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Showing posts with label tribe. Show all posts
Showing posts with label tribe. Show all posts

Monday 17 July 2023

A Multilateral Tribe Mentality

Written by Mathew Naismith

And I thought human consciousness as a whole could act and be of one tribe!! In reality, I was hoping this would be the case, but this does not stop me from thinking multilaterally in relation to consciousness as a whole.

First of all unilateral, in relation to a conscious mentality, makes reference to a need or desire to be aware of only one part or one side of consciousness as a whole, acting out a certain type of mentality. An awareness of one particular conscious mentality only. Multilateral on the other hand makes reference to a more collective mentality, where an awareness of consciousnesses as a whole, in the absence of only acting out a certain type of desired consciousness, is apparent or acted out.

Being multilateral does not mean you act out various conscious mentalities, especially the most desired conscious mentalities, it simply means you are aware of various conscious mentalities. I will give you an example. My wife and I are aware of how many people have been harmed by covid vaccines, to one extent of another, as a lot of other people just don't want to become aware of this. My wife and I have a mentality that is multilateral, the ability to become aware of what is not desired but that which is of reality. On the other hand you have a lot of people of a mentality that desire not to know this at any point, in the process creating a reality based on what is desired, not what is of actual reality. Just because my wife and I are aware of this unilateral mentality, does not mean we act out such mentalities.

How many spiritual people would desire to know that Opera Winfrey had anything to do with her faith healer's abuse of women and girls? Look at how the present spiritual woke movement, which Opera Winfrey is supportive of, is normalising paedophilia. How many spiritual people desire to become aware of all this? This is a prime example of unilateral mentality, where only certain parts or one side of consciousness is desired to become aware of, in favour to what is desired.

I have never known a time in human history where spirituality as a whole has been undermined by a unilateral mentality as it is today.

A unilateral mentality does not make direct reference to something sinister or evil, even though it can, it simply means a more desired reality is being sought as opposed to what is of actual reality and multilateral.

Now we come to what a multilateral tribe makes reference to, firstly though we need to know what a unilateral tribe is making reference to.

As you may already know, a unilateral tribe makes reference to one part or one side of a tribe becoming the whole tribe, the rest of the tribe is literally excluded, excommunicated or eradicated from the more desired part of the tribe. The introduction of autocratic systems, like communism, and fascism, often result in the eradication of the rest of the tribe in favour of what is more desired. Yes, autocratic systems are of a unilateral mentality. If you are of a multilateral mentality, you will accept how this is occurring today, at the same time spirituality and society as a whole is being undermined by a unilateral mentality, the same mentality that is supportive of throwing rocks and sticks at each other. Not much of a difference from a Neanderthal mentality except a lot more sinister.

A multilateral tribe mentality works in a completely different way to a unilateral tribe mentality, as you may have guessed.

A multilateral tribe mentality accepts all of what the tribe is, especially in the absence of what mentality the tribe should be governed by. It is in the absence of what is desired in favour of what the tribe represents in reality. What is desired just does not come into it. At present, we are being forced to become woke, accept the normalising of paedophilia and accept being rules by an autocratic system. As in Australia, the voice legislation is to divide one race from the other, likened to what the medical apartheid system did with the covid vaccinated and the people not covid vaccinated. You guessed it, only under the control of a unilateral tribe mentality can an apartheid system exist as of normalising paedophilia and autocratic systems.

Would we still be virtually throwing rocks and sticks at each other if human consciousness was governed by a multilateral tribe mentality? I think the answer is obvious.

What seems to be occurring at present is that one part of consciousness is trying to separate itself from what is not desired, in the process resulting in the unilateral side to human consciousness becoming separated from the multilateral side of human consciousness. In-effect, the unilateral tribal mentality is using any kind of apartheid and autocratic system it can use to make this separation occur. What could occur with this separation is that the multilateral tribe mentality side of human consciousness could end up evolving over and above this unilateral tribe mentality. Why would a far less aware unilateral tribe mentality be aware of this possibility?

Under a unilateral tribal mentality, you only become aware of what is desired, not of what is truly of reality.

Due to this multilateral tribal mentality being accepting, even of a unilateral tribal mentality existence within itself, human consciousness is not as aware as it could be. It is possible, in the absence and separation of this unilateral tribal mentality that has dominated human consciousness for so long, that human consciousness could evolve beyond the control of this unilateral tribal mentality once and for all. Yes, what this unilateral tribe mentality is trying to do could in fact cause a completely different outcome than what this unilateral tribe mentality desires.

Friday 12 August 2022

Sorting Out the Ego, One Tribe

Written by Mathew Naismith

Fulfilling the desires of the ego or being submissive in relation to the ego's desires has always been humans nemesis, a state in where misery resides over and above well being of ourselves and others. It is a state where we live for ourselves over and above the tribe. It is a state where we see a difference in each other while avoiding acknowledging that we are of one tribe first and foremost in spite of our differences. A state of one tribe foregoes submissiveness to the ego, where we don't humble ourselves to the desires and lusts of the ego. Yes, a one tribe state is when we become controlling of other people and we don't abuse this position, it is a state where we work with energy while avoiding abusing energy, all energy.


  • Humble in spirit or manner; suggesting retiring mildness or even cowed submissiveness.

  • Very docile.

  • Evidencing little spirit or courage; overly submissive or compliant

Can we say that the spiritual/religious people are the meek, docile in mannerism, submissive to our past, present and future environments?

Can we also say that being docile in mannerism to the ego desires and lusts, submissive to the ego first and foremost, meek?

Are spiritual/religious people really the meek that shall inherit the Earth? Seen as many are not submissive to the ego, it is hard to see that the spiritual/religious people are the meek. You don't become submissive to docile tendencies either, you simply stop abusing energy or a position of power and control over other people. Yes, as of atheists, spiritual/religious people have indeed abused their position of power and control over other people, in the process become of the meek.

This is interesting, atheists often work on what they desire to be reality, while denouncing any other reality opposing their desired reality, the same exact trait atheists accuse spiritual/religious people of. I am not saying that spiritual/religious people don't work on what they desire to be reality, what I am saying is the same exact trait exists within whatever group you belong to within the tribe, in other words you become submissive to what the ego desires to be reality.

So do the people of faith simply desire to be of the meek that shall inherit the Earth? As do the people who abuse their position of power and control who simply desire not to be the meek, it is all based on what is desired rather than what really is. For people like me, we don't want to be the meek that shall inherit the Earth, for this means being submissive rather than simply not being abusive, where you work with energy rather than abuse energy. You work in harmony with energy, you don't become submissive to energy, like the desires and lusts of the ego. Try to remember though, expressing harmony while working for the tribe is disharmonious to the disharmonious, so even being docile is disharmonious to these groups into abusing energy and their position of power and control.

So working in harmony with energy means one is of that energy so there is nothing to become submissive to. Do people of power and control over other people, be it atheists, spiritual/religious people, etc, often desire to become of a separate entity to what energy they are going to abuse? As soon as you desire to see other energy forms not of your tribe, you become submissive to what is desired, in the process creating reality based on what is desired rather than what truly is reality. How many spiritual/religious people desire that they are the meek that shall inherit the Earth? How many abusers of energy simply desire that they are not the meek?

Forget about what group shall inherit the Earth, we have become too focused on what group will inherit the Earth, primarily focusing on inheritance, which by the way may last for a very short time like with any inheritance. Inheritance refers to a possession from a predecessor, the Earth is not anyone's possession to start with, even if this is desired by the groups into abusing energy. The Earth in real reality was not a possession of a predecessor, therefore can't be in real reality, only a desired reality, be inherited. A desired reality does not make the desired reality real.

The Earth is not a possession, simply a creation, only can abusers of energy falsely claim the Earth as an inheritance. I know of devout Christians that actually agree with this believe it or not. No, this does not mean that all Christians and spiritual people period who believe they are the meek are abusers of energy, it simply means that you can't inherit that which is not a possession of a predecessor, that which is simply a creation and not a possession to inherit. Allow those to inherit the Earth, for it will show the falsities we have been existing under as a broken tribe for so long.

We will eventually learn to never allow this to happen ever again.

Wednesday 11 March 2020

Advocating Tribalism!!

Written by Mathew Naismith

The individual has always had to struggle to keep from being overwhelmed by the tribe. If you try it, you will be lonely often, and sometimes frightened. But no price is too high to pay for the privilege of owning yourself.” (Friedrich Nietzsche)

“All of us are born into a "tribal mentality" of various forms. These include our family unit, religious background, country of origin, ethnicity, etc. The tribal mentality effectively indoctrinates an individual into the tribe's beliefs, ensuring that all believe the same.”

I am actually an advocate for tribalism, but where all spirits are of the same spirit no matter how individualistic or of one tribe one may be. Materialism is of one tribe, but of different levels of rich and poor. Spirituality is of one tribe, often seen as a separate tribe to materialism, but of different levels of negative and positive, love and hate, etc. 

They actually call this toxic tribalism.  

“Demonization — This is the first and foremost quality of someone who is toxically tribal. If there is any labeling of the other group as being “stupid,” “evil,” “racist,” “demons,” “scum,” so on and so forth then you can almost be sure that they are in the mindset of toxic tribalism.”

I am not sure if I agree with separating various tribes into toxic and non-toxic tribes myself, but I do understand that we are becoming more of separate tribes than of one tribe. If we like it or not, we are all of one tribe, either that be simply energy, the great spirit, of God, etc.

Before we are even born, our thoughts and actions are determined by our environment to start with. Even when we think we are being an individual, either an individual entity or group, were not as we are part of a much greater environment. Even as individuals we are still of one tribe, not individuals separate to the tribe. Yes, as individuals our environment is different but as a tribe the environment is the same. We are simply interactive energy, of one tribe no matter how individualistic our own environment may become.

The small picture is of the local environment and the big picture is of the environment of all of what is. As the solar system governs the Earth locally, the galaxy governs the solar system, as the universe governs the galaxies, as the bigger picture governs the universe. It is the big picture that governs the environment that governs how every other individual environment interacts within its own local environment. We seem to be more than ever only primarily interactive and even aware of the local environment we create. As individuals we have created numerous environments, usually in line with what we desire our environment to be of, all else of course being simply of the separate and even opposing tribe of negativity!!

So why is this kind of mentality labeled toxic?

It actually comes down to abuse, the abuse of energy that then creates an environment in relation or in line with the abuse. The abuse being, for example; treating our local desired environment as being the ultimate environment, the main tribe dominant or manipulative over all other environments or tribes. An example of this, tribes of love or materialism being the be and end all!!

Abuse can only be enacted in the presence of ignorance, and in the absence of awareness. This doesn’t mean awareness is the be and end all. I don’t think awareness is conducive or contributory to environments of ignorance to start with!! Yes, even a pure state of awareness is not the be and end all for all environment, but every environment is reliant on this state of awareness, the big picture or environment, existence. Why? What would one be ignorant of if there was nothing to be unaware of? Look at it this way, you can become unaware of awareness or aware of unawareness but you can’t become unaware of unawareness!!  Yes, you can be unaware of your own unawareness but to realize this takes states of awareness, not unawareness.

You could call this state of pure awareness the tribe of all tribes, but a tribe that will only influence other tribe’s environments, not to try to become the most dominant tribe or environment. One tribe trying to dominate all other tribes is simply abuse of energy, which of course creates an environment in line with the abuse being implemented!! How? Residue or pollution left over from abuse, similar to a child being abused and growing up with the affects of such abuse. Pampering to a child’s whims is also a form of abuse that can also lead the child to being abusive.   

Try to remember, even a pure state of awareness is not a be and end all to all other environments, even though all other environments rely on the existence of this environment.

So yes, people like me advocate or promote tribalism but a tribalism of universal oneness or consciousness, not a tribalism of individuation that often leads to abuse of energy. I actually promote an awareness of open honest truthfulness to the best of my ability; of course people like me will be on the receiving end of abuse of individual tribalism of their awareness being the be and end all over all other be and end all’s. 

In my own mind, the big picture or main environments that all other environments rely to exist is my primary environment, even though my local environment is important and imperative to my physical existence. Within a first nation tribe, is the squaw, warrior or even a chief more important than the tribe itself?  Now, in materialism and western spirituality, what person has become most important, who is most of the reflection on?  The individual as an individual within a tribe. The tribe is this case becomes subservient to individualistic desires of individuals. The tribe only becomes a primary concern when of servitude to the individual. Servitude is slavery, a high degree of abuse of energy!!

Yes, in my mind the tribe has become the individual’s slave to serve and only serve the individual, not the tribe as a whole, not a very wise move in my mind.