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Saturday, 6 January 2024

Beautiful Sentiments!!

Written by Mathew Naismith

“If you can't say anything good about a person, don't say anything at all.”

Beautiful sentiments that a lot of people try to live by, sentiments worth striving for.

So, if I know of a person abusing children in our community, if I can't say anything good about this person I can't say anything at all, which leads to even more children being abused.

Morally, people like me just can't live by beautiful sentiments like this in an imperfect world, not at the risk of other people being hurt. In all honesty, trying to live by beautiful sentiments like this in an imperfect world will only result in even more people being abused, not less.

Have you noticed that people who live by sentiments like this actually determine that, anyone who does not live by sentiments like this are often immoral. In other words, if you are honest and open with the truth you are immoral. It is interesting that being open and honest with the truth is immoral.

People like me live by, if you can say something good about a person, not saying bad about a person being abusive is outright deceptive and even immoral.

In a perfect well balanced world beautiful sentiments like this are indeed worth living by, in fact are automatically an everyday part of existence, however, living by sentiments like this in an imperfect world will only lead to a more imbalanced energy flow/world, as what has seemingly occurred.

Yes, people like me are indeed labelled with being immoral when open and honest with the truth and even depicted as loving conflict. So if you notice a harmful energy imbalance or a festering of emotions that you know often lead to further imbalanced energy flows, or a festering of emotions that leads to further abuse, it is of loving conflict to bring this imbalance out in the open to be dealt with!!

Exposing the truth in an open honest way often leads to one being labelled all sorts of things, in an imperfect world, however, in a perfect world, ironically, you would be labelled as a peace keeper or a person trying to keep energy flows in balance instead!!

A beautiful sentiment to people like me is being open and honest with the truth in an imperfect and perfect world, while realising in an imperfect world other people will desire to see this quite differently.

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