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Showing posts with label energy. Show all posts
Showing posts with label energy. Show all posts

Thursday 11 April 2024

Living Outside the Square

Written by Mathew Naismith

I am as I do.

The garment shown here is a new acquisition of mine, it is an eastern dress garment as of a western dress suite. No, have not warn it at this stage. As I do so as I am, meaning, I live as I think as the way we all think depicts the way we live, in my case outside the square of what my immediate environments depicts. No, I am not woke or transgender, simply a person who is not governed to live and think in accordance with the present immediate environment.

Funny though, being brought up in a country environment you would think that I would do and think in accordance with a country style environment, but I don't, obviously. It is probably why I saw through western atheism, which is very different to eastern atheism, being that western atheism to me is of thinking within a particular square only. From a young age, thinking in such a limited way was just not going to occur. “So it does not exist unless proven to exist, which also means that under western atheist doctrines DNA did not exist until it was scientifically proven to exist, as of many things!!” I was never going to think therefore live by these limited standards.

I don't watch main steam media (MSM). I was recently in a situation that I watched MSM, I could not imagine subjecting my mind to such limiting factors on a regular basis. The influence of never ending lust and desires depicted on MSM to start with is of thinking within this square of lust and desires, now add violence, psychological manipulation and disinformation on a never ending massive scale. Yes, this means thinking within a particular square under these various influences is going to lead to a distorted mindset, of course anyone who is conditioned to think therefore live within a particular square like this is going to see anything outside of this square being of a distorted mindset.

So while living in a particular square, everything outside this square is going to seem distorted, while people who live outside the square see everything inside the square as being distorted in one way or another!! So which mindset is truly distorted? It truly depends on the mindset at hand, however, the ability to think outside the square leads to a mindset based more on honesty than of a mindset living within the square, in all honesty. To me, living within the square, whatever square that may be, is living a lie, leading to this kind of mentality seeing everything living outside the square living a lie. We have all done this to one extent or another while living within a particular square of influence.


 In the western square of influence, men wearing so-called dresses and skirts or anything remotely deemed feminine is not masculine therefore is deemed to be a distortion of the masculine energy, in truth though the opposite is true. The English had a hard time subduing kilt wearing Scots, the middle eastern people are not easily subdued either!! Apart from this, the feminine energy actually enhanced the more constructive qualities of masculine energy. Take the yin energy out of yang energy, what are you left with? People living in a square that is distorted beyond recognition.

Today's woke moment is all about the masculine energy dominating the feminine energy. Sports is a prime example of this, where males, the masculine energy, are allowed to dominate the feminine energy and not just in sports. Today's woke moment is not just about taking one energy of influence out of another energy, it is about neutralising these balancing energies period. Imagine dispelling night energy, which balances out day energy, which doing this would destroy many existing life forms. The woke movement is seemingly of this degree of destructive of energy, which is, in all honesty, of what energy? Primarily of the masculine energy that is not balanced by another energy, feminine energy.

If you live in a square of the present western woke movement of feminine energy domination and undermining, everything outside of this square is going to seem a wrong way to live, this is of the same mentality with a male, in a masculine dominated reality, living outside of a certain masculine energy criteria, even though it seem to be the opposite. If you go outside these squares we often fixate our lives to, the woke movement becomes a lie because it is of so many distortions in so many ways. So I am woke or transgender because I am conformable to dress more femininely than the average western male!!

My dress code, as of my mind set, is not seemingly dominated by the masculine energy nor this woke movement, I am not sure what square I am of if any. Are people like me actually living, to one degree or another, outside of all these squares we often find we live by no matter how distorted they are?

To come to realisation that we live within a square of lies therefore distortion, I think one has to look from a perspective outside of the square, otherwise we are not going to realise the lie we live by, which comes to reason. You can't come to reason and start living the truth instead of a lie unless you are able to observe yourself in an unbiased way. Once you learn to observe rather than just participate in life, the ability to look from outside of these squares we fixate our lives to is more likely. In all honesty, the western woke movement is all about participation in the absence of observation, otherwise they would see that the feminine energy is actually being seriously undermined. Look at how aggressive and dominating they can be, which is of what energy?

Living outside the square has not been an easy road to tread, especially when one is of telling the truth in an honest open way. My dress code is simply an expression of open honest living and yes, I have always lived in this way, which made it interesting when I lived in a small country town. Never expect, when living outside of these squares that so many people have become fixated to, that living an open honest life will be easy. It was never going to be easy to live outside of these squares within a reality fixated to these squares, in all honesty. I was never going to live a lie and state that I am not male because I dress outside the criteria of a western masculine energy dominated reality.

It is not an easy road to tread, looking from outside of these squares inwards and expressing this honestly, but to me this is far better than living within a square of lies, domination and distortions as many people are doing it would seem.

I think what is occurring in the world at present is awakening a lot of people, leading to many of us living outside of these squares of lies and distortions. Time will tell if this is enough to overcome what seems like a reality primarily influenced by endless distortions. No matter what occurs though, just stay true to yourself and forever live outside these squares.

Saturday 27 January 2024

Energy Shifts

Written by Mathew Naismith

Does the eastern hemisphere of human consciousness understand how energy works more than the western hemisphere side of human consciousness?

Before I go into this, one needs to comprehend that there is a distinct difference between western and eastern hemispheres of the brain, consciousness and cultures. One must also realise that people can be of both hemispheres, physically, mentally and spiritually. I also find it interesting that a lot of spiritual teachings in the west have an eastern origin which includes Christianity!! I have also taken note of how so many eastern teachings are often distorted by the western mind set, an eastern reality adapted to a western style reality.

It gets back to not being able to destroy energy, energy can only be transformed, it is how one transforms this energy that makes all the difference. You can transform energy without distorting it, in fact the more you distort energy to transform energy, the more chaotic and destructive the said energy seems to become. Look at the western NWO, New World Order, where people actually think they can be a female one minute and a male the next, to the point of thinking that they are a microwave or a cat. Under this western NWO everything is being distorted not just gender, like the weather is always extreme or catastrophic when the weather is simply going back to normal weather. Look at how corruption and human trafficking has boomed under this distortion of energy. Look at how many of the people pulling the NWO strings are into one of the most distorted forms of energy known, satanism.

Is this NWO of the western mind set of individualism, where the eastern mind set is more of the collective? Don't be mistaken, this has also occurred in the eastern hemisphere, were individuals come before the collective which depicts a distortion of energy.

One good way to distort energy is to be self-serving, this is opposed to serving the collective. Don't get me wrong, one must look after the individual energy flow, western mind set, to serve the collective energy flow, eastern mind set, problems arise when primarily serving the individual mind set with energies that are distorted. Imagine for a moment if the majority of human kind served their individual mind set with energies that weren't distorted, the collective for everyone would flourish, which of course this western NWO is seemingly dead against!!

It is hard to depict where in human history such a massive energy shift has occurred. Imagine for a moment if we had an eastern collective OWO, One World Order, at play!! Actually, I think that is what is occurring but world wide, not just in the eastern hemisphere of the world.

It is also funny how it is known that the western mind is so easily offended compered to the eastern mind, which of course this proposed offensiveness distorts reality even more. Look at today how people are so easily offended in the west under the control of this western NWO, a mentality that has also infiltrated the eastern hemisphere of the world as well. “I am a female today, don't dare call me a male as I find this offensive”.

It reminds me of the saying, “One bad apple spoils the whole barrel of apples”, which is true, the same is with a self-serving mindset that the energies are highly distorted, the trick is being aware of these bad apples, distorted energy flows.

One bad energy flow of a rotten apple in a barrel, which causes a massive energy shift within the barrel!! In our case, it seems that the good apples within the barrel are becoming aware to the bad apples, the apples with distorted energy flows.

Monday 15 January 2024

The Great Spirit

Written by Mathew Naismith

I love the American Indian or first nation people's description of an energy that can't be destroyed, as of all energy, nor can it be changed or distorted, like all other energy. The following may sound repetitive, so not worth reading, but there are subtle and not so subtle changes, this is due to the never ending cycle of changing energy, like the ever changing weather in the life of this planet.

You can equate this spirit within all things to any ideology that is based on an energy that can't be changed or distorted. For an example, an energy flow that puts religion and/or church before God is in fact basing their form of ideology on an energy that can be changed and even distorted beyond recognition. Would a far more distorted energy flow take advantage of this kind of distortion? If a far more distorted energy flow did not create the distortion in the first place, it would certainly take advantage of it as of present in the world it would seem.

I find it most peculiar that so many of us base our entire life and human existence on energy flows that can be distorted, often beyond recognition. People like me when looking at an ideology look for what that ideology is based on, focusing on the energy flow to see if it is based primarily on an energy that can't be distorted. I look for this spirit within all things that can't be distorted by another distorted energy flow. Put in another way, I look for a balanced energy flow compared to an imbalanced energy flow. There is no balance to be had in an energy flow that can be distorted at will.

Why would someone like me dogmatically follow something like the teachings of Lucifer for example, as a huge number of people today are doing? Common sense alone tells me not to attach myself to such a distorted energy flow to start with, notably one of the most distorted energy flows in existence.

I am flabbergasted at how society itself has become so attached to numerous energy flows of distortion based on lust and desire, as opposed to a society based on what is not lusted for and desired. In other words base a society on energy flows that are not distorted. How many of us know about the distortions of energy, that human existence has become primarily based on energy flows that are distorted to excess from the initial energy flow, the great spirit, the spirit within all things?

Yes, everything in existence has this great spirit within, be it that the more our own energy becomes distorted, the further unrecognisable or buried this energy becomes, however, no matter how buried this energy becomes within distorted energy flows, this great spirit still exists. It must be infuriating for distorted energy flows not being able to destroy this great spirit, and at times coming across an energy flow they are unable to distort. Yes, this distorted energy flow can distort the energy flow of souls, this is very different for souls that the energy flow is based on this great spirit, an energy flow that can't be distorted.

Imagine for a moment if the majority of us in humanity based our energy flow on an energy that can't be distorted, life for humanity as a whole would be very different to what it is today. Lucky for humanity, we presently have a great opportunity to realise the difference in energy flows as never before.

Monday 21 August 2023

Kept in the Shadows


Written by Mathew Naismith

Here I was writing a post titled,”Sexual Ecstasy v Collective Consciousness Ecstasy, a post I am now not going to finish due to the realisation that I have to be far more direct in my approach on this issue. We need to realise more than ever that there is no good verses evil, light verses dark, this is a fallacy we need to all become aware of before going on with anything else.

You can relate dark and light energy to whatever you want to relate it to.

No matter what you relate this energy to, in the presence of light dark energy is like an ant combating against a steamroller, there is no real competition or opposition and this dark energy is quite aware of this, this is why this dark energy is trying everything it can do to keep us in the shadows of becoming aware of this.

I realised that when people in power become less and less answerable to common law or even answerable to anyone, they become more inhumane, insentient, a state of the absence of feelings, consciousness and animation. The more of this dark energy you become, the less of conscious one becomes.

Consciousness: An alert cognitive state in which you are aware of yourself and your situation

Are these people in this dark state really aware of their present state, predicament, situation? Are they aware that the steamroller is of the light energy in face of the ant that is the dark energy? Do they desire to know this or of anybody else becoming aware of this? The answer is no to all these three questions. The only state where dark energy is equal to light energy is in states of darkness or states of consciousness this dark energy controls and manipulates. You can't war with an opposing party in a state where light energy prevails, for there is no opposing energy to begin with in this state. Look how long humans have been warring for. Look at how NATO is doing everything in their power to prolong the Ukraine/Russian war!! If NATO was of this light energy in any sense, this war would not have started in the first place, it couldn't.

Within human consciousness there has always been a sense of good against evil, light energy opposing dark energy, supported by ancient writings that enforce this belief. It is not that they are wrong, it is that they are not completely right. They are right in that within a consciousness that is controlled and manipulated by dark energy, this dark energy will always oppose the lights energy existence, in the process creating an environment conducive to the dark opposing the light and visa-versa, however, if we look at a state where the light energy is predominate, there are no opposing parties to begin with.

If this light energy is not of opposing energy forces, of course the ant in opposition to the light will be rolled over, not due to the light being in opposition to the dark but due to the dark being in opposition to the light. If this light energy acted as the steamroller in the present human reality, all that is of this dark energy would be steamrolled over, as if this dark energy did not exist to begin with. In fact in the presence of this light energy this dark energy does not exist, it is this simple. Is this dark energy aware of this, and makes sure no other energy under it's influence is aware of this? The answer is obvious.

So the obvious question is, why is not this light energy intervening in human affairs?

This is but my own conjecture, it comes back to my post I am not going to share, try taking away all the desires, lusts and ecstasies created by this dark energy, way too many people would oppose this to begin with. Why? Because they are kept ignorant to the ecstasies created by light energy. Again, equate light energy ecstasies to dark energy ecstasies, the ant just does not measure up to the steamroller, in other words the ecstasies created by dark energy do not measure up to the ecstasies light energies create. In the presence of the light energy, it is if the dark energy does not exist, as of the steamroller and the ant.

Also, this light energy is not into deliberately steamrolling over other energy forms, this light energy will avoid this at all cost, unless the dark energy is persistent in it's own opposition. If the ant thinks it can take on a steamroller due to it's own ignorance, this is purely up to the ant.

Is this dark energy becoming more and more persistent in the face of light energy?

Due to the degree of ignorance of this dark energy, this is a really dangerous game the dark energy is playing, the only thing going for this dark energy is that so many people under the influence of the dark energy just don't want, desire or see a need to rid itself of dark energy desires, lusts and ecstasies. Why? Because they are kept in the dark to all these desires, lusts and ecstasies that are created by this dark energy to begin with.

Are people made aware of this? Yes.

Do they want, desire or see a need to rid itself of dark energy desires, lusts and ecstasies, even when made aware of such things? No, not by the looks of it.

You can lead a horse to water but you cannot make it drink, as you shouldn't, all what one can do is keep expressing their own awareness as they should be allowed to do, of course this is about to change quite dramatically in countries like Australia. It is coming to a point where you will not be allowed to even express an awareness of this dark energy in any sense. Again, this is a very dangerous game the dark energy is playing at present, it could backfire on this dark energy in a really big way, in spite of people's fixation to dark energy desires, lusts and ecstasies.

Many people could end up like the ant in defiance of the steamroller in the end, but what will be will be.

Saturday 24 June 2023

Staying Within the Light

Written by Mathew Naismith

It is more important than ever to stay within the light, due to any deviation from the light may result in the dark energy taking advantage of this deviation, especially at present.

An awkward post to write, considering the topic at hand. Was not sure how to start this post so I decided to start with Mel Gibson's, movie actor and director, encounter with a Hollywood producer of obvious dark energy. I will simply use the terminology of dark and light energy, a terminology that can be equated to whatever form or ideology you equate it to.

Mel's encounter with this type of producer started off with the producer, that was dressed in black, gliding over to him sideways. Part of the discussion was about mid-evil torture, on Mel's part, the producers seemed to be talking about more recent torture. The producer also stated that women should be either naked or dead, preferably both. Now look at how feminine energy is being undermined today, like through the hijacked woke movement and transgender movement.

When you switch on the light in a dark room, can the dark exist within the middle of this light?

When you switch on the light in a dark house, even in the middle of a dark house, can the light exist within the middle of this darkness, like the universe with all it's suns in relation to the cosmos?

Light can exist within the dark, but the dark cannot exist within the light, which shows where our present reality is at, a reality conducive to dark energy. If our present reality was of the light, the present reality would not be conducive to dark energy, for the dark cannot exist within the light. As I recently wrote, “Every environment takes a certain culmination of energy to create, staying within the light under duress will culminate in the creation of an environment conducive to light energy, not dark energy.”

What if I told you that this dark energy is not out to destroy light energy, knowing that this dark energy is quite unable to do so. All this dark energy can do is take advantage of any energy form deviating from light energy. It is an opportunist, always externally present to light energy, waiting for any light form to deviate from the light.

What if I told you that this dark energy is our friend, but only when exposed to the light. The awareness of the dark energy, which is what this light energy is, in it's truest form, keeps us within the light, however, if this dark energy is not exposed, light energy forms will deviate from the light, for there is no fear of anything within this light energy, which includes the darkest of energy. Light energy will place itself right in the middle of dark energy, for it is fearless. We must not deviate from the light while within the midst of dark energy, mainly due to the dark energy not being totally exposed to us. An example of this is the hijacked woke movement and transgender movement that seem like they are of light, quite the opposite is true.

Mel Gibson also stated that one must not get angry. Wanting to persecute this dark energy for what it has done and getting angry with this dark energy only feeds this dark energy what it needs to exist, dark energy.

I was once in an environment that was conducive to dark energy. Because I deviated from the light due to the then present dark energy environmental influence, almost every night I was being intimidated by this dark energy, this was until I came of the light again. All I did was laugh at this dark energy, while of the light, even though there were 9 forms of this dark energy present at the time. I had no feelings of anger or persecution of this dark energy, it is if they were a joke. This dark energy is not a threat unless we allow it to be, in a real sense, so if we deviate from the light energy, are we fair game to the dark energy? Yes.

Note: Adrenachrome is physically produced by instilling a great deal of fear in people, especially children, which people of this dark energy value above most other things. When I was being intimidated by this dark energy night after night,I was giving off a none physical type of Adrenachrome for which this dark energy fed off of.

So why would any kind of light energy deviate from the light? Fearlessness.

The more aware we are, the more of the light energy we become of, likened to making the best of life for what it is, to making the worse of life. When we are fearless and deviate from the light, the more likely the dark energy will take advantage of our deviation. Light energy that deviates from the awareness light energy represents is prone to coercion and trickery from this dark energy. Understandable as we become less aware. In fearlessness, we can deviate from the awareness that light energy represents, the trick is being aware of this while under the influence of this dark energy.

If you are unable to avoid anger or the desire to persecute this dark energy for what it has done, you are not truly of this light energy. I will go even further still. If you can't see this dark energy as a friend instead of a foe, you are not truly of this light energy. A true foe will coerce you to deviate from the light, this is not what is occurring believe it or not. What is occurring is we are deviating from the light anyway, so are fair game to be exploited by this dark energy. We should be taking note of this dark energy and not deviate from the light, especially when within the dark energies influence. The dark energy existence tells us not to deviate from the light, as a friend would do in relation to drink driving. If a friend is under the influence of alcohol, would a friend advice them not to drive? Well, the dark energy is showing us why we should not deviate from the light.

So getting back to my own experience of dark energy. Even after all the intimidation and induced fear, all I could do is laugh at this dark energy, which this dark energy feared the most. This dark energy does not fear anger and persecution, it fears the awareness that light creates, that is why the present censoring and book burning, the cancellation of anything not of it's own doing, especially when it pertains to the truth, awareness. This could not occur if we were of the light, which indicates where a lot of us are at in relation to being of the light. It is not a good sign except that the dark energy is exposing itself.

I can't tall you how to stay within the light, we all have our own ideas of how to do that, what I can do is advice you in that this dark energy is simply taking advantage of our own devotion from the light, which is of it's own nature to do so. This dark energy is not out their to destroy light energy as a whole, because it is unable to, even though it will destroy and abuse any deviated light it can within it's own influence. My advice is, try not to deviate from the light energy, in fact reconnect yourselves to this light energy, for whatever you want to call it, to avoid being exploited by this dark energy.

Tuesday 13 June 2023

This Is It

Written by Mathew Naismith

The image above shows the playfulness within my relationship with my partner, who often aids and abets in this playfulness. I know I will lose a few more viewers for this openness, how immature, but does it look like I am worried about expressing this degree of openness and playfulness?

The interesting part of this image is that the dog was given to me years ago by a person who I clashed with due to them being highly abusive. The clash was simply not wanting to be apart of their abusive life. The point is, everything we gave as a present to them that we built or crafted for them was disposed of, all of what we received from them over the years we still have in our possession.

Not wanting to be apart of an abusive environment is not abusive, but the abusers themselves will make out it is, in fact not wanting to be apart of their abusive environment is often termed as immoral, abusive, racist, heinous or worse. Would a mentality not abusive throw away everything given to them by another person they clashed with, even when given by a highly abusive person? In fact my partner and I often use this toy dog in our playfulness, as you can see.

In no way are you the abuser, immoral or heinous in anyway not wanting to be apart of an abusive environment. You can equate this to many parts of life, like the covid pandemic mandates, where millions of people around the world did not want to be apart of obvious abuse. Notice how this abuse was turned around, it was the people not wanting to be apart of known abuse who were the abusers!! WHO has recently admitted that covid vaccines induce MS via cross reaction. So what else, other than creating an environment were transient autoimmune phenomena exists after vaccination? What else seems to be huge.

What group or mentality is cancelling out everything not of it's own design and desires? The same group or mentality that disposes of everything that was given to them by people who don't want to put up with their own created abusive environment. Women's rights are being eroded away, something that was given to us, a gift that was hard fought for by women speaking out for equality. Look at how transgender people are literally attacking women in every way, including physically, for speaking out for women's rights/equality. I don't know of any gay bloke who would abuse women in this way. I think the reason for this is to do with the feminine energy.

It is so easy to get non-abusers to see themselves as abusive, a lot easier than a lot of people think, like BLM, ANTIFA and the hijacked woke movement. Look at how these groups or mentalities cancel out everything not of their own deign or desire!!

Just because you don't want to be apart of an abusive environment, doesn't mean you are abusive. Notice with true abusers they will put the emphasis on the people they abuse, blame the abused for their abusive ways!! This mentality uses all sorts of other tricks to put blame on the abused, like the ignorant deserve to be abused, therefore the abuse occurring to them is their own doing.

Yes, this cancel culture thinks just like this. Look for anything given to humanity as an often hard fought for gift being disposed of, like women's rights and equality, free speech and liberty. If an environment wants to dispose of these gifts and many more, my advise is to avoid being apart of these abusive environments.

This is it, in a nut shell.

Friday 10 February 2023

Spirituality: In the Absence of Control


Written by Mathew Naismith

Most western minded people would say that martial arts is primarily about taking control, the same with spirituality as with meditation, in actuality it is the opposite, you release yourself from control. I will explain.

Everything around you can be distracting therefore controlling, it is this distracting controlling energy you want to avoid, in the process, in a sense, leaving you with a purer energy form. This purer energy form is more focused due to the absence of distracting energy. Many people would say this distracting energy is a negative energy form but that truly is not the case, that is unless the energy is distorted. Distorted energy, such as an ego on steroids that is all about lust, power and control, has an adverse reaction to focusing this energy, even though this energy can be used to focus on lust, power and control. In a sense, in this case distracting energy, such as morality and human connections with other humans, is avoided for better focusing of energy on lust, power and control.

Bruce Lee, one of the best known martial artists in the world, not necessarily the best, could send a person airborne by just pushing them, but by a push of focused energy. The question is, do martial artists also use the ego on steroids to focus their energy?

In a material lusting reality, the ego on steroids is used to focus energy by avoiding distracting energy forms that hinder the focusing of energy, like morality. In sports this is called the zone, where sports people seem to enter into a reality of the absence of external distractions, like lust, power and control, in the process are able to outperform other competitors, like with martial artists and multinationals. To answer the question, yes, martial artists can also use the ego on steroids to focus their energy, however, not all martial arts are into this energy that can too easily become distorted, erratic.

Look at where spirituality in history have been about control, where the religion or even the church came before God, in the process creating an erratic energy flow, a distorted energy flow. To me and many eastern minded people, it would seem control is not apart of spirituality, in actuality quite the opposite. Spirituality is not meant to cause or create an erratic energy flow, it is meant to create an energy flow of consistency, in the process create an environment and proceeding reality of the absence of extremes. In other words creating an energy flow consistent with harmony and peace with the surrounding environment. Yes, this means being at peace with other spiritual practices and teachings.

It has been said to me quite often that I am not spiritual, when I am not the one using spirituality and mediation as a controlling device. Just the other day a friend of ours visited and said how peaceful our environment is. It was obvious they wished they could create the same energy flow within their own environment and relationships with their partner and child. The problem is, not everyone is into extracting themselves from external and internal distracting energy flows.

I am also not spiritual because I delve into the often critically judged negatives of the world, often in the process losing some degree of focus. I don't try to stay focus, this is control, but what I can do is come out of an erratic environment in harmony and peace. You are not meant to try to be in harmony and peace with an erratic energy flow, what you are meant to do is not be controlled by this energy flow after leaving this environment. You need to make peace with what is erratic otherwise you become of what that erratic energy flow is. Avoiding this erratic energy flow because it is critically judged negative is even worse. Why? Critical judgement to start with is of this erratic energy flow, as is being fearful of facing this energy flow face on. There is nothing to fear as long as you stay focused, to some degree, by not trying to take control. Never try to control this erratic energy flow, even within yourself.

So you meditate or sing hymns, in the process focusing energy in the absence of distracting energy forms around you, like with sports people. I can delve right into this erratic energy flow and come out still focused where the people in fear of this energy will not. Why is this so? Because too many people want to control what they fear the most or avoid what they fear the most. In truth though, if you critically judge this erratic energy or fear being within this energy flow, avoid it because all you will do is become apart of it so yes, their fear is justified but living like this is not truly being spiritual.

As with mediation, you enter into a focused energy flow of the absence of mental controlling distractions, you are not taking control of anything, you are in actuality releasing yourself from control, especially controlling ways within yourself. You are in fact releasing yourself from the controlling ways of you mind, releasing yourself from your mind that is about control and being fearful of being controlled.

Yes, in the absence of control therefore this erratic energy flow, all you are left with is a purer form of energy.

As I wrote recently in reply to an eastern mind on this subject stating, “Well explained, big wisdom of East explained like few can”.

I have lost count how many western minded people say that mediation is of taking control, it is the opposite, in actuality meditation is about releasing yourself from the mortal mind. What occurs when people get right into singing hymns, you are no longer focused on the mortal mind, a very controlling mind.

Sunday 15 January 2023

L&G Community, what is it doing wrong!!

Written by Mathew Naismith

Recently in Queensland Australia, an all boys netball team, a representation of masculine energy, beat an all girls team, a representation of feminine energy, in a state title, there was no competition.

So what has this to do with the Lesbian and gay community doing something wrong?

If I was on this boys team, I would have walked off. Why? Because all I would be doing is enforcing masculine energy dominance over feminine energy. The reason I don't support the woke movement is due to this and how, under the woke movement, paedophilia is encouraged.

What if I said to you that the woke movement is all about the masculine energy gaining total control and dominance over feminine energy. Considering that the woke movement, like CRT, critical race theory, has a connection to communism, a known masculine energy controlled autocratic system of governing, it is most likely.

I should state that not all of the lesbian and gay community are supportive of the woke movement, where you are supposed to have gender equality. I don't call total dominance and control over feminine energy gender equality, even when a male pretends or even truly believes they are female. Some of the L&G community are waking up to this, that a pretend feminine energy movement is at play, a movement that often has direct connections with a known masculine energy, communism or any autocratic system.

It looks to me that the feminine energy is being tricked into supporting the very thing that wants total control and dominance over itself. I am all for males becoming more of the feminine energy, where autocratic systems have less control over us, but all I can see is the masculine energy taking even more control in the world, especially when seeing that in the west we are more controlled by autocratic governing systems. Communism is becoming hugely popular again, as paedophilia is more accepted.

Could paedophilia exist within a famine energy controlled environment? No, because the feminine energy is nurturing. This is the same with autocratic systems of governing. There are so many signs that we are becoming more dominated by masculine energy, even when it seems the opposite is occurring. It is unbelievable so many people can't see this yet. Like I said, there are members of the lesbian and gay community waking up to this false and misleading gender equality movement, be it the woke movement or whatever, but there are many who are not, the same is with the opposite gender/sex community.

I am all for the masculine energy to stop acting as if it is on steroids that boosts masculine energy, but we are all being played the fool if we think any present gender equality movement is about encouraging famine energy growth, it is clearly not, in fact feminine energy is being undermined just like the western worlds economy and social structure is.

Really people, very little to what is being heavily pushed is on us is of what it says it is, quite the opposite.

Saturday 22 October 2022

Feminine Querying Mind

Written by Mathew Naismith

When you take yin out of the equation, all you are left with is yang to formulate equations. Put in another way, when critical thinking is used in the absence of a queering mind, science stagnates or is distorted, like we have witnessed with the covid pandemic. It is like when relationships stagnate, you will notice that one element is no longer present or may not have been present in the first place. Same elements, like lustfulness, can attract each other but without the element of love, this kind of attraction is often transitory and not of genuine love, especially when one element loses it's lustfulness.

China's science is governed by a masculine energy, communism, which was not always the case, this is why a lot of their science is of western science these days, it is stolen. If this masculine governed science becomes the norm in the world, yes, science will end up stagnating, distorting. You will still have the critical mind at work but without the querying mind, the critical mind will end up stagnating and/or distorting.

You could say that the critical mind is represented by yang and the inquisitive mind yin. When the critical mind is governed by certain rules, especially masculine driven rules, what is allowed to be queried is greatly diminished. When critical thinking or the queering mind is diminished or overruled by the other, you no longer have true science. Spirituality works in the same way, especially when religion and/or church come before God, or whatever God is represented by in spirituality. Whenever in human history religion, being one element, overrules or overlords God, another element, chaos and devastation is created within a reality.

Make no mistake, eastern science was also taken by the west as being their own, when eastern science was not predominantly dominated by one element that is often driven by a masculine energy these days. Look at the masculine dominated parts of the world, where masculine ideologies dominate the feminine, science is distorted and religion comes before God. What religion is God of?

Critical thinking and the inquisitive mind should work in harmony together, as in any spirituality where all elements work in harmony together, not one coming before and over-lording the other. The same is with relationships. In my own personal relationship, most often for both of us the other comes first, resulting in elements working in unison together. We both realise one must look after themselves to be able to look after the other. By looking after yourself you are putting the other person first. In this relationship you look after yourself as well as each other, in the process creating a reality that is not distorted, working in prefect balance.

Notice during the covid pandemic that certain sciences and scientists were ignored, persecuted and even killed for not following certain protocols in accordance with certain masculine driven elements, such as covid vaccines will stop infections, while a pharmaceutical company like Pfizer had no scientific evidence of this to start with, as pointed out recently by a Pfizer executive. See how science is distorted when one element dominates the other!!

Be it of science, spirituality, relationships, etc, query if one elements is put before the other or dominates the other elements to see if any kind of distortion is present. Notice that the critical mind will denounce a querying mind if not of the critical minds protocol, like you are not of my religion, science or lustful desires!!

The querying mind to me is of a passive mind, a nurturing mind, therefore of feminine energy, and the critical mind of an active mind, a mind that is not nurturing but decisive, abrupt. Working in unison, both these elements bring the best out of each other, in the process creating a reality that is less distorted. When not working in unison, a distorted reality is sure to be created.

Tuesday 18 October 2022

Feminine Energy Awareness Arising


Written by Mathew Naismith

I really do think that more people need to become aware of what is presently occurring in regards to feminine energy. It would seem that the masculine energy is distorting feminine energy, in the process weakening the awareness within the feminine energy for ease of dominance by the masculine. I think it is vitally important that we wake up to this.

Firstly, the feminine energy is not of dominance of the masculine energy nor of showing disdain of masculine energy, the feminine is simply of quelling the dominance of the masculine over the feminine. To do this the feminine has to be aware of how it's own energy is being used against itself.

Recently, I read about transgender males desiring to have periods like a women. Firstly, I know of no female that desires to have periods nor to suffer with the effects and affects of periods, to desire such a thing is indeed of the masculine and not the feminine. This is simply one of many examples of how the feminine energy is being literally sabotaged from within, where the feminine energy is used against itself by distorting reality and quite significantly. Males wanting to be more expressive of feminine is great, distorting reality in this way is not so great for feminine energy.

Another sign that the feminine reality is being distorted is the desire of the feminine for a dominating masculine authority, like autocratic systems like communism and fascism. Communism and fascism are excessively expressive of a dominating masculine energy. The distortion is that so many so-called feminine energy people desire such autocratic systems, the very same systems that persecutes and dominates all of what feminine energy represents.

In Australia, the green party, that is known to be supportive of an autocratic governing system like communism, received far more female votes, giving the green party far more say in how our system is run in Australia. This is simply another sign of a distorted reality, where the feminine energy supports the very thing that distorts and abuses famine energy, supportive of a masculine energy on steroids. Like with any autocratic system of governance, the feminine energy will either be subdued or perish as of many autocratic governing systems in the past have shown.

The masculine energy at present in particular is indeed showing signs of being on steroids, in other words showing signs of being overactive. So why would this masculine energy become so overactive at this point? Fear of not being dominate over the feminine. Let's be honest, more and more males are showing signs of becoming less of the dominating traits of the masculine by balancing out this masculine with the feminine. So how does the dominating traits of the masculine deal with this? By undermining feminine energy through distorting the feminine reality. Once the feminine reality becomes excessively distorted like I have mentioned, the feminine energy becomes a lot easier to dominate. Bill Gates did not say that we only have a small window of opportunity for no reason, for total masculine autocratic dominance!!

We may now think how is the feminine energy awareness arising when so much of the feminine energy is distorted, to the point of supporting the very same energy that wants to dominate the feminine energy or eradicate what it can't distort!! If the feminine energy awareness was not arising, no one would be aware of what is occurring to the feminine energy at the hands of a masculine energy on steroids. The simple act of being aware of this or even comprehending what people like me say is of the feminine energy awareness arising, as well as males becoming a little less masculine on steroids and a little more feminine.

My advice is, don't be coerced into supporting any autocratic system, remembering that autocrat can also refer to a collective consciousness and not just an individual person. When you have a particular conscious wanting to dominate all other consciousnesses, you have an autocratic system being implemented, the masculine energy on steroids.

Friday 12 August 2022

Sorting Out the Ego, One Tribe

Written by Mathew Naismith

Fulfilling the desires of the ego or being submissive in relation to the ego's desires has always been humans nemesis, a state in where misery resides over and above well being of ourselves and others. It is a state where we live for ourselves over and above the tribe. It is a state where we see a difference in each other while avoiding acknowledging that we are of one tribe first and foremost in spite of our differences. A state of one tribe foregoes submissiveness to the ego, where we don't humble ourselves to the desires and lusts of the ego. Yes, a one tribe state is when we become controlling of other people and we don't abuse this position, it is a state where we work with energy while avoiding abusing energy, all energy.


  • Humble in spirit or manner; suggesting retiring mildness or even cowed submissiveness.

  • Very docile.

  • Evidencing little spirit or courage; overly submissive or compliant

Can we say that the spiritual/religious people are the meek, docile in mannerism, submissive to our past, present and future environments?

Can we also say that being docile in mannerism to the ego desires and lusts, submissive to the ego first and foremost, meek?

Are spiritual/religious people really the meek that shall inherit the Earth? Seen as many are not submissive to the ego, it is hard to see that the spiritual/religious people are the meek. You don't become submissive to docile tendencies either, you simply stop abusing energy or a position of power and control over other people. Yes, as of atheists, spiritual/religious people have indeed abused their position of power and control over other people, in the process become of the meek.

This is interesting, atheists often work on what they desire to be reality, while denouncing any other reality opposing their desired reality, the same exact trait atheists accuse spiritual/religious people of. I am not saying that spiritual/religious people don't work on what they desire to be reality, what I am saying is the same exact trait exists within whatever group you belong to within the tribe, in other words you become submissive to what the ego desires to be reality.

So do the people of faith simply desire to be of the meek that shall inherit the Earth? As do the people who abuse their position of power and control who simply desire not to be the meek, it is all based on what is desired rather than what really is. For people like me, we don't want to be the meek that shall inherit the Earth, for this means being submissive rather than simply not being abusive, where you work with energy rather than abuse energy. You work in harmony with energy, you don't become submissive to energy, like the desires and lusts of the ego. Try to remember though, expressing harmony while working for the tribe is disharmonious to the disharmonious, so even being docile is disharmonious to these groups into abusing energy and their position of power and control.

So working in harmony with energy means one is of that energy so there is nothing to become submissive to. Do people of power and control over other people, be it atheists, spiritual/religious people, etc, often desire to become of a separate entity to what energy they are going to abuse? As soon as you desire to see other energy forms not of your tribe, you become submissive to what is desired, in the process creating reality based on what is desired rather than what truly is reality. How many spiritual/religious people desire that they are the meek that shall inherit the Earth? How many abusers of energy simply desire that they are not the meek?

Forget about what group shall inherit the Earth, we have become too focused on what group will inherit the Earth, primarily focusing on inheritance, which by the way may last for a very short time like with any inheritance. Inheritance refers to a possession from a predecessor, the Earth is not anyone's possession to start with, even if this is desired by the groups into abusing energy. The Earth in real reality was not a possession of a predecessor, therefore can't be in real reality, only a desired reality, be inherited. A desired reality does not make the desired reality real.

The Earth is not a possession, simply a creation, only can abusers of energy falsely claim the Earth as an inheritance. I know of devout Christians that actually agree with this believe it or not. No, this does not mean that all Christians and spiritual people period who believe they are the meek are abusers of energy, it simply means that you can't inherit that which is not a possession of a predecessor, that which is simply a creation and not a possession to inherit. Allow those to inherit the Earth, for it will show the falsities we have been existing under as a broken tribe for so long.

We will eventually learn to never allow this to happen ever again.

Wednesday 1 September 2021

A Surprising Scenario

Written by Mathew Naismith

What happens to energy when oppressed, when constricted into a compressed dense form?

Before we answer this, what happens when you compress an energy form that acquires all it's energy from external sources? It simply folds in on itself, devours itself. It is in line with western atheism, where atheism could not exist without the existence of something to disbelieve in, or have a belief that an existence doesn't exist. Western atheism is totally reliant on an existence atheism simply believes doesn't exist. Sounds awfully irrational to me. Yes, they could be right within their own beliefs and disbelief but this is not the point, atheism totally relies on an external energy form to exist, this is not the same with a belief in an existence, due to everything being of this existence. It is not an external energy existence you devour or try to destroy, for this is impossible.

So what is going to occur when dark energy, that only exists due to the existence of light energy, oppresses or compresses light energy into a dense energy form? Like an old pressure cooker, when this light energy is compressed too much it explodes. Imagine light being compressed into a dense energy form to the point of exploding out from this restricted environment, light is going to shine everywhere.

The most illogical thing dark energy could do is compress/oppress light to the point of exploding out in all directions. Dark simply can't exist within the light. It is like if the beliefs atheists disbelieve in became apparent, atheism would no longer exist.

The wise thing to do for this dark energy is allow light energy to coexist with itself, of course the main driving force and control comes from the ego. As we are seeing today, mass psychosis exist all over the world and so do psychopathic tendencies, as explained in my blog COVID-19 Mind Control. 

The ego is in control wants total autonomy thus control over the light, in the process in a very unwise way compressing/oppressing light energy.

Donald Trump was labelled a Nazi, which is really irrational because he wasn't the one burning books, censoring information, knowledge, history and free speech. Actually, it is the socialists /communists that are doing this today. Yes, censoring information, knowledge, history and free speech, is obviously of this dark energy, a very oppressive energy and an energy totally reliant on fear to orchestrate it's desires. There is nothing wise about the dark energy, in fact it is an energy form that is of the absence of wisdom, for wisdom of course is of the light as we are clearly seeing today.

The last thing you want to do is compress light into a dense form to the point of exploding, but lucky enough for the light energy this is what the dark energy is doing and does all the times. As foretold, a 1000+ years of peace/light, created by the very same energy trying to stop this occurring.

Wednesday 9 December 2020

Unifying Energy

Written by Mathew Naismith

This post may seem a little dark to those not quite poised within the light. If the light is fearful of the dark in any way, even when being enveloped by dark, to be honest, one is not truly of the light. I think you will find in the dark times a consciousness poised firmly within the light will be more of the light and far less fearful of the dark, especially when within the dark. The light will make the best of the situation, this simply means making the best of the dark as it stands, not how we desire it to stand.

Poised: “Marked by balance or equilibrium and readiness for action”, also, “Be motionless, in suspension.”

This is important, really, make the best of it as it stands. What this means is to make the best of what is how it is in the present, not to make the best of what is while desiring a desired future of light to be within the present. The funny thing is, we have simply allowed the light to be obscured by the dark, the light is not of a desired future but of the actual present!! So often have I come across an expression of light within the future, at the same time trying to bring this light from the future within the present. I know that people of true light just smile at this, being that even this reaction of future light and trying to bring this light within the present is simply of the present.

So what is the opposite of making the best of it?

At present, the multinationals are using a communist style capitalist system to squeeze every dollar out of their investments, this means using a system that abuses capitalism and just about everything else. Is this an abuse of energy and is this making the best of it?

Yes, the multinationals are making the best of a situation by using a communist system that uses capitalism in such an abusive way. Is the abuse of energy to squeeze energy for all it has to be squeezed out of it making the best out of energy? Any action resulting in the abuse of energy is certainly not making the best of it, for this stile of existing is exceptionally imbalanced, for only the abuser is the best being obtained for. It is funny to those in the real know, that by nurturing energy can the best be obtained from energy.

Look at it this way. The darkest of dark thinks it is all powerful over all else, being that the ego has duped the ego itself to thinking it is all powerful when being the most abusive. How easy would it be for an egotistical controlling ego to manipulate and abuse an ego that is far less egotistical and controlling? It wouldn't take too much effort therefore power. Don't be duped, the only power the egotistical controlling ego has, is what the lesser egotistical controlling ego allows through simply being less abusive. Yes, I have myself been in a situation where highly abusive egos just cringe at the sight of a consciousness that is not controlling therefore controllable. Yes, the ego of the consciousness can be controlled but the consciousness behind this ego is not controllable. The inability to control certain energies utterly terrifies an egotistical controlling ego of abuse.

By all means introduce communism that abuses capitalism to an extreme, in the process giving the main player of communism economic, military, psychological and spiritual control of the world. Is this highly abusive consciousness going to, in the end, stop at abusing any abusive ego that assisted this communist consciousness gain complete control of all energies? As they have turned on their own, they will of course eventually turn on those who are not of their own, even when assisted by those not of their own. The abusive ego will not stop at abusing the lesser ego, but will in the end even turn on the greater ego for total control!!

All I can do is smile, knowing what can be created when working in unison with energy, and the ego thinks an abusive energy source is all powerful and controlling!! My ego today is quite perplexed at how we still don't know how to use energy, but as we don't know how to use the ego!!

Monday 9 November 2020

Differential Narratives

Written by Mathew Naismith

“It is not just about only black lives matter or all lives matter, it is about all living things matter”.......Mathew G

While still as an atheist 45 years ago, my spiritual journey began. It is by no mistake that this journey over time transformed my own atheism into a different narrative, to the point that I am today simply spiritually aware to one degree or another.

Yes, to people like me, in a true sense, all living things matter. This simply means that killing an animal to transform that energy into a different energy is not differentiated from transforming plant energy, it is all simply a transformation of energy, remembering that you can't destroy energy, you simply transform energy. What is important is that this transformation process doesn't entail abuse of energy in it's transformation. The abuse of plant form is seen as the same as abusing animals in transformational processes.

Yes, people like me get ourselves in all sorts of trouble when not going along with common or popular narratives. This is like people like me avoiding the common narratives of labelling negative and positives, good and bad, wrong and right, black and white. Are uncommon or less perceived narratives right over commonly accepted narratives or visa-versa? They are simply different narratives like religious views are simply of different narratives to atheist views, or one religious view is different to another religious view.

We may think as an atheist that religion has been highly abusive towards the transformation of energy, of course at present we are seeing how abusive towards energy atheism is, which is proving to be just as abusive as religion can be. Religion or atheism need not be abusive but often is when the awareness of this abuse towards energy is not noted or the act of deliberate abuse is enforced.

Presently, it seems like dark times to many, especially with the high degree of electoral fraud in the USA. It is not just that a great deal of fraud has been noted, it is that so many people are willing to live with the fraud by deliberately not seeing it. Yes, in a true sense this is of abuse of energy, where obvious fraud is of abuse of energy capped off with the deliberate act of desiring not to see this abuse of energy by so many people in the world.

45 years ago I started my spiritual journey. At that time I noted, while in my own space, that very few souls on Earth were awakened to narratives beyond their own human narratives. Today when I enter into this quietened space, I am observing that many souls are very awakened. As awareness is not the same as knowledge and wisdom is not the same as intelligence, the present narrative of awoke is not the same as awakened. The awoke souls are not of what I am observing in this quietened state, which means there are many more awakened souls today than 45 years ago.

Inhumanity works best while only partially observable, today this inhumanity is far more observable, in the process creating a more aware state for many people. This inhumanity has been a plague upon humanity for centuries, the abuse of energy is a prime indication of this. Due to the degree of observable inhumanity today, many more people are awakening, in the process transforming the energy of differential narratives. Even though we are still playing light against dark, black against white, negatives against positives, the exposure of inhumanity is transforming our narratives into a far more aware narrative postulate. The assertiveness of inhumanity upon humanity is, within my own observation in 45 years, inadvertently creating a greater awareness.

Is this awakening simply a desire of my ego? Possible, but the exposure of inhumanity is not, therefore neither is the awakening this kind of exposure can create.

Friday 2 October 2020

Critical Mass

Written by Mathew Naismith

Critical mass; putting in the least amount of energy in to create a high level of self-sustainable energy creating a huge amount of energy. Financially; putting the least amount of capital in to create an economically profitable venture creating even more capital. Spiritually it is the same.

Firstly, you must realise that time is not a form of energy, time is simply a perception created by environments governed by time, day and night, birth and death, starting points and ending points of the transformation of energy from one point to the other. This aside, praying, chanting, meditating, etc, is of a least amount of energy, not the time taken which is not of energy, that can create a huge amount of self-sustainable energy. The universe is a prime example of what critical mass can create.

At present a huge amount of energy is being expended to hopefully create a self-sustainable reality of vast profits and gains. This brings us to chain reaction, where a stable reaction of energy is created to bring about a sustainable energy flow that is not just self-sustaining but puts out vast amounts of energy. Now, imagine if this chain reaction of energy is unstable. At anytime you have to input vast amounts of energy like this, is when the chain reaction between energies becomes unstable. Financial gains takes huge amounts of energy to first become viable. Once this viability is reached, creating further capital to reinvest from this initial capital becomes self-sustainable, but this energy is always unstable due to the initial energy expended.

All I can say is we have learnt very little from spiritual teachings and even from the creation of the universe. Imagine how small the consciousness is behind the small amounts of energy that created the universe!! Consciousness itself is minuscule which is what makes this consciousness so, if you like, powerful. I like to state creative rather than powerful because power is related to control. There is nothing controlling about this minuscule consciousness of vast creativeness, however, there are, if you like, laws that govern how energy is going to react. Using huge amounts of energy to create a sustainable energy flow takes a huge amount of control. This is the point, spirituality is not about taking control but simply to inform on how to use energy as a whole in a non-controlling way. Critical mass used in a creative non-controlling way can create huge amounts of self-sustainable energy. Used in a destructive controlling way, yes, a self-sustainable energy flow can be created but for a very short time before it becomes unstable and over-reactive. You should by now be able relate to this state of over-reactiveness, especially at present. So to stabilise this energy, we use even more capital investment of energy!!

How much energy is expended in staying positive? So why does being and staying positive take so much energy? Staying positive is simply in opposition to negatives, the more negatives that are around us, the more energy it takes to stay positive, often resulting in an over-reactive energy flow. If you have to expend so much energy to keep the energy stable, will this kind of energy flow really ever become truly stable, especially without pouring even more energy into it? It has to be self-sustainable, this means positive can never be in opposition to negatives. When you make the best of what is instead of the worse, there is no real negatives in opposition to your positives. Of course if you make the worse of what is, there is always negatives that we have to expend even more energy to stay positive.

Make no mistake, I am often drawn into expending energy like this to some extent when I become so involved, the trick is to be aware of your expenditure of energy. Yes, it looks like a person who pray, chants, meditates a lot is wasting energy as in the time taken in this state of consciousness, but time itself is not energy. Yes, even in these states energy can be abused/misused when using these techniques to gain control. Really, just let it go and remember, the smallest amount of energy used is often the most creative.