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Showing posts with label discrepancies. Show all posts
Showing posts with label discrepancies. Show all posts

Tuesday, 19 March 2024

Discrepancy Acknowledgement


Written by Mathew Naismith

The acknowledgement of discrepancies, a trait that often comes to those conditioned to certain practices, especially practices to do with making us aware of the ego and it's own indiscretions, which directly relates to being injudicious.

Injudicious: Lacking or showing lack of judgement or discretion; unwise.

Basically speaking, the untamed or out of control ego creates an environment of the absence of wisdom, wisdom being a trait a lot of spiritual practices and beliefs create an environment of the presence of.

Have you noticed people around you that can't or won't see occurring discrepancies, like the excess deaths rates in covid vaccinated countries to countries that weren't as covid vaccinated. What about Russia killing a few civilians accidentally while Israel indiscriminately kills civilians. Russia being labelled inhumane and of war crimes and Israel is not, particularly in the west which is interesting within itself. You have got to ask yourself, is western NATO and the NWO of creating an environment of indiscretions therefore an environment of the absence of wisdom!!

Discrepancy: An event that departs from expectations.

The expectations of the ego out of control, a state where all the lusts and desires of the ego are tended to over and above all else including humanity and integrity, is evident within the expectations of the egos lusts and desires. How many people desire that the covid vaccines are not causing excess deaths, instead believe that covid is causing these excess deaths, while countries not as vaccinated have a far less excess death rate, even though they may be a third world country that should have experienced the worse of covid. The absence of acknowledging these rather serious and obvious discrepancies is evident.

Recently, my wife and I had a direct personal experience of acknowledging a discrepancy in a so-called friend, which is interesting within itself. They portrayed that they did not have an aggressive bone in their body and that they only see the good in everyone, which many of their friends and family members also believe or desire to be so the case. A number of our friends also believe this to be the case, however, my wife and I seemed to be the only one's who could acknowledged their discrepancies. You know how actions can speak louder than words, their actions in the end confirmed our acknowledgement of their discrepancies.

You must realise a lot of things that can happen to us even on a personal level can awaken us, or lead to us only desiring to acknowledge what our egos want us to acknowledge, in ignorance of the level of discrepancy that exists it would seem. My wife and I did not desire to have this acknowledgement, not of someone who we have assisted for a number of years now. No, it is not easy acknowledging these discrepancies, especially on a personal level, but what we practice in and put in actual practice instead of just words is of creating an environment of truth. Simply an environment of the absence of lies and deception as much as possible, especially self-deception.

Considering the excessive levels of discrepancies in today's society, self-deception is on the rise it would seem, often in line with what is desired rather than what the acknowledgement of these discrepancies tell us. What is presently concurring can indeed make us a lot more aware and wiser, as it did for my wife and I, the choice is indeed ours to make on a personal and collective level.