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Showing posts with label Nazi. Show all posts
Showing posts with label Nazi. Show all posts

Saturday, 14 September 2024

In Avoidance of Suffering from History

Written by Mathew Naismith

Any awakening to our present plight is a blessing.

People like me are into learning from history and not suffering from history, which means knowing one's history so we don't repeat therefore suffer from history over and over again. This includes personal history as well as global history. Who wants to repeat the same mistakes over and over again on a personal level, as we seem to be doing on a global level?

While once again looking into global history, there seems to be too many similarities between the final solution Nazi death camps of WWII and the resent pandemic, lock downs and preceding inoculations.

1: The Nazi fear campaigning was obvious, very much in line with the tactics used in the recent pandemic. The Nazi salute was all about putting your hand up in agreement to war and inhumanities, like putting your hand up to be and being inoculated.

2: The Nazi concentration camps are in line with the lock downs, where people did starve to death during the lock downs, like concentration camps, and were latter beaten or persecuted in many other ways for not being inoculated, likened to being gassed but in most cases resulting in a much slower death.

3: The Nazi gas chambers are in line with the pandemic inoculations, where you were promised freedom from lock downs and mandates if you were inoculated, similar to Nazi promised resettlement.

Like with the Nazi regime, under the lock downs numerous laws were introduced as well as changes to various laws that took even more of our freedom away. Look at the Nazi censoring and book burning, very much in line with today's censoring and banning of books and various other forms of literature, books and literature that don't support the present regimes narratives, just like under Nazi domination.

There are too many similarities to mention, in fact to mention them all would be to right a book in literal terms. A book titled, “Corona False Alarm”, was one of these books. Yes, the German doctors who wrote this book were first isolated from their immediate society to then be persecuted, similar to what occurred to dissidents under Nazism, the difference being, the world is the present regimes concentration camp, as proven during the lock downs.

You would think that in third world countries, that were not massed inoculated, that the excess death rate would be much higher than in countries like Britain, Canada and the US, far more than a 40% excess death rate!! Look at how the creators of mRNA vaccines where rewarded with a higher rank/status, being rewarded a Nobel prize, likened with Nazis who were rewarded a higher rank who became more inhumane. It is by mistake that people like this would be rewarded for greatly assisting in a higher excess death rate under a regime too similar to a Nazi or Marxist regime, where often millions end up dying, like in regards to the excessive excess deaths in the most heavily inoculated regions of the world!!

I think the recent heavy handed ways of the present NWO, New World Order, regime has woken a lot of people up to what they have been governed by for some time now.

However, any awakening to our present plight is a blessing.

Sunday, 5 April 2020

The Next Generation!!

Written by Mathew Naismith

I have been thinking for years to what legacy we are going to leave the younger generation, now I know what legacy we are going to leave the younger generation and the younger generation are not happy at all.

I recently talked with a number of people recently, some older, some my own age, some middle aged and some of the younger age. It would seem the older age across the board know little about viruses, especially that viruses are not alive. They also didn’t seem to know that you can’t kill a virus, you can only heal or destroy the living tissue viruses replicate in.

The young people I talked to seem to know this and a lot more. When you get a government and media talking about getting rid of money because of the transmission of harmful viruses on money, they just roll their eyes in disbelief, knowing that public touch screens are far worse in transmitting impurities than money. What about public seating, handles/knobs, handrails, etc. They know the present governmental system is blatantly trying to deceive everyone, and not just to do with the transmission of viruses. They know that the numbers of fatalities are deliberately deceptive and corrupt.

Now, it has been mentioned many times recently sacrificing our own comfort for the aged and vulnerable. How many parents and grandparents would sacrifice part of the life or all of their life for their children/grandchildren? It would seem very few. Our own politicians across the board in Australia won't take a cut in their wages we pay them out of our tax money, or sacrifice any kind of bonus in times like this.

This is the kind of government system we are presently under, a governmental system that won't give up any part of it's wealth or privileges for the good of the country and it's people. Would this kind of mentality give a damn about the next generation? They are going the freeze their wages for twelve months but this makes it worse. Will they end up doubling their wage increase and benefits after the twelve month wage freeze anyway!!

In fascist Nazism, all the people serve the states ideologies first and foremost. What do the people under our present governmental system serve first and foremost? It is obviously not it's country or world or it's people, it is the ideologies of the very few people who govern/control our present worldwide governmental and financial system to serve themselves first and foremost.

So, it would seem to the mass that it is alright leaving the young generation to a system that is only of serving itself, it's master, and certainly not the collective. We are not just willing to sacrifice anything for the young generation, we will leave them with a legacy of degradation of the mind, body and soul.

This is the same people who make no big deal about 800 thousand children in the world who die year after year, but are totally distraught over a virus that does not indiscriminately kill as many people as pneumonia does every year!!

Don't be too hard on these people, the count of pneumonia fatalities is nowhere near as dramatised nor shown on the media as the coronavirus numbers have been. It is like watching the Olympics with fatality rates represented by gold medals, moderate symptoms represented by silver medals and of course bronze medals, which are represented by the majority of people with very little symptoms to show. Really, you have got to be joking, is this where human consciousness has degenerated to, a coronavirus medal tally. When you sit back in observation, while not of participation, it is like observing people counting a medal tally, really.

Actually, this is where the present governmental system has lead us to. Think on this, Nazi tallies of people killed and countries subdued under Nazi rule was like a gold medal tally. How many people in the world have to keep up with the present coronavirus tally? No doubt the same people who give little consideration to the younger generation it would seem as clearly shown recently.

As I would not have liked being under Fascist Nazi governing system in the mid 1900's, I don't like being under the present Nazi governing system and neither do a lot of younger people in the know it would seem. We want nothing to do with your Nazi governing system that is obviously based on fear, paranoia and hysteria.

It is obvious that the toxic and polluted environment we have created externally and internally to our bodies and minds, has created a perfect incubation environment for coronavirus to flourish in and become more infectious than it should be. It is like growing a culture in a laboratory, our own man made environment, like a laboratory, is perfect for creating viral cultures. Is this done deliberately? Who knows but would not have the Nazis in the mid 1900's done the same? Remember, under Nazi style governing, the state comes first and foremost!!

The younger generation has no hope of creating a governing system free of fear, paranoia and hysteria under this kind of governing system, that we have not just created and allowed to flourish but support in many different ways.

Imagine being born into a governing system like this knowing no other way to exist!! This is exactly what we are allowing to be created right now.

Saturday, 4 April 2020

Say No to Nazi Like Propaganda

Written by Mathew Naismith

Think for a moment, what kind of system thinks that over 800 thousand children that die every year of pneumonia is far more acceptable than how many children are dying from the coronavirus? Try to find out how many children have died so far from the recent coronavirus outbreak. I could find no listed number of child fatalities, is this to do with how low the number are? How is a system of fear, paranoia and hysteria going to use such a low number? It won’t so it doesn’t even get a mention, now look at how other numbers are being used by this propaganda machine!! 

Ask yourselves; what kind of system would forcibly instill fear, paranoia and hysteria in a populous? The phrase lockdown or shutdown for starters instills fear, paranoia and hysteria in people, as opposed to what phrases could have been used like viral containment and enforced isolation. If a propaganda machine wanted to create fear, paranoia and hysteria, the phrase lockdown or shutdown will do this perfectly.  

“There's not enough information that's readily available yet to determine the true survival rate of COVID-19, says Dr. Brown, "but given the tens of thousands of people infected with the virus, the survival rate will be very, very high," he adds. Manisha Juthani, MD, a Yale Medicine infectious disease specialist, agrees. “It can be scary to watch the news and see the death toll rise from the coronavirus overseas. But we now know that most cases of coronavirus in China have been mild and less than 3% of patients have died,” she points out.”

The statement of,” the survival rate will be very, very high” can’t be used in fear based propaganda so they instead use what? Propaganda that is based on Nazi ideologies of instilling fear, paranoia and hysteria, basically creating a complete lockdown of fearlessness, sanity and calm!!

Don’t try to tell me that mainstream media isn’t of instilling fear, paranoia and hysteria, a media that is obviously of Nazi like propaganda. What next, people going to rallies based on these ideologies!! Why do you as a people even remotely want to go down this path again of a Nazi kind of propaganda and dictatorial dominance? Because you are so engrossed in lying deceiving manipulative mainstream media propaganda, that is exactly what you are doing.

“At this point, the best way to keep survival rates high–and to prepare and protect yourself against coronavirus—is to continue taking preventive measures recommended by the CDC, which include avoiding close contact with people who are sick; not touching your eyes, nose, and mouth; staying home when you are sick; putting distance (about 6 feet) between yourself and other people; cleaning and disinfecting frequently touched objects and surfaces; and washing your hands often with soap and water for at least 20 seconds, especially after going to the bathroom and before eating.”

Even this information from the previous inserted link above is of instilling paranoia and fear to some extent. So in the future if anyone even looks like coughing, you have go to stay 6 feet away from them!! Actually, this says to stay 6 feet away from all people no matter what. Is this not like staying 6 feet away from what the state declares undesirables through propaganda, likened to Nazi propaganda? So if someone is hurt on the street you have to stay 6 feet away from them, an undesirable!! This in a sense is worse than Nazism.  

So what is an alternative governing system to the present Nazi based governing system? Look for a governing system that instills fearlessness, sanity and calm especially in times like this. You should not fear the coronanvirus, you should be simply aware of the coronavirus and be prepared for an outbreak. Was the present Nazi based governing system of the world of instilling fear, paranoia and hysteria ready for such an outbreak? No, now ask yourself honestly if a governing system of fearlessness, sanity and calm would have been?  The answer is obvious.    

Fearlessness is actually of awareness, where fear is of ignorance. How many people today are hiding in fear, when in truth it should be the other way around?  Hiding is simply of ignorance, couple this with fear propaganda from today’s media, what do you have? Nazism in full swing.

Ask yourself this, why are people like me with respiratory conditions not in fear but also not watching Nazi propaganda on the media. No, I won’t inhumanly stay away from a hurt person or any person who assumingly, through fear not awareness, may have the coronavirus. I am also not into being brainwashed into Nazi ideologies through today’s media. In awareness, I know that probably most people have the coronavirus, always have, but how many people living in fear therefore ignorance knows this?  You don’t even know that viruses are not even alive. Has the present propaganda told you this?  No, now ask yourself why not. They simply don’t want to clean up their toxic polluted environment that causes viruses to become far worse of a problem for humans. If you live in shit long enough, it is obvious that you will eventually become that shit. 

I am not a fool, I stay away from people who have illnesses but not in fear like so many today, I try to avoid this by simply being aware, not fearful. Only through fear can a mass populous become so easily controlled and manipulated. My advice is, denounce any fear ignorant based governing systems in favour of fearless awareness based governing systems. Wake up, you are well entrenched in Nazi idealism of fear and ignorance, it is so obvious it’s not funny.

The following link has some fearless based information as well to do with the coronavirus.