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Showing posts with label harmony. Show all posts
Showing posts with label harmony. Show all posts

Wednesday, 24 November 2021

To Be In Conflict Or Not!!


Written by Mathew Naismith

That is indeed the question but not for many spiritually aware people. The quest is to not be in conflict or to become of a state where conflict is impossible. How many of us feel different in nature than in a human created reality, where the reality itself was created on some kind of conflict?

We go into nature a feel tranquil and at one with nature, while nature itself is in continuous conflict, even plants are in competition to each other. If a tree is unable to bend with the wind, the tree breaks. Conflict abounds in nature but we humans often feel so much at home in nature, we now may think this is due to humans being conditioned to conflict.

A person spends all their life or even part of their life in avoidance of conflict, they then end up obtaining this quest of a reality in the absence of conflict. In all honesty, their life has been in conflict with conflict, even though we may reach a state of the absence of conflict, it was due to being in conflict with conflict itself. Yes, in the process a reality of the absence of conflict was created on the back of being in conflict with conflict. This is really something we should be avoiding, even people who have said they have never been in conflict are in conflict, not just due to being in conflict with conflict but because nature is of growth but also the deterioration of growth. There is always conflict between growth and deterioration of growth.

What part of us wants to control the ego, the quest of being egoless? The ego, for the egoless self has no conflict with the ego to theretofore have a desire to dispose of the ego. So would an egoless self desire to spend a great deal of it's life trying to rid itself of conflict? As nature exemplifies, it is not conflict itself that we should be disposing of in life, it is the way we approach and live with conflict in harmony with conflict.

We may now say that war is conflict, so we now should live in harmony with war!! No, this is not saying that because war is in conflict with conflict, what you want to create is harmony with conflict, as we do while experiencing nature. The ego desires you to be in conflict with it, to try to create a reality free of the ego, in the process creating a reality based on the conflict of the ego.

Now think of being in harmony with the ego and it's conflicts, you then create a reality based on harmony instead of conflict. I could have spent all my life in a state in the absence of conflict, knowing that this reality is actually based on the opposition to conflict. Good luck with this as my body deteriorates in opposition to growth. The trick is living in harmony with this deterioration as with nature is a dog eat dog world.

So why do we so often feel so good in nature if it is a dog eat dog world, a world of competition? Because it is not always in competition or a dog eat dog world, like in the human world, it is a world in harmony with this dog eat dog world, not in conflict with it.

Even as spiritually aware people, we have learnt very little from nature it would seem.

Wednesday, 8 April 2020

End of COVID-19 Prediction

Written by Mathew Naismith

What an exhilarating time to be around, the final days of a system of government that has been strangulating the world for some years now. Finally, in desperation they have exposed themselves thinking that they have control, a governmental system of known fear, paranoia, hysteria and deception. Make no mistake, if you are thinking this kind of governance sounds familiar, you need not look past Nazi fascism. Far better educated people than I seem to be now calling our present governing system fascism.

Fascism: A political theory advocating an authoritarian hierarchical government (as opposed to democracy or liberalism).

Nazism:  The far-right ideology of Adolf Hitler’s National Socialist German Workers’ Party, esp. including a totalitarian government and racial superiority.

Authoritarianism in our case refers to an absolute rule instead of a ruler, based primarily on fear, COVID-19. This is so familiar in how the German people in regards to the rise of Adolf Hitler were deceived through fear, paranoia, hysteria and deception, by using so-called undesirables of the state as a tool to gain power. In our case the undesirable is COVID-19.

So to get to how I predict it is going to end. This is my own prediction, no ones else’s so don’t take it to heart.

After these people have exposed themselves through the use of fear, they will be seen as undesirables, not just to a state or country but to humanity as a whole. They will be stripped of everything they have gained and more through years of deception, treachery and manipulation. No one in the future is going to want to marry into their families; their families will simply cease to exist in the end.

It will be recognised that no governmental system based on fear, paranoia, hysteria and deception is appropriate to the good of all humanity, in the process ending forever any governmental system based on these concepts and idealisms.

A new form of worldwide governing will be based on fearlessness, sanity, harmony and truth, these will be the main concepts and idealisms for any governing system in the world. Yes, this means no more wars or conflicts. The world will seem alien at first but then everyone will see how this new world was always a part of us all along. We simply lost this world in the process of becoming as one humanity, no longer many different humanities fighting it out with each other for gain of some kind.

This had to occur to move on from our present accepted governing systems. Actually, these people, who will end up being undesirable to humanity as a whole, will seem to people like me as a blessing for without them being who they are, our destiny most likely wouldn’t have ended up so harmonious as it will be. Many people won’t see this until we find worldwide harmony. These disharmonious people of fear will be seen as a blessing in the future, not a curse, by many believe it or not.    

Saturday, 2 March 2019

The Promotion of Wisdom

Written by Mathew Naismith

The promotion of wisdom to someone like me goes beyond the promotion of positiveness, love and light or any concept, ideology or ism, for under wisdom, all that is wise in the way we use energy is of abundance. To someone like me, it matters not what this wisdom is called, for anything that promotes the harmonious use of energy is all that matters. Yes, that is right, biases and prejudices have no place within wisdom for wisdom has no limitations, only limitless potentiality in the absence of bias and prejudices.

I don't often promote a singular persons wisdom but at this point in the present, we simply can't get enough wisdom in my mind. Look past the label of what the wisdom represents, in other words look past the biases often associated with labels and simply focus primarily on the wisdom involved. I wrote the following to this person in relation to this persons wisdom.               

I try to influence people away from judging in negatives and positives, which of course judging in negatives and positives can create huge amounts of motion within our minds and actions. I love my states of it just is, where the perceptions of negatives and positives are absent.

This will seem strange to a lot of people who try to stay positive, especially by ignoring the negatives. I am better off not perceiving in positives as well, there is no state more harmonious, still and tranquil. Hard to imagine if you have never experienced this kind of state, for which anyone can experience by simply letting go of motions and the control motions have over us.

You seem to be very in tune with your present environment Carolynne.

I know this is slack of me, but I just recently took a peek at your site. It was funny how I was able to do the work I did with the chronic injury I incurred, of course my own chronic injury taught me so much, only because I worked with it, not against it. If you don't mind, I am thinking of mentioning you and your site in my next post as you seem genuine. 

For further reference:

It has been asked of me why I am not more promotional of positiveness or love and light for example?

From the promotion of wisdom, positiveness, love and light come naturally for in the absence of using energy disharmoniously, there is no energy expended in obtaining and retaining positiveness, love or light. If I was to ignore the negatives so I can then be positive, in other words to be positive takes me to ignore the negatives, this is not being positive to me, in fact quite the opposite. You should be able to put yourself in any situation and still be able to obtain and retain your positiveness, love and/or light, otherwise it's not of a true sense of positiveness, love and/or light.

I will put this another way. Negative is as much of an energy as positive, to ignore people being hurt under negatives energies, especially to obtain and retain your own personal positive energies, is an abuse of energy. To avoid this, see negative and positive energy as simply energy in the absence of biases that perceptions of negative and positive thinking creates. Which is more negative, the male (yang) or the female (yin)? Trust me, one or the other sex often perceives one being more negative therefore the other being more positive. As soon as we are in the presence or expressive of bias, honesty, especially self-honesty, is also no longer present. Considering a true reflection or expression of wisdom is of the absence bias, it is also understandable that we naturally become more honest, especially with ourselves, in the promotion of wisdom.

As of many people have in life, I more than once found myself in a situation where I had to extricate myself away from certain people, not because they were negative or destructive but because all I was doing was supporting them in hurting themselves and others. Make no mistake, I often allowed my environment to dictate my reactions which meant judging in negatives and positives. Within this hurtful or abusive environment towards energy, it is way too easy to unknowingly succumb to a hurtful or abusive environment. In my case, I was fortunate to be wise enough to become aware of my own abusiveness towards energy in this way.

You see, by allowing myself to be abused, I was helping the abusers to be abusive thus unwittingly being abusive towards energy myself. Yes, by all means sacrifice your own well being to assist other people to become less hurtful and abusive, but don't sacrifice yourself to assist in the abuse of energy in any way. Yes, people of positiveness and love and light extricate themselves from abusive energy, but a lot of them still do it by expressing biases through the perceptions of negatives and positives.

So how do you know the difference between hurtful people you are unable to help to hurtful people you can help? Firstly; avoid the perceptions of negatives and positives thus allowing your own consciousness to be in the absence of bias therefore dishonesty. Secondly; well, wisdom naturally takes over from here in the absence of bias and dishonesty.  Make no mistake, the promotion of wisdom is this easy, it is either we don't want to become less abusive towards energy, or, we are unwittingly drawn into being apart of the abuse of energy through simple perceptions like negatives and positives.

I know of a number of people who speak out against the abusiveness of, for example, multinationals and politicians, they no longer wish to support the abuse of energy by allowing themselves being abused, however, there is still a very strong perception of what is negative and what is positive. I also know of people who speak out against this kind of abuse but don't primarily focus on what is negative and what is positive. I think ignoring the abuse of energy so one can become and stay positive, is just as much of supporting the abuse of energy than anything else.

The promotion of wisdom is simple, the avoidance of knowingly or unknowingly supporting the abuse of energy as much as possible. Now, are deliberate abusers of energy negative in any sense of the word? No, they are simply lost within their own creation and need as much help as a sick person. Yes, at times to help these people you need to avoid them, when ever possible, but do it ever so wisely. No, you can't always avoid the situation of the abuse of energy but you can minimise its affects. Embracing and promoting any kind of wisdom will help us avoid abusing energy in various ways, of course to know this one must be wise to start with, this is where people of true wisdom come into there own. How do you know when someone is of wisdom? They don't primarily judge in positive and negative perceptions to start with, within this, there is an absence of bias therefore dishonesty.       

Thursday, 6 September 2018

Using Energy Wisely

Written by Mathew Naismith

Look around you, everything is energy and can be both controlled and manipulated or you can work with and in unison with this energy, there is a huge difference. A martial artist, with the knowledge of Prana or Chi energy, is working with and in unison or as one with their own and their environments energy. There is no sense of control or manipulation of energy. All that one is doing is influencing energy, in harmony with this energy, with Chi and Prana energy, working as one energy source instead of separate energy sources. In martial arts, you often influence another person's energy to work against them. It's their own energy that is disharmonious to themselves!!  

Man, especially at present, is still trying to control and manipulate energy, look at how the race to control and manipulate the Earths natural energy resources is occurring at present. Of course the race to control and manipulate man made energy resources is also occurring. Will we ever evolve from a state of control and manipulation of energy? If humans survive their control and manipulation of energy, abuse of energy, human consciousness will most certainly evolve in my mind. The strangest thing is, working in harmony and unison with energy will give humans an existence they can only dream about at present.

We are not talking about being more powerful here, even though through our present perceptions this would seem the case. What we are talking about is being at one and being as one with energy as a whole. Imagine all energy in existence acting and being as one in unison and in harmony!! In regards to our present perceptions, you couldn't imagine anything more powerful. There is simply no true power to be had from controlling and manipulating energy though. The reason for this is that you have to keep drawing energy in to keep up the level of energy, otherwise the energy level drop. This is very unstable way to use (abuse) energy. When working with and in unison and harmony with energy as a whole, one doesn't need to keep the levels up by drawing in more and more energy. There are simply no levels to maintain as you become the energy you are expressing in motion. Imagine not expelling or using up energy while of and in motion!! I do believe certain martial artists are or have been of this state. 

To be powerful is to separate energy to be powerful over the environment through control and manipulation of energy. Where would the perception of power come from if we become one with energy as a whole, even though we would be able to influence our environment a lot more wisely and constructively? Within this state, the perception of power is absent only because the perception of control and manipulation of energy as a whole is absent. Now, how is a consciousness, conditioned to control and manipulations (power) over its environment, going to evolve further in consciousness?

What you need to do is imagine not separating energy or consciousness. Imagine all energy or consciousness working in unison and in harmony. Now imagine that we are not alone in the universe, that other far more aware entities exist than ourselves. Now imagine that we are at one with this energy, there is no separation of human consciousness from alien consciousness. This, I believe through my own experiences and other people's experiences, is occurring.
It is understandable that a mind conditioned to three dimensional aspects and spheres, will deny the existence of aliens or anything that can't be explained by a Westernised three dimensionally controlled mind. However, it's the Eastern mind in all of us that comprehends beyond three dimensional aspects and spheres, and the existence of any other entities far more aware and consciously advanced that our own. I believe Hinduism is a prime example of this. Awareness and advancements in consciousness are defined in how we use energy. Is it really wise to use up and abuse energy like we are doing? We can influence our environment in huge ways if we were only aware in how to use energy as a whole.

If the following video is of a true event or not has no bearing on the way we use energy. Going by my own experiences and knowledge of energy, it is very possible that our environment can be influenced to behave in a certain way. My advice is to stay away from trying to control and manipulate energy. Learn to work in unison and in harmony with energy is my best advice.           

My reply to this video and others people's replies to this video.

Amazing how the Western mind thinks, especially while being limited to and by three dimensional aspects and spheres. No amount of evidence will be enough to convince a limited mind like this, this is because all evidence has to be of three dimensional aspects and spheres.

It's a good thing that a lot of quantum physicists don't limit their mind to Dark Age perceptions and perspectives like this. The science of tomorrow will have evolved further as it has always done, beyond the present Dark Age mentality, beyond third dimensional aspects and spheres. Of course like in the Religious Dark Ages, you will have your devout followers who will fight evolution to the bitter end, sticking to their Dark Age doctrines/concepts.

It is obvious to people like me we need to evolve from the present Dark Age mentality. Of course if a mind has not experienced this kind of occurrence itself, especially a Western mind limited to three dimensional aspects and spheres, denial is always going to exist within such a mind.

There is a difference in how the Western and Eastern mind works in all of us.        

Saturday, 2 December 2017

Harmony - The Key to Love

Written by Mathew Naismith

This is indeed ironical. I awoke this morning to the understanding of me writing a post about peace and love, being that peace creates a sense of love, not the other way around. Love is simply a natural process of being harmonious. As we quieten the mind, we quieten the disharmony within our mind while at the same time creating a sense of love. Peace/harmony is the key to love.

I wrote the following in a discussion relating to the topic of; what is your core element that determines your way of thinking and being. I wrote faith, in that I have faith that human consciousness will go along with the natural evolution and evolve from it's present consciousness. A lot of people said love but one person simply said peace, I wrote the following in response to this.


1: Indeed peace because how would one truly be of love if disharmonious? Harmony naturally and automatically brings us a true sense of love, love simply isn't the be and end all as it is treated today.

In the sixties it was peace and love, peace brings love, basically, love is part of the natural process of peace, love is only apart of the process as love derives from peace, not the other way around.

This is like today's perception of light which denotes awareness, as of intelligence, what is awareness void of wisdom; the same is with what is love void of a true sense of peace?

We are today so focused on light and love when light and love are determined by base factors like wisdom and peace. How many people today are focused simply on wisdom and peace? I think the sixties had it more correct than we do today in western spirituality.      

Stating simply peace is perfect, a true sense of spiritual understanding in my mind.

2: Indeed, peace to one person isn't peace to another person. Is a multinational in financial dire-straights at peace? Is a peaceful person at war at peace?

Of course we could say here that a multinational at peace financially isn't very loving but he is, he loves his wealth as much as a spiritual person loves another person. Even a true sense of love is ambiguous it would seem.

We could say that peace is also ambiguous as the peace and love of a multinational and a spiritual person is different. As a multinational is not at peace with being poor, a spiritual person is not at peace in being materialistic or destructive.

Simply, peace, like love, is ambiguous until it becomes true......

3: Of course, peace simply says it all. I go deep so that others have an opportunity to comprehend and understand a true sense of peace and love. Behind love a true sense of peace/harmony resides.

I handle the environment we presently exist in differently, I don't perceive a negative or a positive, it is what it is, as in it just is, void of anything having to be of one thing or another.

My wife and I haven't watched TV for over 9 years now, I do miss the docs though, not the news. The news these days is only of what they want us to be aware of.

It is obvious I needn't have gone deep with you, sorry for that Paul.


As we become more aware, part of the process of becoming aware is disharmony. We are certainly not going to like or feel comfortable with everything we become aware of; this is until we reach the process of being truly harmonious, not just to the things we desire to be of but to everything.

Humans are more intelligent and aware of their environment than ever, how harmonious is the world today? You see part of the process of becoming more aware is being disharmonious, however, no true sense of love will reside within a reality that is disharmonious.

We then get to a point of process were we only become aware of the things that are harmonious, everything we are disharmonious with are discarded or ignored. You see, when we are harmonious love is able to reside; all we desire at this stage of the process is to be of this love. This is of course quite understandable in regards to our present disharmonious reality.

At this stage of the process we are still in disharmony of the things we have rejected or denounced to simply feel some kind of love. At this stage this is not a true sense of love for there is no true sense of harmony, however, we do feel more loving because we are more at harmony. 

The next part of the process entails us to become wiser with our awareness. As of knowledge or intelligence, awareness void of wisdom is only ever going to be half aware for awareness, as of knowledge and intelligence, needs the guidance of wisdom to know how to use and respond to knowledge, intelligence and awareness.

This part of the process then allows us to be in harmony with everything we become aware of, only in this state can a true sense of harmony therefore love reside. I think that harmony and wisdom are the true building blocks to become truly loving, for only in true harmony can a true sense of love reside. Look at it like building a home for love to reside, without a home to reside in, love can never truly be at peace.......