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Thursday, 27 July 2023

Books of Faith: Timeless Antiquities

Written by Mathew Naismith

Firstly, keep in mind that I am not a scholar in books of faith, simply of an awareness of how eastern teachings are of timeless virtues and should in fact be read alike. Also, it is important to note that Christianity and Hinduism are both of eastern origin. In my own evaluation, the western mind is of time and the eastern mind is of timelessness. Often a book of eastern origin written in western languages is written in accordance with time in mind, not timelessness. The bible is a good example as the bible was never of one book to start with.

My wife and I gave a western version copy of the Bhagavad Gita to a person who is a teacher of Yoga. They have read the Bhagavad Gita and stated they have finally mastered the Bhagavad Gita. Well, you never master a book of timeless virtues as these writings are of timelessness, meaning, as each age goes by what is written changes to the age at the time. If you like, books and texts of timeless virtues adapt to each and every age, this can be very different to science or history books, noting that history is often written by the victor.

Once you decipher, and I did mean to use the word decipher here, books and texts into a western language, often the meaning of such books and texts are deciphered with the western mind in mind that is based primarily on time. The western mind is often of transient or transitory existence, the eastern mind is of eternal existence. The bible and Bhagavad Gita are of an eternal existence, the teachings and learning of an eternal existence, of the eastern mind. Yes, you will see this within quantum physics, a western orientation, an orientation due to a mind of eastern and western orientations. Often books and texts like this are of symbolism, therefore need deciphering in accordance with the age.

It is mind boggling how the western mind often refutes to orientate itself with the eastern mind as well, as if the western mind set is the be and end all. You often don't get this with the eastern mind set, this is unless of some kind of extremism. Eastern and western extremism both stagnate or hinder western and eastern mind set orientations.

If you look at the difference between western atheism to eastern atheism, you will note that western atheism is based on a transient or transitory existence, this is very different to eastern atheism, where existence is also based on an eternal existence. The orientation between eternal and transient or transitory existence is very important when reading books and texts written by an eternal mind set in mind.

I could have added various sources to support my conjectures here but I have to leave that up to the individual. Why? Because our mind sets are no doubt going to differ, considering the various orientations of western and eastern mind sets at hand. One must follow one's own path at hand. I am not here to force or teach my own mind set, simply to give a different perspective of orientated mind sets.

When you think about this, energy can't be destroyed, only transformed, being that energy is of the eternal existence!!

Monday, 17 July 2023

A Multilateral Tribe Mentality

Written by Mathew Naismith

And I thought human consciousness as a whole could act and be of one tribe!! In reality, I was hoping this would be the case, but this does not stop me from thinking multilaterally in relation to consciousness as a whole.

First of all unilateral, in relation to a conscious mentality, makes reference to a need or desire to be aware of only one part or one side of consciousness as a whole, acting out a certain type of mentality. An awareness of one particular conscious mentality only. Multilateral on the other hand makes reference to a more collective mentality, where an awareness of consciousnesses as a whole, in the absence of only acting out a certain type of desired consciousness, is apparent or acted out.

Being multilateral does not mean you act out various conscious mentalities, especially the most desired conscious mentalities, it simply means you are aware of various conscious mentalities. I will give you an example. My wife and I are aware of how many people have been harmed by covid vaccines, to one extent of another, as a lot of other people just don't want to become aware of this. My wife and I have a mentality that is multilateral, the ability to become aware of what is not desired but that which is of reality. On the other hand you have a lot of people of a mentality that desire not to know this at any point, in the process creating a reality based on what is desired, not what is of actual reality. Just because my wife and I are aware of this unilateral mentality, does not mean we act out such mentalities.

How many spiritual people would desire to know that Opera Winfrey had anything to do with her faith healer's abuse of women and girls? Look at how the present spiritual woke movement, which Opera Winfrey is supportive of, is normalising paedophilia. How many spiritual people desire to become aware of all this? This is a prime example of unilateral mentality, where only certain parts or one side of consciousness is desired to become aware of, in favour to what is desired.

I have never known a time in human history where spirituality as a whole has been undermined by a unilateral mentality as it is today.

A unilateral mentality does not make direct reference to something sinister or evil, even though it can, it simply means a more desired reality is being sought as opposed to what is of actual reality and multilateral.

Now we come to what a multilateral tribe makes reference to, firstly though we need to know what a unilateral tribe is making reference to.

As you may already know, a unilateral tribe makes reference to one part or one side of a tribe becoming the whole tribe, the rest of the tribe is literally excluded, excommunicated or eradicated from the more desired part of the tribe. The introduction of autocratic systems, like communism, and fascism, often result in the eradication of the rest of the tribe in favour of what is more desired. Yes, autocratic systems are of a unilateral mentality. If you are of a multilateral mentality, you will accept how this is occurring today, at the same time spirituality and society as a whole is being undermined by a unilateral mentality, the same mentality that is supportive of throwing rocks and sticks at each other. Not much of a difference from a Neanderthal mentality except a lot more sinister.

A multilateral tribe mentality works in a completely different way to a unilateral tribe mentality, as you may have guessed.

A multilateral tribe mentality accepts all of what the tribe is, especially in the absence of what mentality the tribe should be governed by. It is in the absence of what is desired in favour of what the tribe represents in reality. What is desired just does not come into it. At present, we are being forced to become woke, accept the normalising of paedophilia and accept being rules by an autocratic system. As in Australia, the voice legislation is to divide one race from the other, likened to what the medical apartheid system did with the covid vaccinated and the people not covid vaccinated. You guessed it, only under the control of a unilateral tribe mentality can an apartheid system exist as of normalising paedophilia and autocratic systems.

Would we still be virtually throwing rocks and sticks at each other if human consciousness was governed by a multilateral tribe mentality? I think the answer is obvious.

What seems to be occurring at present is that one part of consciousness is trying to separate itself from what is not desired, in the process resulting in the unilateral side to human consciousness becoming separated from the multilateral side of human consciousness. In-effect, the unilateral tribal mentality is using any kind of apartheid and autocratic system it can use to make this separation occur. What could occur with this separation is that the multilateral tribe mentality side of human consciousness could end up evolving over and above this unilateral tribe mentality. Why would a far less aware unilateral tribe mentality be aware of this possibility?

Under a unilateral tribal mentality, you only become aware of what is desired, not of what is truly of reality.

Due to this multilateral tribal mentality being accepting, even of a unilateral tribal mentality existence within itself, human consciousness is not as aware as it could be. It is possible, in the absence and separation of this unilateral tribal mentality that has dominated human consciousness for so long, that human consciousness could evolve beyond the control of this unilateral tribal mentality once and for all. Yes, what this unilateral tribe mentality is trying to do could in fact cause a completely different outcome than what this unilateral tribe mentality desires.