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Showing posts with label fear. Show all posts
Showing posts with label fear. Show all posts

Sunday 26 April 2020

The Extraction of Fear from Consciousness

Written by Mathew Naismith

“Wise words indeed Heather, as I try to also live by.

Living by there are no mistakes, only lessons, as there are no negatives, only positives.

Living by mistakes therefore negatives is simply of not learning, suffering for the ego by the ego.

Living by lessons therefore positives is simply of learning, enjoyment for the ego by the ego.

I once again awoke in the early hours of the morning to write.  Your post is in line with what I am about to write about and funny enough the first post I read.”

I do seem to have some bright and wise friends, people who are not in fear of being open minded and direct in their own way.

The extraction of fear from consciousness, a consciousness that has been conditioned to fear for many years, a fear that is anything but of openness and directness. This consciousness is becoming known by many as the Deep Dark State that has plagued man for so long now. This is a state of consciousness that doesn’t learn from its mistakes but prefer to suffer from its mistakes. Yes, this consciousness actually prefers to suffer from its mistakes than learn form it’s mistakes in a literal sense. The process of learning that leads to awareness is mightily shunned by this consciousness.

Being open minded and direct, this is instead of being closed minded and indirect, in my own way is not always received too well by today consciousness. You would think being opened minded and direct, as opposed to being closed minded and indirect, would be accepted but its not. You must allow a consciousness to evolve through its own processes, in our case gradually evolving from a state of closed mindedness and indirectness to a state of open mindedness and directness. In another words evolving from a state of suffering from our mistakes to a state of learning from our mistakes. Covid-19 is a perfect example of a consciousness still suffering from its mistakes in a number of ways.

I look at it this way. To bring people out of the darkness one must do this gradually, of course to do this one must play up to the ego of the darkness to get the ego to come from the dark into the light, there is no other way if you go down this path. The light must be more appealing to the light than the dark. This means awareness (fearlessness) must be more desirable than ignorance (fear) in regards to the ego. Have you noticed the more aware you become, the less fearful you become? This also means becoming fearlessly aware of the Deep Dark State, not ignoring this state to stay positive!!

People like me are not subtle in the way we express our open mindedness and directness, we are not meant to be as of other people are suppose to be subtle in their approach within their open mindedness and directness. We simply can’t play up to the ego in any sense as many other people are guided to do, this is not our path. Our path is governed by the absence of playing up to the ego. Both paths are of the light, of awareness and wisdom. As their will be no one whatsoever incarcerated in a reality of light, there will be no further need to play up to the ego to coach the ego away from the dark. In other words coach a consciousness out from its own incarceration!!

Today, COVID-19 is being used to incarcerate people, healthy people at that, that should be allowed to build up the human collective immune system. Would a dark entity want you to become immune? No, it would want you to still suffer and not learn from your mistakes. Yes, immunity always comes at a cost; better this than being of some kind of dark ignorant consciousness. 

One more thing, don’t mistaken awareness for judgment. You will express what you become aware of. To many people of judgment, this will seem like judgment when it is simply an expression of awareness. In the process of becoming aware you will become aware of many more things, but in the end all of what you have become aware of will be seen as one thing, be it negative or positive. Only in the darkness, ignorance, can one truly be judgmental of all things. Of course in ignorance one never learns from their mistakes, in the process creating a Deep Dark State of consciousness, a consciousness where mistakes are deliberately never learnt!!     

Saturday 18 April 2020

A Reemerging Spiritual Revolution

Written by Mathew Naismith

In the Americas before European invasion, the first nation people of the Americas lived in a sterile environment in the absence of numerous European diseases. With the arrival of European contaminates creating a contaminated European stile environment, millions of first nation people died. Alas, today in the absence of modern day medicine and so-called vaccine cures, first nation people are still present within the Americas. As of flu vaccine shots, which hasn’t stopped more people dying of influenza each year, no new vaccine will be an ultimate cure either.

Think on this, what was the first nation’s ultimate cure of millions more first nation people dying? It wasn’t modern medicine or some kind of vaccine cure which don’t exist in relation to viral repository ailments, it was the first nations natural immunity to European contaminated environments. Now, are lockdowns or shutdowns going to enhance natural immunity processes taking place or greatly hinder this natural process taking place?  Yes by all means take precautions but not at the expense of our natural immune system developing its own cures that are real cures, unlike viral vaccine cures that are not real cures, simply of preventative measures.

I once found myself in an environment that is more known today as a deep dark state, a conscious state of fear. Within this state certain entities thrive or feed off of fear. My own ego simply succumbed to this environment of fear for a time. The turning point for me was when 9 entities all at once tried to totally overwhelm my ego with fear; all I could do was laugh at them. At this moment my ego no longer had control over me, it was this simple, for only the ego in control can create and exist within a fearful environment of fearing itself. There are spiritual people that exist within these environments based on fear without themselves being of this fear, this means not fearing fear or even of fearing being fearful themselves, for all that can experience fear is the ego in control. When the ego is no longer in control, one is able to exist within any environment of fear free of fear themselves, in the process neutralising fear within themselves.

Why is there so much more fear today? How many spiritually aware people fear fearing? How many spiritually aware people today avoid fearful environments? Shutting down like this is simply going to do what to our egos immunity in regards to fear, especially in the long term? How many people today fear being negative or of experiencing toxic vibrations?  All this fear of the ego in control has simply created what we have today, a collective consciousness and subsequent reality purely base on fear. Now honestly look at who or what type of consciousness is feeding off of this fear!! 

There are numerous spiritual teachings that help guide the ego away from fear and of fearing being fearful. I have allowed my ego to fear and to experience fear based realities, for within this process an immunity in relation to fear is created. Make no mistake, fear is our most pandemic virus man could ever create, and all we are doing at present is feeding this virus based on fear exactly what it needs to exist.

My advice is, stop listening to the people whose egos immune system has no real cure for fear, for they have not themselves become immune to fear through natural processes.         

Saturday 4 April 2020

Say No to Nazi Like Propaganda

Written by Mathew Naismith

Think for a moment, what kind of system thinks that over 800 thousand children that die every year of pneumonia is far more acceptable than how many children are dying from the coronavirus? Try to find out how many children have died so far from the recent coronavirus outbreak. I could find no listed number of child fatalities, is this to do with how low the number are? How is a system of fear, paranoia and hysteria going to use such a low number? It won’t so it doesn’t even get a mention, now look at how other numbers are being used by this propaganda machine!! 

Ask yourselves; what kind of system would forcibly instill fear, paranoia and hysteria in a populous? The phrase lockdown or shutdown for starters instills fear, paranoia and hysteria in people, as opposed to what phrases could have been used like viral containment and enforced isolation. If a propaganda machine wanted to create fear, paranoia and hysteria, the phrase lockdown or shutdown will do this perfectly.  

“There's not enough information that's readily available yet to determine the true survival rate of COVID-19, says Dr. Brown, "but given the tens of thousands of people infected with the virus, the survival rate will be very, very high," he adds. Manisha Juthani, MD, a Yale Medicine infectious disease specialist, agrees. “It can be scary to watch the news and see the death toll rise from the coronavirus overseas. But we now know that most cases of coronavirus in China have been mild and less than 3% of patients have died,” she points out.”

The statement of,” the survival rate will be very, very high” can’t be used in fear based propaganda so they instead use what? Propaganda that is based on Nazi ideologies of instilling fear, paranoia and hysteria, basically creating a complete lockdown of fearlessness, sanity and calm!!

Don’t try to tell me that mainstream media isn’t of instilling fear, paranoia and hysteria, a media that is obviously of Nazi like propaganda. What next, people going to rallies based on these ideologies!! Why do you as a people even remotely want to go down this path again of a Nazi kind of propaganda and dictatorial dominance? Because you are so engrossed in lying deceiving manipulative mainstream media propaganda, that is exactly what you are doing.

“At this point, the best way to keep survival rates high–and to prepare and protect yourself against coronavirus—is to continue taking preventive measures recommended by the CDC, which include avoiding close contact with people who are sick; not touching your eyes, nose, and mouth; staying home when you are sick; putting distance (about 6 feet) between yourself and other people; cleaning and disinfecting frequently touched objects and surfaces; and washing your hands often with soap and water for at least 20 seconds, especially after going to the bathroom and before eating.”

Even this information from the previous inserted link above is of instilling paranoia and fear to some extent. So in the future if anyone even looks like coughing, you have go to stay 6 feet away from them!! Actually, this says to stay 6 feet away from all people no matter what. Is this not like staying 6 feet away from what the state declares undesirables through propaganda, likened to Nazi propaganda? So if someone is hurt on the street you have to stay 6 feet away from them, an undesirable!! This in a sense is worse than Nazism.  

So what is an alternative governing system to the present Nazi based governing system? Look for a governing system that instills fearlessness, sanity and calm especially in times like this. You should not fear the coronanvirus, you should be simply aware of the coronavirus and be prepared for an outbreak. Was the present Nazi based governing system of the world of instilling fear, paranoia and hysteria ready for such an outbreak? No, now ask yourself honestly if a governing system of fearlessness, sanity and calm would have been?  The answer is obvious.    

Fearlessness is actually of awareness, where fear is of ignorance. How many people today are hiding in fear, when in truth it should be the other way around?  Hiding is simply of ignorance, couple this with fear propaganda from today’s media, what do you have? Nazism in full swing.

Ask yourself this, why are people like me with respiratory conditions not in fear but also not watching Nazi propaganda on the media. No, I won’t inhumanly stay away from a hurt person or any person who assumingly, through fear not awareness, may have the coronavirus. I am also not into being brainwashed into Nazi ideologies through today’s media. In awareness, I know that probably most people have the coronavirus, always have, but how many people living in fear therefore ignorance knows this?  You don’t even know that viruses are not even alive. Has the present propaganda told you this?  No, now ask yourself why not. They simply don’t want to clean up their toxic polluted environment that causes viruses to become far worse of a problem for humans. If you live in shit long enough, it is obvious that you will eventually become that shit. 

I am not a fool, I stay away from people who have illnesses but not in fear like so many today, I try to avoid this by simply being aware, not fearful. Only through fear can a mass populous become so easily controlled and manipulated. My advice is, denounce any fear ignorant based governing systems in favour of fearless awareness based governing systems. Wake up, you are well entrenched in Nazi idealism of fear and ignorance, it is so obvious it’s not funny.

The following link has some fearless based information as well to do with the coronavirus.     

Sunday 20 August 2017

What I Am

Written by Mathew Naismith 

Many fear me for I am not what is expected.

I am all of what is but nothing simultaneously.

It is understandably difficult to comprehend me at the best of times.

My power and control is resolute and infinite in nature but at the same time I am neither powerful nor controlling.

What I am is difficult to say for within myself there is no need or desire to know what I am.

I am just being within what is expected but at the same time being what isn't expected.

The ego is of me but not of me simultaneously as I am of motion and motionlessness.

The ego sees me as something grandiose and all powerful; all I see of me is everything but nothing.

To the ego, I am it's higher self. To me, I am no higher than everything I am which is everything.

Is being everything without exception of a higher stature for the ego to aspire to?

Only the ego can answer this for only the ego aspires towards anything when we are already everything. Of course the ego only desires to be what it desires to be which is a very tiny part of everything!!


We would simply be lying to ourselves if we said we are not in fear of ourselves, for only the ego is of the ego in fear of itself. The ego expects one thing only, ego, nothing more and nothing less is expected, just simply ego. Fear simply does not exist past the ego, so to be in fear of the unexpected is ego in fear of itself. It's the expected that gives the ego it's fear of the unexpected for only can the ego control what is expected.

Being in a state of pure awareness is being of everything without exception. In this state we are being all of what is but in the process being nothing, only in the perception of the separation of everything can being everything not be of nothing. What happens when yin and yang act as one? Nothing. What then happens when yin and yang act as two? Everything, we are therefore simultaneously everything but nothing because yin and yang always act as one as well as two.

Now how do we, the ego, comprehend that we are everything and nothing at the same time? The ego simply can't comprehend anything beyond the ego, so nothing can't exist for the ego but it does. When you can truly comprehend a state of pure awareness, you are at that point being everything but also nothing for only in separation is there something. There is absolutely no separation within this pure aware state; everything simply becomes nothing, as one instead of two.

Only when we perceive we are everything is when the ego is all powerful and controlling, the ego often aspires to this higher level. However, when we are also able to perceive this everything is also nothing, only at this point are we aware that their no control or power to be had, there is simply no need.

The ego expects to have a need of power and control. The unexpected simply has no need of such things for the ego is unable to control the unexpected, only when the unexpected becomes the expected is there a need for power and control. How do you control nothing? This is why the ego is in fear of itself, for only in ego can fear exist; control and fear simply can't exist without each other and neither can the ego. The ego doesn't actually fear nothingness or the unexpected, it actually fears itself.

So what am I? We are simultaneously everything but nothing, of course the ego will understandably have problems comprehending this as always..........    

Saturday 19 August 2017

Releasing Ourselves from Limitations

Written by Mathew Naismith

This post is a follow on from my last post, Pleasure Centres of the Mind. If your ego didn't like the last post, it is unlikely the ego will like this post. Put simply, the ego doesn't like anything that doesn't' excite the pleasure centre within a reality based on pleasures. Let's be honest with ourselves here, everything, including spirituality these days, is based on positive vibrations as opposed to negative vibrations, in other words what pleases the senses is positive, what doesn't is negative.

This is too obvious for people like me. I have become involved in numerous spiritual based forums in the last 8 (eight) years, too often has spirituality been based purely on what pleases the pleasure centre of the mind, the ego. This of course takes one to ignore and even denounce anything that vaguely threatens what pleases the pleasure centre of the mind. Most of the forums I have been involved in have either removed me from the forum or I removed myself from the forum. When you realise you are upsetting people's ego to no end, there is no point in continuing being involved.

Once our pleasure senses have been tantalised, anything that vaguely threatens this pleasure is denounced or ostracised. What seemed to have occurred is that spirituality is purely based on fear, while at the same time denouncing religion for being based on fear. This has been proven to me over and over again on most of these forums; people literally show fear of their own pleasures being threatened in any sense simply through their own actions. I should also point out I am still involved in certain forums/groups to one degree or another, probably because the people on these forums don't seem to see people like me as a threat.

Are people like me a threat to the control the ego has over other people?

Yes, to the ego, people like me seem to be a threat to it's existence, the truth is, people like me are only a threat to the control the ego has over people, not to the ego own existence. In actuality, only the ego can experience a sensation of being threatened, people like me are not even a threat to the control the ego has over other people, for only the ego can experience threatening sensations. What I am saying is, only can the ego become a threat to itself, this simply occurs when the ego awakes to itself for only the ego can control ego. People like me are not about control but the ego will perceive that we are, especially when the pleasure centre is threatened in any sense.

I have found it quite amusing over my time on these forums, I have also found it saddening that once again so many people are using spirituality to obtain and maintain a certain level of pleasure. This of course takes one to become deliberately unaware of anything that threatens these pleasurable experiences. Firstly, where is the oneness in this and secondly, it is obvious that such blatant ignorance will not lead to a state of pure awareness, pure bliss.

Bliss is not obtained through insurmountable conditions; bliss can only be obtained through putting no conditions on anything and become all of what is.

As I have personally experienced on most forums, you are not allowed to express anything that seems to threaten the control the ego has over the pleasure centre in any sense. So many people are putting more conditions on themselves and others, not less, to protect the control of the ego has over the pleasure centre of the mind. What do these insurmountable conditions denote? Limitations, this simply means we are limiting ourselves more, not less. I suppose this figures as more people these days seem to desire to be more control. How many conditions are there for someone to be in control? The more control we desire, the more conditions there are, of course the more control we experience or desire, the more conditions (limitations) we put on upon ourselves and others around us.

I will put it this way by using our present environment. A lot of people want to limit themselves to the light, of course this takes a lot of conditions (limitations) to obtain this in the first place. Would the Earth be as beautiful as it was if there wasn't a balance, a moderation, of light and dark? Now imagine the light controlling the dark through it's own conditions, it's own limitations, how beautiful would have the Earth been then? How beautiful is the universe with it's insurmountable contrasts of light and dark?  

The light tantalises our pleasure centre when the dark threatens our pleasure centre, but what would the light create void of the dark, the yin void of the yang? The Earth as it was simply couldn't have existed under such conditions, such limitations, and what a shame that would have been for the ego not to have experienced!!  

Thursday 6 July 2017

Save the Children through Humility

Written by Mathew Naismith

Indeed, save the children from realities of fear; realities and realizations primarily built around fear, of course most of this fear based conditioning is false.

In recent years, we have had North Korea expand on it's military might, this has instilled fear within the children of today but deceptively so.

How many countries have North Korea invaded or terrorised through bombing and other means? Now how many countries has the US backed coalition forces terrorised in this manner, and falsely so? Where are the weapons of mass destruction? To start with, this is deceptively and falsely instilling fear within the children; obviously this is OK to do as North Korea is an obvious bigger threat, even though North Korea isn't invading other countries to simply pilfer their resources.

What are we doing? So one form of fear, based purely on deception, is OK but falsified forms of fear are far more threatening!!

What kind of conditioning are we subjecting the children of today? Not a real threat but a falsified threat when the real creator of fear is the one falsifying and conditioning our children to fear.

What are we teaching and conditioning our children to? That it's OK that the right country, as opposed to the wrong country, invades other countries to pilfer their resources. That falsification of fear based realizations is normal and should be accepted. That all fear purely based on deception is the right conditioning for our children.    

Let's perspectively look at how else we are conditioning our children to fear and be in fear.

Modern day spiritually in the West is more based on fear today than it has ever been.

How many people fear expressing the egotism or judgement? If we express the ego or judge, this makes us look bad in the eyes of other spiritually aware people, and/or, we can't be spiritually aware if we express ourselves in these ways.    

How many more negatives are there out there today? It would seem even the word balance or moderation is negative these days, of course to extremist ideologies this is going to naturally be the case. Positive has become extreme to negative, light has become extreme to dark and love has become extreme to hate an on and on it goes.

What are we conditioning our children to today? 

The answer to this question is too obvious for people like me; it's all to do with control. What does a sense of control depict? Fear, fear of not having control or of losing control once we have it, and of course, one can never get enough control and empowerment. Is this like a multinational that can't get enough wealth and power, it's never enough? So if it feels good, it must be good so the more we feel good the better it is? 

We have completely based our whole existence on fear from the multinational point of view to spirituality. What are we instilling in our children?

It would seem we completely don't care what we are conditioning our children to and if you do care, you are dark or negative and even toxic. The amount of times I have heard toxic expressed towards other people, especially from so called positive people and people of love and light, is astonishing. To judge anyone toxic is an expression that is purely based on fear, it's as simple as this.

We first of all fear being toxic, then we avoid all people who we judge as toxic in fear of some of that toxicity rubbing off on us or we fear their presence. The fear of a toxic person having any control over us is huge these days. Consider this; would a truly humble person express this kind of fear?

What would have occurred if people like Buddha or Jesus were instilled with this kind of fear? Poor and diseased people would become toxic to avoid at all costs, and for the Romans, we ignore them because they are so negative (dark) and Buddha certainly wouldn't have faced he's ego face on.

So what is the answer, or more precisely, one of the answers?

First of all, in my mind, there is never a single answer but multiple answers to a particular question or situation; it's that the ego can usually only comprehend one or two answers at best at a time.  

One of the answers is to teach the children humility; this simply means accepting the control from others while not belittling yourself to this control. Yes, this means accepting control from people we find negative or toxic, the trick is, never see these people being above or below yourself. This is simply obtained by desisting in the extreme expressions of what is and isn't negative or toxic, simply avoid all extreme expressions, not in fear but in awareness of what extreme expressions create.

I hope the following furthermore helps in teaching our children humility.    

Extract: For example, you may have seen an athlete who scores a touchdown, drops the ball and goes down on his knees to give thanks for his achievement.  Or another player who scores but then runs around the field pointing at himself and calling attention to his or her achievement.  One of these people is being humble and grateful, while the other is being arrogant and boastful.

Sunday 26 March 2017

A Natural Process of Awareness

Written by Mathew Naismith

Throughout the ages, it is obvious that human consciousness is about awareness, spirituality, science and philosophy, are prime examples of our desire to be aware. Even human instincts are about being aware, it is actually our human instincts that inspire us to become aware of our environment.

Because human consciousness is plagued by a controlling ego, unlike many other conscious entities, our instincts have become self-centred and destructive, in actuality, our instincts have become our nemesis. When a consciousness becomes self-destructive to the point of causing misery and death, it's a sure sign that this kind of a consciousness is a nemesis onto itself. Of course it is obvious that human consciousness has always been a nemesis onto itself, however, intelligence void of wisdom has exasperated or hugely added to this dilemma. 

We have come to the point of the post where a lot of people would say I am just being negative; we need to be only focused on the positive to create a more constructive reality. The problem with this is, at no point in human history has this kind of approach worked, in actuality; it has created quite the opposite as is obvious today. Extreme actions and denial or ignorance does not create constructive realities; my own instincts/awareness tells me this.

It is wise to be aware that instincts are not necessarily about awareness as a whole, especially when instincts are primarily controlled by the ego. In this case, instincts are only about the desire and fear, for example, a desire for more wealth and power or of only being of a higher stature spiritually. Human consciousness so easily limited by these desires because it is plagued by the a controlling ego, of course if we were truly aware, we would realise that human consciousness doesn't have to be plagued in this way. Of course to be aware of this takes wisdom to realise this in the first place. For a consciousness that has obviously shunned wisdom in place of intelligence, this realisation is virtually going to be impossible, unless human consciousness is awakened to this.

The natural process of awareness for a controlling ego is to only be aware of what serves the ego first and foremost; this is the natural instincts of an ego in control. An ego not in control has completely different instincts which are usually influenced by a true sense of awareness and wisdom. Take away the natural instincts of a controlling ego, what you are left with, and quite naturally without effort, is wisdom and a true sense of awareness void of any ignorance what so ever.

We often make the mistake in trying to avoid the negatives and ego altogether, when in actuality all we have to do is become truly aware, and not just aware of what serves our controlling egos. The process of becoming truly aware naturally and automatically naturalises the effects of a controlling egos instincts, and yes, it is a natural instinct for a controlling ego to be destructive. We are presently worldwide going through a natural process in accordance with a controlling egos instinct; we are also experiencing what our truer being is aware of. All of what we are experiencing is what our truer being is aware of; our present experiences are not as negative as we might think.

What we are going through could well be the start of a golden age for man, in the end looking back from this age, we won't be as judgmentally harsh of the negatives as we are now of our present reality. Not all that is negative will create more negatives; more often than not these negatives prove to be very positive, and, more often than not the positives create negatives; materialism is a prime example of this and so is our self-preservation which seems to be prevalent at present.

We have always been apart of wisdom and awareness, it's like the spirit within all things is always present no matter how much we become unaware of this spirit. Basically, wisdom and awareness is this spirit within all things. It's an energy flow or source, like energy itself, that can never be destroyed but unlike energy that can be changed, this spirit within all things can't be changed or even discarded. However, a consciousness can become that unaware or even deliberately ignorant to this spirit that it can become highly destructive and corrupt in every sense. Take away the ignorance of the spirit within all things; all you are left with is awareness and wisdom which has always been present.

People like me are now being censored because we tend to tell it how it is and we think for ourselves. The last thing a consciousness wants you to do, that is created using ignorance as a platform of existing, is think for yourself and talk about a better way of existing. What we are basically talking about here is a system that is based on fear. How many people fear losing any part of their material possessions or fear being singled out by the creators of this kind of fear based system of existence? Of course keeping a consciousness ignorant of its spirit helps keep a consciousness in fear, especially considering that the spirit within all things is fearless.

A state of pure awareness and wisdom, the spirit within all things, has nothing to fear. The more we become unaware of this spirit, the more we fear for only in ignorance can a consciousness express fear.

Yes, fear is a natural state for a consciousness to express when living in ignorance of it's truer being, however, fearlessness is also a natural state for a consciousness to express as well while being of it's truer self. The truer self being this spirit within all things that can never be changed by any other force as this state is infinite within its being. Of course what this means is that anything not of our truer being is finite in nature, this of course makes perfect sense because fear is highly limiting therefore transitory. Being that the spirit within all things is infinite in nature, which is a reflection of our truer being, it stands to reason why a consciousness in this state wouldn't exist in fear. 

It is wise to realise that the present human consciousness is expressive of a natural process of ignorance. This consciousness in a state of ignorance is naturally doing what it's suppose to do, however, at no time are we truly imprisoned by this kind of consciousness, not when you realise that our truer being is infinite in nature. No matter how a consciousness existing in ignorance tries to destroy or change this spirit, even within itself, there is no way it can. All it can do is try to influence a state of consciousness to become unaware which leads to a consciousness existing in fear.

In a true sense, we have nothing to fear, only in truly realising this can we free ourselves of fear based existences. No matter what occurs within this reality, we have nothing to fear, and yes, it is this simple. Consider what you have to lose to start with, our life and our possessions, which are finite therefore transitory in nature to begin with, but you will never lose you spirit, your truer infinite being no matter what. 

Friday 17 March 2017

The Passiveness of Love

Written by Mathew Naismith

Love is a passive expression.

Love is not about judging everything
else that is not of this love negative.

Love is neither negative nor positive
for it is passive by nature.

Love does not limit itself to
judgment or extremes.

Love has no boundaries,
for only in harsh judgment are
there so many negatives/boundaries.

Love is simply freedom from these
inhibiting aggressive expressions
of today's expressions of love and light.

~Mathew G~

Has this new movement of love and light become highly aggressive?

Considering the conversations I have had with a number of people on this topic, and that anyone apart of this new movement often judge more, especially more of what is negative, it certainly seems it is highly aggressive. It is amazing what is negative today that wasn't before, and we are suppose to be judging less, not more!!

Yes, the perception of love and light is observed by many as being a movement and a new movement. As of any new movement, it becomes a be and end all, the ultimate answer to our troubling world and minds. This alone reminds me of the religious Dark Ages, my movement/religion is the ultimate answer. 

This movement is also new because it does not emulate the ancient teachings of love and light. These ancient teachings of love and light are and were not about extreme expressions to start with. They are also not about being in judgment more, in effect, judging more of what is negative. What wasn't judged as negative before is now judged as negative by this new movement today, for example, expressing a balanced view is negative. Balance of course pertains to wisdom. 

Speaking with other people as well on this topic, they mention how telling it how it actually is, is negative by this new movement, meaning, the truth is negative which pertains that this new movement is really of the non-acceptance of truths. This of course pertain that this new movement is really about lies. The similarities between this new movement of today and the religious Dark Age movements are obvious, not they are exactly the same but there are some significant similarities. Basing a movement on the non-acceptance of truths is but one of them, excluding wisdom and balance from a movement is another.

It is quite disheartening for people like me to observe this occurring all over again; we are just not willing to free ourselves from these boundaries that we are conditioned to.

I was repeatedly told, at an early age, not to read or study on certain subjects that were going to condition me to  certain ways of thinking; this included a lot of new age spiritual teachings at the time. Even today this is the case. Only now can I see why, through my interactions with other people, I was told not to condition myself to certain teachings.      

Materialism is only apart of that conditioning, the other part is to do with spiritual conditioning, especially the spiritual conditionings that pertain to fear. How many people today fear expressing the ego, judgment and negativity? If you fear the so called dark side of life at all, you are conditioned to fear, however, it is also advisable not to fear being in fear either.

Being fearful is part of the process of negating or neutralising fear altogether, it is wise to treat this as part of the process. It is also wise to treat fearing being fearful of negativity as apart of the process as well. No one part of the process is a be and end all, it is wise to be aware of this in my mind. 

Sunday 12 March 2017

Love and Light v Ominous Creations

Written by Mathew Naismith

I received a few responses, in regards to my last post, referring to the inability to protect ourselves from portholes/doors that open up into ominous existences. You can liken this to a person who robs a bank thus instantly changing their own reality, especially when they are imprisoned. Our own reality can instantly change in a few seconds; incurring brain damage in an accident is another example. By having these doors open to us, our reality instantly changes, this can also occur when our minds enter through these reality changing doors, for example, inducing potent drugs or through mental projection.

As we become spiritually aware or aware period, we do have more of an opportunity to open up more doors to other realities; this of course makes sense because we are becoming more aware. The doors to other realities we can open up to just through out of body experiences are amazing. Each door opens up to a new awareness, of course it is up to us if we are willing to become aware more by leaving the door open, or, stay unaware by closing the door again. Of course spiritual awareness is about an awareness of all of what is, not just what we desire to be aware of. This brings us to protecting ourselves in a better way.

First of all, I don't judge what is or isn't negative or positive. To judge an ominous existence negative is exactly what the ominous existence or entity wants you to do. As soon as you judge like this, you instantly give power or energy to what you have judged in this way. No ominous existence or entity can exist without this energy flow for which we seemingly freely give energy to. Negatives instantly denote fear; through fear is exactly how these ominous existences and entities obtain their energy to exist.

Being of love and light, as soon as we judge anything negative, we instantly ignore or separate ourselves from these kinds of energy flows. Again, this is exactly what this kind of ominous energy flow wants you to do, ignore it or stay ignorant to it because it is negative. We think the best way to stay of the love and light is to stay ignorant to these energy flows. Being that spiritual awareness is about becoming more ware, not less, I find this reaction quit strange.

We are a part of everything void of separation; of course separation is due to our desires. We are apart of everything which includes what is ominous, of course a controlling ego will always go with the desire while denouncing it is apart of anything ominous. We are the ones that feed ominous existences and entities the energy they need to exist, this alone proves we are also apart of this kind of energy flow, however, this also means they are also apart of us, even while in love and light. This too is important to remember when opening up portholes/doorways to other existences/realities, you are always of this love and light no matter what.

Think on this, how powerful would the financial elite be without the populous feeding them the energy they need to use against us to gain even more energy, more power and wealth? Everything that is ominous can only exist through sucking off energy from other sources, usually light sources that create enormous amounts of energy. The more energy a light source emanates, the more energy ominous energy sources have to use to exist by, and we ask why the world is noticeably becoming more destructive and uncaring.

As I said, the more of the light and love we become, the more we desire to stay as this light and love, in the process, deliberately ignoring ominous energy flows to the extent of totally denying we are any part of these kinds of energy flows. How can't we be apart of something we are feeding so it can exist?

So knowing that we are also apart of these ominous energy sources, why aren't people like me of these kinds of energy flows?

This question is quite simple and the answer to this, which was once personally proven to me to be correct in every sense, is that we are all apart of one thing. It is not just the knowing that we are of, what Buddhism calls nothing or pure awareness or religions call God, but it's actually being this one thing in essence in every sense.

It is advisable to focus on the essence within all things, religiously; this is known to be the spirit of God within all things, the spirit within all things. It is an essence that is within all things no matter how ominous an energy source becomes; this essence can never be touched or influenced by any other energy source. A lot of people these days also call this essence love, an untouchable energy source that is unable to be influenced in any sense. No matter what you call this untouchable unchangeable energy source, it is all of the same source.

The answer is of course to not just know of this essence but be of this essence. Why are some religious people untouchable, even when their physical life is being destroyed? They know they are untouchable while being this essence within all things; Jesus is a prime example of this.

I personally experienced this first hand when approached by ominous sources. All I did was express my awareness and being of this essence, this indestructible essence, and they fled in fear, not in fear of me but in fear of knowing they too are still of this same essence. No ominous source of energy wants to become aware, especially to this extent, for only can this kind of energy source exist in ignorance. Any kind of a pure display of awareness is most unbecoming to ominous energy sources, for their existence is purely based on existing in ignorance. Anyone of love and light, who expresses any kind of ignorance because they judge what is and isn't negative, is feeding this energy flow, it is this simple.

The last thing we need to be is more expressive of ignorance to protect our love and light. Only through a true sense of awareness and being of this essence, can we stop the energy flow to these ominous energy sources. Realise these energy sources can only exist through us, which is very much the same as the financially elite in the world. As I often say, our environment often tells us what we need to know.

Yes, I put Buddhism's nothingness and pure awareness under the same label as the spirit of God. As of pure awareness and nothingness, the spirit of God is also motionless; it all represents peace and tranquilly which is only obtained through being motionless. Pure awareness is motionless; this is why this state is often referred to as being nothingness in Buddhism. How motional is ominous energy sources? The motion at times is unmeasurable because it can only exist through other energy sources and for this to occur, a lot of motion is expressed. We are basically talking about pure ignorance here for if this source of energy was aware, they couldn't exist as they do.

Why would a pure aware tranquil state of energy express motion, especially considering it creates its own energy? Of course we also perceive that all sources of energy are in motion, they are all vibrating therefore in motion. As I have done, you must find this out yourself that not all energy sources are in motion and vibrate. Our own conditioning in a physical reality has conditioned us to perceive otherwise.

My advice is stay away from anything that makes you fear, even fear being of or expressing negativity or the ego period. It is too obvious that a lot of people of this love and light fear tarnishing or diminishing their love and light in any way, they also fear negativity or what they have judged as being negative, this is all based on fear.

Mental illness is usually seen a negative and so are disabled people, do we stay away from these people because we are of love and light? When these people need so much of our assistance, we stay away from them because they are negative!! I look at it this way, anyone who is obvious within their ominous behaviour are seriously disabled through utter ignorance. To egotistically save our own love and light, we ignore and stay away from these negative people.

The present perception is to primarily look after yourself first and foremost so that this energy can envelope the world. This perception sounds awfully like the (I) to me which truly represents egotism and ignorance from anything we judge negative. It is too obvious that this kind of love and light is based on fear, it certainly not the way to use love and light in my mind.

People like me don't fear expressing the ego or being negative is some way, we instead become aware, usually through the help of the environment, of the ego and try to stay away from judging what is or isn't negative. Like I stated before, once you judge a negative, you are in turn feeding this negative exactly what it wants to exist. If we didn't judge so many negatives, could these negatives exist? They simply need our energy to exist and this is exactly what we are presently doing. We certainly need to free ourselves from this entanglement in my mind, however, as usual, what will be will be!!     

Thursday 2 February 2017

But Another Fear Based Existence!!

Written by Mathew Naismith

I have been busy communicating with a number of different people again. I often get out of my comfort zone like this, which of course makes me even more appreciative of my comfort zone. This also allows me to observe different views and actions, my own views and actions are a little mundane at times to me.

The following is an interesting reply I received on the discussion of being overly positive. I am also going to insert links to other sources that explain why positive thinking is not all it's cracked up to be, they are certainly worth browsing through in my mind.

There is a difference between living with rose coloured glasses in order to avoid looking at the hard ourselves, and finding balance enough that we can distance ourselves and not get pulled into drama, including our own. We do need to acknowledge those aspects of self, allow ourselves to feel those emotions we like to avoid, before we are able to release them.

My Reply:
We do need to acknowledge these negative aspects and in the process neutralize them. Having fear of negativity, ego and judgment, is not neutralizing anything, it is running way from them.

When it gets to a stage when balance views become negative, I think this is taking positive thinking way too far. To this excess (extreme) is when positive thinking becomes destructive and highly judgmental in my mind.

Honestly, it's all based on fear, I thought we were supposed to distance ourselves from fear based existences, not just create yet another slightly different fear based existence than what we are experiencing at present!!

Take my dreams for instance; they have at times been quite traumatic. If I did not face these horrid negatives face on, I would be still in fear of them. The world around us is like our dreams, face what is going on and neutralise them, do not just judge them as negative and ignore them.

In all, if we want to create another fear based existence, we are going the right way about it. Fancy having fear in talking about the atrocities in the world in fear of being negative. Observe what is truly going on but at the same time avoid being a participator as much as possible. 

I do not get this mentality, more is better especially if it is positive, when is enough not enough? Take Donald Trump for instance, he will never obtain enough power and money to serve his desires like any multinational, these people are on a treadmill they are unable or unwilling to get off. To these people, it is exceptionally positive to keep trying to obtain more money and power; there will never be enough, is this any different to positive thinking? To be honest, of course it is not because if a bit is beneficial, more has to be even more beneficial and on and on it goes.

As people like Donald Trump obviously fear being poor and powerless, spiritually positive people obviously also fear negatives, so more of a good thing as being positive has to be more beneficial!!

Once we start limiting our own consciousness to fears and the attachments to more has to be better, all we will create is more of the same, albeit in a different format.

Yes, it is predicted that man's consciousness will evolve into a more loving caring consciousness, however, this will occur naturally void of fearing so called negatives of the world. I could not stress to my readers more, please do not be drawn into an existence that is still based on fear and lies, especially if it feels all worm and fluffy. Yes, by all means take in this love and oneness but please don't do this in ignorance of our present condition. My advice is to not look at negatives as being negative or positives as being positive, and please don't get to a point where balance is just seen as negative.

As I stated to certain people recently, "The only thing balance is limiting of is extremes. The reason for this lies in that extremes are highly limiting. Balance has no true limitations accept to these limitations, makes perfect sense to me."

Free yourself of this fear and never get into an existence based on any kind of fear of who we are at present, this also means not fearing being limited either!!

Extract: It turns out there’s some science behind my feelings: A look at the research reveals positive thinking isn’t always all it’s cracked up to be. In fact, researchers are asking: What if embracing so-called “negative” states like failure, pessimism, insecurity, and uncertainty actually has a positive outcome?

Tuesday 22 November 2016


Written by Mathew Naismith

I thought I would start up another blog simply titled, "Freedom", so welcome friends and other well wishes and philosophers looking for freedom from our present collective reality.

As the description of this blog infers, this blog is about freeing ourselves from our encumbrances and limitations. In my mind, we have become conditioned to these encumbrances and limitations that stop us from further evolving in consciousness.

This further evolving in consciousness doesn't mean we will evolve further in human consciousness either, it means we will evolve in consciousness beyond the limitations of human consciousness. To me, any consciousness that is obvious within it's self-destructiveness, is on the verge of a massive shift of consciousness. This shift in consciousness will also mean we will start to exist in a different reality to what we are conditioned to, a consciousness that is not as limited as human consciousness.

As I did in my previous blog, I will share a dream I had last night, this dream sort of says it all in relation to finding freedom, especially in regards to fear.


I had quite an interesting dream last night.

The world was going to the pack, it was destroying itself from within. The people within my group started panicking, this was the end, there was no way out.

Even though things were getting worse, I stated that things were actually improving, in actuality the state of decay was a sign that things will improve before the end occurs. The end being of fear which the human race was being conditioned to, I knew this wasn't going to occur. Faith can indeed move mountains. 

When approached by these people who were totally conditioned to the end, they spoke of being delivered through the end of the world as we know it. These people to our group seemed stupefied like zombies.

I then looked them straight in the eye and showed them their truer self. It was like switching on  a light switch, all of a sudden they became aware of their truer being, they no longer acted like zombies.

Within this one group of zombie like people, once one changed, they soon all changed their disposition that was no longer based on fear.

At the end of the dream, all I could hear was singing.......

The singing at the end of the dream was incredible, it sounded as if all of mankind came together as one after a tumultuous battle against fear, it was really beautiful.