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Saturday, 5 November 2022

Consciousness Before Mind


Written by Mathew Naismith

My wife agrees. Often to the western mind what I write is overly complicated or over stated, while to the eastern mind most often what I write is not overly complicated or overly stated. I have often observed this myself. Overly complicating anything is in line with distorting reality, like profits come before science, religion and even church come before God, communism comes before family, mind comes before consciousness and so on. When you think of it, most spiritual practices practised in the west are of an eastern origin. Are we in the west distorting eastern teachings through taking out what seems to be too complicated for the western mind to comprehend and put into practice?

Should the tribe come before family, personal life? Not if having different views separates the family. Often in a reality that is not distorted, the tribe is thought of as family, where each and everyone's differences are allowed and tolerated, unless greatly distorted. In today's science, profits often come before science, meaning, the science has to be primarily of profits first, creating a distorted reality where profits come before science. Don't berate yourself for being a part of distorting reality, for an unseen consciousness that is distorted itself is coercing us to be of the same reality, more than ever.

We are presently experiencing a distortion of consciousness and are on the receiving end of a distorted consciousness, on the receiving end of an abstract portion of what consciousness actually is altogether.

Abstract: Existing only in the mind; separated from embodiment

The mind is often only expressive or knowing of a small part of what consciousness actually represents overall. No mind is expressive of what consciousness is altogether, in the process the mind only creates what the mind often only desires to be what consciousness is, like God exists or doesn't exist, full stop. Also, if the mind is conditioned to a certain mind set in relevance to the environment experienced, like being brought up as a religious person or atheist, the mind conditioned to this environment will only live by a portion of what consciousness is overall, in the process distorting reality even more.

We are not meant to be governed by mind but by consciousness, but by a consciousness that is not distorted. Because we are conditioned to primarily live by the mind, our consciousness is easy pray to any kind of distorted consciousness out there. Look at how often religion or even the church came and comes before God, in the process creating an abstract form of God, not of what consciousness is overall which is what many of us call God. God is simply a consciousness that is not distorted. No, God does not exist for or within a consciousness that is excessively distorted, God or a consciousness not distorted does not exist within this kind of reality, in saying this, there is not a consciousness in existence that does not have a spark of God consciousness within it. The reaction is amazing when you try to show this to a mind or consciousness distorted by a distorted consciousness, the expressed fear is horrendous, a fear they have themselves created by distorting reality.

Notice in a lot of eastern spiritual practices that the enlightened will always be of consciousness first before mind, a reality that is often brought about by practices that quieten the mind, not putting the mind before consciousness at any time. This is why people like me will never become what is known to be enlightened, as I often put mind before consciousness, but while being aware of this. The enlightened put themselves within an environment conducive to creating a reality that is not distorted or less distorted. My present environment is not conducive to wholly putting myself within this kind of environment and I am fine with that, but I have created an environment where I can create a less distorted reality than the reality around me. We just need to be aware of what reality we desire to live by first and what reality we should live by to create a less distorted reality. What we often desire for ourselves is often of what distorts reality the most.

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