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Showing posts with label desired truth. Show all posts
Showing posts with label desired truth. Show all posts

Wednesday 17 February 2021

Positives v Negatives


Written by Mathew Naismith

For people like me, no amount or kind of truth is judged as a negative, even desired truths that can often be expressed by a created consciousness. We very rarely avoid real truth in favour of a judged positive truth that is often inline with our own desires.

A desired truth is simply a truth that may have a certain amount of real truth attached to it or be completely of a desire than of real truth. Real truth is simply truth expressed in the absence of desires, for example, many people desire that a God doesn't exist, many others desire a God does exist. Both people of these perspectives believe that they are expressive of a real truth in their own right. If anyone asked me,”Do you think God exists?”, all I can say is your asking a question inline with a desire either way, be it a belief or disbelief, in turn desiring the right desired answer inline with the desired question. Of course any answer not of the questioners desire is imminently judged as negative, which of course leaves a more desired answer to be judged positive!!

A more none desired question would be something like, “Do you think a God could exist?”,or, “Do you think a God like consciousness could have created the universe?”.

Now what do I mean by created consciousness?

Yes, I have a present understanding that finite and infinite energy sources exist, especially when you can't, scientifically and spiritually known, destroy energy but simply transform energy. Like at present, social media is trying to portray communist governments and even their leaders in a different light to what they actually represent. Their own actions define if they are of a malign or benign consciousness, but the present consciousness wants you to believe other than what they portray.

The finite relates to a created consciousness where's the infinite relates to an already existing consciousness, a consciousness that has no starting point therefore ending point of creation. The universe within it's own right creates what the environment defines, like with the right environment created the Earth as it created other planets. Now I am not saying that God didn't create the Earth. A created universe will of course create planets like Earth, it is all created from the same consciousness, however, each environment creates in accordance with it's own environment. This means the malign consciousness was created, a consciousness created from part of the universe that is violent and destructive.

Infinite energy is an energy that is not transitional but of course this leaves us to finite energy which is endlessly transforming and re-transforming.

Now, does this mean the benign consciousness was also created but from the more subtle parts of the universes environment?

Malign consciousness = finite, a starting and ending point of creation, controlling

Benign consciousness = infinite, no starting or ending point of creation, none controlling

I have an understanding that the malign is of a created consciousness and that the benign is of an already existing consciousness. So why would a benign consciousness create a universe that would be a perfect environment for creating malign consciousnesses?

A starting and ending point obviously relates to control, in that there is a starting point therefore an ending point, resulting in the starting and ending point of life being a major determining factor in life. What tactic does a consciousness that is malign use? Fear in reference to an end of life and/or abuse of life. Now imagine being in a consciousness of the infinite, where the main determining factor governing life is not a starting and ending point of life, simply that everything is of the infinite even while experiencing an energy in transition.


Malign consciousness = negatives V's the positives and visa-versa

Benign consciousness = the nullifying of negatives and positive consciousness

So we may think creating a universe to create within it's own right without being controlled is negative? Would not deeming something of malign desire negative create a perfect environment for the malign to thrive in?

Really, avoid judging what are not of our own desires as being negative and of course our own desires being positive. You are simply creating a perfect environment for the malign to exist and thrive in, as our present environment depicts no matter how much love and light is being expressed. If love and light is depicting that their desired truth is positive and anything not of this desired truth is of course negative, you are simply creating a perfect environment for the malign to not just exist in but thrive in. In reality, in the process negating the benign quite by accident.

It is not by accident that we are presently where we are at!!

You may think it is all doom and gloom. If we awaken in the absence of today's woke, as it obviously seems many of us are to desired and real truths, all will be fine. At the point we stop abusing energy is the point the malign losses it's hold over us. Really, the true pandemic is a malign separation energy into positives and negatives, where real truth becomes negative and desired truths become a positive. A consciousness awakened to desired and real truths is an encouraging sign towards rebuilding a reality based on real truths, in the process recreating benign consciousnesses, a consciousness that avoids separating energy into negatives and positives.