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Showing posts with label extrication. Show all posts
Showing posts with label extrication. Show all posts

Saturday, 17 November 2018

Extrication From Pain

Written by Mathew Naismith

Yes, there is so much pain in the world today but there is also so much healing going on as well. The antonym to pain is pleasure, of course even this pleasure and particularly pleasure in a lot of circumstances can cause others pain. An example of this is rapists and materialists who can cause a lot of pain to others to gain pleasure themselves; in actuality pleasure for a lot of people comes from the abuse of energy as a whole. However, the emphasis here is not on the opposite or opposing effect of pain but on the healing affect of pain.

Having come from a family unit where abuse, which includes neglect, was apparent at various times, I am aware of what physical and mental pain can cause someone, especially if the pain is not healed. I remember as a child being so terrified at times as you simply didn't know what was going to occur next. Having also sustained a physical injury that was going to get worse as I got older, physical and mental pain was no stranger to me. You would think all I am conditioned to is a world of pain but this is not the case, the reason for this is to do with the healing process, the extrication from pain, which I am primarily conditioned to. In a world of so much pain, any person conditioned to the extrication from pain is vital to the sanity of the world. This is different from a person who only suffers pain or causes other energy forms pain to gain pleasure through other people's pain. In this case these people are primarily of self-pleasure and/or abuse.

So many people ask me how I didn't and don't take pain killers with the physical injury I have. Pain killers are all to do with giving pleasure, in my case pain killers would have most likely made things worse for me in the long run. It is what it is as the world is the way it is, either deal with it and exist in relative comfort or suffer its pain. What would have been the point of me being conditioned to pain? This is the same with mental anguish, why give mental anguish more energy than what it deserves? Simply taking painkillers would be giving my pain more control over me; I instead opted for healing my pain instead.

How many people today want to take a pain killer for the pain in the world today instead of healing the pain? Taking pain killers is in line with trying to escape this reality in some way, usually by judging this reality negative, toxic, simply an illusion and so on. Denouncing this reality in anyway is exactly like taking a painkiller for physical pain, the pain has made you take painkillers therefore pain has you in its control. In actuality we should be healing the pain so pain no longer has control over us in any way. We should opt for healing the pain, in other words become detached from the control and influence of pain altogether.

This is why I so often advocate releasing ourselves from control and not taking control. Taking pain killers is not releasing ourselves from the control of pain but giving pain more control over us, and we wonder why the world is seemingly becoming more painful so that a few others can experience more pleasure!! Deliberately ignoring the negatives in the world to sustain your own personal pleasures is causing other people pain, make no mistake of this.

Yes, taking painkillers is at times needed for the healing process to begin; at no time should these painkillers, whatever they may be, become our primary objective. What often occurs is that painkillers give us pleasure and we often would do anything to retain this pleasure. Try to remember, painkillers are only part of the process to healing, they should never be used just to give us pleasure. How many people today use spirituality for their own personal pleasure, to escape reality, a reality they often critically judge? It's simply primarily of painkillers to give us pleasure from the pain in the world; in actuality taking painkillers in this way is quite transitory.

What people like me do is we don't critically judge our present or past environment by calling it toxic, negative or even an illusion, even though realities like this can create illusions within the reality itself. It is what it is within the present, nothing more, nothing less but of course pain and painkillers state otherwise don't they? It has to be more than what it is so that pain can sustain its control over us and even flourish within such an environment. Yes, by all means take your painkillers but at no time expect the pain to go away if all you want is pleasure from these painkillers. We should be in effect healing the pain if we truly want to detach ourselves from the control of pain.

So what do people like me know about detaching ourselves from the control of pain in the world? To pain that desires to keep controls over us, nothing, as to be expected for it is what it is.........

Try to make the best of your present environment, not the worse of your present environment!!                

Tuesday, 23 January 2018

Extrication from Spirituality

Written by Mathew Naismith

This is weird and can even be called hypocritical from a person who has been interested and involved in spiritualism nearly all their lives. Extrication sounds like excommunication, given that extrication means the release from a snarled or entangled condition, very simular to excommunication.

Spirituality pertains to the otherworldliness, basically the spirit within all things, spiritual reality, as being different to being interested and knowing of physical realities and entities, an interest in all non-physical realities and entities.

Hang on, how can one extricate themselves from the spirit if everything is of the spirit? As everything is energy, everything is of the spirit, same thing to someone like me.

This would be exactly like extricating yourself from being energy!!

Extrication is a release from a snarled or entangled condition, if the condition you're in isn't snarling or entangling you, there is no reason for extrication.

However, anything that creates bias and/or prejudice can be entangling in that bias and prejudice often creates untruths as opposed to truths. As all ideological isms create a certain amount of bias, it is fair to say that we are all entangled to one degree or another to untruths. Untruths of course can quite naturally create what we are experiencing today, a reality based on deception.

Who truly wants to become aware that they are themselves in an entangled condition? Very few people.

Because our entanglement has been occurring for centuries, we are well and truly conditioned to this kind of existence to the point of not knowing what condition we are truly in. It's come to the point that most people don't want to know and will do anything to avoid knowing.

However, there are a few people who do want to know, in my mind this is the predicted conscious change, a change from discontinuing the cycle of entanglement.

As like with species throughout the history of the Earth, species can and do evolve from other species. As man himself has evolved from other species, he will again evolve into another species, this is natural law. It is also natural law that the species that another species has evolved from will either perish or adapt to the new species reality. How many species of animals have had to adapt or perish in our reality?

To be honest to myself, spiritualism is but another ism, yes, maybe an ism that tells more of the truth but still an ism that can still expresses bias. Spiritualism is but one of the processes to the truth, it's a process, a stepping stone, to truth and knowing of all we are. Only when we consciously become aware of beyond the perceptions of spiritualism will we know the truth, all else is an entanglement.

In saying this, one of the traits of a spiritual person is to humble themselves to the ego, to the entanglement of what the ego creates, otherwise none of us would be experiencing what we are experiencing. In a true sense, we are also all beyond these entanglements as we are all a part of the consciousness that is beyond spiritualism, beyond all entanglements. We are of one while still being of the other.

Yes indeed, more people today are grasping onto atheisms and new age spiritualism, strangely enough, atheism and new age spirituality are totally fear based. Atheists fear the existence of a God or divine entities, religion and even the existence of consciousness existing outside the human brain. Atheism purely exists only because of it's supposed opposite!!

New age spirituality has fear of negative energy, of being too much of this reality and only exists because of it's supposed opposite that is also fear based. Would not the new conscious change be about extricating ourselves from fear based ideological isms altogether?

I have done some really silly things in the past, trying to guide people away from labelling, therefore motion, when anyone conditioned to labelling and motion is unable, and probably unwilling, to comprehend an existence void of labels and motion. This is exactly the same with a fear based existence, this is why what I write about is for very few people and people who are not conditioned to a fear based existence.

Spirituality, as of any ideological ism, has a purpose in life, when that purpose has reached the end of its cycle of use, we must learn to let go. Which ideological ism or religion exists in a true state of oneness with everything? All but none. Buddhism calls this state pure awareness and nothingness, all but none.

Pure awareness = all

Nothingness = none.

The all as one negates everything turning it into nothingness while still being all. We are all a prime example of this all expressed individually, in turn, creating fear of the other thus creating more of the other. As of anything of excessive motion, it will burn itself out, this simply needn't occur.