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Showing posts with label lemuria. Show all posts
Showing posts with label lemuria. Show all posts

Friday, 14 April 2023

Benign Consciousness Portal

Written by Mathew Naismith

The following is in my words only, don't take it to heart or of being factual, it is simply a reflection. The supplement is interesting.

If you are not into the existence of Atlanta, Lemuria, possession and dimensional portals, this post is probably not for you. I like to keep an open view point, I also enjoy my time thinking outside the box.

Atlanta and Lemuria are of legend. Possessions relates to a consciousness that is heavily influenced by another consciousness, similar to evil possessing the soul, a consciousness that is often malign or how I like to state it, a consciousness that is distorted or lost within it's own creation. Dimensional portal are openings that open within our reality that reflect a different consciousness or reality to ours.

Malign: "prompted by malign motives"; "believed in witches and malign spirits"; "gave him a malign look"; "a malign lesion".

Benign: Pleasant and beneficial in nature or influence.

It would seem at first that Atlanta and Lemuria experienced a time where a portal opened up to a benign consciousness or reality but when this portal closed, Atlanta slowly lost the connection to this benign consciousness, at the same time a portal of the malign opened up, for a very good reason as I will explain. Lemuria kept this connection to the benign to the end, as we today should be doing for the good of ourselves and our environment.

You will often see that when a portal of benign consciousness closes, a portal of the malign consciousness will open. The reason for this is that the malign consciousness cannot exist within the same space as the benign consciousness. Look at it as if everything was illuminated, within this there is no space for darkness to reside, consciousness and the reality consciousness creates works exactly the same way.

Now for possession/possessed; when a consciousness that is neither benign or malign is heavily influenced by a malign consciousness. I actually experienced this first hand myself a number of times while existing in an environment of abuse and distorted reality, very similar to what is occurring today on a mass scale. This malign consciousness tried a number of times to possess me, to become controlled by the said consciousness. This is likened to mass formation psychosis, where numerous people all at once are heavily influenced by another type of consciousness, to accept their created distorted reality over a reality that is far less distorted.

Psychosis: Any severe mental disorder in which contact with reality is lost or highly distorted.

The degree of malign consciousness present is in direct relation to the degree of conscious distortion. The more a consciousness becomes distorted or possessed by the malign, the more distorted the consciousness becomes. What I personally experienced in my younger days was of a great deal of distortion, not just in a none physical way but what was also presented to me physically. Yes, the malign can also distort a reality physically, as the benign can reverse this process of distortion of reality psychically. Oh yes, it is the last thing the malign consciousness wants to occur and will do anything to avoid this occurring, as it is at present. The way to do this is to possess people's minds, especially by using fear to possess people's minds. Fear is a tool often used by the malign to distort reality, psychically and mentally, it allows for easier possession and control of consciousness therefore reality.

The thing is, if I am correct here in stating that a benign portal is opening up again, there is nothing that the malign can do about this. What would occur if a benign portal fully opened up is that the malign cannot exist within the same space as the benign, the malign would simply disappear, disappear back through the open portal. We would have learnt a valuable lesson. The world as a whole, as one, will learn to follow the way of Lemuria instead of Atlantis, this time around. Any hint of a malign dimensional portal opening up will be stopped from occurring, even after the dimensional benign portal closes.

Humanity exists within a very vulnerable reality, where in the absence of a benign consciousness, dimensional portals to dimensional malign realities are easily opened, for it is due to the absence of the benign that allows easy access to the maligns existence within humanity. I think we will learn to become more benign collectively by simply becoming more aware. This awareness will be induced by the very presence of a dimensional benign portal opening up, as the light often makes us naturally more aware, physically and mentally.

Supplement:”Utterly agree Maureen, hating a collective consciousness lost within their or someone else's conscious reality is futile, in actuality this kind of recourse cements their position, assists them in being lost.

Should we then just be quiet, don't say a word?

You must always express yourself freely, to do otherwise is to be of this lost consciousness where you are in fear of expressing yourself. It is not within the actions but within the inaction's that will keep a consciousness lost within their or someone else's conscious reality.”

Today's spirituality is about not expressing yourself in fear, either fear of not looking spiritual for expressing yourself, in accordance with certain narratives, or fear of expressing yourself in relation to abuse and looking negative. An unspoken abuse will undermine society from within far more than spoken abuse. Exposing abuse undermines the effects of fear that abuse is primarily based on, in the process undermining the abuse in society, from within.

Sunday, 19 July 2020

The Resurrection of Humanity

Written by Mathew Naismith

The darker it gets, the lighter the light shines. In other words, in a reality of ignorance (dark), consciousnesses becomes more aware of awareness (light) as light shines the best where ignorance resides.

What makes humans human, is it it's physical stature or it's consciousness? Physically, if an alien from a far off galaxy came to Earth and had the physical stature of a human being, they are therefore classified as being human!!

Human form obviously does not classify one being human, however, the consciousness of the being does if it is of humanity and of human form.

Humanity = The quality of being humane. The quality of being human.

Inhumanity = The quality of lacking compassion or consideration for others. An act of atrocious cruelty.

The quality of humanity is of being a humane human, where consciousness is of humane human virtues. Inhumanity of course relates to a different consciousness, even though this consciousness resides in human form. Often this kind of consciousness residing in human form will depict that all men are inherently evil,where we are born evil. This is likened to one of the atheists doctrines that we are all born atheistic, while totally ignoring cognition, the psychological result of perception, learning and reasoning. In other words ignoring learned behaviour where we learn to be believe and disbelieve.

There is a distinct similarity between conscious perceptions that man is inherently evil and we are all born atheistic, both perceptions ignore a real reality for a desired reality to start with. Is this why today's science seems to be based on profiteering science instead of real science, where with real science profits comes after science and is not governed by profits like profiteering science? Is this why there is so much fraud in today's science!!

The resurrection of humanity is actually to do with being aware of the difference of consciousnesses between a consciousness of humanity and inhumanity. This is likened to a wolf wearing a sheep's clothing (fleece), where the form depicts a sheep but the consciousness under the fleece depicts a wolf on the prowl. Just because a form looks and acts like a human, doesn't make it of human consciousness!! The best way to pray on human consciousness is to depict an image of a human while having the consciousness of something of sinister intent, like the wolf. If you look back on human history, human consciousness has been prayed upon so often, this does not make human consciousness sinister, just a victim of a consciousness that is sinister in nature.

This kind of awareness is often depicted as an ascension, where human consciousness becomes of a new heightened awareness where ignorance (darkness) cannot reside. In reality, human consciousness just becomes aware that it is not inherently evil and of humanity while not being of inhumanity. It is impossible for human consciousness to be of a consciousness of inhumanity, a consciousness of inhumanity is an entirely different consciousness of sinister intent. Yes, there are many wolfs in sheep clothing in past and present human existence, this consciousness is not human, of humanity by nature.

Resurrection = A revival from inactivity and disuse.

What this means in relation the human consciousness, is that a resurrection of human consciousness (humanity) simply means being more active humanly in the absence of inhumanity. This is not an ascension but simply a realisation of what it really means being human. We need to reclassify what makes us human and inhuman. Just because a person looks like a human, does not necessarily make looking like a human a human of humanity.

This section of the post is not for everyone if you are not into facing this sinister inhuman consciousness down. To come face to face with this consciousness takes a lot of conditioning away from control. It is not that you just don't allow yourself the be controlled, you don't try to take control either. You just are within what is truly of what human consciousness is. Also, I am going to make reference to the antediluvian period, primarily it's consciousness.

A visionary depiction of a human like exceptionally sinister entity feasting upon human flesh in an attic.

The feasting upon human flesh just doesn't represent satanist paedophilia rituals, but a feasting upon human consciousness. As the attic represents, an infiltration of human consciousness, which is being devoured in the representation of the depiction of the human flesh. The obvious sinister entity represents a consciousness infiltrating and devouring human consciousness and actual human flesh. Most people are quite unaware of this but are also unaware of supporting this kind of consciousness. So many people have been coerced and blackmailed in becoming a part of this consciousness.

What if I said to you that human consciousness itself is of a pure sense of consciousness. Most people would laugh at me while looking back in human history.

Lemuria and Atlanta where once of a human consciousness that represented human consciousness in it's purest form. This is a representation of a benign consciousness not infiltrated and feasted upon by an opposing malign consciousness of inhumanity, a consciousness that often infiltrates to then feast upon vulnerable consciousness.

So why was this human benign consciousness fallible and vulnerable to malign consciousness?

Are children often fallible and vulnerable to external sources? Human consciousness was simply of infancy, a state of a newly formed fresh growth. How easy is it to damage new plant growth? This was human consciousness. Like with children, some children have to learn the hard way no matter how much guidance you give them, this is today's present human consciousnesses. Look at the guiding wisdom in human history, it has been bountiful, so we can't ever say that human consciousness was not guided away from learning the hard way.

It is noted that Atlantis ended up being infiltrated consciously to then become physically what this infiltrating sinister consciousness represented, very much like what is occurring right now. Because the Lemurian consciousness was of infancy, it was most vulnerable. Yes, Lemurian consciousness was protected but it was obvious that even the Lumerian consciousness, human consciousness, had to also learn the hard way.

Imagine for one moment a consciousness in the absence of inhumanity. I kid you not, this is human consciousness in it's purest form. So what is the difference to then and now? Maturity, but like with people, not everyone grows up or more precisely, becomes wise within their awareness. You could say that a lot of people are still at an adolescent stage, where guidance is often refuted, however, maturity in consciousness is evident. It is this maturity that will hopefully see human consciousness come through it's own created reality of being endlessly feasted upon by inhumanity.

Saturday, 8 September 2018

Energy Wise

Written by Mathew Naismith

My own personal relationship with my wife isn't about control; it's about a mutual interaction between two energy forms. The absence of control therefore manipulation is apparent. This absence of control and manipulation automatically brings about a harmonious interaction between two energy forms. The question is now, is the relationship between humans and Mother Nature/Earth/Gaia harmonious? Are even our relationships with other life forms harmonious? The answer is of course no, as we are still trying to control and manipulate energy as a whole.

I know the Western mind is no doubt going to be once again offended but it's the Western mind that is about control and manipulation. The Eastern mind works in harmony with energy as a whole, therefore is of the absence of control and manipulation, the Western mind doesn't. Yes, Eastern cultures have been expressive of materialism to a great degree in human history therefore expressive of the Western mind as well. At times in the human, Eastern cultures have shown an imbalance of Eastern and Western expressions, being more expressive of the Western mind than the Eastern mind. Presently in Eastern cultures, this is occurring again it would seem.

It is obvious that the Western mind has taken offence to me making reference to the Western mind being anything less than above the Eastern mind. One of the known traits of the Western mind is the ability to be easily offended. Anything said that is not favourable towards the Western mind is taken critically. This of course means that anything that I have stated in regards to the Western mind, even if it's true, is of critical judgment even when it's not. If you are honest with yourself, you can see where self-deception in all of us comes from in this reaction. This has nothing to do with what Western culture or country we come from, it's to do with the difference between the Western and Eastern mind in all of us, this is all.

It is wise to completely forget what culture or country you come from when becoming aware of the Eastern and Western mind in all of us. The Western mind is too easily offended and will take any truth towards the Western mind as being a critical attack on their sovereignty, their state/country. I have lost count how many times this has occurred in regards to what I write, especially when referring to the Western mind as anything less than favourably.

Getting back to personal relationships, there are many relationships that one person controls and manipulates the other person. Control is all about separation making manipulation easier. Seen as the Eastern mind isn't about the separation of different energy forms but the union of energy forms, it is obvious it's the Western mind in all of us that is about control and manipulation. Of course people into control and manipulation will find what I say here as offensive, this is how the Western mind, not balanced by the Eastern mind, works.

Look at everything being energy and forget the difference in energy flows like from black and white, dark and light, negative and positive and so on. Look at every energy flow being of a personal relationship. For the Eastern mind this is easy to do but it's not easy to do for the Western mind. The Western mind even has a hard time comprehending this union, understanding this kind of union is going to be impossible without the balance of the Eastern mind. Union simply refers to a oneness with all energy absent of conditions. Imagine countries having no borders, no separation of one energy flow from another!! Country borders are a lunacy (foolish) to someone like me as is all seperation of energy flows are.

Imagine for a moment not trying to control and manipulate Earths natural resources, its energy, would we be in the predicament we are today if we didn't do this? Now imagine working with Earths energy in unison to Earths energy, a completely different scenario or out come would have materialised. Energy working in harmony and as one naturally creates a harmonious reality; of course energy working in disharmony with all other energy flows will create the opposite. This is probably why people like me don't separate every into dark and light, negative and positive, black and white and so on, we simply see everything being of one entity, energy. I can see countries like Russia, China and India leading the way in this not so new way of utilising energy wisely, I am not alone in this thought.

Lemuria and Atlantis: Even if you don't consort to the existence of Lemuria and Atlantis, you can clearly see the difference in mentality between Lemuria and Atlantis in this so-called fable. Which people do you think expressed a predominant Western mind to a balance of the Western and Eastern mind?  This is obvious, the people of Atlantis, who controlled and manipulated energy, to the people of Lemuria, who simply influenced energy in unison with energy as a whole. At first, the Lemurians were not about controlling energy but about influencing energy in unison with energy, all energy without conditions. What I believe occurred is that the Lemurians started seeing themselves as light and love, this was in opposition to the Atlantean's energy flow. Once you divide energy up into separate groups, especially if your group is perceived to be far more superior in some way by your own energy flow, you start to automatically control and manipulate energy.

What if I said that all multinationals would give up their power, wealth and control, to working in unison with energy as a whole if they knew what they would get from this union!! The Western mind would instantly think I was delusional but the Eastern mind knows better. As I experienced in my early years of my life, any energy expressive of control and manipulation is very easily influenced by an energy flow that works in unison with all energy flows.

So why hasn't this occurred? Why didn't the Lemurians influence the Atlantean's energy flow?

You never go against a collective flow of energy, if that energy wishes to go down a certain path, you can only try to influence this energy away from its chosen path, anything else is of control and manipulation. Also, it is too obvious human consciousness is not ready to be influenced in this way. From materialism to new age spirituality, there is talk and expressions of control and manipulation, there is also a huge shift in separation from light and dark, love and hate, negative and positive and so on. I call this a black and white mentality, where we separate one from the other, usually to fulfil our own desires. Human consciousness is simply not ready and may never be ready. Believe me, it's no big deal....

So why didn't the Lemurian energy flow influence Atlantean energy flow from controlling and dominating Lemurian energy flows? Once a collective consciousness starts to perceive a separation of energy, for example from light and dark, negative and positive, yin and yang, it loses its influence and becomes more controlling. Lemurians were not good at controlling energy, only working in unison with energy. Once they started separating one energy flow from another, they became controlling of energy, not harmoniously influential on energy.

We indeed still have a choice; actually, that choice is never taken away even at our most desperate hours.

Please, take what I have stated here as story telling if you like, of course if you don't see it like this, you may get something from it, who knows.