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Wednesday, 24 May 2023

MFP Explained

Written by Mathew Naismith

Firstly, to me, spirituality is not being of or controlled by MFP, Mass Formation Psychosis, even though it has been in the past and the present. Spirituality is about focusing on the collective as a whole, not a mass focus on a certain particular formation to produce a certain desired reality inline with certain desired narratives. Spirituality is holistic, meaning, all parts of the collective are considered, not only the parts of the collective we desire to only be of reality. You will get a better understanding of this when I break down MFP and explain it's entire meaning.

The importance of being aware of MFP at present speaks for itself, especially considering the various different ways MFP is being used on mass to entice people into certain formations fixated to certain narratives. Think of it like this. Soldiers marching in a regimented formation that are primarily focused on the formation, in the process nothing outside this formation, bar the controllers of this formation, is of reality at this point.

Mass: “The common people generally.”

Mass simply makes reference to a majority, a large or largest volume of people in a certain reality in this case.

Formation: "An arrangement of people or things acting as a unit.”

Formation in this case refers to a mass of people arrange by authorities into a certain formation, often resulting in the denial of other realities through mass focus on certain realities only.

Psychosis: “Any severe mental disorder in which contact with reality is lost or highly distorted.”

Severe mental disorder, seems too strong of words but now consider a mass of people where reality is lost or highly distorted. The effects on the collective is indeed going to be of a severe mental disorder, in the process severally distorting reality.

I will leave it up to each and every individual to determine what reality is of this MFP distortion, while remembering that anyone influenced by MFP will have lost touch with reality and determine everything not of their distorted reality distorted.

I was recently in conversation with a person who stated they were a doctor, which is highly questionable, there was no way they were going to see any other point but of what is only of their reality. The first response I received was anti-vaxxer which continued right throughout the conversation, a totally irrational response to make from the start, considering that to be an anti-vaxxer, one would have to deny how true vaccines effectively work. Notice that you can't reason with people under the influence of MFP?

Type in Mass formation Psychosis on the net, most of what is presented to you on the net is of debunking the theory of MFP, while in reality MFP is not just a theory but reality, remembering that anyone under the influence of MFP will only want to see MFP being of a distorted reality, even if they know otherwise.

Wednesday, 17 May 2023

Dreaming All Night Long



Written by Mathew Naismith

How often do we make the mistake thinking that if we or other people dream all night, it is a sign of thinking too much or of trauma traumatising us? How about if we look at this in a different perspective, while being aware that the collective consciousness is always in motion, be it that not all consciousness is in motion.

Firstly though, why don't people like me insert supporting evidence to all our claims in our posts and blogs?

People like me are not trying to convince people of anything, we are simply presenting a different perspective or our own perspective, this is very different with my blog, “Covid-19 Mind Control”, where I am trying to use facts and figures to convince people of certain proven facts and narratives. Spirituality, in my mind, is not about changing people's beliefs or perspectives, it is simply of presenting a certain perspective and way of life. The perspective or way of life lead simply speaks for itself or it doesn't, depending on the consciousness at hand.

I can dream all night long; it is the types of dreams one may have, not the number of dreams one will have. The collective or universal consciousness never goes to sleep even though a good part of this consciousness, no matter what you want to call it, is motionless, there is always some part of this consciousness that is in motion. What I am saying, which I could be wrong with, is that once you are of this collective consciousness, it is possible that you will indeed dream all night long.

Yes, you could extract the motion part of consciousness from the motionless part of consciousness and dream less, but it wouldn't then be of a collective consciousness, only of what one desires. Don't get me wrong, choosing to be of the motionless part of the collective consciousness is actually a good thing to do, especially when experiencing a reality that is always in motion. What is needed to what is desired can be two complete different things, the trick is not to desire to only be of this motionless part of the collective consciousness. Why? Because desire is primarily of motion, therefore any reality created from this will be based primarily on motion. The parts of the collective consciousness that is motionless is not based on what is desired, it is simply of the absence of desires and lusts, which is what makes this motionless consciousness so motionless.

I will experience dreams that have no form, my wife is now experiencing the same. The motion is of the same as the dreams having form, in actuality consciousness in the absence of form can be more of motion, but once you take out the form from consciousness, the motion experienced changes. It is the same as it is, not the number of dreams you experience but the type of dreams experienced. The type of consciousness in the absence of form creates a different experience, at times a more in-depth experience. Understandably, an in-depth consciousness experience or dream can be horrifying to certain people not conditioned to a connection to the collective consciousness. It can be daunting.

In saying all this, this is but of my own perspective, that dreaming all night long does not have to be only associated to thinking too much or of being traumatised, it is possible that dreaming all night long may also be an indication of being connected to the collective consciousness that in some way is always in motion.