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Tuesday, 28 March 2023

Women's Rights!!

Written by Mathew Naismith

This is probably one of the most important posts I have written, where it would seem women's rights in the western world is under a huge threat, not just by masculine autocratic groups, like communism and Nazism/fascism, but by western governments themselves. Let's be honest here, during the state of emergencies, western governments directly assimilated to autocratic systems of governments like communism and Nazism/fascism. A good sign of this is introducing an apartheid system, like medical apartheid, of hate and abuse!!

Where is the love and acceptance of this woke transgender communist paedophile movement? Just joining the dots.

In my own mind, no autocratic system is of promoting feminine energy, in fact quite the opposite, even though it may not look that way at first. Nazism and fascism in the mid 1900's looked really good and promising at first!! The cover of a book often does not tell you the true story to what is in between the covers, never has.

Recently, a women's/girls right activist was severally accosted in New Zealand, as a shooting by a transgender person occurred in the US. The very masculine abusive behaviour by this woke transgender communist paedophile movement is evident, it certainly speaks for itself, what amazes people like me is how western governments seem to be promoting this kind of abusive masculine energy behaviour. No person expressive of feminine energy could shoot people dead in a school, as no person expressive of feminine energy could support any kind of autocratic system of government. (1) (2)

We may see in human history how women have supported autocratic systems, but when you look beyond the cover of such women, you will notice how much of the masculine energy they have become expressive of.

In my own words, once a society has lost it's femininity, it's very nurturing, caring, loving, and accepting energy flow, masculine energy becomes unimpeded, just like how western governments seem to be promoting masculine abusive energy, especially when this is directed at women and even children, in normalising paedophilia.

Is it not funny how woke/transgender, communist and Nazi groups are also in attendance at the pro-women's rights rallies, it is by no mistake. Look at how fascists/Nazis used the same tactics in the 1900's to disrupt any group not fascist/Nazi, the exact same thing is occurring today, seemingly, with the full support of western governments!!

If men want to dress up in female cloths and act as if they are of the feminine energy, I am not going to oppose this, but when men period undermine a very nurturing, caring, loving, and accepting feminine energy flow, well, we need to all speak out against such deplorable heinous abuse, not just on the women and children of the world but on humanity as a whole. The support the western governments are seemingly giving to this deplorable heinous abuse is beyond words.



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