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Showing posts with label Malignant. Show all posts
Showing posts with label Malignant. Show all posts

Monday, 30 December 2019

The Environment, Not the Mind

Written by Mathew Naismith

When you focus on the environment instead of the mind, the mind will automatically change to that environment without effort......Mathew G   

As our environment changes, so does our mind.......

In other words our environment depicts how we are going to think. How many people who have experienced trauma that they have never experienced before think differently afterwards? How many people who have experienced some kind of enlightenment think completely different afterwards? We often focus on how our mind is thinking, or not thinking, instead of what creates the way we think in the first place.

I was brought up in a radical atheist environment, where the ignorance of anything beyond what the atheist mind desires to comprehend dogmatically rules the mind. This was our families environment, this was until all of us within the family experienced an environment way beyond the comprehension of an atheistic environment. I should say that not all atheistic environments are this radical and dogmatic, usually eastern atheism is aware of there being more to us than a materialistic aspectual image. In truth, a lot of eastern atheistic environments are of the immaterial over and above the material, however, western atheism seems to be of the opposite environment.

Yes, it is the environment our mind is subjected to that we need to focus on, not the mind itself. When you put yourself within a praying, chanting or meditative environment, how different does our mind think from an environment in the absence of these practices? I don't myself practice these practices a lot these days, as such, I don't have to. A lot of people who have time to think often think discordantly, this is of or relating to the ego, especially the controlling ego. "I didn't like what a certain person said to me, I was hurt by what they said or they hurt a person I love, etc." The only part of you that can be hurt is the ego. An environment controlled by the ego is going to certainly create a certain way of thinking, usually a discordant way of thinking.

I awoke at 5:30 this morning, in waiting for my wife to awake, my mind wondered in thought. The first thought was of bliss, just simple bliss, nothing more, nothing less, however I am not always of this kind of environment. Because I am not about taking control, even of my own thoughts and environment, my mind can experience times of discordance. I am not into trying to control the controlling ego, for this is only of the controlling ego. I instead allow my ego to control me at its own will, but not in the absence of myself being aware of the environment a controlling and discordant ego can create. If my whole environment was of the absence of a controlling ego, I wouldn't have an ego that I would have to keep reminding the ego in how discordant an environment the ego in control can create.  You can make your ego aware, it often doesn't want to become aware though but with a little practice, the ego will accept being aware.     

You may think that the ego is quite willing to accept being aware. When my environment was predominately atheistic, my own ignorance was astounding in relation to anything existing beyond the material. Religious or spiritual people can be the same in only wanting to become aware within the limitations of a particular ideology. In this case, all else seems to become evil or sacrilegious in some way, very much like anything from my perception of positive is negative.

Now, should we build upon an environment of escapism to create some kind of beneficial environment for all?

The need or desire to escape anything won't create an environment that is not based on the very same environment you wish to escape from. If a certain environment you wish to escape from, because it is negative in some way, has created a feeling of a need or desire to escape from, the newly created environment is created from what you wish to escape from in the first place. The ego needs to make peace with the present environment to truly create an environment linked but not of the present environment, whatever that environment may be. Try to remember, each environment is what it is, yes, the ego in control will make more of it but each environment is what it is no matter what environment this may be. Each environment creates its own mind, its own way of thinking and being.

I once found myself within an environment of great discord, in the end I decided to leave this environment. This environment got to the extent where I was often visited by malignant entities however unlike so many others within the same environment, I overwhelmed these entities, not the other way around. Even when I overwhelmed these entities the people around me were obviously subject to these entities, in other words overwhelmed by these entities. As of any malignant energy source, they often attach themselves to something that is not biological in form, their energy is then most often transmitted out from this non-biological form.

Try to remember, benign energy is not conducive or beneficial to living matter, in actuality malignant energy can't create life, only destroy life through separating and the distorting energy. No living matter that is overwhelmed by this kind of energy is able to live very long through excessive distortion of energy, however, if a biological form is conducive to distorting other forms of energy, especially benign energy, this life form is often kept intact to a certain extent.

Yes, only benign energy is conducive to life and only benign energy can create and recreate life. Imagine being totally overwhelmed at death by malignant energy sources, what is the possibility of your soul living a benign existence again? Benign energy is not of separating energy therefore not of distorting energy.

Malignant Energy = separation of energy + distortion of energy + deceit and trickery + ignorance

Benign Energy = union of energy + clarity or beauty of energy + truth and honesty + awareness

Awareness means being aware of everything in the absence of biases or desires. This simply means that positives are not desired while at the same time the negatives are shown disdain in any way. Doing this is simply of malignant energy because of the separation therefore the distortion of energy, usually to fulfil desires and/or biases. Malignant energy wants you to separate energy in this way. How extreme have the negative and positives today become? Within benign energy, negatives and positives are contributive to each other, only while not in conflict to each other. Think of it like two couples who work together in harmony to couples who don't. The negatives are nowhere near as extreme as a couple who are discordant. The message is here, don't become discordant or ignrant to malignant sources of energy as this is exactly what malignant sources of energy want you to do.

When you honesty look upon the human collective consciousness, you are aware of what energy has overwhelmed the collective human consciousness, at present. I can't myself look at this as something grotesquely negative, it is simply a consciousness lost within its own creation, as of any malignant energy source is. This is quite natural for a consciousness lost within its own creation, to become overwhelmed by malignant sources of energy.

In my case, lucky enough, I am apart of a malignant energy but not of a malignant energy, in that I have not allowed, to any great extent, malignant sources of energy to overwhelm my mind. Yes, I experienced separating energy therefore distorted energy, like anyone else, but I have not become of that for what malignant energy creates, a distorted energy source. I am lucky because I am aware that malignant sources of energy make up a very small part of existence as a whole. It is probably not luck but the learning from life instead of suffering from life......

When you focus on the environment instead of the mind, the mind will automatically change to that environment without effort......Mathew G