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Showing posts with label subjective. Show all posts
Showing posts with label subjective. Show all posts

Tuesday, 5 December 2023

A Wise Person of Concern

Written by Mathew Naismith

We don't have to be of what our immediate environment determines.

Observing so many people into virtual Neanderthal rock and stick throwing, today's bombs and missiles, used against another is hard to observe, especially when hearing the related justifications of rock and stick throwing. To me and people like me, these justifications are the hardest to listen to, mainly because this kind of mentality has not change in millions of years. The reason for this is, to me, to do with still being of what our environment determines us to be.

If we are honest, the natural environment has always been, to one extent or another, hostile towards living things, put in another way, abusive. This kind of reality or world can be quite a harsh environment for any living thing to survive in. We have simply allowed this harshness to turn into abuse.

What if I told you under the current NWO system that  digital bank robbery is worse than ever in human history. Notice that there is no posse or lawmen tracking down these digital bank robbers!! Look at the slave trade and paedophile abuse of children today. Look at how we accept an apartheid system, like medical apartheid, where the people not covid vaccinated are not just prosecuted but persecuted. Look at how many people still after millions of years justify rock and stick throwing!! It is the justifications that are used to abuse others that is concerning here.

After millions of years we are still being governed by what our immediate harsh environment determines, which of course includes our mentality of apartheid systems and rock and stick throwing. It is funny how we have not taken on the beauty of the natural environment, while destroying it, but what the harshness of this environment determines, obviously.

I have noticed that spirituality can reflect either the harshness of the natural environment or the beauty of this environment. The middle ages or medieval period is a prime example of spirituality taking the road of the harshness or abusive side of the natural environment. What I find interesting in this period is when church and or religion came before God!! However, I also find it interesting when spirit or even soul becomes the governing factor, not the immediate abusive side of the natural environment.

We are simply of what our environment determines, be it of man made, of nature, of spirit or God, wisdom, etc. To me and people like me, having our reality determined or influenced by Neanderthal rock and stick throwing to begin with is of an antiquated mentality, a mentality we think should have long past, a past that seemingly the majority of people are still governed by today, often by trickery and coercion.

No wonder I have not posted this post yet, a post I wrote a couple of weeks ago.

Are people like me too concerned, too involved in our surrounding environment? This is something one needs to be observant of when of concern.

Firstly, if we were all concerned, what is occurring simply would not occur. Secondly, knowing the difference between being simply concerned to feeding this energy that we are concerned about even more energy is simple outright wise, at the same time realising that our present reality is governed by subjective energies, energies of intense distortion. Look at the biases and how emotions where used against the average person during the pandemic. If we were wise as a species, we could learn a lot from this one occurrence, not saying we won't do this, the opportunity is there.

A wise person of concern does not desire vengeance or retribution, at the same time concerned enough in relation to how the surrounding environment is becoming distorted more and more at present. You also realise the opportunity at hand to learn from such distortion, to never go down this road again. The opportunity to transform from a reality governed by a subjective mentality to a reality governed by an objective mentality is apparent and upon us all, but we must refrain from becoming too involved in the present subjective energy at play for this to occur. Yes, subjective and objective mentalities are of nature, of human nature, a wise thing to become aware of.

Thursday, 9 November 2023

What Do Women Want!!


Written by Mathew Naismith

So, what do women want from their partners? Yes, I am use to sticking my neck out.

Respect and appreciation, yes men, I think it is this simple.

I am talking about the average women, not women who want everything the material world can give them.

My wife and I know of couples who the man shows very little respect and appreciation to, we even know of one bloke who thinks women should be subordinate. I thought this bloke was alright, how wrong could I be.

I have gone out with women who use to love having sex, of course these women were sluts and the blokes weren't!! I use to walk in public holding their hands, of course these blokes thought it was some how unmanly to do so. One lass got a huge surprise when I put my hand in hers while walking down the streets, sadly, she was obviously never shown respect and appreciation.

Is it due to my objective mentality as I have always shown respect and appreciation to those who deserve this kind of emotion? Are a lot of blokes of a subjective mentality, to the point of wanting women to be more subordinate?

The difference between spiritual people is of being of a subjective and objective mentality, being that subjectivity is of the absence of wisdom and objectivity being of the presence of wisdom. Being aware of this the difference is apparent. I tend to lean towards objective people, while being aware that bias, lust and desire is subjective.

The differences is of all aspects of life, not just do with relationships or spirituality, the same is with the sciences, atheism, politics, masculinity, etc, being of a subjective or objective mentality does indeed make a difference. Imagine for one moment if our world was predominantly influenced by the objective, with objective observers running the world instead of the present subjective observers!! Ukraine and Palestine would not have occurred in the first place, to the disgust of the NWO, UN, NATO, WEF, etc. Yes, what I am saying is that these entities are of the subjective observer mentality. Evil is simply of a mentality of subjective observation. Why the difference in masculinity is a good one, one is of respect and appreciation and the other of disrespect and depreciation!! Do the big boys running the world appreciate and respect us for what we have given them? They could not be more subjective if they tried.

Would women want men, the masculine, to be more objective? I think it's to do with more of a need, not just for women but the world as a whole. The world needs more objectivity, not less.

Monday, 6 November 2023

Conscious Elevation


Written by Mathew Naismith

I am not into ascension, where consciousness is deemed to be better or more superior than another consciousness, what I am into is elevating my own consciousness above unpleasant circumstances. Another way to put this is, being more of an objective participator than a subjective participator/observer, in the process consciously extracting myself from a state of endless abuse created by the existence of a subjective mentality.

Conscious elevation; the alleviation of consciousness from an unpleasant state of affairs.

Elevation: The act of reducing something unpleasant (as pain or annoyance).

I am far more of an objective participator than I am an observer, either way people like me usually, not always, see and accept both sides of the story. By simply being able to see and accept both sides of the story, assists me further in elevating my own consciousness away from a consciousness that is unwilling to see and accept both sides of the story.

I went along with the covid pandemic to start with, an unpleasant state of affairs, until things just did not add up for people like me when part of a think tank, people who think beyond accepted narratives. I also did not go along with the unpleasant Western narrative of supporting Ukraine over Russia, knowing that there was another side to the story. The present Western support of Israel over Palestinians is, what can I say, an unpleasant state of affairs, knowing that Israeli authorities have deemed the Gaza strip as a concentration camp since at least 2006 and treated it's inhabits in accordance with. Could you imagine the West being in full support of this, but not only this, Gaza is a death camp, a death camp the West is in full support of!! Imagine for a moment if Putin had a death camp like this, but it is okay for the West to be in support of this kind of camp, the so-called good guys!!

An objective participator can see right through all this, also realising that an subjective participator can't or won't want to see through all this. When I am in conversation with people and they deny every bit of evidence, I know straight off that they are of a subjective mentality, of biases, usually inline with desired or lusted for narratives or circumstances. I desire a more objective reality to exist, but my objective mentality assists me in overcoming my desires and realises that I don't live within an objective reality. The subjective mind set will always be in denial of the obvious in favour of what is desired, this is not so with the objective mind set.

Knowing that the subjective consciousness is easily coerced or manipulated to think irrationally, resulting in supporting the most unpleasant circumstances unbeknown to this consciousness, you can't hold this consciousnesses to account. I can be subjective myself, the difference is I am aware of this. If you are unaware, it is so easy to go down the road of supporting unpleasant affairs like the covid pandemic, global warming, Ukraine war, Israeli war, etc, that the West is of the side of good and the East is of the side of evil!! The present display of subjectivity by many Westerners is evident, but only to people who are of an objective mentality.

So in a reality predominantly influenced and controlled by the subjective consciousness, an objective consciousness will understandably often see themselves standing alone, something the subjective consciousness greatly fears. Once you elevate your consciousnesses above unpleasant affairs created by the subjective mentality, there is no fear in standing alone, in fact you realise you are less alone. Participating in a subjective reality, even as a subjective consciousness, is a very lonely existence. Look at the division in the world today, even between sexes/genders.

An elevated consciousness may feel a very lonely place at first, but eventually you realise you are less alone than when participating in a subjective reality. An objective reality is of uniting consciousness, a subjective reality is of dividing consciousness, often dividing consciousness through unpleasant circumstances like what is presently occurring.

I am going to go way off track here and use what are deemed fables to explain conscious elevation even more so.

A lot of people have an affiliation with the Pleiades, a star cluster in the constellation Taurus, as other people with Altair's, the brightest star in the Aquila constellation.

Consciousness has no boundaries, only the boundaries the subjective consciousness gives it. It is like how objective science has discovered how protons can communicate with each other over great distances. Yes, there is also subjective science as of the same with religion/spirituality.

The Pleiades is of an objective consciousness, as I understand in the complete absence of subjective consciousness. Altair's is of both objective and subjective consciousness, the difference between our world and Altair's is that objective consciousness in the Altair's is the predominate consciousness unlike our own world where the subjective consciousness predominates our world.

Another example is Lemuria and Atlantis. Lemuria was like Altair's, where Atlantis became more like our present world that ended being dominated by the subjective consciousness.

Have you heard that we will never go down this road ever again, that humanity will learn from it's past. You can see why the subjective observer wants to sensor or distort anything not of it's own into oblivion.

What I am going to suggest is that we will, if we are allowed to learn from our past, be more like Altair's, where objective consciousness will be the predominate consciousness, in the process keeping the subjective consciousness from dominating the world again.

Thursday, 26 October 2023

A Never Ending Story

 Note: I have been stopped by Google from inserting any more images or other external and internal media, sorry for that. 

Written by Mathew Naismith

I had to delete three paragraphs to this post, had trouble formulating so I started from scratch.

Take two, as they say on movie sets.

I was recently talking to a friend of mine that also listens to their environment more than they speak or participate, we both agreed that so many people we listened to seem to be going around and around in circles at present. You need to be careful with this though due to subtle differences in what seems to be repetitive participation, in saying this, in a lot of cases this seems to be the case, where repetitive participation in the absence of subtle differences is obvious.

The present environment seems to be of a never ending story of repetitive participation, wars are a prime example of this, however, in observation there are subtle differences especially in regards to the present wars at hand. Imagine for a moment if Putin killed as many civilians as Israel has. Actually, this difference is not subtle, it is like the covid pandemic was said to be as bad as the Spanish flu, when country boarders were opened!! This is in line with police kettling protesters at the time of a catastrophic pandemic. There is no way they would have done this during the SF, like subtly outlawing proven covid therapeutic treatments as they did in Queensland Australia. Look at how the authorities subtly ignored COVAX-19 that did not kill or harm animals or humans in the trials, and was only a two shot inoculation and did not use risky mRNA technology.

Kettling: Used by police to tightly contain demonstrators in small separated areas.

Subtle: Difficult to detect or grasp by the mind or analyse.

What seems to be subtle and even not subtle to people like me is quite difficult for other people to grasp mentally. If I was to choose sides between Ukraine/NATO and Russia as of Israel and Palestine, the rest of the middle east, I would be in participation, not in observation, and would miss subtle differences and even not so subtle differences. The trick is to be an objective observer, as to be a subjective participator or observer will distort reality even more so, in the process result in even more abuse being carried out upon each other, a never ending story it would seem.

I thought Humanity would have become bored with this kind of never ending story that is the same old story being orchestrated over and over again, but there not. Why? Because of the subtle and not so subtle differences with the never ending story. If main stream media told everyone to turn on Israel, most people would do it, even though at present MSM is telling people to turn on Palestine. All what subjective participation and even observation creates is a lie, a distortion in mentality therefore reality. As I wrote recently, “Every step we take into the lie, is a step further in taking the humanity out of humanity, in all honesty.” Look at how children are now going to be conditioned to be sexualised therefore conditioned to be abused by adults as soon as they are born. Look at how the police and other authorities are sitting back allowing this to occur, in fact are pushing it. This could only occur in a state where the mentality has become excessively distorted, resulting in a distorted therefore abusive reality.

So it would seem I am telling the same old story, mentioning the same old things as I have done in many other posts, except for the subtle and not so subtle differences!!

Have you noticed how objective observers can't keep people interested in what they are saying these days, even when they make subtle and not so subtle changes to their story unlike subjective participators and observers? You would think that most people are conditioned to only excepting what the subjective mentality story is about no matter how repetitive it is, like how the authorities are in the process of conditioning children to being sexually exploited, in the process normalising paedophilia!! Yes, you can normalise subjective thinking in the same way, in the process making objective participation and observation a social abnormality.

So our choice is a never ending story based on subjective participation and observation or objective participation and observation, except for a lot of people this choice has been taken from them, probably for good. I should say that a never ending story based on objective participation and observation is not of distortion nor of going around and around in a never ending cycle of abuse.

Tuesday, 15 January 2019

Helping the Empathic

Written by Mathew Naismith

If you only relate being empathic to the spiritual or spiritually aware, bare with me as this is not the case. Psychology recognises the existence of being empathic for a very good reason but before we go into this, I think we need to define what being empathic is.  

Empathic; showing an ability to understand and share the feelings of another.

It is important not confuse being empathic to being of empathy. "Empathy is the ability to comprehend or imagine what another might be feeling. Whereas, the Empath can literally feel what another person feeling." It is also wise not to only relate being empathic to being spiritual, in actuality being empathic has nothing to do with being spiritual or spiritually aware, you are either sensitive to other people's vibrations or your not. This is like my wife can't hear a mosquito in the room but I can, my ears are obviously more sensitive to the vibrations of the mosquito flying than my wife. At other times my wife can hear/feel vibrations I can't.

Look at it this way, how many people are more sensitive to what is going on in the world to other people, other people who are far less emotionally involved to what is occurring in the world. Yes, I am relating being empathic to our emotions therefore vibrations for everything that is of energy vibrates. A less emotional person is not going to feel what is going on in the world to the same degree as an empath. Yes, certain atheists, materialists and scientists, are more objective, a state of mind not influenced by emotions, than spiritually aware people. This does not mean that spirituality brings on feelings of an empath but it can certainly help. Spirituality simply works by teaching or conditioning a person's consciousness to be more subjective, a state of mind influenced by emotions.

Sadly, a lot of objectively minded people only see being empathic as a bias, a mind influenced by our emotions giving us bias evaluations of ourselves and our environment as a whole. You could put this another way, giving subjectively minded people a distorted sense of reality. Yes, this is what objective people think, which is also of a distorted reality based purely on objective thinking, one way of thinking and being. This is while none of us are truly unemotional or unbiased by the way we think, either it be objectively or subjectively of mind. Yes, objective minded people think they are not biased by the way they think, even when they primarily think objectively!!          
Everything is of energy therefore everything vibrates, so if my wife doesn't hear or feels the mosquito's vibrations in the room, the mosquito doesn't exist? The same is with ghosts, they don't exist because we are unable pick up on a ghosts vibrations. Yes, some people are more sensitive to certain vibrations than others, just because certain other people are insensitive to these vibrations, doesn't make them unreal. The question is now, is an objective mind, conditioned to certain vibrations only, less sensitive to other vibrations outside of objective thinking? To a person like me who subjectively and objectively thinks, the answer is too obvious.    

Now, how do we help a subjective mind cope better with being empathic? I should point out our objective part of our mind copes a lot better with being empathic. 

As the following will show, there is a psychological way of dealing with being empathic, however, if you prefer to do it another way, my suggestion is through a sense of unconditional love. This does not mean you have to force yourself to love everyone and every situation you find yourself in, this is highly impractical in a reality such as the present reality. All you have to do is have a sense of unconditional love, in other words a general conscious awareness of the existence of unconditional love. Of course if your mind is conditioned to being primarily objective, even a sense of unconditional love doesn't exist, very much like the mosquito in the room.

In a state of unconditional love, it is impossible to feel negative or toxic vibrations, for the love of being unconditional in your thoughts dispels, negates or neutralises the affects of negative/toxic vibrations. Think of it like neutralising the mosquito in the room, dispelling any vibration that is not in tune with your own vibrations. Yes, often I have heard negative /toxic vibrations being expressed while at the same time being expressive of the existence of a sense of unconditional love, which of course is impossible. Make no mistake, being aware of a sense of unconditional love doesn't dispel negative vibration but it does take the toxicity or the ill affects away from negative vibrations. The negative vibrations simply become nullified or neutralised, for one has no sense of conditions. Basically, a sense of unconditional love releases our mind from the numerous conditions we put upon ourselves and the rest of our environment.

I have simply lost count in how many conditions there are on being spiritually aware these days!!               

Extract: The trademark of an empath is feeling and absorbing other people’s emotions and/or physical symptoms because of their high sensitivities. These people filter the world through their intuition and have a difficult time intellectualizing their feelings.

Extract: It’s perhaps not the first accolade you would think of when think of the UAE, but it is an accolade none the less.
A study looking into the psychology of countries and their residents revealed that three countries in the Middle East – the UAE, Saudi Arabia and Kuwait – are three of the most empathetic countries in the world.

Tuesday, 10 October 2017

Truer Divinity

Written by Mathew Naismith

It's important to firstly define what humans define as being of divinity and what actually is of divinity. The human definition of divinity is as follow, "Any supernatural being worshipped as controlling some part of the world or some aspect of life or who is the personification of a force." Seen as there is no need or desire to change anything through control in a true state of divinity, to me, this very human definition of divinity isn't correct within it's entirety.

In a true state of divinity, there is simply no supernatural energy source or force because everything is as one; this however changes for any other state outside of this state of divinity that will, quite naturally, perceive states of divinity as supernatural and controlling. All this means is, any consciousness that has to take control of anything in any sense is not a true depiction of a state of divinity, there is simply no need or desire of taking control in this state.

We are simply conditioned to believe there are supernatural forces, and that taking control of ourselves and the environment around us is supernatural or spiritually connected, a state beyond the human state of consciousness. Only when we start to perceive beyond human perception of divinity, will we truly be of this state in one sense or another in my mind.

Yes, it's quite natural for any consciousness that perceives itself as being of a lesser value or worthiness, to have the perception of supernatural forces or sources above all other forces or sources. There is simply no above or below in this state of divinity, even vibrations have no definitive differentiations, as within this state of divinity there is no subjective definitive conjecturing through participation, only objective observations.

Yes, someone who is empathic, for example, will of course feel a difference within their environment; this is very human as it's very human not to feel like this about our environment, this is simply being human. There is nothing wrong with being human by the way; being human is simply but another way to exist, this is all.

Within this human state as an empath, the vibrations we feel as being out of tune or discordant with our own vibrations is real, this is simply to do with how we are conditioned to perceive therefore feel. Our own perceptions have everything to do with how we feel or what kind of vibrations we are sensitive to.

As we become more of this state of divinity, part of the process is feeling these vibrations in the way we do around us. These vibrations will feel discordant with our own, however, as we become more of this state of true divinity, these feelings simply just fade away. In actuality, within this state you are able to enter into any other state without being affected of influenced by these states. This means you will not feel bad or even good vibrations as their are no subjective definitive conjecturing through participation, only objective observations.

Now, while in this state of divinity, isn't it deliberate self-deception not feel these very real discordant vibrations within other state of existence?

Subjective means, "Taking place within the mind and modified by individual bias". There is simply no bias within this state of divinity to begin with, there is also nothing definitive as there are no limitations. Because there is no bias, there is also no conjecturing for to conjecture is to perceive through suppositions, a state of supposing to a state of guessing while in a state outside a state of divinity. There is simply no state of suppositions within a state of divinity as everything is as one. Within this state, you became more of an observer rather than a participator, this of course doesn't mean you can't try to influence your environment you are existing in, in actuality, this is exactly what you are meant to do in my mind.

Once you get past the process of subjective definitive conjecturing through participation, only then will you stop feeling or not feeling bad or good, negative or positive vibrations, empath or not. Simply recondition your mind from judging or even observing what is or isn't bad or good, negative or positive, it is really this simple.

It's true, every other state, outside this state of divinity, perceives and feels completely different about there environment they are experiencing than in a state of divinity. To a consciousness that is conditioned to perceive in separatist way, comprehending and understanding this state of divinity will be hard to do, this is simply to do with perceiving in separatist ways as good and bad, negative and positive while being subjective and  definitive in our conjecturing through participation.

My advice is, sit back and simply observe your environment while trying not to label everything as good and bad, negative and positive. Yes, this takes a bit of an effort but you simply won't be apart of this state of divinity if you don't do this in my mind. Of course if you don't want or need to be of this state of divinity, even to some degree as I believe I am, you simply don't have to. In saying this, I think it's become more of a need than a desire these days to become of some part of this state of divinity in my mind, as they say, the ball is in our court, what we do with it is up to us.......

Ah, one more thing, this is very important, there is no such thing as a supernatural force, source or phenomena within a state of divinity as everything is indeed observed and perceived as one.

By the way, as of anything I write, there is no plagiarising as has been suggested, unless I use material from another source, in this case I always make reference to the source of material used in my posts.