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Saturday, 7 October 2023

Spirituality; of Uniformity

Written by Mathew Naismith

Spirituality to people like me is of Uniformity, where the absence or lack of a distorted consciousness therefore reality is evident. The further a consciousness is distorted, the less of spiritual uniformity the said consciousness becomes, a good example of this is like when religion and/or church come before God. Another example is when, allegedly, for Freemasons to go up a senior level, they have to abduct, abuse and no doubt also kill a child. This fits with a lot of current events. Considering that Freemasons are in authoritative positions in just about everything to do with authority, including police, politics, unions, health, defence force, etc, no wonder human consciousness is so abusive, divided and distorted, especially at present, if this one singular allegation is true.

Being of spiritual uniformity makes it quite daunting sitting by and observing a consciousness, therefore reality, becoming more and more abusive and divided therefore distorted, however!!

When you consider that capitalism is as autocratic as communism or fascism, be it that the almighty dollar determines or dictates every facet of our being, you realise how distorted human consciousness has become. How could a consciousness in a real sense separate and even think that capitalism is the opposite of communism or fascism? The price fixing of energy from the word go is evident for starters. Seen as energy influences every facet of our being, every facet of our being is determined by economic price fixing. Look at today's science, where profits come before science on almost every level. Does profits before science rewinds you of religion and/or church coming before God? Now look at how long this has been occurring for!!

I would not call myself an advocate of spiritual uniformity, more like a simple follower of uniformity of every facet of my being. The more and more the world is evidently becoming abusive and divided therefore distorted, the more I realise that my own consciousness is of this spiritual uniformity, being aware that spiritual uniformity is simply a state of mind body and soul of the absence or lack of what makes human consciousness abusive and divided therefore distorted.

Is humanity dividing into what is of uniformity and what is distorted, one part of human consciousness evolving into an ascended state of consciousness in the face of excessive distortion?

Considering that uniformity means everything is regular and unvarying in relation to what is of a true reality, as opposed to realities based on what is desired and lusted for, untrue realities created by distorting reality, and realising that humanity has lived like this for so long, it is understandable that a huge opposing shift from uniformity was needed to awaken a consciousness to a state of uniformity. It is like how the pandemic has awaken quite a number of people to how corrupt the current system is and has been for quite a number of years. Look at how the US congress is going to further fund a 100 billion rock and stick throwing in Ukraine!! Only in a reality that is excessively distorted could this possibly occur in. You realise this the more and more of this uniformity you become of.

Yes, without a doubt it is daunting and frustrating observing a world become more and more distorted in every sense, while also realising this could lead to a huge awakening for humanity as a whole if we embrace this small window of opportunity. I look at it as being fortunate to have this opportunity for humanity to evolve into something far less abusive and divided therefore distorted.

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