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Monday, 15 January 2024

The Great Spirit

Written by Mathew Naismith

I love the American Indian or first nation people's description of an energy that can't be destroyed, as of all energy, nor can it be changed or distorted, like all other energy. The following may sound repetitive, so not worth reading, but there are subtle and not so subtle changes, this is due to the never ending cycle of changing energy, like the ever changing weather in the life of this planet.

You can equate this spirit within all things to any ideology that is based on an energy that can't be changed or distorted. For an example, an energy flow that puts religion and/or church before God is in fact basing their form of ideology on an energy that can be changed and even distorted beyond recognition. Would a far more distorted energy flow take advantage of this kind of distortion? If a far more distorted energy flow did not create the distortion in the first place, it would certainly take advantage of it as of present in the world it would seem.

I find it most peculiar that so many of us base our entire life and human existence on energy flows that can be distorted, often beyond recognition. People like me when looking at an ideology look for what that ideology is based on, focusing on the energy flow to see if it is based primarily on an energy that can't be distorted. I look for this spirit within all things that can't be distorted by another distorted energy flow. Put in another way, I look for a balanced energy flow compared to an imbalanced energy flow. There is no balance to be had in an energy flow that can be distorted at will.

Why would someone like me dogmatically follow something like the teachings of Lucifer for example, as a huge number of people today are doing? Common sense alone tells me not to attach myself to such a distorted energy flow to start with, notably one of the most distorted energy flows in existence.

I am flabbergasted at how society itself has become so attached to numerous energy flows of distortion based on lust and desire, as opposed to a society based on what is not lusted for and desired. In other words base a society on energy flows that are not distorted. How many of us know about the distortions of energy, that human existence has become primarily based on energy flows that are distorted to excess from the initial energy flow, the great spirit, the spirit within all things?

Yes, everything in existence has this great spirit within, be it that the more our own energy becomes distorted, the further unrecognisable or buried this energy becomes, however, no matter how buried this energy becomes within distorted energy flows, this great spirit still exists. It must be infuriating for distorted energy flows not being able to destroy this great spirit, and at times coming across an energy flow they are unable to distort. Yes, this distorted energy flow can distort the energy flow of souls, this is very different for souls that the energy flow is based on this great spirit, an energy flow that can't be distorted.

Imagine for a moment if the majority of us in humanity based our energy flow on an energy that can't be distorted, life for humanity as a whole would be very different to what it is today. Lucky for humanity, we presently have a great opportunity to realise the difference in energy flows as never before.

1 comment:

  1. Yes, there is much distortion and distraction to keep us lost in non realities that keep us from seeing the Bigger Reality which will help us to align with and create more health giving and practical flows of energy.

    Best wishes to you & yours,
