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Showing posts with label conscious. Show all posts
Showing posts with label conscious. Show all posts

Monday, 6 November 2023

Conscious Elevation


Written by Mathew Naismith

I am not into ascension, where consciousness is deemed to be better or more superior than another consciousness, what I am into is elevating my own consciousness above unpleasant circumstances. Another way to put this is, being more of an objective participator than a subjective participator/observer, in the process consciously extracting myself from a state of endless abuse created by the existence of a subjective mentality.

Conscious elevation; the alleviation of consciousness from an unpleasant state of affairs.

Elevation: The act of reducing something unpleasant (as pain or annoyance).

I am far more of an objective participator than I am an observer, either way people like me usually, not always, see and accept both sides of the story. By simply being able to see and accept both sides of the story, assists me further in elevating my own consciousness away from a consciousness that is unwilling to see and accept both sides of the story.

I went along with the covid pandemic to start with, an unpleasant state of affairs, until things just did not add up for people like me when part of a think tank, people who think beyond accepted narratives. I also did not go along with the unpleasant Western narrative of supporting Ukraine over Russia, knowing that there was another side to the story. The present Western support of Israel over Palestinians is, what can I say, an unpleasant state of affairs, knowing that Israeli authorities have deemed the Gaza strip as a concentration camp since at least 2006 and treated it's inhabits in accordance with. Could you imagine the West being in full support of this, but not only this, Gaza is a death camp, a death camp the West is in full support of!! Imagine for a moment if Putin had a death camp like this, but it is okay for the West to be in support of this kind of camp, the so-called good guys!!

An objective participator can see right through all this, also realising that an subjective participator can't or won't want to see through all this. When I am in conversation with people and they deny every bit of evidence, I know straight off that they are of a subjective mentality, of biases, usually inline with desired or lusted for narratives or circumstances. I desire a more objective reality to exist, but my objective mentality assists me in overcoming my desires and realises that I don't live within an objective reality. The subjective mind set will always be in denial of the obvious in favour of what is desired, this is not so with the objective mind set.

Knowing that the subjective consciousness is easily coerced or manipulated to think irrationally, resulting in supporting the most unpleasant circumstances unbeknown to this consciousness, you can't hold this consciousnesses to account. I can be subjective myself, the difference is I am aware of this. If you are unaware, it is so easy to go down the road of supporting unpleasant affairs like the covid pandemic, global warming, Ukraine war, Israeli war, etc, that the West is of the side of good and the East is of the side of evil!! The present display of subjectivity by many Westerners is evident, but only to people who are of an objective mentality.

So in a reality predominantly influenced and controlled by the subjective consciousness, an objective consciousness will understandably often see themselves standing alone, something the subjective consciousness greatly fears. Once you elevate your consciousnesses above unpleasant affairs created by the subjective mentality, there is no fear in standing alone, in fact you realise you are less alone. Participating in a subjective reality, even as a subjective consciousness, is a very lonely existence. Look at the division in the world today, even between sexes/genders.

An elevated consciousness may feel a very lonely place at first, but eventually you realise you are less alone than when participating in a subjective reality. An objective reality is of uniting consciousness, a subjective reality is of dividing consciousness, often dividing consciousness through unpleasant circumstances like what is presently occurring.

I am going to go way off track here and use what are deemed fables to explain conscious elevation even more so.

A lot of people have an affiliation with the Pleiades, a star cluster in the constellation Taurus, as other people with Altair's, the brightest star in the Aquila constellation.

Consciousness has no boundaries, only the boundaries the subjective consciousness gives it. It is like how objective science has discovered how protons can communicate with each other over great distances. Yes, there is also subjective science as of the same with religion/spirituality.

The Pleiades is of an objective consciousness, as I understand in the complete absence of subjective consciousness. Altair's is of both objective and subjective consciousness, the difference between our world and Altair's is that objective consciousness in the Altair's is the predominate consciousness unlike our own world where the subjective consciousness predominates our world.

Another example is Lemuria and Atlantis. Lemuria was like Altair's, where Atlantis became more like our present world that ended being dominated by the subjective consciousness.

Have you heard that we will never go down this road ever again, that humanity will learn from it's past. You can see why the subjective observer wants to sensor or distort anything not of it's own into oblivion.

What I am going to suggest is that we will, if we are allowed to learn from our past, be more like Altair's, where objective consciousness will be the predominate consciousness, in the process keeping the subjective consciousness from dominating the world again.