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Showing posts with label 100 monkeys. Show all posts
Showing posts with label 100 monkeys. Show all posts

Tuesday, 15 December 2020

Lily Pond Propagation!!

Written by Mathew Naismith

“Even without the flower being present, the lily still has a purpose for existing in the pond.”

I will explain what this is referring to latter on but first honesty within the truth needs to endure over what is not so honest.

The 100 monkey theory, where it is said that one monkey cleaning sweet potato's eventually turned into thousands of monkeys even in another contentment doing the same. A transference of consciousness seemed to have occurred even over vast distances of water. This theory is backed up by more science where protons have been noted to seemingly communicate over vast distances.

Existence is not necessarily smaller than we think, it simply acts as one more than we think, of course the act of not being aware of this reflects in how existence as a whole reacts to this train of thought. Today, even though existence is known to act more like one entity, we could not be more separated mentally in the world if we tried.

Yes, 100 monkeys of love and light exist, while at the same time 100 thousand monkeys of hate and dark exist. Yes, this 100 has turned into many more monkeys, at the same time this 100 thousand monkeys have done the same.

“It is not the quantity of numbers that will prevail, it is the quality of numbers that will prevail.”

How many of this 100 monkeys perceives that the hateful dark 100 thousand monkeys is negative and toxic to it's existence? Now, how many of the 100 thousand monkeys think the same of the 100 monkeys of love and light? What consciousness is going to prevail? It is of the same consciousness be it of different perspectives so this is the consciousness that will prevail, however.

The following and my quotes above are but of my own perspective here, as such.

Two monkeys are at a ponds edge, both monkeys have their own perspectives but compete in the same way. In competition, both monkeys try to out do the other by throwing pebbles in the water to see whose ripples can overcome the other. In the end, the pond ends up full of pebbles instead of water. The point is to not fill the pond full of pebbles but to create opposing ripples.

What if one of the monkeys started growing lilies instead of trying to outdo the other monkey by throwing even more pebbles in the pond!!

As each lilly grows, the dampening affect of the pebbles caused by the lilies is evident, in the end the pond is full of lilies which stops the ripples from forming. Once the monkey throwing pebbles in the pond to create competing ripples is evidently pointless, the monkey throwing the pebbles gives up on it's actions and sees how growing lilies in the pond is more practical.

You see the 100 thousand monkeys wants you to see them as they do you, even while being of different perspectives, in the process winning in the competition from the start.

Is the growing of the lilies to dampen the ripples in competition or simply of a different approach that is more practical?

You see it is not the vastness of consciousness that counts, but the quality of consciousness that counts. The quantity only makes a difference when in competition, especially when using the same techniques be it of different perspectives.

To be honest, which monkey are you, while avoiding to think that the opposing monkey is negative and toxic to your way of existing as your way of existing is to them?

Yes, at times I also throw pebbles but the trick is also knowing at the same time that growing lilies is a much better way to exist in harmony, in the process creating a very different pond.