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Showing posts with label extraction. Show all posts
Showing posts with label extraction. Show all posts

Wednesday, 23 September 2020

A Reformation of Consciousness

Written by Mathew Naismith

Now this is why this person is genuine.

About time, people telling how a reformation of consciousnesses will occur, very different to an extraction of one consciousness from another. Think of it like defragmenting a computer hard drive, where all the data slowing down and corrupting the hard drive, including the operating system, are reconfigured to run more smoothly, creating a much more harmonious reality experience. Yes, all the bad sectors are also dealt with, as in healed.

Ascension!! Ascension relates to moving upward. Well, I am not into up and down as I am not into positive and negative. A state of ascension to me is a state of awareness to a state of not so much awareness like ignorance, which is a deliberate created state of unawareness. Do people like me look down at an ant because it is not as aware of the environment as I am? No. Do people of positiveness often look down at negative people? Yes. Do people of the light do the same, look down at people of the dark? Let's be honest, quite often.

Looking down at anything of a lesser value is not of reformation but extraction, the separation of energy instead of the reemergence of energy. You can now see why so many people were and are into the extraction of certain consciousness instead of a reformation of consciousness, the separation of energy instead of the reemergence of energy. You see it is this separation of energy that causes fragmentation, like a computer hard drive, where once adjoining data were together but are now a part. You could so easily relate this to human consciousness separating itself from the divine consciousness!!

Lorie speaks of ascension because this is what a lot of people relate to where people like me don't. This is probably why most people don't relate to people like me. As I have noticed, I seem to relate more to the eastern mind in all of us rather that the western mind, my audience often depicts this. Lorie actually uses both the western and eastern mind in stating (west) ascension while also relating to the (east)reformation of energy. Yes, extraction is very much of the western mind, even in people of the east.

A reformation of energy relates to a healing process to do with practices like Yoga or Taoism, not like in surgery where we have extractions of diseased parts of the body. Once you have a diseased part of the body that can't be reformed, this is meant to be, of course this is where western extraction comes into it's own. Yes, even extraction has it's place while remembering too much extraction causes unnecessary misery.

Do we reform human consciousness or do we extract our more aware consciousness from human consciousness?

Reform refers to a change for the better as a result of correcting abuses. This extrication of one energy from another is simply of abuse of energy. Imagine reforming this energy where no extraction is needed or warranted, it is like avoiding invasive surgery is it not? However, when it gets to the point where the reformation of consciousness is no longer viable, an extraction occurs. You could look at when a person's life is over, an extraction of consciousness occurs from an energy source no longer able to retain consciousness, this is very different to forcibly extracting consciousness from the body due to violence.

The eastern mind seemingly sees reformation before extraction, as the western mind seemingly sees extraction before reformation, simply something to be aware of. Actually, death is simply of a reformation process, a very eastern mind set!!