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Showing posts with label timelessness. Show all posts
Showing posts with label timelessness. Show all posts

Thursday, 27 July 2023

Books of Faith: Timeless Antiquities

Written by Mathew Naismith

Firstly, keep in mind that I am not a scholar in books of faith, simply of an awareness of how eastern teachings are of timeless virtues and should in fact be read alike. Also, it is important to note that Christianity and Hinduism are both of eastern origin. In my own evaluation, the western mind is of time and the eastern mind is of timelessness. Often a book of eastern origin written in western languages is written in accordance with time in mind, not timelessness. The bible is a good example as the bible was never of one book to start with.

My wife and I gave a western version copy of the Bhagavad Gita to a person who is a teacher of Yoga. They have read the Bhagavad Gita and stated they have finally mastered the Bhagavad Gita. Well, you never master a book of timeless virtues as these writings are of timelessness, meaning, as each age goes by what is written changes to the age at the time. If you like, books and texts of timeless virtues adapt to each and every age, this can be very different to science or history books, noting that history is often written by the victor.

Once you decipher, and I did mean to use the word decipher here, books and texts into a western language, often the meaning of such books and texts are deciphered with the western mind in mind that is based primarily on time. The western mind is often of transient or transitory existence, the eastern mind is of eternal existence. The bible and Bhagavad Gita are of an eternal existence, the teachings and learning of an eternal existence, of the eastern mind. Yes, you will see this within quantum physics, a western orientation, an orientation due to a mind of eastern and western orientations. Often books and texts like this are of symbolism, therefore need deciphering in accordance with the age.

It is mind boggling how the western mind often refutes to orientate itself with the eastern mind as well, as if the western mind set is the be and end all. You often don't get this with the eastern mind set, this is unless of some kind of extremism. Eastern and western extremism both stagnate or hinder western and eastern mind set orientations.

If you look at the difference between western atheism to eastern atheism, you will note that western atheism is based on a transient or transitory existence, this is very different to eastern atheism, where existence is also based on an eternal existence. The orientation between eternal and transient or transitory existence is very important when reading books and texts written by an eternal mind set in mind.

I could have added various sources to support my conjectures here but I have to leave that up to the individual. Why? Because our mind sets are no doubt going to differ, considering the various orientations of western and eastern mind sets at hand. One must follow one's own path at hand. I am not here to force or teach my own mind set, simply to give a different perspective of orientated mind sets.

When you think about this, energy can't be destroyed, only transformed, being that energy is of the eternal existence!!

Monday, 29 July 2019

Freedom from Time

Written by Mathew Naismith

There are infinite scenarios that can be experienced. Infinite refers to endless numbers of choices which refers to freewill. If there are infinite choices, there is freewill. Time alone, which is based on starting and ending points, are limited to certain variables, even though these variables can be of infinite scenarios. Even when the subtle body and gross body are limited by starting and ending points, these scenarios that are able to be experienced are not really limited. As I have stated a number of times before, we have freewill but we don't, depending on how we perceive. 

Yes, destiny seems to only affect gross and subtle bodies as destiny can only be experienced in time, being that destiny relies on starting and ending points. Only in relation to time can freewill seem non-existent, because of the perception that time limits a consciousness to.  

Time = motion, space, finite consciousness, limitations, starting and ending points, separation. 

Timelessness = motionlessness, spacelessness, infinite consciousness, unlimited, no starting or ending points, oneness. 

Actually, in all, only the gross and subtle body limited by and to time can perceive that we have no freewill, even when infinite scenarios therefore choices therefore freewill obviously exist outside the limitations of time. 

Can a consciousness only conditioned to time perceive in a timeless mode of thought? Utterly impossible no matter what is presented, this is why it is pointless continually conducting ourselves in a one sided conversation. You have made the fundamental mistake that time conditions a consciousness to, especially when mentioning that I present evidence based only on time, limitations, and, that freewill is only perceived by the gross body.

Actual freewill is determined by states of timelessness, motionlessness, spacelessness, infinite consciousness, unlimited, no starting or ending points, oneness, not the other way around xxxxxxx. 

You seem to be chasing knowledge, where I simply allow for awareness to abode. You are well read, where I am simply aware. I have actually read and studied very little. I was told at a young age not to read and study, but to simply allow awareness to abode by allowing awareness space to abode in. Giving space for awareness to abode in simply takes one to release one from control of the ego and being in control. To be perfectly honest, reading and studying is often of taking control. Yes, read and study but do it in the absence of taking or being controlled by what you read and study. When a consciousness is primarily conditioned to time, this is virtually impossible to do. For starters, becoming aware of this in states of time is virtually impossible. 

You are milking me, in other words trying to gain knowledge through me to gain more control. I am not doing you any good in continuing this discussion, however, is this discussion really to do with you as a singular entity trying to gain more control?  

Monday, 20 August 2018

Living Consciousness

Written by Mathew Naismith

There are a number of different sources of information in relation to living consciousness, each has their own views on living consciousness but what is living consciousness? I have included two sources in relation to this topic further on in my post.

Living consciousness is basically perceived as representing an energy source in motion while in participation; this is instead of a consciousness not in motion. To get an idea what represents a consciousness in motion and not in motion, imagine being an observer to participation. Being a participator is obviously of motion, however, being an observer judging or perceiving, for example, a negative or positive, is also of participation. Full on observation is observing participation void of any motion (participation) what so ever. Participation refers directly to motion therefore a living consciousness, however, as I will explain further on in this post, this only represents a consciousness that is half alive, half aware.

So does this mean a consciousness not of motion is dead as opposed to living?

In true state of observation therefore motionlessness/timelessness, nothing is in opposition as there are no perceptions of opposites. In this state everything is as one, for only in time is there starting and ending points therefore opposing forces like birth and death, light and dark, high and low, etc. Does consciousness actually go into a state of death from a state of life after our demise? Time, therefore motion and participation, tells us it does but timelessness, therefore motionlessness and observation, tells us something quite different. If you perceive that a major shift in energy flows from one state to another, like from birth to death, is a state where consciousness dies, a complete state of death is perceived. However, when we truly observe without participation, no true form of separation of one state to another has occurred. In a state of observation there are no perceptions, there is only awareness void of any separation therefore motion what so ever.

Perceived living consciousness = motion + participation + time + perceptions + separation

Non-living consciousness = motionlessness + observation + timelessness + awareness + oneness

It's really advisable not to perceive that a non-living consciousness is dead or represents the death of a consciousness. Within this state you actually become more alive as you become more aware. Yes, there is a connection with being aware and life. How aware is an insect to life, to its own existence, than man? Man is more aware of life than an insect, however, how many people are aware of an existence of consciousness after death? It's as though we are only half alive when not of the awareness of consciousness's existence after our so-called death. We are basically living in participation wile excluding observation, a separation of participation and observation. What occurs when we become more observant? We become more aware even in our present state!!

Living consciousness actually refers to both motions and motionlessness, time and timelessness, participation and observation, etc, void of separation of one to the other. 

A good way to practice in observation is to go on an internet forum and simply observe without judgment. It's a lot better if you observe what you perceive to be negative in some way; this can include anything that questions your own personal and professional beliefs/concepts to anyone's actions that disgusts you. Condition your consciousness to wholly observe at first and when you feel comfortable in observation, interact/participate with other people. Note, when in participation, avoid any participation with anyone who is obvious within their aggression towards you at first. You will soon be able to participate with people who are obvious within their aggression latter on. It's actually advisable to do this, only when comfortable to do so, as this will condition you to then observe your own participation under duress or strain. Yes, you will have to still block some people. I don't ignore people while in participation; I see this as being rude and disrespectful so I block certain people instead but only after a certain amount of interaction.                        

Extract: Throughout the work, Barnard offers “ruminations” or neo-Bergsonian responses to a series of vitally important questions such as: What does it mean to live consciously, authentically, and attuned to our inner depths? Is there a philosophically sophisticated way to claim that the survival of consciousness after physical death is not only possible but likely?

Extract: Living consciously is about taking control of your life, about thinking about your decisions rather than making them without thought, about having a life that we want rather than settling for the one that befalls us.


I don't actually conform to taking control of our life. For me, it's more about letting go of control of motions; this gives us more free will to choose how we want to live our lives while living a life in motion. You really don't have to be in control therefore controlled by motion to be of a living consciousness.......        

Thursday, 1 December 2016

Simultaneous Existence part3

Written by Mathew Naismith

Philosophical presentism is the view that neither the future nor the past exist.[1] In some versions of presentism, this view is extended to timeless objects or ideas (such as numbers). According to presentism, events and entities that are wholly past or wholly future do not exist at all. 

You project aspects of your consciousness into many different timeframes, simultaneously. You, at the human level, receive information from your other selves, in different amounts and at different moments, as you need them. There is much more influencing us than what we recognize.

Time = motion

Timelessness = motionless

It's impossible for a simultaneous existence to exist while we have a perception of time, of course time being of motion. The perception of motion gives us an idea that everything is governed by time, basically, everything is governed and perceived through motion. The perception of motion then gives us a perception of a past and future, within this singular perception, simultaneous existence is impossible, however, time, therefore motion, is only one part of what we are apart of as a whole. We must also consider our motionless self, our self that is not governed by the perception of time therefore motion.

Time as we know it seems to be man made. We live on a planet that revolves around a sun that gives us a perception of day and night, of course this perception of time is created from motion, the motion of a revolving planet, however time is not just governed by a revolving planet, distance or space also determines time and motion. Man didn't create this universe that is predominantly governed by motion therefore time. It is obvious man didn't create time as he didn't create motion. Man instead is governed by time and motion, this is all, and it's this influence that denies the possibility of being of a simultaneous existence.

It's basically a time (motion) based consciousness denying the existence of a timeless (motionless) based existence. Now, how many timeless based consciousness's deny the existence of time based existences, time being an illusion which was created by man? Within this perception, all time based existences are an illusion, however, time based consciousness's also perceive that timeless based existences are an illusion, which perception is right over the other? Neither, because we really exist within a simultaneous existence, existences of time and timelessness, of motion and motionlessness void of the denial of other existences. Only a limited consciousness would deny an existence of other existences not of it's own existence or comprehension!!

Where is our balance? It has to be one or the other, not a simultaneous existence of time/motion and timelessness/motionlessness. This again is a black and white mentality which I don't conform to. Where is the balance between our motion and motionless existences when one is an illusion and the other is not an illusion? Which one is the illusion to what conscious existence either of time or timelessness? Of course one will always state the other is the illusion, until you realise we do indeed exist within a simultaneous existence, not one or the other.        

A time based consciousness states that timeless based existences are an illusion, only time based existences truly exist.

A timeless based consciousness states time based existences are an illusion, only timeless based existences truly exist.       

It is wise to remember that time, therefore motion, was not created by man, man is only a participator of time, not the creator of time.

Time = participation

Timelessness = observer

I thought the following response, to my last post, from a good internet friend of mine was interesting.

If one's Memory is good, one can remember many lifetimes and even other dimensional life's and forms that are not human. There is also the between realms.

ms world besides. It all is complicated in human form to remember and can cause problems if one has lost their balance.

My reply

Absolutely Michael, well stated.

I don't think human consciousness itself is able to comprehend anything beyond it's own existence, if it tries to do so, one can cause oneself unnecessary trauma. What makes human consciousness human is it's limitations.

However, we are certainly not just of human existence and consciousness, we are all of what is. Within this knowing state, we are able to comprehend, to one extent or another, other existences, basically becoming aware of our whole being.

As the world around us is going to hell, people like us are becoming more aware of our truer being. We no longer feel we belong as the present existence is only a part of one part of our whole being, I think the present situation on Earth is bringing this awareness forward.
It would seem we have lost balance between human existence and all our other existences that represent our whole self, we are just not of one existence but of all existences. However, I do understand why human consciousness is unable to comprehend this. To comprehend this, we need a balance between this existence and all other existences. This just isn't occurring for a lot of us, we are becoming more human while denouncing all other existences that are also a part of us.


Through this, you get the idea  how infinite we really are as a whole, even within time itself as time based existences are endless within their motions, expressions and perceptions. As is timelessness infinite, so too is time within it's endless motion.

Freedom comes with the need to become aware of the whole, not what we desire the whole to be!!