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Showing posts with label spirituality. Show all posts
Showing posts with label spirituality. Show all posts

Saturday, 7 October 2023

Spirituality; of Uniformity

Written by Mathew Naismith

Spirituality to people like me is of Uniformity, where the absence or lack of a distorted consciousness therefore reality is evident. The further a consciousness is distorted, the less of spiritual uniformity the said consciousness becomes, a good example of this is like when religion and/or church come before God. Another example is when, allegedly, for Freemasons to go up a senior level, they have to abduct, abuse and no doubt also kill a child. This fits with a lot of current events. Considering that Freemasons are in authoritative positions in just about everything to do with authority, including police, politics, unions, health, defence force, etc, no wonder human consciousness is so abusive, divided and distorted, especially at present, if this one singular allegation is true.

Being of spiritual uniformity makes it quite daunting sitting by and observing a consciousness, therefore reality, becoming more and more abusive and divided therefore distorted, however!!

When you consider that capitalism is as autocratic as communism or fascism, be it that the almighty dollar determines or dictates every facet of our being, you realise how distorted human consciousness has become. How could a consciousness in a real sense separate and even think that capitalism is the opposite of communism or fascism? The price fixing of energy from the word go is evident for starters. Seen as energy influences every facet of our being, every facet of our being is determined by economic price fixing. Look at today's science, where profits come before science on almost every level. Does profits before science rewinds you of religion and/or church coming before God? Now look at how long this has been occurring for!!

I would not call myself an advocate of spiritual uniformity, more like a simple follower of uniformity of every facet of my being. The more and more the world is evidently becoming abusive and divided therefore distorted, the more I realise that my own consciousness is of this spiritual uniformity, being aware that spiritual uniformity is simply a state of mind body and soul of the absence or lack of what makes human consciousness abusive and divided therefore distorted.

Is humanity dividing into what is of uniformity and what is distorted, one part of human consciousness evolving into an ascended state of consciousness in the face of excessive distortion?

Considering that uniformity means everything is regular and unvarying in relation to what is of a true reality, as opposed to realities based on what is desired and lusted for, untrue realities created by distorting reality, and realising that humanity has lived like this for so long, it is understandable that a huge opposing shift from uniformity was needed to awaken a consciousness to a state of uniformity. It is like how the pandemic has awaken quite a number of people to how corrupt the current system is and has been for quite a number of years. Look at how the US congress is going to further fund a 100 billion rock and stick throwing in Ukraine!! Only in a reality that is excessively distorted could this possibly occur in. You realise this the more and more of this uniformity you become of.

Yes, without a doubt it is daunting and frustrating observing a world become more and more distorted in every sense, while also realising this could lead to a huge awakening for humanity as a whole if we embrace this small window of opportunity. I look at it as being fortunate to have this opportunity for humanity to evolve into something far less abusive and divided therefore distorted.

Wednesday, 17 May 2023

Dreaming All Night Long



Written by Mathew Naismith

How often do we make the mistake thinking that if we or other people dream all night, it is a sign of thinking too much or of trauma traumatising us? How about if we look at this in a different perspective, while being aware that the collective consciousness is always in motion, be it that not all consciousness is in motion.

Firstly though, why don't people like me insert supporting evidence to all our claims in our posts and blogs?

People like me are not trying to convince people of anything, we are simply presenting a different perspective or our own perspective, this is very different with my blog, “Covid-19 Mind Control”, where I am trying to use facts and figures to convince people of certain proven facts and narratives. Spirituality, in my mind, is not about changing people's beliefs or perspectives, it is simply of presenting a certain perspective and way of life. The perspective or way of life lead simply speaks for itself or it doesn't, depending on the consciousness at hand.

I can dream all night long; it is the types of dreams one may have, not the number of dreams one will have. The collective or universal consciousness never goes to sleep even though a good part of this consciousness, no matter what you want to call it, is motionless, there is always some part of this consciousness that is in motion. What I am saying, which I could be wrong with, is that once you are of this collective consciousness, it is possible that you will indeed dream all night long.

Yes, you could extract the motion part of consciousness from the motionless part of consciousness and dream less, but it wouldn't then be of a collective consciousness, only of what one desires. Don't get me wrong, choosing to be of the motionless part of the collective consciousness is actually a good thing to do, especially when experiencing a reality that is always in motion. What is needed to what is desired can be two complete different things, the trick is not to desire to only be of this motionless part of the collective consciousness. Why? Because desire is primarily of motion, therefore any reality created from this will be based primarily on motion. The parts of the collective consciousness that is motionless is not based on what is desired, it is simply of the absence of desires and lusts, which is what makes this motionless consciousness so motionless.

I will experience dreams that have no form, my wife is now experiencing the same. The motion is of the same as the dreams having form, in actuality consciousness in the absence of form can be more of motion, but once you take out the form from consciousness, the motion experienced changes. It is the same as it is, not the number of dreams you experience but the type of dreams experienced. The type of consciousness in the absence of form creates a different experience, at times a more in-depth experience. Understandably, an in-depth consciousness experience or dream can be horrifying to certain people not conditioned to a connection to the collective consciousness. It can be daunting.

In saying all this, this is but of my own perspective, that dreaming all night long does not have to be only associated to thinking too much or of being traumatised, it is possible that dreaming all night long may also be an indication of being connected to the collective consciousness that in some way is always in motion.

Friday, 10 February 2023

Spirituality: In the Absence of Control


Written by Mathew Naismith

Most western minded people would say that martial arts is primarily about taking control, the same with spirituality as with meditation, in actuality it is the opposite, you release yourself from control. I will explain.

Everything around you can be distracting therefore controlling, it is this distracting controlling energy you want to avoid, in the process, in a sense, leaving you with a purer energy form. This purer energy form is more focused due to the absence of distracting energy. Many people would say this distracting energy is a negative energy form but that truly is not the case, that is unless the energy is distorted. Distorted energy, such as an ego on steroids that is all about lust, power and control, has an adverse reaction to focusing this energy, even though this energy can be used to focus on lust, power and control. In a sense, in this case distracting energy, such as morality and human connections with other humans, is avoided for better focusing of energy on lust, power and control.

Bruce Lee, one of the best known martial artists in the world, not necessarily the best, could send a person airborne by just pushing them, but by a push of focused energy. The question is, do martial artists also use the ego on steroids to focus their energy?

In a material lusting reality, the ego on steroids is used to focus energy by avoiding distracting energy forms that hinder the focusing of energy, like morality. In sports this is called the zone, where sports people seem to enter into a reality of the absence of external distractions, like lust, power and control, in the process are able to outperform other competitors, like with martial artists and multinationals. To answer the question, yes, martial artists can also use the ego on steroids to focus their energy, however, not all martial arts are into this energy that can too easily become distorted, erratic.

Look at where spirituality in history have been about control, where the religion or even the church came before God, in the process creating an erratic energy flow, a distorted energy flow. To me and many eastern minded people, it would seem control is not apart of spirituality, in actuality quite the opposite. Spirituality is not meant to cause or create an erratic energy flow, it is meant to create an energy flow of consistency, in the process create an environment and proceeding reality of the absence of extremes. In other words creating an energy flow consistent with harmony and peace with the surrounding environment. Yes, this means being at peace with other spiritual practices and teachings.

It has been said to me quite often that I am not spiritual, when I am not the one using spirituality and mediation as a controlling device. Just the other day a friend of ours visited and said how peaceful our environment is. It was obvious they wished they could create the same energy flow within their own environment and relationships with their partner and child. The problem is, not everyone is into extracting themselves from external and internal distracting energy flows.

I am also not spiritual because I delve into the often critically judged negatives of the world, often in the process losing some degree of focus. I don't try to stay focus, this is control, but what I can do is come out of an erratic environment in harmony and peace. You are not meant to try to be in harmony and peace with an erratic energy flow, what you are meant to do is not be controlled by this energy flow after leaving this environment. You need to make peace with what is erratic otherwise you become of what that erratic energy flow is. Avoiding this erratic energy flow because it is critically judged negative is even worse. Why? Critical judgement to start with is of this erratic energy flow, as is being fearful of facing this energy flow face on. There is nothing to fear as long as you stay focused, to some degree, by not trying to take control. Never try to control this erratic energy flow, even within yourself.

So you meditate or sing hymns, in the process focusing energy in the absence of distracting energy forms around you, like with sports people. I can delve right into this erratic energy flow and come out still focused where the people in fear of this energy will not. Why is this so? Because too many people want to control what they fear the most or avoid what they fear the most. In truth though, if you critically judge this erratic energy or fear being within this energy flow, avoid it because all you will do is become apart of it so yes, their fear is justified but living like this is not truly being spiritual.

As with mediation, you enter into a focused energy flow of the absence of mental controlling distractions, you are not taking control of anything, you are in actuality releasing yourself from control, especially controlling ways within yourself. You are in fact releasing yourself from the controlling ways of you mind, releasing yourself from your mind that is about control and being fearful of being controlled.

Yes, in the absence of control therefore this erratic energy flow, all you are left with is a purer form of energy.

As I wrote recently in reply to an eastern mind on this subject stating, “Well explained, big wisdom of East explained like few can”.

I have lost count how many western minded people say that mediation is of taking control, it is the opposite, in actuality meditation is about releasing yourself from the mortal mind. What occurs when people get right into singing hymns, you are no longer focused on the mortal mind, a very controlling mind.

Sunday, 13 March 2022

Survival Mode


Written by Mathew Naismith

This is an interesting development. Consciousness is indeed in a process of great change.

The way that this conscious change is shown to me is through a human like form floating along instead of walking long. Th eyes are open and the right hand is facing upward. This has been going on for some time now. Today, the human form is standing still with it's eyes closed and standing still with the right hand facing upward.

This is not a depiction of a particular persons or entity, it seems to depict consciousness itself. This consciousness is not a depiction of the state of human consciousness, what I get is it is an exceptionally favourable occurrence for a human conscious shift. Lets be honest, due to the Ukrainian war, which is a travesty, human mental awareness of it's current state has materialised quite a bit. We are awakening to what has been holding human consciousness back from expatiating, expanding human consciousness beyond it's present state of awareness. Yes, a lot of people are fighting against this expatiation but this will make very little difference it would seem.

Spiritual awareness is not just about an awareness that makes us feel good, it is about awareness across the board, even of an awareness of the things we desire not to be aware of. However, not everyone is suppose to be comfortable in being this aware, if you are not comfortable with this degree of awareness, don't become this aware. By forcing the issue of awareness the opposite can occur, we could become less aware than we already are.

You can traumatise any consciousness except for an aware consciousness that is fully aware. Lets say you are aware of an upcoming trauma, being aware prior to this trauma often helps with dealing with the trauma when it hits. However, when the awareness becomes too much for the consciousness to handle, the consciousness goes into survival mode, look at how many people today are going into survival mode, exasperating the Ukraine war to no end no matter what you try to make them aware of. This is my point, the more aware you try to make these people, the more they will go into survival mode.

So why do people like me still try to assist these people to become more aware? Where not making these people aware, directly, but we are hopefully helping the observing consciousness to become more aware. What is occurring with the people going into survival mode is their subconsciousness can often be in observation mode, even though their conscious mind is not. You also have your people who are not in observation mode consciously or subconsciously but this is rare.

So why is not this survival mode a problem to human consciousness as a whole?

Firstly, the human figure standing still with it's eyes closed and right hand pointing up, seems to be a sign that human consciousness is at a point of no return. Human consciousness is unable to regress from this point consciously. Actually, the head is slightly tilted up as well. Even though this sign is not of human consciousness itself as yet, it is a sign of things to come. A tilting head means an opening up to even more awareness. Secondly, the awareness of our present conscious state is being literally exposed. This exposure has been going on for a bit now, so why the change in standing still with eyes closed and a tilted head? There seems to be far more to come, but if you are aware of impending trauma, you will handle that trauma a lot easier than not being aware.

For someone like me who is conditioned to this degree of awareness, it won't be as traumatising, in fact liberating, for a lot of other people though it will be quite traumatising, so expect these people to go in and out of this survival mode.

This sign of standing still with eyes closed is quite significant within itself, very interesting.

Tuesday, 7 September 2021

Thinking As One Mind


Written by Mathew Naismith

It has occurred before in times of great persecution and trauma, where of one mind becomes apparent, obvious to many minds. The trick is to become of this one mind instead of simply aware of this one mind, in other words instead of participating in being aware of this one mind, observe through this one mind to become of this one mind.

As in science and religion, awareness is one thing, becoming involved in what you are observing is something else.

No, communism and fascism and alike are not of becoming of one mind, it is one mind set simply enslaving all other minds to a mind set. To do this persecution is dealt out in a way to give fear of being locked down, isolated from all other minds except for a particular mind set. Instead of being of a one mind, every mind becomes subservient to a mind set.

Now the difference between being of one mind and being of a mind set, is being of one mind is of the observer, where being of a mind set is being observed. As we are seeing today, especially through the degree of censorship we are seeing, observing this kind of mind set is heavily discouraged. The subservient to this mind set are not allowed to observe, simply learn to become subservient. Yes, you are then no longer of this one mind or even of your own mind.

To a person who has an interest in science and spirituality overall, not being able to freely observe what is observable is a travesty observer wise. You are only able to observe in accordance with the mind set and as any mind set, this is limited to the mind set, however, thinking as one mind has no limitations to what can be observed, in actuality it is of observation of what is observable within it's entirety. It amazes me today how many scientists are content in being subservient to this very limiting mind set, a state of mind often witnessed occurring through being subservient to religious fanaticism, being subservient to a mind set instead of being guided by thinking as one mind.

So we are thinking as one mind and one mind only, is this not very limiting?

If we were all going to just religiously think and not scientifically think as well or visa-versa, this is not being of one mind, one mind is the ability to think as of all minds, be it of different minds. I may think more of spiritual matters, others may think more of science matters, thinking as one they are of one mind. The mind set of communism or fascism on the other hand wants everyone to be of separate minds, within this mind set you are only able to observe in accordance with the mind set, thinking as one mind on the other hand allows all minds to observe all other minds withhold hindrance.

So being subservient to a mind set seems to be all powerful over the subservient mind, this is an illusion of being all powerful. We feel and witnesses the great power and control the mind set has over the subservient. What power and control? So it is all powerful making all other minds subservient to one mind set, minds that are vulnerable to the influence of mind sets like communism and fascism. Notice only in times of great peril and trauma can this occur!!

So this is what the mind set wants you to believe is all powerful and controlling, minds that are vulnerable. Now if this mind set was to hold power and control over an equal devious and immoral mind set, I would say there is some kind of limited power and control but no, having power and control over the vulnerable mind is not all powerful. On top of this, the mind set itself has to stay ignorant to everything else it is unable to control. For a particular mind set to exist takes a particular degree of observational awareness, all else that is observable is ignored or disposed of, as we are seeing today.

Would this supposed all powerful mind set actually hold up to or have some degree of control over a mind thinking as one mind? There is no comparison to begin with, this is why these very limiting and limited mind sets have to always gain control of the influence of thinking as one mind has on minds. Why the persecution of the Christians all over again, and eventually of any spirituality of teaching of one mind? Actually, I have seen science go the same way, the mind set that profits come before science, in the process creating profiteering science as opposed to real science, a real science that puts science before profits and any other bias. I am not sure why spiritual people and atheists are not coming together on this, where we all simply become subservient to a mind set of great limitations.

So you may look at China and see no limitations of technological advancements, the same China that has live organ harvesting, literal slave labour, filthy rich while the poor go hungry, degradation of forests like in Africa at present, the building of hundreds of coal driven power plants, etc. This is the minds set Chinese style globalisation of communism, a country that outlaws males being expressive of femininity in any sense. This is a mind set of communist atheism, where spirituality is only tolerated when under the strictest control of communist mind set, if you are lucky. Was atheism allowed to express itself freely under religious observation in the modern era? This globalisation of communist style mind set is not so gracious or moral, it is it's way or no way. This should sound awfully like religious fanaticism, because that is what it is as of any extremism.

So in saying all this, no, mind sets like this are not all powerful and controlling over this one mind Yes, over minds that are vulnerable but not over this one mind, where all is observed, not just of what is desired to be observed in accordance with a mind set.

You have today a leader of a communist country replacing images of Jesus with his own image, yes, they are this delusional, thinking they have any resemblance to the one mind. I know this one mind idea is hard to imagine for a lot of people, but when we are to freely as a human species allowed to think in our own way, altogether we think as one mind. Excluding one part of this one mind is not of one mind, simply a mind set which scientifically and spiritually we should avoid. Yes, religion once went down this track of mind setting, and now it's communist atheists turn it would seem.

Will we ever start learning from the past instead of suffering from the past as a collective species? Yes, when we start thinking as one mind. I am not just referring to the one mind of the human species either, but that is my preference.

Saturday, 19 June 2021

Thinking in Infinite Terms

Written by Mathew Naismith

I was brought up in a dogmatic left wing atheist environment, as I found out I couldn't have been influenced by a more ignorant environment, very much in line with extremist religion, where it is only my way. As soon as religion or atheism dictates it is only my way, like with right and left wing politics, the credibility is shot with people like me.

So the big bang theory, remember it is only a theory, is right no matter what!! A truly rational mind would not primarily base doctrines or beliefs on known theorisations like this.

Theory: A tentative insight into the natural world; a concept that is not yet verified but that if true would explain certain facts or phenomena.

Atheism is primarily based on a particular theory as many religions are primarily based on a particular belief. A rational mind thinks, “That if humans can create what they have created in the unwise and unaware state they literally shows themselves to be in, what would a far more collective wiser and aware consciousness create?” The atheist of course can't perceive a far greater wiser and aware consciousness but many spiritually aware people can. Why? Because most often spiritually aware people's consciousness are not limited to time and space perspectives, we can also think in infinite terms.

Wednesday, 26 February 2020

Very Aware Ancient Entities

Written by Mathew Naismith

I am going to start off making reference to past lives lived in this post, so this post will of course not be for everyone.

I fairly often have dreams where I am just very sad, sobbing or outright crying in parts of my dreams. You may think I have huge psychological problems to overcome, well, in a sense yes but not in reality, a reality pertaining to myself personally that is.

In one of my past lives lived in the 4th dynasty in Egypt, I was a priest of no high stature. Our order was somewhat different to most other priesthood orders of the day. Our order didn’t see the God’s as actual God’s as most other orders saw them, they were however entities of great significant awareness. No, at no time did we see the Pharaoh’s (kings) as being a representation or of a reincarnated God or Goddess. Our order kept this very secretive as we knew what the consequences would be otherwise, as what eventually occurred.

As I don’t today, see the rich and powerful as being demigods or see that their materialism has much value to me or the rest of humanity at all. Yes, I am a part of this materialism, but I am not of this materialism, there is a big difference. As in ancient Egypt, where I was a part of the present political and religious regime, our order was separate to this regime. The reason for this lays in how our order materialised. I can’t go into this for a couple of different reasons.

Now, to get back to why all of a sudden in a dream I will become very saddened. As I thought back then in ancient Egypt, presently, why are we still doing this to each other and the environment!! Even back in ancient Egypt, the environment was abused and manipulates to serve the few or the so-called elite. The environment to our order includes people as well as animals and nature, all of what is of physical and/or mental form. Actually, these significantly aware entities also didn’t like being abused, used in a way psychologically to primarily benefit the elite, as of today. The environment as a whole isn’t there to primarily serve the few elite as in ancient Egypt and today.

So many people are becoming a part of this materialist regime at present, being simply fed the scraps that the elite will benefit from by keeping the slaves to the elite materialistic, not spiritualistic!! So why am I so saddened at times? The answer to this can’t be found through materialistic ideologies but spiritually, where one knows one is all of what is in the absolute absence of bias or desire. Yes, I still express desire and bias, but not often at the expense or of abuse of the environment around me. As I think we all should be, yes, I am saddened at times.

The following is a good read on the recollection of past lives lived.

Tuesday, 25 February 2020

Back in the Comfort Zone

Written by Mathew Naismith

There are some fundamental differences between atheism and theism/agnosticism/oneness psychology as I will explain. My own sense of oneness is of a different psychology to atheism for a very good reason.     

Gee whiz, what a discomforting experience to experience. Yes, I am back from experiencing something exceptionally distorted and discomforting but on the other hand also very aware building or enlightening. If you wonder why you get that creepy feeling up the spine being a spiritually aware person who is aware and probably empathic, this is why. To be simply in the absence of fear in any environment, this is what truly being fearless really is. Unbeknownst to these people, they had no hope in instilling fear in me or recruiting me. Yes, they tried a number of times to recruit me in their ranks as well.

Yes, atheists are on a big pilgrimage or recruiting drive. I say pilgrimage because quite a number of atheists are on a road to a world of total atheistic domination, of course along the way they must try to recruit more people to accomplish this world domination. Of course this takes a fair amount of atheistic preaching, deceitfulness and trickery. It would seem one of their exceptionally dogmatic doctrines quite clearly states, “If you are not a theist, you must then be an atheist.” Their stance on this seemed dogmatic to an extreme, but there is something a little strange in the psyche implemented here as I will explain.

Under the unbiased definitions of atheism, you have the doctrines of the belief that there are no deities, or, a disbelief that there is no deities. The new atheist doctrine states, which isn’t in the dictionary I use, is atheism is a lack of belief in the existence of deities. This is supposed to be the new up to date atheist doctrine of today, which to me is simply of deception. Why?

Agnosticism: “A person who claims that they cannot have true knowledge about the existence of God (but does not deny that God might exist)”, also, “Someone who is doubtful or noncommittal about something.”

Atheism is strictly of the commitment that the existence of deities don’t exist and can never exist, however, the agnostics stance isn’t of commitment at all in relation to the existence of deities. No joke, it was stated by a very active member of this group that you are then classed an agnostic atheist, under the present atheistic doctrines of course. In all honesty, so many atheists used agnostic principles when their commitment and dogmas where exceptionally evidently atheistic to someone like me.

There is also another difference between agnostics and even theists/spiritually aware people. Atheism, through science, is psychologically governed by facts where agnostics and spiritually aware people as a whole try to be governed by truth. As I have shown in my previous posts, facts can actually distort reality and truth. Add the fact that fraud is obviously a problem in today’s science, going by facts alone using science alone isn’t of wisdom but complete blind faith, as I found out as they didn’t know about the fraud within today’s science. The possibility that they didn’t want to know is probably more probable with some atheists. Yes, in my mind so many seemed to be also of deliberate self-deception.

Extract: Agnosticism; is the view that the existence of God, of the divine or the supernatural is unknown or unknowable. Another definition provided is the view that "human reason is incapable of providing sufficient rational grounds to justify either the belief that God exists or the belief that God does not exist."
Atheism: Less broadly, atheism is a rejection of the belief that any deities exist. In an even narrower sense, atheism is specifically the position that there are no deities. Atheism is contrasted with theism, which, in its most general form, is the belief that at least one deity exists.

I find it strange psychology and reasoning that you have to be either an atheist, agnostic atheist or an atheist agnostic, or, a theist agnostic or an agnostic theist. Of course simply being an agnostic didn’t come into this kind of psychology by the looks of it. Truly, I didn’t know there were so many difference sects of atheism and there is even more. For someone into oneness, were you have a quality of seeing everything as one, such as energy instead of separated energy entities, this kind of psychology and reasoning is beyond me. Or if you like, behind me.

Oneness; can be described as being One with God, or One with nature or being One with all Life…. but these are only words pointing to the Truth…. they are not the Truth. Oneness closes the gap between the observer and the observed, between a person and God, between a person and nature, between a person and Life.

You could say that facts also point to the truth as well. In theory, facts are supposed to point to truth when in actuality facts can often distort the truth. DNA didn’t exist until the facts proved DNA existed, even when DNA existed way before the facts determined DNA to have existed!! So the universe couldn’t have existed before the facts proved the existence of the universe!! Facts, like the perception of oneness, can point to the truth, but of course not necessarily.

So is oneness governed by the same principles as facts when pointing towards truth?

Through general science, energy is separated into separate entities, where oneness simply sees all energy being as one no matter how different they are to each other. Within the perception of oneness, everything is connected and acts as one entity even though we as humans are unable to detect this. Just because we are unable to detect this, therefore being of facts, doesn’t mean it’s not true but it does to someone whose psyche is totally reliant on facts!!  I would not myself feel comfortable reasoning like this, in all honesty to me, it is not proper practical reasoning pointing towards facts in the absence of truth.

As it is, atheists, through science, are of facts where spirituality and agnostics, which includes oneness, is more pointing towards the truth being the primary source of awareness, not facts. The difference to someone like me is obvious. Don’t make the mistake though, that atheism is a separate entity to spirituality and oneness, what would atheists have to disbelieve if it wasn’t for spiritually and oneness!!                   

Saturday, 4 May 2019

Eastern Spiritual Mind

Written  Mathew Naismith

There were two people of different cultures discussing the starvation of people, one person was shocked and appalled by how people are allowed to starve like this, the other person not so shocked and appalled. 

To western thinking, allowing people to starve to death is unkind and certainly not of love or spirituality. To eastern thinking it is different because one existence is not separated from any other existence. So to the western mind it is appalling when humans starve to death but it’s not as appalling when animals, including insects, are starved to death!!

In very recent times, a western minded lady I know was diagnosed with terminal cancer. The eastern doctor sat on her bed, put his hand on her knee and said that she had terminal cancer, go home to die because we need the hospital bed.  The western minded lady was in shock, not just because of the diagnoses but of how she was treated, especially by an eastern minded doctor.

To the eastern spiritual mind, death doesn’t exist; in fact the perception of death is simply an indication of transition from one life to another. No matter what you experience in life, even if you have suffered from life experiences instead of learning from them, all kinds of life experience’s without exception are worthy to experience. One kind of life is not desired over another no matter what, so if your life experience is to starve to death like any living creation without exception, that is karma or simply the way life is or works. So what does the western mind desire to do, change the way existence is but in service to what? Self-gratification, ego.

You see the western mind took offence to the practicality of the eastern mind; your life’s journey is to starve to death, as your life’s path is to die at home from terminal cancer. Of course in the case of the person diagnosed with terminal cancer, the bed was needed for people that doctors can help, not for people who are beyond help!!

In all honesty, if I was diagnosed with terminal cancer, I would want to go home to allow another person the bed that can be helped, and no, I wouldn’t have been offended by the eastern doctor’s very caring practical honest approach. Yes, shock horror to the western mind, the eastern doctor couldn’t have been more caring, practical and honest if he tried. In saying this, the doctor obviously needed to be aware in how the western individualised self-cantered mind works. Of course to the western mind, ensuing known pointless medical treatment is more caring!! This is like feeding an already starving people to bread more so the chances of them starving in the future are higher!! True, this is how western kindness, love and compassion works, in other words how the western mind works. If it feels good, it has to be good even when it obviously isn’t.

So to the western mind, being spiritual has everything to do with feeling good and being good within the views of the western mind, in other words, being positive instead of negative. You know what? The eastern spiritual mind doesn’t separate everything like this between what is negative and what is positive. In truth to me and people like me, the eastern spiritual mind is all about the collective’s wellbeing, not the individual’s wellbeing of; if it feels good to the individual, it has to be good to the collective. In truth, which the western mind in all cultures is not about, this is simply not the case, not everything that feels good to the ego individually is good for the collective.  

In all honesty, the eastern spiritual mind is of the balance of western and eastern thinking. Never expect or even demand that the western spiritual mind thinks like this, this is unless influenced by eastern thinking as well.

I am not of an eastern mind or primarily of an eastern mind but I often balance out the western mind with eastern thinking, as eastern spiritually aware people often do.  

Note; when an eastern spiritual mind feeds a starving person, this is different to when a western spiritual mind feeds a person. It is like the love of an eastern spiritual mind is different to a western spiritual mind; there is no attachment to love of an eastern spiritual mind, when the western mind often becomes highly attached to love. Attachments are likened to control, as the western mind is of taking controlling rather than not being of control. The eastern spiritual mind is actually of releasing oneself of control, also meaning to release oneself from attachments even of love.  How many western spiritually minded people of love can detach themselves from the feelings of what love gives them? In all honesty, this is all about taking control of retaining fixated attachments the western mind will never give up, unless balanced out by the eastern mind of releasing oneself of control and attachments.  

The eastern spiritual mind doesn't have to deal with releasing oneself of control and related attachments because this kind of mind doesn't seek to control but to release oneself of control. There are no attachments even to what the feelings of love can give oneself.

In regards to starving people, there is no difference to starving animals, also, this is there life's journey that we should refrain from taking control of. This is the same with the terminally ill person; refrain from taking control of someone else's life's journey is as loving and caring as a spiritual person can get, but of course the western spiritual mind will understandably always think otherwise through attachments created by being controlling.

Tuesday, 5 February 2019

A Touch of Guru

Written by Mathew Naismith

1- (Sikhism) each of the first ten leaders of the Sikh religion
2- (Buddhism) a Hindu or Buddhist religious leader and spiritual teacher
3- A recognized leader in some field or of some movement
     "a guru of genomics"

Should we truly ignore or denounce an environment that depicts a high degree of life experiences, awareness and wisdom? Imagine ignoring an environment that has thousands of years of life experiences behind it because of our prejudices. The psychological benefits of not ignoring such an environment are huge to start with. Imagine ignoring a Hindu spiritual teacher/guide because they are Hindu, even while knowing that Hinduism is the longest surviving religion/school of life. As many of us have discovered, techniques in dealing with modern day life still stands today, even though this kind of wisdom can be thousands of years old. In actuality, because these ancient teachings are still relevant today, shows they are proven.

Imagine from infancy not learning from our environment while experiencing the very same environment we are not learning from!! How many of us are doing just this these days, totally ignoring the very same environment we are experiencing as opposed to a desired environment in accordance with our own prejudices? Some of us desire to be only of a fifth dimensional reality, while showing no desire to learn from their present 3rd dimensional environment!! So when you have dismally failed in learning from one year of schooling, you go onto the next year of schooling!! It is simply not going to happen.

Gurus, no matter of what kind of Guru, is apart of our environment we can either learn from or not as of any part of our environment. Yes, spiritual Gurus can become wealthy or financially comfortable while teaching a whole history of learning of awareness, life experiences, wisdom and psychological sustainability or balance. Material wealth is simply apart of an environment a Guru teaches in and does not ignore or have disdain for because they are of spiritual virtues. One of the main differences between a spiritual Guru and spiritually aware people, is that the spiritual Gurus have no disdain of an environment or desire to be of one environment over and above another.

It is wise not to confuse a wealthy Guru to a wealthy multinational. Most often the multinational losing all of their material possessions will emotionally suffer greatly, the same can't be said of a spiritual Guru. As of all material possessions, including our own possession of our physical self/life, it is but a passing moment as all that is finite in nature will pass by. It is no big deal. How many people, including spiritually aware people, spend a lot of their energy taking care of their mind and body, in other words their greatest material possession? So it is not okay to gain material financial possessions but it is okay to gain and cherish to death our own personal material possessions, our physical body and mind!!

There is a big difference between a Guru and a non-Guru; thousands of years of life experiences, awareness and wisdom are but a few main differences, especially in regards to a spiritual Guru. I don't follow Hinduism or any other religion /philosophy religiously, but I do know of the benefits of not ignoring them because of my own personal prejudices and disdain.

You might then look at new religions or modern day science not being of thousands of years of experiences, awareness and wisdom. Modern day science derived from mysticism and philosophy, in other words thousands of years of experience, awareness and wisdom. New Age religions have also derived from thousands of years of experiences, awareness and wisdom, however, if this thousands of years of experience, awareness and wisdom are ignored because of our prejudices, we lose what our environment as a whole had to teach us. My own wisdom tells me this is a huge mistake that so many of us are presently making.

I have to say this. I take my hat off to the people who have been avid readers of my blog/blogs, I have told it how it is, not how we would desire it to be told. The desire of being negative or positive, bad or good, wrong or right, black or white, has no bearing upon you. It takes a huge amount of energy to obtain and always be in a positive frame of mind, as it takes to be negative, this is while being truly positive takes no effort at all. If being positive to you is avoiding anything remotely negative or positive, are you truly being positive? A Guru is not conditioned to a black and white mentality like this, where one frame of mind is sought above all other frames of mind at the cost of everything else. Being a Guru is simply the extrication of the conditions of a black and white mentality, a mentality that always seeks to be positive or negative within their own frame of mind. It actually takes no energy at all to be truly positive in any circumstance.

Yes, a Guru will extricate themselves from reality, a reality that is conditioned to a black and white mentality in that you have to be negative or positive, black or white. Being truly positive is like enlightenment, it is something obtained without effort or expenditure of energy. What you are doing is releasing yourself from expending so much energy, releasing yourself from expending so much energy all the times to fulfil your desires and a desired state of existence. This is a touch of Guru.  

Saturday, 2 February 2019

Self-Psychoanalysis and Spirituality

Written by Mathew Naismith

At the present time I must sit back and watch a person who is not being properly clinically examined or analysed. Knowing what I know, this is very difficult to do. This eighty year plus person simply can't be bothered helping themselves live, even though there is nothing physically wrong with them to any great degree. This person is trying so hard to become ill or physically disabled. No doctor or social working has bothered asking the four key questions of psycho analysis. As a lot of our ailments come from our mind set, I find it strange that doctors (physicians) are not trained to ask the four key questions of psychology.      

The four key questions can vary in accordance to the situation, but the four key questions are fundamentally of the same attribute. In other words strive to bring about the same outcome through simular means, no matter what the circumstances are. It is important that you ask these questions in sequence for one question leads to ask another particular question, not any question by chance or luck.

Question 1; gives an outline of where to start, for instance, "Are you married or single?" You would ask this even if you knew if they were married or not as you want to set a precedence in relation to the four key questioning process.

Question 2; Depending on the answer to question one, question two is to do with starting to find the problem. A question like, "Are you happy with your partner or being single?"

Question 3; is a vital question. From question three there are a number of directions the patient can go, for instance, I am happy, while you observe the clinching of fists and looking down, or, clinching fists and looking straight at the psychoanalyst angrily. Of course if you say I am good in that area with a show of palms, yet another direction can be followed.

Question 4: After a number of other non-key questions relating to question three, question four is primarily to do with conformation of the analysis of the first three questions. This can vary greatly but in this case, "So you do have a problem with your partner?" 

Yes, spiritual gurus psychoanalyse themselves. Try to remember, psychology is simply a derivative of philosophy, an analysis of natural life. As modern day science owes its existence to both mysticism and philosophy, psychology owes its existence to philosophy. Mysticism is of course the forbearer of alchemy and today's chemistry.            

No true spiritually aware person psychoanalyses the external environment they are experiencing, they analyse their own inner environment. The four key questions are not relating to their external environment but their internal environment.
Question 1- How many spiritually aware people today wish to escape the present environment?

Question 2 - Why do they want to escape this environment?

Question 3 - Question three relates to if the environment is stated as being negative and/or toxic," So why do you think the external environment is negative and/or toxic? 

Question 4 - Relates to the conformation that they are not looking within but are instead critically judgmental of the external environment. This is while one is suppose to be going in and analysing the inner environment or self, not the outer self or environment!!

The external environment is what it is; it is how we react to this environment that makes the external environment what it is. This is like anyone who has suffered trauma from external sources; it all comes down to how they psychologically handle the trauma involved. If handled badly, they will not want to rejoin the external environment as it is too toxic to their psyche. In all self-honesty, are not a lot of western spiritually aware people suffering from trauma attributed to the external environment? The external environment is only as toxic as we perceive it is. To manifest such a mentality of negativity and toxicity, will only bring about more trauma associated with the external environment, not less.

As Jesus stated, "Father, forgive them, for they know not what they do." I am not a Christian myself but this statement is still very true today. As of the 80 year plus person who knows not what they do, hurting themselves and others around them through not being self-honest, so are a lot of other people in westernised spirituality. Try to remember; it is the western mind in all of us that doesn't like to be shown there is something not quite right with itself, even through self-analysis. Like a mentally ill person, often as illusionary inner reality will replace the external reality, how many western minds will be offended by this kind of self-honesty? If you are offended, try asking yourself the four key questions, the following should give an idea of this but please be honest with yourself.                      

Wednesday, 23 January 2019


Written by Mathew Naismith

Most often our past determines our future and most often our past, especially when related to trauma in some way, to something we desire to stay unaware of, isn't something we desire to be self-honest with. So what do we do? We only live within the present while saying the past and future are irrelevant or an illusion. This is while time is the predominant influence in our everyday life at present!! See how dishonest we can be to ourselves? Time of course represents a past, present and future, a state of union instead of separation, especially the separation of one energy source from another to escape facing our traumas personally and collectively.

It is common practice for a consciousness in trauma, either personally or collectively, to use every means possible to escape facing trauma. Of course to do this, we must turn away from being of self-honesty and become dishonest with ourselves, and of course everybody else.             

Extract: Throughout history, deception has been an effective survival strategy. Yet, like all primitive survival strategies, when deception becomes habitual and is not directly about survival, it prevents us from continuing growth. For each of us, to the degree that we are not real with ourselves or that we withhold important truths from others, we just cannot keep evolving.

I wrote the following reply to a query in relation to my last post, "Assisting a Consciousness in Trauma".  

Basically, what you are doing is guiding them instead of pushing them towards a goal.
My father was trained to do this as a foreman. I tend to do this myself, my downfall is I also express self-honesty, it is funny how this psychologically freaks people out. Actually, when it does freak people out, their reactions tell me a lot about them. It is not that people react, it is how they react and what they react to. 

Our consciousness collectively isn't conditioned to being self-honest. How many of us don't look at what our own country/culture has done and is doing to others in the world, but we will point the finger at other cultures. Bringing a person out of the affects of trauma takes one to become gradually self-honest, not an easy thing to face, especially when we are conditioned to be self-dishonest with ourselves.

I have someone at present under my wing that is not good physically and mentally, the fits, blackouts and the scaring to the brain certainly don't help. I am slowly coaxing (guiding) them to be self-honest without causing more anxiety attacks.

This has done it, I am going to right up something about self-honesty. 

Spiritually, how dare I turn to science and psychology for the answers, this is while our minds are predominantly influenced psychology. On the other hand, how dare I turn to spirituality for the answers, even though science has proven a number of spiritual practices to be highly beneficial to us!! From atheism/materialism to spirituality/religion, dishonesty predominantly influences our lives, this is instead of self-honesty.

The article I have inserted is worth reading through, but only if you are a self-honest atheist/materialist or spiritual/religious, etc, person. If you are not into self-honesty, the article supplied will only represent a threat to your psyche and be promptly denounced in some way. Yes, by all means go into protective state of mind but do this honestly. All that dishonesty will create, either personally or collectively, is more of the same trauma, if not to you someone else.

Yes, I can get into a conscious state of timelessness, where there is no past or future, only the present moment, a state perceived by my ego to be of utter bliss.  At no time is this separate to time where a past and future exist. Of course when a consciousness experiences time, a past and future, trauma is sure to exist as time is of cycles and endless changes. Spirituality is about how you cope with the associated trauma in relation to time, not how you try to escape from time and times association with trauma. I could not think of a higher level of fear and self-deceptiveness, which spiritually is suppose to be not about, or am I simply being naive here?

A number of people might relate better to the following article. 

Extract: The topic of brutal self-honesty is consciously looked upon as worthy of pursuing but the majority of people don’t have the emotional maturity to follow through with such a concept.
Brutal self-honesty requires hard, emotional labor. It requires the individual to engage with the following:

Ego Dissolution

The ego wants you to stay unconscious. It doesn’t want you to be brutally honest with yourself because that means that the ego must change and change is not what it wants —comfort is what the ego wants.

Sunday, 12 August 2018

Materialistic Extremism Unveiled

Written by Mathew Naismith

 Note: This is quite a long post, sorry for this. 

Is materialism of lies and deceit and spirituality of truth and honesty? The more expressive of materialism we become, the more of lies and deceit we become!!

Materialism is based on how we feel. Spirituality is based on how we are. Unlike materialism, spirituality is not based on bad or good, wrong and right, negative or positive, spirituality is actually based on fewer motions, not more motions.

What is desire? A desire to feel good all the time materialistically; the more we desire to feel good, the more motion we are expressive of. Does it always feel good to guide the child you adore through chastising them? Spirituality is not about how good we feel but about what we constructively do. This is probably why a lot of children are not chastised, guided, these days, we have become far too materialistic.

This was in reply to, "Spiritual vision is given to those who live in truth", by Phil Good.

Imagine a reality void of materialistic desires, what then would determine what is and isn't negative or positive? The more motion we express, the more separation we will experience and the more we focus on feeling good. Seen as spirituality, especially Eastern spirituality, is about expressing less motions through practices like meditation and the realisation of oneness, expressing any kind of extreme motion, especially to feel good, isn't of spirituality, it's materialism.  

Don't be tricked by materialistic desires, materialistic desires often deceive us in thinking they are one thing when they are another. Of course if it feels good, it must be good, this could not be further from the truth.

I also love interacting with people who have experienced actual life experiences instead of simply expressing plagiarised life experiences. A life experience copied from books, studies and workshops and recited as a life experience experienced by the presenter. My interaction with Heather, who is a police officer, is always a pleasurable experience for me. So much comes from me with this kind of interaction.

Heather's Reply
Yes, being a Police Officer, I have to support all information with evidence. This has become standard for me and it is interesting to observe how it is not standard for others.
I have been caught out twice recently for posting information on FB that does not have supporting evidence, lazy on my side and poor reporting on the others.            

My Reply
Most often it's the atheists that don't give supporting evidence to their claims, this may seem strange but it's not.

I was once an atheist myself, this was until the rest of my family and I experienced ghostly occurrences on numerous occasions. Everyone, bar my dad, accepted what the experiences were in relation to. My dad to this day is still in total denial of these occurrences. Hard line atheists, as my dad, will never accept the obvious no matter what evidence was forthcoming. 

Giving evidence to their own claims is like accepting the obvious they want to ignore at all cost. Anyone presenting anything that they want to ignore as being factual in any sense, is usually defamed in some way, within this, they are able to continue to ignore what they detest the most, most often the obvious, the truth.

Giving evidence to claims to these people is like accepting someone as an equal. As I have found out myself through various interactions, the last thing these people want to do is look at you in respect and as an equal. Psychologically, most often these people have no idea what they are doing; they are oblivious to their own actions. Having worked in the welfare arena twice over in my life, these kinds of behavioural patterns are way too obvious.

Heather's Reply
Very interesting observations. I guess you could say that by avoiding fact so that one does not have to admit the truth, is really about fear.

We know that every 'reality' and emotion we experience is created from within by ourselves, so being intentionally blinkered to what is fact, is all about how you feel about yourself

My Reply
Indeed Heather, fear. How many criminals work on the emotion fear, they often use this emotion against people for some kind of gain on purpose. Are atheists in fear of being wrong and living the fantasy? They often rebuke, in any way they can, any science or other evidence that slightly hints at this, I have witnessed this numerous times in my interactions with hard core atheists.

Do excessively positive thinking people fear being negative? Considering a true positive person sees very little negative in anything, what they call true positive thinking today isn't true. Anything expressed in excess or in an extreme way is not true to the program, it's a virus. Could you imagine the existence of computer viruses without the existence of viruses with our own programs within our minds? Computer viruses would not exist in our computer systems unless they firstly existed in our minds, within our own minds programs and programming.

There is nothing wrong with anything from atheism to religion, science to spirituality, black to white, dark to light, love to hate, etc. Only when viruses are present within these programs do programs become corrupt and destructive. How many people fear the emotion hate? It's all based on fear and what is fear based on? Attachments and the inability to let go of these conditions of attachments. To many people, the condition of love is not to hate in a huge way!!

Do I hate, especially the people in my life who have abused me physically and mentally? What would have occurred if a lot of people loved Nazism or didn't hate Nazism? The thought isn't very constructive. Hate has to be a part of our program in our present situation. Of course we have created this reality that we need to hate at times even though hate is more of a bug than a virus. Hate being a glitch in the system program rather than a virus. Hate within itself is not destructive; it's the program that hate is bugged with that is. All excessive motions indicate a virus, for example, religious fanaticism/extremism is a prime example of a virus to the program of religion. 

I don't express hate within my own program but I am aware. I am simply aware avoid of as many labels as I can be. Mentioning viruses and bugs by the way are not labels, they are simply an awareness of a difference between having conditions and not having conditions. Is the condition of being aware not experiencing and expressing viruses? No, as being truly aware takes one to be expressive of fewer conditions, not expressive or more conditions.  A pure state of awareness simply has no conditions, the more conditions our programs are expressive of, the less aware we become.

Sorry for this Heather, I love expressing myself to people who have had actual life experiences. Too often do I come across people who plagiarise their experiences. Study and read from literature and then express this as a life experience. Actually, I might write up our interaction here in a post on my blog if that is alright with you.

Heather's Reply

Matthew, really interesting words that I am getting my head around. 

I understand totally when you say that the more conditioned we are, the less aware we are. Fear undoubtedly sits at the root of conditioning, whether it is new or generational. Perhaps an Atheist feels uncomfortable at the thought of bearing the consequence of their actions over a lifetime. 

I see your analogy of viruses and bugs as that, a tool for illustrating your view, not conditioning. Ultimately we both express the same point, that the good and bad that occur in life are a reflection of our state of awareness.

Of course you can use this interaction, always a pleasure Matthew