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Showing posts with label dark. Show all posts
Showing posts with label dark. Show all posts

Saturday, 31 August 2024


Written by Mathew Naismith

Imagine an energy that is self-sustaining, an energy source that does not rely on other sources of energy to exist or sustain it's existence. A type of existence that causes energy to continue without a need to replenish exhausted or depleted energy, a self-perpetuating or propelling energy source.

Is the dark side of human existence self-perpetuating, the side to human life that accumulates energy through abuse and oppression?

Yes, the light side of human existence, the side of human existence that does not accumulate energy through abuse and oppression, is in actuality not of the accumulation of energy to start with, simply of the absence of accumulating energy through abuse and oppression. Of you look upon human society, especially the affluent side of human society, it is all based on the accumulating and expenditure of energy through abuse and oppression of energy sources.

Our present human societies are of the system of expenditure of energy, usually an expenditure based on abuse and oppression. For a society to be sustainable, we are fooled into thinking that we need to expend energy in this way. Do the affluent know any other way than of the accumulation of energy, energy often accumulated through abuse and oppression? The affluent only think of accumulating energy, not of being the energy they are trying to accumulate.

The light side of human existence is not of the accumulation of energy, especially energy accumulated through abuse and oppression, but of being energy itself, a self-perpetuating energy source.

So what is a self-perpetuating energy source?

To put it simply, a source of energy that is of the absence of accumulating energy especially through abuse and oppressive means, really, it is this simple. Of course there are a number of labels this kind of energy is called, depending on the beliefs and culture one is conditioned to, but no matter what this type of energy it is called, it is of the absence of accumulating energy especially through abuse and oppressive means.

To anyone who is accustomed to accumulating energy in a dark manner, the presence or even the awareness of the existence of a self-perpetuating energy source is going to seem like a huge threat to the affluent. I said seem like a threat because this type of energy does not take energy away from an energy sources, it is simply of the absence of the dark side of human existence.

Will people accustomed to the dark side of human existence want to embrace this kind of existence, even though they won't lose their accumulated energy, in fact be of an eternal energy source? The answer is no as it is very hard for anyone to give up an existence one is accustomed to. Yes, many of the affluent are fixated to accumulating energy in a dark manner, actually, many of the impoverished and traumatised are fixated to this way of life as well.

I know this may sound strange, but we need to be gentle and very understanding in how the light side of human existence will seem to the dark side of human existence, an existence that has been the integral part of human existence for a very long time.

Friday, 7 June 2024

Light Energy: The Fundamental Element


Written by Mathew Naismith

This is funny, acceptance of light and dark, which turns a lot of people away because you accept dark energy as well!!

What is dark energy, accepting or not accepting? Not accepting, this is why true light energy is accepting even of that it is not and dark energy is not. So does this mean the acceptance of dark energy means you become of the dark energy? Quite the opposite, this is why light energy is accepting, especially of what it is not.

You may then think that this light energy is of the acceptance of abuse!! Not within it's own sphere of influence only because abuse is unable to exist within this sphere of influence, however, abuse is expected to exist outside of this sphere of influence and understandably so.”

The above was in reply to a post on social media in relation to 8 notable conscious shifts or conscious ascension variables, 8 traits that people express when conditioned to a consciousness of the absence of various distractions like abuse, lust, desire, anger, etc. What I found comforting was the mention of the acceptance of light energy as well as dark energy. Dark energy is simply of a consciousness or energy source expressive and dominated by abuse, lust, desire, anger, etc, in other words it is simply of an energy source that is living in ignorance, for only in ignorance can a consciousness become this dark.

This dark energy is not ignorant to what energy it can use to fulfill it's own pleasures, but this energy source is ignorant to what it can't use to fulfill it's own pleasures. When you look at energy in it's raw form, an energy of the absence of distractions like abuse, lust, desire, anger, etc, energy exists in harmony and in tune with every other energy source. For this dark energy to exist it has to be of the absence of this energy sources harmonious existence, for to be in the presence of, awareness of, is to be of the absence of what makes dark energy what it is.

When you look into this harmonious realm, everything or every energy source that exists is within this realm, it is as though everything exists as one source. What you are looking at is the inception of everything that can possibly exist, the basis or root cause of existence. If you like, the spirit source of energy that everything relies on to exist, the basis of all energy, the fundamental element of all energy sources.

So how did dark energy come into being if it is also of this fundamental element?

As soon as conception has occurred, and it matters not of what conception it is, we can be influenced by the environment the conception has occurred in. In other words our own energy form is influenced by numerous distractions that distract us from our initial origin, as soon as conception has occurred. Dark energy is simply of an energy that has been influenced by various distractions within any given environment, so why would any light energy not accept dark energy for what it is!! In a sense, dark energy is simply of an energy that has lost itself within it's own darkness/ignorance due to numerous environmental distractions.

It is funny, the last thing dark energy wants to be reminded of is of it's own origin, an origin it can do nothing about. Within this harmonious realm of light energy, the dark energies fundamental element also resides. To put it another way, the spirit within all energy forms resides within the light, a realm of the absence of ignorance, in other words a realm of where the light is switch on so everything is viable, not only of what we desire to be visible.

This fundamental elemental realm of all energies is certainly interesting to say the least.

Saturday, 20 April 2024

A Good Head Space

 Written by Mathew Naismith

I wish everyone to pass on, die, in a good head space, where one's own consciousness is at peace with itself and the rest of it's environment. It matters not how sinister a consciousness has become, this is my wish.

My wife's mother not too recently passed away. My wife does not become teary because of the loss of her mother, my wife becomes teary knowing that her mother died in a good head space. A good head space being a state of the absence of experiencing mental trauma or of inflicting mental trauma. My wife especially tears up while remembering what her mother said to me in her last day's on this Earth. Being in a weakened state, my mother-in-law embraced me tightly while stating I was one in a million. It was a blessing to both of us that she was in such a good head space, we could not wish for anything better for her.

Why would anyone choose to pass on, die, in a bad head space, where either you are in mental trauma or are of inflicting trauma to the very end of one's life? Imagine being of this type of consciousness or in a bad head space when passing on, this is why many people deny the existence of an after life to the bitter end.

The only reason anyone would choose to pass on, go into the after life, in such a state of consciousness is due to excessive ignorance, a deliberate unawareness of not just an after life but of a conscious state where fear, trauma and abuse just simply don't exist. In a reality, where it seems that every authoritative and controlling body is expressive of this bad head space, expressive of this dark consciousness, is an indication of how ignorant human consciousness is at present, the funny thing is, the more this bad head space is imposed on us all, the more obvious this good head space becomes.

Do these controlling dark entities know of a consciousness of light, where fear, trauma and abuse can't exist? They know of but are obviously not aware of such a state of consciousness, in fact they do everything to deny and enforce this denial on everybody else. A consciousness that is truly aware of this consciousness of light would not choose to pass on in a bad head space, this is due to it being impossible to do so within this state of consciousness. Imagine experiencing a reality where it is impossible to enter into a bad head space, a head space of experiencing trauma and inflicting trauma. Now, would a dark consciousness deliberately try to conceal the existence of this state of consciousness, a state of consciousness this dark consciousness fears the most? This dark consciousness lives in utter terror of the true existence of this light consciousness, no matter what you want to call this consciousness of light, a consciousness of awareness instead of ignorance.

It is in ignorance we do ourselves and everybody else the most harm.

This dark consciousness knows it can't become aware of this consciousness of light because it is within this awareness that negates the existence of this dark consciousness. Imagine cancelling out ignorance with awareness. it is like going into a dark room a switching on the light, for in the presence of light dark can no longer exist, now imagine the fear this dark consciousness must have of the light being switched on!!

My wife and I are always gleeful of people passing on in a good head space no matter who they are, why wouldn't we be? Yes, it becomes quite emotional for us when it is of someone close to us, as to be expected.

Monday, 21 August 2023

Kept in the Shadows


Written by Mathew Naismith

Here I was writing a post titled,”Sexual Ecstasy v Collective Consciousness Ecstasy, a post I am now not going to finish due to the realisation that I have to be far more direct in my approach on this issue. We need to realise more than ever that there is no good verses evil, light verses dark, this is a fallacy we need to all become aware of before going on with anything else.

You can relate dark and light energy to whatever you want to relate it to.

No matter what you relate this energy to, in the presence of light dark energy is like an ant combating against a steamroller, there is no real competition or opposition and this dark energy is quite aware of this, this is why this dark energy is trying everything it can do to keep us in the shadows of becoming aware of this.

I realised that when people in power become less and less answerable to common law or even answerable to anyone, they become more inhumane, insentient, a state of the absence of feelings, consciousness and animation. The more of this dark energy you become, the less of conscious one becomes.

Consciousness: An alert cognitive state in which you are aware of yourself and your situation

Are these people in this dark state really aware of their present state, predicament, situation? Are they aware that the steamroller is of the light energy in face of the ant that is the dark energy? Do they desire to know this or of anybody else becoming aware of this? The answer is no to all these three questions. The only state where dark energy is equal to light energy is in states of darkness or states of consciousness this dark energy controls and manipulates. You can't war with an opposing party in a state where light energy prevails, for there is no opposing energy to begin with in this state. Look how long humans have been warring for. Look at how NATO is doing everything in their power to prolong the Ukraine/Russian war!! If NATO was of this light energy in any sense, this war would not have started in the first place, it couldn't.

Within human consciousness there has always been a sense of good against evil, light energy opposing dark energy, supported by ancient writings that enforce this belief. It is not that they are wrong, it is that they are not completely right. They are right in that within a consciousness that is controlled and manipulated by dark energy, this dark energy will always oppose the lights energy existence, in the process creating an environment conducive to the dark opposing the light and visa-versa, however, if we look at a state where the light energy is predominate, there are no opposing parties to begin with.

If this light energy is not of opposing energy forces, of course the ant in opposition to the light will be rolled over, not due to the light being in opposition to the dark but due to the dark being in opposition to the light. If this light energy acted as the steamroller in the present human reality, all that is of this dark energy would be steamrolled over, as if this dark energy did not exist to begin with. In fact in the presence of this light energy this dark energy does not exist, it is this simple. Is this dark energy aware of this, and makes sure no other energy under it's influence is aware of this? The answer is obvious.

So the obvious question is, why is not this light energy intervening in human affairs?

This is but my own conjecture, it comes back to my post I am not going to share, try taking away all the desires, lusts and ecstasies created by this dark energy, way too many people would oppose this to begin with. Why? Because they are kept ignorant to the ecstasies created by light energy. Again, equate light energy ecstasies to dark energy ecstasies, the ant just does not measure up to the steamroller, in other words the ecstasies created by dark energy do not measure up to the ecstasies light energies create. In the presence of the light energy, it is if the dark energy does not exist, as of the steamroller and the ant.

Also, this light energy is not into deliberately steamrolling over other energy forms, this light energy will avoid this at all cost, unless the dark energy is persistent in it's own opposition. If the ant thinks it can take on a steamroller due to it's own ignorance, this is purely up to the ant.

Is this dark energy becoming more and more persistent in the face of light energy?

Due to the degree of ignorance of this dark energy, this is a really dangerous game the dark energy is playing, the only thing going for this dark energy is that so many people under the influence of the dark energy just don't want, desire or see a need to rid itself of dark energy desires, lusts and ecstasies. Why? Because they are kept in the dark to all these desires, lusts and ecstasies that are created by this dark energy to begin with.

Are people made aware of this? Yes.

Do they want, desire or see a need to rid itself of dark energy desires, lusts and ecstasies, even when made aware of such things? No, not by the looks of it.

You can lead a horse to water but you cannot make it drink, as you shouldn't, all what one can do is keep expressing their own awareness as they should be allowed to do, of course this is about to change quite dramatically in countries like Australia. It is coming to a point where you will not be allowed to even express an awareness of this dark energy in any sense. Again, this is a very dangerous game the dark energy is playing at present, it could backfire on this dark energy in a really big way, in spite of people's fixation to dark energy desires, lusts and ecstasies.

Many people could end up like the ant in defiance of the steamroller in the end, but what will be will be.

Saturday, 24 June 2023

Staying Within the Light

Written by Mathew Naismith

It is more important than ever to stay within the light, due to any deviation from the light may result in the dark energy taking advantage of this deviation, especially at present.

An awkward post to write, considering the topic at hand. Was not sure how to start this post so I decided to start with Mel Gibson's, movie actor and director, encounter with a Hollywood producer of obvious dark energy. I will simply use the terminology of dark and light energy, a terminology that can be equated to whatever form or ideology you equate it to.

Mel's encounter with this type of producer started off with the producer, that was dressed in black, gliding over to him sideways. Part of the discussion was about mid-evil torture, on Mel's part, the producers seemed to be talking about more recent torture. The producer also stated that women should be either naked or dead, preferably both. Now look at how feminine energy is being undermined today, like through the hijacked woke movement and transgender movement.

When you switch on the light in a dark room, can the dark exist within the middle of this light?

When you switch on the light in a dark house, even in the middle of a dark house, can the light exist within the middle of this darkness, like the universe with all it's suns in relation to the cosmos?

Light can exist within the dark, but the dark cannot exist within the light, which shows where our present reality is at, a reality conducive to dark energy. If our present reality was of the light, the present reality would not be conducive to dark energy, for the dark cannot exist within the light. As I recently wrote, “Every environment takes a certain culmination of energy to create, staying within the light under duress will culminate in the creation of an environment conducive to light energy, not dark energy.”

What if I told you that this dark energy is not out to destroy light energy, knowing that this dark energy is quite unable to do so. All this dark energy can do is take advantage of any energy form deviating from light energy. It is an opportunist, always externally present to light energy, waiting for any light form to deviate from the light.

What if I told you that this dark energy is our friend, but only when exposed to the light. The awareness of the dark energy, which is what this light energy is, in it's truest form, keeps us within the light, however, if this dark energy is not exposed, light energy forms will deviate from the light, for there is no fear of anything within this light energy, which includes the darkest of energy. Light energy will place itself right in the middle of dark energy, for it is fearless. We must not deviate from the light while within the midst of dark energy, mainly due to the dark energy not being totally exposed to us. An example of this is the hijacked woke movement and transgender movement that seem like they are of light, quite the opposite is true.

Mel Gibson also stated that one must not get angry. Wanting to persecute this dark energy for what it has done and getting angry with this dark energy only feeds this dark energy what it needs to exist, dark energy.

I was once in an environment that was conducive to dark energy. Because I deviated from the light due to the then present dark energy environmental influence, almost every night I was being intimidated by this dark energy, this was until I came of the light again. All I did was laugh at this dark energy, while of the light, even though there were 9 forms of this dark energy present at the time. I had no feelings of anger or persecution of this dark energy, it is if they were a joke. This dark energy is not a threat unless we allow it to be, in a real sense, so if we deviate from the light energy, are we fair game to the dark energy? Yes.

Note: Adrenachrome is physically produced by instilling a great deal of fear in people, especially children, which people of this dark energy value above most other things. When I was being intimidated by this dark energy night after night,I was giving off a none physical type of Adrenachrome for which this dark energy fed off of.

So why would any kind of light energy deviate from the light? Fearlessness.

The more aware we are, the more of the light energy we become of, likened to making the best of life for what it is, to making the worse of life. When we are fearless and deviate from the light, the more likely the dark energy will take advantage of our deviation. Light energy that deviates from the awareness light energy represents is prone to coercion and trickery from this dark energy. Understandable as we become less aware. In fearlessness, we can deviate from the awareness that light energy represents, the trick is being aware of this while under the influence of this dark energy.

If you are unable to avoid anger or the desire to persecute this dark energy for what it has done, you are not truly of this light energy. I will go even further still. If you can't see this dark energy as a friend instead of a foe, you are not truly of this light energy. A true foe will coerce you to deviate from the light, this is not what is occurring believe it or not. What is occurring is we are deviating from the light anyway, so are fair game to be exploited by this dark energy. We should be taking note of this dark energy and not deviate from the light, especially when within the dark energies influence. The dark energy existence tells us not to deviate from the light, as a friend would do in relation to drink driving. If a friend is under the influence of alcohol, would a friend advice them not to drive? Well, the dark energy is showing us why we should not deviate from the light.

So getting back to my own experience of dark energy. Even after all the intimidation and induced fear, all I could do is laugh at this dark energy, which this dark energy feared the most. This dark energy does not fear anger and persecution, it fears the awareness that light creates, that is why the present censoring and book burning, the cancellation of anything not of it's own doing, especially when it pertains to the truth, awareness. This could not occur if we were of the light, which indicates where a lot of us are at in relation to being of the light. It is not a good sign except that the dark energy is exposing itself.

I can't tall you how to stay within the light, we all have our own ideas of how to do that, what I can do is advice you in that this dark energy is simply taking advantage of our own devotion from the light, which is of it's own nature to do so. This dark energy is not out their to destroy light energy as a whole, because it is unable to, even though it will destroy and abuse any deviated light it can within it's own influence. My advice is, try not to deviate from the light energy, in fact reconnect yourselves to this light energy, for whatever you want to call it, to avoid being exploited by this dark energy.

Monday, 19 December 2022

Inferiority Complex


Written by Mathew Naismith

One of my most important posts, how the dark suffers from an inferiority complex in relation to the light, mainly due to the lights awareness. Light simply means awareness as dark means an unawareness to the point of deliberate unawareness, ignorance.

This post is going to be a little dark but very much of the light, depending on what we deem to be negative. People like me don't judge everything not of ourselves negative, even ignorance is of the light when we learn from ignorance.

To start with, I have participated in a number of spiritual forums, what alarmed me was what ended up being deemed negative. To now deem so much being negative, even simple words, is of this darkness, it is that so many of us are unaware of this. As time went by, I could see the darkness slowly taking over from the light within spirituality. If you are truly aware, you would have known that this was always going to occur, mainly due to the inferiority of the dark in relation to the light. Really, even if you don't feel superior in relation to the dark, as it should be if you are truly of the light, the dark suffers greatly from an inferiority complex in relation to the light.

“An inferiority complex is when a person has feelings of inadequacy or inferiority, whether real or imagined. These feelings may result from a physical defect or surface in situations where we feel less intelligent than our peers. Other times, feelings of inferiority may be concocted from purely imagined shortcomings.”

To be of the dark is to be of ignorance, a state of being deliberately unaware of what is light, of what is of awareness. It is understandable that the dark is going to desire to rid their created reality, the world in this case, of what makes them seem or feel inadequate or inferior. This was always going to be the case. The dark is doing exactly what it is meant to do. I have faced this dark consciousness face on, only because I was not trying to avoid what I deemed negative, in other words stay ignorant of what is deemed negative. It's greatest fear is feeling inadequate especially in it's own created reality. What this dark consciousness is ignorant to, is that it thinks that it can eradicate all of what makes the dark feel inadequate.

There will be literally months where the dark will feast on what is light, even to the point of feasting on actual flesh. Yes, a lot of this is occurring right now, but what is planned is a great feast that will at it's end result in very little of the light left, however, because the dark lives within it's own ignorance, the same ignorance that keeps this consciousness in the dark, this dark consciousness is quite unaware that the light will prevail no matter what they do. Actually, their own actions will cause an automatic reaction of the light, in the process result in a great awakening of the human consciousness. What this dark consciousness is doing will result in this great awakening, unbeknown to the dark due to it's own ignorance. You can see why this dark energy wants to keep the people not of the dark in ignorance.

Signs of an Inferiority Complex

  • Displaying signs of low self-esteem

  • A tendency to over-analyze compliments and criticisms

  • Persistently looking for validation and praise from others

  • Pulling away from family, friends, and colleagues, especially in social situations

  • Attempting to make others feel insecure to make up for feelings of inadequacy

  • The refusal to participate in competitive events for fear of being compared to others”

Low self-esteem: This dark consciousness displays a great deal of low self-esteem in the face of the light, this is why it has to be always in control of what even remotely resembles the light. The pandemic was always about this.

Over analyse: Look at what is not acceptable in the west, for example, what is called the cancel culture of anything that may be used to expose the dark for what it is. In this case you over analyse what compliments the dark while over analysing what does not compliment the dark.

Validation: Cancelling everything that is of the light leaves only what validates and praises what is of the dark.

Pulling away; from what is of the light, for example, only the people of the light are governed by common law under autocratic systems of governance.

Feeling insecure: Something the dark fears the most within it's own created reality. The presence of light makes the dark, within it's own eyes, feel insecure. To avoid this the dark tries to make the light feel insecure therefore inadequate in the face of the dark, in turn resulting in the light becoming submissive to the dark.

Avoidance of competitive participation; with the light at all cost because there is no competition. Try putting a great awareness and a great unawareness side by side, which one is going to look noncompetitive and inadequate?

What infuriates this dark consciousness the most is being looked at as being inferior, it fears this the most because this takes away it's control of what is more superior to itself. This consciousness has coned itself to believe it is far superior than anything of the light, it has to to stay viable. It is like atheism totally relies on a belief system to disbelieve in to exist, where belief systems existence don't rely on atheism to exist. The light, a great awareness, does not need the dark, a great unawareness, to exist, but the dark needs the light's existence to exist. Why? Because the dark energy feeds of off light energy to exist, light energy does not feed of off dark energy to exist.

I was laughed at when I stated that it was this dark energy that is the meek that shall inherit the Earth, even though the presence of an obvious inferiority complex supports this claim even further. However, the inheritance is actually determined by the great feast they have planned, which is going to turn into a feeding frenzy, in the process virtually destroying all of what it relies on to exist. The duration of the inheritance is also determined by how many of us of the light wake up to how feeble this dark energy really is.

This dark energy should have been at it's present state of influence a hundred years ago, I think it is too late for this dark energy to accomplish what it desires to accomplish, it would seem it's time is nearly up.

Wednesday, 1 September 2021

A Surprising Scenario

Written by Mathew Naismith

What happens to energy when oppressed, when constricted into a compressed dense form?

Before we answer this, what happens when you compress an energy form that acquires all it's energy from external sources? It simply folds in on itself, devours itself. It is in line with western atheism, where atheism could not exist without the existence of something to disbelieve in, or have a belief that an existence doesn't exist. Western atheism is totally reliant on an existence atheism simply believes doesn't exist. Sounds awfully irrational to me. Yes, they could be right within their own beliefs and disbelief but this is not the point, atheism totally relies on an external energy form to exist, this is not the same with a belief in an existence, due to everything being of this existence. It is not an external energy existence you devour or try to destroy, for this is impossible.

So what is going to occur when dark energy, that only exists due to the existence of light energy, oppresses or compresses light energy into a dense energy form? Like an old pressure cooker, when this light energy is compressed too much it explodes. Imagine light being compressed into a dense energy form to the point of exploding out from this restricted environment, light is going to shine everywhere.

The most illogical thing dark energy could do is compress/oppress light to the point of exploding out in all directions. Dark simply can't exist within the light. It is like if the beliefs atheists disbelieve in became apparent, atheism would no longer exist.

The wise thing to do for this dark energy is allow light energy to coexist with itself, of course the main driving force and control comes from the ego. As we are seeing today, mass psychosis exist all over the world and so do psychopathic tendencies, as explained in my blog COVID-19 Mind Control. 

The ego is in control wants total autonomy thus control over the light, in the process in a very unwise way compressing/oppressing light energy.

Donald Trump was labelled a Nazi, which is really irrational because he wasn't the one burning books, censoring information, knowledge, history and free speech. Actually, it is the socialists /communists that are doing this today. Yes, censoring information, knowledge, history and free speech, is obviously of this dark energy, a very oppressive energy and an energy totally reliant on fear to orchestrate it's desires. There is nothing wise about the dark energy, in fact it is an energy form that is of the absence of wisdom, for wisdom of course is of the light as we are clearly seeing today.

The last thing you want to do is compress light into a dense form to the point of exploding, but lucky enough for the light energy this is what the dark energy is doing and does all the times. As foretold, a 1000+ years of peace/light, created by the very same energy trying to stop this occurring.

Wednesday, 9 December 2020

Unifying Energy

Written by Mathew Naismith

This post may seem a little dark to those not quite poised within the light. If the light is fearful of the dark in any way, even when being enveloped by dark, to be honest, one is not truly of the light. I think you will find in the dark times a consciousness poised firmly within the light will be more of the light and far less fearful of the dark, especially when within the dark. The light will make the best of the situation, this simply means making the best of the dark as it stands, not how we desire it to stand.

Poised: “Marked by balance or equilibrium and readiness for action”, also, “Be motionless, in suspension.”

This is important, really, make the best of it as it stands. What this means is to make the best of what is how it is in the present, not to make the best of what is while desiring a desired future of light to be within the present. The funny thing is, we have simply allowed the light to be obscured by the dark, the light is not of a desired future but of the actual present!! So often have I come across an expression of light within the future, at the same time trying to bring this light from the future within the present. I know that people of true light just smile at this, being that even this reaction of future light and trying to bring this light within the present is simply of the present.

So what is the opposite of making the best of it?

At present, the multinationals are using a communist style capitalist system to squeeze every dollar out of their investments, this means using a system that abuses capitalism and just about everything else. Is this an abuse of energy and is this making the best of it?

Yes, the multinationals are making the best of a situation by using a communist system that uses capitalism in such an abusive way. Is the abuse of energy to squeeze energy for all it has to be squeezed out of it making the best out of energy? Any action resulting in the abuse of energy is certainly not making the best of it, for this stile of existing is exceptionally imbalanced, for only the abuser is the best being obtained for. It is funny to those in the real know, that by nurturing energy can the best be obtained from energy.

Look at it this way. The darkest of dark thinks it is all powerful over all else, being that the ego has duped the ego itself to thinking it is all powerful when being the most abusive. How easy would it be for an egotistical controlling ego to manipulate and abuse an ego that is far less egotistical and controlling? It wouldn't take too much effort therefore power. Don't be duped, the only power the egotistical controlling ego has, is what the lesser egotistical controlling ego allows through simply being less abusive. Yes, I have myself been in a situation where highly abusive egos just cringe at the sight of a consciousness that is not controlling therefore controllable. Yes, the ego of the consciousness can be controlled but the consciousness behind this ego is not controllable. The inability to control certain energies utterly terrifies an egotistical controlling ego of abuse.

By all means introduce communism that abuses capitalism to an extreme, in the process giving the main player of communism economic, military, psychological and spiritual control of the world. Is this highly abusive consciousness going to, in the end, stop at abusing any abusive ego that assisted this communist consciousness gain complete control of all energies? As they have turned on their own, they will of course eventually turn on those who are not of their own, even when assisted by those not of their own. The abusive ego will not stop at abusing the lesser ego, but will in the end even turn on the greater ego for total control!!

All I can do is smile, knowing what can be created when working in unison with energy, and the ego thinks an abusive energy source is all powerful and controlling!! My ego today is quite perplexed at how we still don't know how to use energy, but as we don't know how to use the ego!!

Wednesday, 21 October 2020

The Light Has Returned

Written by Mathew Naismith

I don't want you to take what I am about to tell you in a literal sense or give you false hope, but the light within human consciousness seems to be returning. Each aware person will have their own idea of what this light relates to but the light overall represents enlightenment, an awareness beyond a lot of people's purposeful knowing.

The purpose was to keep human consciousness in the dark as much as possible, while allowing those of the dark to become aware of each other and their purposeful intentions. They all have a one goal in mind due to this dark consciousness being of the same consciousness. Yes, they are at their worse when they become known to each other, as of present. Make no mistake, as I have recently been given insight to after all these years, we are talking about one consciousness here of immense sinister scope. It is amazing what has been devouring, feeding off of, human consciousness all these centuries. Now it is interesting observing how this darkness reacts to being imbued with light.

I can't tell you all the details for there is no point to this, but what I can tell you is that if we are of this light in a real sense, not in a fake sense set up by this dark consciousness, we need not be concerned no matter what occurs around us. I should state here that I am not a religious person, simply a person who takes in to what is of awareness and wisdom in my own mind. Yes, we will feel for those that are being fed off of but the time for salvation is near, as it would seem. Make no mistake, the dark consciousness will as always try to delay this occurring but they can only delay the inevitable.

Now for the event.

As my readers will know, I told of a choice I had to make in my late teenage years in previous posts, a choice between an easy road of focused spirituality or a life lived by the average human consciousness. I of course chose the latter for the benefits to human consciousness and not just to my own consciousness as this is evident today. Yes, there are a lot of people out their that still don't know they are doing just this, but that will change.

On and off all through my life I experienced, through my so-called dreams, a dark consciousness visiting me late at night. As it turned out, this visitation depicts the environment of this dark consciousness upon human consciousness overall. As through my life in so many areas of my life, I have had to personally experience physically and/or mentally the besetment of trauma upon human consciousness overall by this dark consciousness. You could say it is part of the job criteria.

This dark energy is of molesting mentally and physically in anyway it can. Within this process of molestation, an energy is given off that this dark consciousness feeds off of. It is like in the process of creating andenochrome physically, but in this case an andenochrome fix is created spiritually, non-physically or mentally. Most people would freak out if they had any idea how many people have and are being subjected to this kind of mental andenochrome extraction. Yes, the present deliberate created fear, hysteria and paranoia is a part of this extraction so try to avoid being drawn into this. Also, try not to be coerced by this dark consciousness into child molestation, this type of coercion is very strong at present.

Now for the fun part, the enlightenment.

One other person and myself could here of the arrival of this dark consciousness so we tried to awaken the rest of the people in the house to this menace. Now I can't tell you if we were able to awaken the other people but as the dark consciousness appeared for extraction of andenochrome type energy, a bright clear light appeared behind me which the dark consciousness coward from in utter fear. What was visualised quite interestingly was the effects of light upon this dark disfigured human like figure. This did not occur but a visualisation of this light entering this dark form transformed this dark form into a far less disfigured figure to it's original state. The transformation was quite incredible, it was as if a huge weight of despair, fear and anguish was lifted from this dark figure that was no longer dark or disfigured. This dark figure had no idea of it's true self, it's true being, and as of anything unfamiliar and threatening of our familiarities, fear of the unfamiliarity of the light was evident to this dark figure.

I have experienced this fear from this dark consciousness before. They fear the light because this dark consciousness thinks it will no longer be able to sustain itself without feeding off of other energy sources in the way it does. Any threat to this way of existing is rebuffed in anyway possible.

Look at it this way, how many people of the light fear the darkness? The fear of becoming a part of this darkness in anyway is great in a lot of people, as the dark prefers it to be. Something to try to remember, the light never fears being a part of the dark even when immersed in darkness. I should state here that I do have a fear of the dark in one sense or another, which of course only feeds the dark. People like me must experience what human consciousness is going through to one extent or another. The purpose to this is to confront this dark consciousness on it's own ground, within it's own environment. Ever heard of changing things from within? It is always the best approach, in the process hopefully avoiding a prolonged conflictive wrangle.

The dark figure doesn't represent a singular consciousness but a collective consciousness of dark consciousness. The same goes with one other person and myself trying to awaken other people up and me confronting this figure face on. People like me represent a collective consciousness of awareness, enlightenment, as so many people do if they know it or not and no, you don't have to be aware spiritually to be of this light, just simply aware in your own way.

Is it alright and even safe when confronting these dark figures if the light comes from within you?

It is alright if the light comes from within you but it is much better if the light comes from the back of you either through you or directly from the back of you. Try to remember, the light represents awareness, enlightenment, no individual person is entirely of this degree of awareness as this kind of awareness is of a collective consciousness, not of an individual consciousness. The light coming from the back of you represents a collective consciousness but also a collective consciousness of great awareness. Human consciousness is not adapted to this degree of awareness, anyone who states otherwise has simply shown how unaware they are, not how aware they are.

This occurrence is quite significant as it shows the progression of the light, however, please don't take what I have stated here as being necessarily true, the last thing I need to do is give people false hope. Just visualise all this light behind you as this in particular represents a collective consciousness of light. This dark consciousness is not afraid of individual expressed light.

Yes, the awakening of this dark collective consciousness to it's truer form was astonishing to say the least, very invigorating.

Sunday, 10 May 2020

Tending to the Garden

Written by Mathew Naismith

Please realise, I can’t be more forthright with this, what is presently occurring in the world is so so positive, as the ego likes to see and feel it. Mistakenly, the dark (ignorance) is no longer in the dark, unaware to physical and non-physical consciousness, it is in the light. The more the dark consciousness tries to regain it’s stature of concealment, the more in the light this dark consciousness will become of. The light (awareness) has not tricked the dark into coming forth into the light, the dark has simply tricked itself as it often does at the end of its cycle. This revealing does take the light, an aware consciousness, to participate in this revealing. If a consciousness of light just sat their tending to its own garden as the dark desires and even entices the light to do, the dark would still be concealed to consciousness as a whole. 

Dark ignorant consciousness works better when incognito, an identity concealed by a façade, a false representation usually depicting something of the light (awareness) and even false intelligence. Intelligence in the absence of wisdom is not intelligence, it is simply a misrepresented perception of intelligence. Only in the light is wisdom present. Really, only in the light is wisdom present, actually, light can only exist within the presence of wisdom!! There is no wisdom or true intelligence within a dark (ignorant) consciousness, too many biases and desires to begin with which keeps one from being truly aware and wise. Yes, deceptive and manipulative but not of awareness and wisdom.

Tending to your own garden is like tending to your own desires or even needs, tending to your own health of your own mind, body and soul. Of course this tending to your own garden is supposed to spread outwardly or attract other gardeners to your garden, not to the collective garden. The collective garden is of all gardens, of all realities and consciousness. How you tend to this garden makes a huge difference to what is grown, in this case what reality and/or consciousness is manifested. Think of it like a plot within this huge garden. Humans are of a plot within this massively huge garden, what we do with this plot will make a difference to the garden as a whole. So if we make a mess or don’t properly tend to our plot of garden, this won’t spread to the rest of the garden as the rest of the garden is mostly healthy.

What we have done as humans is thinking that we own our own gardens not just a plot within a garden. The dark always thinks in relation to the small picture, the smaller the picture the better. You see where the ignorance comes from, the smaller the picture, the less aware!! Look around you today, who and what is trying to make you less aware. Each person is disillusioned to think they have their own separate garden, a garden that only is in servitude to one consciousness separate to all other consciousnesses.

Yes, in the light there is only one garden but not in servitude to this garden but in free sovereignty to his garden, a state free of control and power over you. You become of this massively huge garden, not just simply in servitude to this garden. Within this massive garden of awareness and wisdom, there is no separation of consciousness, all is as one in sovereignty.          

Monday, 9 July 2018

Being the Quality of Change

Written by Mathew Naismith

If people like Jesus and Buddha couldn't change the world, how are thousands or even millions of people working towards a singular goal going to change the world? Considering the enlightenment of Jesus and Buddha and many other wise and aware people in human history, millions of people not of the quality of this enlightenment are obviously not going to change the world either. We need to be honest with ourselves here, so what is the answer?

I wrote the following in regards to light and dark, light overwhelming or overcoming dark.

Imagine yourself in a completely dark room; now shine a small light, what has your focus, the dark or the light? The light is more pronounced within the dark than in the light, even though the light is surrounded by darkness!!

As it's not the quantity of people that will change the world but the quality, it's the quality of the light within the dark that will change the world, not the volume of light. If the light within the dark is not pronounceable, the dark will be more pronounced.

It all comes down to not being of the quantity or volume but the quality.........


Imagine a light room with a small dark area, what is your focus going to be on? The dark because it's more pronounced within a light room. Now imagine a balance of light and dark within a room, which, out of light and dark, is going to be your main focus on? Neither, the focus will be mainly on the balance of light and dark because it's the balance of light and dark that becomes more pronounceable/obvious.

When you go into a house that is made up of a decor of a balance of black and white, what do you notice the most, the black or white? The balance between black and white becomes the main focus, even when a brightly coloured object is added. The brightly coloured object will take your attention but your main focus is still going to be on the pronounced, the balance of black and white.

Buddha, being a prince, was in a safe heaven away from all the negatives of the world outside of his safe heaven. Jesus was a carpenter, this was his safe heaven. What did both of these people do? They went way outside of their safe heavens!! They faced the so-called negatives face on outside of their personal safe heavens, most importantly, facing the degradation of their own being. Degradation simply refers to how our desires overrule all else. In their case the act of going outside of their safe heaven was to deny their own personal desires control over them. They became more focused on the collective than the individual.

The negatives outside of their safe heavens became more pronounced, this is represented by the dark in regards to their own light. Their main focus wasn't on the light but the dark, as the dark became more pronounced to them. In truth, what is our main focus on? The light, while at the same time ostracising and/or having disdain for the dark!!! Should we give more attention, love and goodwill to the light or the dark? We most often give our attention to the light, not the dark. Yes, the quantity of people are trying to change the world but not the quality, as most of the quantity simply desires to create a personal safe heaven, not go out from their safe heaven to assist in real change.

I often give as much attention to the perpetrators as I do the victims, for example, I often give more time to bullies and abusers than I do their victims. For people like me, the perpetrators are as much of a victim of themselves as of anyone!!

All you need to be is the quality of change, not the quantity of change........M G Naismith

Saturday, 18 February 2017

On the Mountain Pinnacle

Written by Mathew Naismith

The pinnacle of success or achievement is so different for each person, one group of people desire a world of material wealth and power; others desire a world of love and light, of course both world desires are controlling over the other. For humans, it always comes to the point that one has to control the other, like the light controlling the dark or the dark controlling the light, to become predominantly the over all power of all. However, there is another choice, a choice of neither one nor the other, a choice of just being. This is likened to an achromatic existence of simplicity where the pinnacle of our outlook is to just be average.

For people like myself, the mountain pinnacle is to be average, to just be and let be, of course to be average takes in our concerns of our environment without also being controlling or destructive to the light or dark. When people like me observe a consciousness struggling to find light in the dark for example, we often give advice without forcing our advice. We simply give different views to the normal point of view; of course, the normal human point of view seems to be always about one controlling the other, or more precisely, one destroying the other within its own presses of control.

To just be and let be, allows us to exist within an average existence of neither one extreme nor another. Within this existence, there is no view of being controlling; it is just simply being void of intentions of being one or the other.

How many of us truly desire to be just average? It is usually a choice of dark and light, good and bad, rich or poor, enlightened or not enlightened, aware or not aware. How many people of light and love desire to be aware of the dark in the world? How many people of the dark, desire to be aware of the love and light in the world? In this case, we cannot let things simply just be, it always has to be a choice of either one or the other. To one or the other, there is no middle ground or neutrality of just being.

The trick is that you do not desire to be average; you just let it be void of trying to take control of anything. To desire is control and of course a control over something else. Desire always indicates control but to have an outlook of just being average is simply just being within any existence. This however does not mean we accept the controlling ways of the dark and light, it simply means we just be void of having the desire to take control over anything. Of course, this also means not taking control of the natural environment as a whole.

People like me, no matter how destructive the light is to the dark and the dark to the light, simply give our views to a simpler more balanced way of existing, of course the light and dark can't accept this kind of neutral existence, where is the control in this kind of  an existence to start with. Within this mentality of dark and light, there has to be control over the other, I often view this kind of mentality as a black and white mentality, there can only be a perception of black and white and one always in control of the other.

Of course, people like me who are neutral and just have an outlook to just be and let be, are aware that a neutral balance existence of black and white is beneficial for the whole environment, in that one not being more predominant over the other. We often have the perception that one has to be predominant over the other.

OK, I am stating we, which some people obviously have a hang-up with, an emotional preoccupation with. What does an emotional preoccupation denote and a control by what human trait? We or us simply means not just the I as in me myself, the divine mind instead of the ego mind, again it's this simple, only a controlling ego desires to make more of this!! This is certainly worth noting at this point.

We often have this perception because to be honest, we are conditioned to this perception from birth that one has to be predominant over the other. How many people are born into a country or world at war? Of course, war/conflicts denote control and dominance by force of one over the other; we are indeed conditioned to perceiving one has to overcome the other. The black has to dominate the white of visa-versa. How many people are born in a family unit where one person or a kind of people are dominating over the other or others?  We are indeed conditioned to this kind of existence but very few of us are conditioned to an existence of just having an outlook of just being average in a neutral existence.

At the human level, my ego mind desires to be more than just average in a chaotic existence; however, my divine mind often states that I am already at the top of the mountain in being just average and just being. To my divine mind, there is no higher pinnacle than to just be and be average; this is because everything else is of the ego mind that desires rather than having an outlook of just being.