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Monday, 19 December 2022

Inferiority Complex


Written by Mathew Naismith

One of my most important posts, how the dark suffers from an inferiority complex in relation to the light, mainly due to the lights awareness. Light simply means awareness as dark means an unawareness to the point of deliberate unawareness, ignorance.

This post is going to be a little dark but very much of the light, depending on what we deem to be negative. People like me don't judge everything not of ourselves negative, even ignorance is of the light when we learn from ignorance.

To start with, I have participated in a number of spiritual forums, what alarmed me was what ended up being deemed negative. To now deem so much being negative, even simple words, is of this darkness, it is that so many of us are unaware of this. As time went by, I could see the darkness slowly taking over from the light within spirituality. If you are truly aware, you would have known that this was always going to occur, mainly due to the inferiority of the dark in relation to the light. Really, even if you don't feel superior in relation to the dark, as it should be if you are truly of the light, the dark suffers greatly from an inferiority complex in relation to the light.

“An inferiority complex is when a person has feelings of inadequacy or inferiority, whether real or imagined. These feelings may result from a physical defect or surface in situations where we feel less intelligent than our peers. Other times, feelings of inferiority may be concocted from purely imagined shortcomings.”

To be of the dark is to be of ignorance, a state of being deliberately unaware of what is light, of what is of awareness. It is understandable that the dark is going to desire to rid their created reality, the world in this case, of what makes them seem or feel inadequate or inferior. This was always going to be the case. The dark is doing exactly what it is meant to do. I have faced this dark consciousness face on, only because I was not trying to avoid what I deemed negative, in other words stay ignorant of what is deemed negative. It's greatest fear is feeling inadequate especially in it's own created reality. What this dark consciousness is ignorant to, is that it thinks that it can eradicate all of what makes the dark feel inadequate.

There will be literally months where the dark will feast on what is light, even to the point of feasting on actual flesh. Yes, a lot of this is occurring right now, but what is planned is a great feast that will at it's end result in very little of the light left, however, because the dark lives within it's own ignorance, the same ignorance that keeps this consciousness in the dark, this dark consciousness is quite unaware that the light will prevail no matter what they do. Actually, their own actions will cause an automatic reaction of the light, in the process result in a great awakening of the human consciousness. What this dark consciousness is doing will result in this great awakening, unbeknown to the dark due to it's own ignorance. You can see why this dark energy wants to keep the people not of the dark in ignorance.

Signs of an Inferiority Complex

  • Displaying signs of low self-esteem

  • A tendency to over-analyze compliments and criticisms

  • Persistently looking for validation and praise from others

  • Pulling away from family, friends, and colleagues, especially in social situations

  • Attempting to make others feel insecure to make up for feelings of inadequacy

  • The refusal to participate in competitive events for fear of being compared to others”

Low self-esteem: This dark consciousness displays a great deal of low self-esteem in the face of the light, this is why it has to be always in control of what even remotely resembles the light. The pandemic was always about this.

Over analyse: Look at what is not acceptable in the west, for example, what is called the cancel culture of anything that may be used to expose the dark for what it is. In this case you over analyse what compliments the dark while over analysing what does not compliment the dark.

Validation: Cancelling everything that is of the light leaves only what validates and praises what is of the dark.

Pulling away; from what is of the light, for example, only the people of the light are governed by common law under autocratic systems of governance.

Feeling insecure: Something the dark fears the most within it's own created reality. The presence of light makes the dark, within it's own eyes, feel insecure. To avoid this the dark tries to make the light feel insecure therefore inadequate in the face of the dark, in turn resulting in the light becoming submissive to the dark.

Avoidance of competitive participation; with the light at all cost because there is no competition. Try putting a great awareness and a great unawareness side by side, which one is going to look noncompetitive and inadequate?

What infuriates this dark consciousness the most is being looked at as being inferior, it fears this the most because this takes away it's control of what is more superior to itself. This consciousness has coned itself to believe it is far superior than anything of the light, it has to to stay viable. It is like atheism totally relies on a belief system to disbelieve in to exist, where belief systems existence don't rely on atheism to exist. The light, a great awareness, does not need the dark, a great unawareness, to exist, but the dark needs the light's existence to exist. Why? Because the dark energy feeds of off light energy to exist, light energy does not feed of off dark energy to exist.

I was laughed at when I stated that it was this dark energy that is the meek that shall inherit the Earth, even though the presence of an obvious inferiority complex supports this claim even further. However, the inheritance is actually determined by the great feast they have planned, which is going to turn into a feeding frenzy, in the process virtually destroying all of what it relies on to exist. The duration of the inheritance is also determined by how many of us of the light wake up to how feeble this dark energy really is.

This dark energy should have been at it's present state of influence a hundred years ago, I think it is too late for this dark energy to accomplish what it desires to accomplish, it would seem it's time is nearly up.


  1. Good read, very thoughtful as usual. Hope all is well down under fort yopu ^all you love,
