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Showing posts with label headspace. Show all posts
Showing posts with label headspace. Show all posts

Saturday, 20 April 2024

A Good Head Space

 Written by Mathew Naismith

I wish everyone to pass on, die, in a good head space, where one's own consciousness is at peace with itself and the rest of it's environment. It matters not how sinister a consciousness has become, this is my wish.

My wife's mother not too recently passed away. My wife does not become teary because of the loss of her mother, my wife becomes teary knowing that her mother died in a good head space. A good head space being a state of the absence of experiencing mental trauma or of inflicting mental trauma. My wife especially tears up while remembering what her mother said to me in her last day's on this Earth. Being in a weakened state, my mother-in-law embraced me tightly while stating I was one in a million. It was a blessing to both of us that she was in such a good head space, we could not wish for anything better for her.

Why would anyone choose to pass on, die, in a bad head space, where either you are in mental trauma or are of inflicting trauma to the very end of one's life? Imagine being of this type of consciousness or in a bad head space when passing on, this is why many people deny the existence of an after life to the bitter end.

The only reason anyone would choose to pass on, go into the after life, in such a state of consciousness is due to excessive ignorance, a deliberate unawareness of not just an after life but of a conscious state where fear, trauma and abuse just simply don't exist. In a reality, where it seems that every authoritative and controlling body is expressive of this bad head space, expressive of this dark consciousness, is an indication of how ignorant human consciousness is at present, the funny thing is, the more this bad head space is imposed on us all, the more obvious this good head space becomes.

Do these controlling dark entities know of a consciousness of light, where fear, trauma and abuse can't exist? They know of but are obviously not aware of such a state of consciousness, in fact they do everything to deny and enforce this denial on everybody else. A consciousness that is truly aware of this consciousness of light would not choose to pass on in a bad head space, this is due to it being impossible to do so within this state of consciousness. Imagine experiencing a reality where it is impossible to enter into a bad head space, a head space of experiencing trauma and inflicting trauma. Now, would a dark consciousness deliberately try to conceal the existence of this state of consciousness, a state of consciousness this dark consciousness fears the most? This dark consciousness lives in utter terror of the true existence of this light consciousness, no matter what you want to call this consciousness of light, a consciousness of awareness instead of ignorance.

It is in ignorance we do ourselves and everybody else the most harm.

This dark consciousness knows it can't become aware of this consciousness of light because it is within this awareness that negates the existence of this dark consciousness. Imagine cancelling out ignorance with awareness. it is like going into a dark room a switching on the light, for in the presence of light dark can no longer exist, now imagine the fear this dark consciousness must have of the light being switched on!!

My wife and I are always gleeful of people passing on in a good head space no matter who they are, why wouldn't we be? Yes, it becomes quite emotional for us when it is of someone close to us, as to be expected.