is highly offensive and negative to the western mind and even taken as being abusive, when in all honesty all I am not doing is not playing up to the western ego mind.

Now, the western mind will see that I am representing the eastern mind as the positive, the strength, while the western mind is the negative, the weakness in our minds. You can see how offensive this would seem to the western mind, it is the western mind that is weak, not the eastern mind!! Just suggesting such a thing to the western mind is outrageous and deplorable, as I should know.

As of the eastern or western mind, it is only weak when imbalanced, as of anything that is imbalanced. Yes, the western mind at present is our biggest weakness, at no time is this seen as simply a negative to be shunned and simply called negative by the eastern mind, for the eastern mind doesn’t work like this. Yes, as of any imbalance this is a sign of weakness, so it is for the western mind that is imbalanced, an imbalance, a weakness, that needs to be worked on. Now, imagine if the eastern mind was more like the western mind, this imbalance just wouldn’t be dealt with in anyway, simply ignored and shunned as being simply a negative.  

This gives you a very small idea of what the western mind has to go through to become balanced, for our egos to become conditioned to working on our weaknesses instead of our ego driven strengths. Try to remember, it is the ego that becomes enlightened or aware, nothing else. Yes, the ego is our weakness if imbalanced through the conditioning of materialism and playing up to the ego in any sense. This is the weakness that we should be focusing on, not like we are presently doing on mass, playing up to the ego and only working on our strengths, in my own mind anyway.                    

Friday, 14 February 2020

A Consciousness of One

Written by Mathew Naismith

A strange situation, especially considering the circumstances in the world today, an ego that feels sorry for multinationals with all their material wealth and power. To me, it is a good sign that my ego doesn’t envy this kind of consciousness, but also doesn’t look at this kind of consciousness as being negative either.

I don’t myself look at open honest truth as being negative, quite the opposite. Yes, we may not like other truths but this shouldn’t make other truths opposing our own truths negative, but of course the tricky ego will state otherwise.  It is wise, in my mind, to be aware of this.

As I have experienced firsthand many times over, western material atheists obviously think that everything outside of their desired truths is garbage, even when supported by science, in other words a negative. How many new age spiritually aware people do the same, where so much today is negative (garbage) outside  of their own desired truths?  

So the dawn of the new age consciousness is all about everything outside of desired truths is negative (garbage)!!  For thousands of years we have not evolved from this kind of consciousness, in truth, in my mind, enhanced this kind of consciousness instead.

Yes, it is quite understandable that everything else outside of my own desired truths is a negative as this is going to make my own ego understandably feel good. All that is left is my own desired truths; of course the ego is going to desire more of this and nothing else. All else becomes garbage to be disposed of in any way. To be perfectly honest, this kind of consciousness is escalating out of control.  

A consciousness of one doesn’t, or more exactly can’t, separate one energy source from the other for a more desired energy source. All energy without exception literally becomes as one, not separated by what is and isn’t negative or positive by the ego. Multinationals are simply seen as a consciousness lost within their own material creation. Make no mistake, if the desire of the ego becomes paramount, this is material. Yes, multinationals will no doubt carry on with their materialism after their physical demise. The soul can simply become conditioned to materialism, in the process separating one energy source from the other. In my own mind, a soul conditioned to immaterialism can’t separate energy like this, instead judges an obvious honest difference in the absence of critically judging a negative. In the process creating a union of energy without exception or of what is desired.    

Wednesday, 29 January 2020

Living with the Ego

Life is a union of pain and pleasure

Wisdom is the embracement of this union as a whole. 
~Mathew G~

Written by Mathew Naismith

Through learning from pain instead of suffering from pain have I learnt this lesson well, how could I write such a thing otherwise!!
To a lot of people this won't make sense, and understandably so, for the avoidance of pain to gain as much pleasure as possible in life will lead to this degree of incomprehensibility.

Life is about starting and ending points, birth and death is a prime example. As we know life to be relies on starting and ending points, in relation to love, a starting point of love to an ending point of love. From the starting point of love there is pleasure, at intervals displeasure or pain, this is life as we know it. At the ending point (death) love is of great sorrow or pain. Would you rather not have that love to lose in the first place? With love comes a degree of pain in one way or another.

Be it to humble oneself to life and the union of pain and pleasure.

As a consciousness in the absence of ego would no doubt do, to avoid this would be of an ego in control!!
At no time can a consciousness of the absence of ego avoid not humbling itself to life as we know it, to life's pain and pleasures. Existence as a whole can only exist through union, the union of life and death, pain and pleasure, a state of ego and a state in the absence of ego. To avoid life's pain is obviously of the controlling ego for only does the ego in control desire to control anything. Could you imagine a consciousness in the absence ego desiring or even needing to control anything?

Union simply denotes oneness, a union of life and death, pain and pleasure, a state of ego and a state in the absence of ego. There is no consciousness of the absence of ego without a consciousness of the presence of ego. Look at this way, the perception of heaven gives us an idea of union, as the perception of hell gives us an idea of disunion. One is not without the other while at the same time not being of the other. Hate can exist within love as love can exist within hate, but heaven and hell can't exist within the other.

So if heaven and hell can't exist within the other, it is understandable that a state of the absence of ego and a state of ego don't exist within the other either. This of course doesn't mean the other doesn't exist just because they are not of the other. Because the ego desires to take control, it would certainly seem that any sense of control relates to disunion (hell).

Okay, would honesty be of heaven and hell be of dishonesty (deception)? A dishonest deceptive consciousness will always try to get the ego to take control of what the ego feels. Would this not to only feel pleasure in life? This is while life is a union of pleasure and pain.

I am kidding you not; life is a union of pain and pleasure, not a disunion of pain and pleasure. Any kind of disunion distorts life, possibly leading to the extinction of life.

I have stated before, "Embrace misery", for to only embrace pleasures in the absence of pain will only lead to the extinction of life. There is nothing wrong with life just because it doesn't give us enough pleasure, but for an ego who wants to control its pleasures, life is simply a misery and understandably so. You must embrace both pain and pleasure for one without the other is the extinction of both pain and pleasure, life itself.

You would think a consciousness in the absence of ego would be of the absence of both pain and pleasure therefore life as the ego knows life to be!! 

If your ego desires to be in this state in any sense, you are not consciously of this state but of an ego consciousness. This state of the absence of ego is not a state you desire or even need to be only of. Often a consciousness humbling itself to life's pain and pleasures is of this state while also humbling itself to life as a whole. It is this union, not disunion, of life's pain and pleasures that leads to an awareness of this state. This state is simply of the whole, while at the same time humbling itself to life's pain and pleasures. Life's pain and pleasures, ego, is of this state while, like heaven and hell, are not within each other, this of course doesn't mean one is separate from the other.

A state of ego in not separate to a state of the absence of ego, while at the same time not being of what the other is. But as the ego desires, one is separate therefore a disunion (hell) is created instead of a union (heaven). What have we created with desiring pleasure over pain, the disunion of pain and pleasure? The same is with a state of the absence of ego and a state of ego!!

Wednesday, 22 January 2020

Focus on the Ego

Written by Mathew Naismith

Could you imagine someone being thankful for the pain they experience, most people would perceive that to be thankful for the pain they experience is of self-harm or even satanic. It is not the pain itself you become thankful for but in how you cope with pain.

In very recent times, my wife and I have been at the receiving end of a great deal of intentional abuse by a person who we thought was close to us. As it turned out, we were being abused for some years now by this person.

Intentional abuse is often build upon desired truths, lies and deceit, where unintentional abuse could be simply telling the truth in how it is, not how we would desire the truth to be told. Also, if a person is going through trauma and is abusive, this abuse is often unintentional, this is quite different to a person who desires to believe they are or where hard done by.  In this case the trauma experienced is fabricated, however, the trauma this fabrication creates is real, within their own sense.

My own ego was greatly hurt by what we experienced, but my wife was devastated which added to my own hurt. You must remember, only the ego can feel pain, yes, especially physical pain. The more pain we experience, the more the ego is in control so how can anyone be thankful for this but the ego in control? In our relation, if you hurt one, you hurt the other, even to a greater extent which this person has no idea of as their own life experiences are limited to their fabricated childhood traumas it would seem.

There are people who can mange physical pain, as I have myself done to a certain extent, to the extent that they feel no physical or mental pain. Your physical body and mind is a representation of ego, as of all motion is, this is why so many spiritual practices are about quietening the mind (motion). The human mind is all to do with motion therefore ego. By being thankful for pain is actually taking away a lot of the motion pain expresses. I am really thankful what pain has made me aware of, for I learn from life instead of suffering from life.

So what is actually doing the learning here? The ego of course, there is nothing else that has to become aware or learned. My own ego is thankful for the pain because I learn from the pain and not suffer from the pain. Yes, I still suffer from pain but end up learning from this pain. As for the person who intentionally abused us for so long, they have not learnt to not suffer from pain, in truth, exasperate this pain even further. Yes, they feel good in their abuse towards us, they feel they have won the day, but unknowingly to themselves, their real suffering has just begun.

Don't get me wrong, my ego is still bewildered at how the ego itself can be thankful for pain, but my ego is aware this is better than suffering from pain. As I have had a chronic injury since I was six years old, I know about physical and mental pain. I am so thankful for learning from all this pain instead of just simply suffering from all this pain, of course all this pain is simply only of the ego (motion), nothing else.

This will sound even stranger to a lot of people; I can even appreciate suffering from pain, for to not be appreciative of the suffering of pain is to suffer from pain!!

When the ego starts to learn from the suffering of pain, instead of suffering from the suffering of pain, is when the human ego has reached a certain point of conscious awareness beyond suffering. Of course trying to simply escape this pain in any sense is to still suffer from this pain. Pain must be embraced to move on from the suffering of pain, this is very important.

Because my wife and I are now to the point of not suffering the abuse of this person, we are at the point of learning from this abuse. Of course one of the lessons of learning from abuse is to not keep on suffering from abuse. You learn and move on from abuse, you don't stay with the abuse to be abused more, as the ego in control desires to do.

Yes, again you embrace pain, but this time not to suffer from pain but for your ego to learn from pain. "Pain is negatives therefore something to avoid at all cost."  Yes, avoid the suffering in the absence of learning from the suffering of pain, but don't avoid learning from the suffering of pain!!  So many are simply avoiding pain altogether, they will certainly avoid learning from the suffering of pain, so what was all this pain about?

When our ego starts to learn from suffering from pain, our consciousness enters into a new stage of awareness. If we continue to suffer from the suffering of pain, our consciousness will simply suffer instead of becoming aware. In other words our consciousness, our ego controlled consciousness, will not become enlightened but stay unenlightened.

Ego creates dense matter, as of the universe, which also creates a dense (dumb) mind/consciousness, consciousness of the ego that is unenlightened, unaware, until awakened. Remember, the only thing that can become aware or enlightened is the ego, so ignoring this because it is negative in any sense will do what? It certainly won't lead to enlightenment of a consciousness or ego.

Yes I know, if you harp on about or focus on the negatives, the ego, all you will do is manifest even more negatives!! If you focus on the suffering of pain and only suffer from this instead of learning from this, this is true, but if you learn from this suffering by not simply ignoring the negatives, a consciousness can't help but become more aware. You are not learning therefore becoming more aware if the ego is ignored because it is negative. This is why the ego needs to learn to embrace even the suffering of the ego, to finally let it all go. Simply ignoring the negative ego is only going the manifest more of what a negative ego creates, suffering from suffering.

Try to remember, it is only the ego that can become aware or enlightened, be it judged negative or positive, but of course only can the ego judge in negatives and positives thus creating more separation of consciousness energy.                                    

Sunday, 12 January 2020

A State of Common Order

Written by Mathew Naismith

"Oh my gosh, my ego, what a bewildering anomaly you are."

Anomaly in this case means a deviation from common order, being common order for souls like mine, a true awareness of the ego to one extent or another. A common order of the presence of awareness in the absence of bias and desire.

Being aware while of the absence of as much bias and desire is common order, all else from this is of disorder. Today, the world around us at present seems to be primary based on bias/prejudice and desire, of course from this disorder is created as we are seeing. Yes, we are sitting within our western country safe havens, while so many other countries are subjected to disorder from these safe haven countries, but this is not common order. Why? Because the disorder orchestrated by safe haven countries is of pure ignorance, for only in ignorance can a consciousness become disorderly and destructive.

If I sit within my own personal safe haven, often staying ignorant to anything that is negative to this haven, would I not also be orchestrating disorder? Any kind of ignorance, especially of deliberate ignorance to serve a desire or a bias/prejudice, is of disorder, not common order. Is this not also of the orchestrating of disorder? The ego in control will of course refute this to the bitter end, usually in fear of losing a bias and/or desired reality, as opposed to a reality of common order where biases and desires have no control over the ego or soul.

Imagine a state of common order, where bias and desire has no control, so very hard for the ego in control to imagine. It is not easy for the ego to become enlightened, for only is it that the ego becomes enlightened, especially to itself. A state of common order has nothing to enlighten, only can the ego become enlightened, especially an ego of bias and desire, control.

I recently vividly dreamt of carrying many rifles. Guns mean in this case an injustice to me and/or someone else in my close circle. The carrying is of carrying this injustice until my ego can resolve the biases and desires of the person of obvious orchestrated disorder, in this case injustice and abuse. The person orchestrating an injustice upon my wife and I became apparent, our egos became very hurt as this person is very close to us. My vivid dreams are often foretelling, as of anyone's.

As my own ego is aware of, you can only hurt for which is of the ego. No consciousness of common order can become hurt in any circumstance. This means that this kind of aware consciousness can experience any kind of environment without the threat of becoming disorderly, of a state of the controlling ego. Sitting within our safe havens, be it collectively as a country or personally, isn't of common order but disorder. Of course being of disorder your egos will indeed fear being of any other kind of environment.

Even though my ego reacts to disorder, my ego is aware that it can experience any kind of environment without fear of losing what the ego desires to only experience. As of many egos even today, they sit within their common order while comfortably experiencing an environment of disorder. This state isn't a safe haven, for only the ego can experience a safe haven; it is simply a state of common order in plain view of the ego. My ego at present isn't this aware but aware enough to quell the control the ego could have over me, my own ego is satisfied with this.

For only the ego in control will try to lead the horses, other egos, to water and try to make them drink, become of common order again, this includes your own ego. 

For reference to any ego who thinks I have once again plagiarised, you will simply think as you desire to.......             

Friday, 3 January 2020

Drinking from the Water

Written by Mathew Naismith

All we can do is try to lead a horse to water, we certainly shouldn't make it drink the water, even if we could.......Mathew G

Gosh, what is one to do? Be open, honest and truthful, especially to oneself but most of all, realise that only an ego in control judges in black and white, negative and positive, bad and good, wrong and right. Judging in this way isn't negative, bad or good, in the absence of a controlling egoistic consciousness, it is simply one of infinite ways to exist.

For people into the control, including trying to control the ego and how the mind thinks, you are going to suffer the most under the control that is presently being implemented. Yes, by all means ignore the negatives to stay positive and in control, but expect this control to be 100 times more in control of you in every sense from other people in the near future. When all this implementation and expressions of control comes to a head, people like me will simply go with the flow, as usual, for it is what the collective have created it to be.

As it is, yes, some horses will drink the water, but realise that not all the horses will drink from the water. You would think a thirsty horse would drink from the water!! Actually, a thirsty horse will always drink from the water, no matter how dirty (negative) or clean (positive) the water is, but an ego in control won't it would seem, they would rather die from thirst. How many proven ancient teachings teach us about the ego and its deceitful ways, especially of self-deception? Instead, ignore these proven teachings because they are negative!! 

I could quite happily sit within my own bliss within any environment, not just an environment that pleases or feeds the ego, and live my own life in bliss separate to the horses that desire not to drink from the water. But alas, my own ego has to at least try to lead some horses to water as we are all in this together. 

Thursday, 2 January 2020

Enlightening Your Ego

The real meaning of
enlightenment is to gaze with
undimmed eyes on all darkness
~Nikos Kazantzakis~ 

Written by Mathew Naismith

As a good internet friend of mine posted recently in reference to wisdom.


Stay away from people who think you are arguing all the time you try to express yourself."

Indeed Tawny, often an expressed wisdom is argumentative to those of the absence of wisdom. Why? An incomprehensible is always a threat to people's egos, sadly, I have experienced this numerous times.

Wisdom: The ability to apply knowledge, experience, understanding or common sense and insight, also, the trait of utilizing knowledge and experience with common sense and insight.

Having only lived 56 years, I have noticed within this short time how wisdom has quite quickly become shunned. The reason for this is interesting in that at the same time honesty coupled with truth has also become shunned by so many. Why?

Within the same short period, personal satisfaction and desire has escalated, in that there are so many more external sources to fulfil our desires and happiness these days. If the wisdom, honesty and truth aren't fulfilling or so-called positive, it is immediately shunned under numerous critically judged labels. No joke, this has occurred within my short life time. Remember, this is also in the same predicted period of false prophets. False prophets/people are predominately expressive of dishonesty and deceit, especially of self-dishonesty and deceit.  

Yes, express love and positiveness but at what cost to other people? We are in this together, no amount of love or positiveness will change the way we are unless wisdom, honesty and truth are apart of that change. You cannot be of wisdom in the presence of desired honesty and truth, in other words in the absence of perceived negatives. Negatives and positives are of the whole truth therefore of honesty and wisdom, any desired negative or positive is anything but of honesty therefore wisdom.

If at anytime you have to ignore a negative, like with Palestine and Yemen, to become and stay positive and happy, your positiveness and happiness is created through the ignorance of what threatens your positiveness and happiness. If you were truly positive and happy, no amount of external awareness, honesty and truth would seem threatening to your ego. Yes, your ego will react to these external forces, but when one is truly wise, the external influences are fleeting and at no time threaten your own state of mind.

You know when you are wise in the absence of desired positives and happiness, you simply can't judged what is not of your own as negative or positive, however, don't at any time expect that your ego won't always try to still judge in this way, as my own ego still tries to do. To counteract this, enlighten your ego with wisdom, honesty and truth in the absence of as much desire as possible. If you have to firstly avoid others who can't comprehend wisdom, honesty and truth in the absence of desires, by all means do so. You can't recondition an ego to something that is incomprehensible to the ego. Being in the absence of states of anti-wisdom is comprehensible to the ego you wish to enlighten. Once your ego becomes wise and aware, you will come to a point where you become influential upon people of anti-wisdom. Yes, at this stage your ego has no further need of avoiding people of anti-wisdom, for you have turned the table of influence, in other words, your enlightened ego becomes influential upon unenlightened egos, not the other way around.  

So, if you are being shunned in any sense when speaking of and through wisdom, honesty and undesired truths, this is a sign of an enlightened ego. If you like, a very positive sign.