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Showing posts with label atlanta. Show all posts
Showing posts with label atlanta. Show all posts

Friday, 14 April 2023

Benign Consciousness Portal

Written by Mathew Naismith

The following is in my words only, don't take it to heart or of being factual, it is simply a reflection. The supplement is interesting.

If you are not into the existence of Atlanta, Lemuria, possession and dimensional portals, this post is probably not for you. I like to keep an open view point, I also enjoy my time thinking outside the box.

Atlanta and Lemuria are of legend. Possessions relates to a consciousness that is heavily influenced by another consciousness, similar to evil possessing the soul, a consciousness that is often malign or how I like to state it, a consciousness that is distorted or lost within it's own creation. Dimensional portal are openings that open within our reality that reflect a different consciousness or reality to ours.

Malign: "prompted by malign motives"; "believed in witches and malign spirits"; "gave him a malign look"; "a malign lesion".

Benign: Pleasant and beneficial in nature or influence.

It would seem at first that Atlanta and Lemuria experienced a time where a portal opened up to a benign consciousness or reality but when this portal closed, Atlanta slowly lost the connection to this benign consciousness, at the same time a portal of the malign opened up, for a very good reason as I will explain. Lemuria kept this connection to the benign to the end, as we today should be doing for the good of ourselves and our environment.

You will often see that when a portal of benign consciousness closes, a portal of the malign consciousness will open. The reason for this is that the malign consciousness cannot exist within the same space as the benign consciousness. Look at it as if everything was illuminated, within this there is no space for darkness to reside, consciousness and the reality consciousness creates works exactly the same way.

Now for possession/possessed; when a consciousness that is neither benign or malign is heavily influenced by a malign consciousness. I actually experienced this first hand myself a number of times while existing in an environment of abuse and distorted reality, very similar to what is occurring today on a mass scale. This malign consciousness tried a number of times to possess me, to become controlled by the said consciousness. This is likened to mass formation psychosis, where numerous people all at once are heavily influenced by another type of consciousness, to accept their created distorted reality over a reality that is far less distorted.

Psychosis: Any severe mental disorder in which contact with reality is lost or highly distorted.

The degree of malign consciousness present is in direct relation to the degree of conscious distortion. The more a consciousness becomes distorted or possessed by the malign, the more distorted the consciousness becomes. What I personally experienced in my younger days was of a great deal of distortion, not just in a none physical way but what was also presented to me physically. Yes, the malign can also distort a reality physically, as the benign can reverse this process of distortion of reality psychically. Oh yes, it is the last thing the malign consciousness wants to occur and will do anything to avoid this occurring, as it is at present. The way to do this is to possess people's minds, especially by using fear to possess people's minds. Fear is a tool often used by the malign to distort reality, psychically and mentally, it allows for easier possession and control of consciousness therefore reality.

The thing is, if I am correct here in stating that a benign portal is opening up again, there is nothing that the malign can do about this. What would occur if a benign portal fully opened up is that the malign cannot exist within the same space as the benign, the malign would simply disappear, disappear back through the open portal. We would have learnt a valuable lesson. The world as a whole, as one, will learn to follow the way of Lemuria instead of Atlantis, this time around. Any hint of a malign dimensional portal opening up will be stopped from occurring, even after the dimensional benign portal closes.

Humanity exists within a very vulnerable reality, where in the absence of a benign consciousness, dimensional portals to dimensional malign realities are easily opened, for it is due to the absence of the benign that allows easy access to the maligns existence within humanity. I think we will learn to become more benign collectively by simply becoming more aware. This awareness will be induced by the very presence of a dimensional benign portal opening up, as the light often makes us naturally more aware, physically and mentally.

Supplement:”Utterly agree Maureen, hating a collective consciousness lost within their or someone else's conscious reality is futile, in actuality this kind of recourse cements their position, assists them in being lost.

Should we then just be quiet, don't say a word?

You must always express yourself freely, to do otherwise is to be of this lost consciousness where you are in fear of expressing yourself. It is not within the actions but within the inaction's that will keep a consciousness lost within their or someone else's conscious reality.”

Today's spirituality is about not expressing yourself in fear, either fear of not looking spiritual for expressing yourself, in accordance with certain narratives, or fear of expressing yourself in relation to abuse and looking negative. An unspoken abuse will undermine society from within far more than spoken abuse. Exposing abuse undermines the effects of fear that abuse is primarily based on, in the process undermining the abuse in society, from within.