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Showing posts with label healthy. Show all posts
Showing posts with label healthy. Show all posts

Tuesday, 30 July 2024

Spirituality-The Natural Healthy Living Way


Written by Mathew Naismith

I am into natural therapies which includes taking note of doctors like Dr Eric Berg's, doctors who are into natural therapies, in fact I am into any therapy, like spirituality, that enhances my living conditions. In actuality I would be a fool not to. Yes, the same kind of medical therapists that the authorities murdered in the US just before the introduction of covid-19, by coincidence of course!!

Before I go on, it is important to note that we should never turn our backs on the truth no matter what. What seems to be occurring is that people are coerced into a state where they don't want to know anything more that relates to something negative. By pushing the negative narrative consistently, the authorities are coercing people to actually turn their backs on the positives, anything that remotely represents the truth and facts. Look at how many people are coerced to live in an unhealthy living way, coerced to live in a world in the absence of natural therapies. Look at how in Queensland Australia the authorities actually outlawed, not just banned, proven therapeutic treatments during the recent pandemic!!

Yes, like what doctors like Dr Eric Berg promote, physical and mental beneficial therapies, spirituality is also a natural therapy to people like me. Of course I am speaking of spiritual therapies that have not been undermined by entities promoting unnatural therapies, entities into making money off of bad health instead of promoting good health. Of course promoting good health is far less profitable to promote and encourage.

Look at the 2024 Olympic games, where countries that commit actual genocide, like Israel, are allowed to compete. Look at how the NATO countries promoting WWIII are allowed to compete, a war that will kill billions of unarmed civilians. Look at how no NATO country that invaded and bombed numerous other countries were never banned from the Olympics. This is what occurs when we are coerced to live in a not so natural healthy living way.

Another example of an unhealthy environment was illustrated in regards to the recent attempted assassination in the US during the presidential campaign, where once again any hint of trying to create a healthy environment is dealt with. Look at how every western country is now forced into an unhealthy economic environment, again, to create even more wealth for the enforces of bad health.

So what represents a natural healthy living way?

Basically, a natural healthy living way is in the absence of enforces forcing an environment to become unhealthy, no matter what conviction you live by. Yes, it is this simple.

Monday, 17 May 2021

Spiritual Awareness


Written by Mathew Naismith

Yes, once again I have woken out of a healthy sleep, around 2:30 AM, and I have a great need to write on the subject of what is presently going on in the world.

Presently there is so much going on, the human collective consciousness is expressing huge amounts of motion, most often in the absence of self-observation. Some of my own dreams have been long and exceptionally vivid as has my insights and visions. No, what is presently occurring seems not good but as my dreams, insights and visions have expressed, what seems presently bad can create an opposite effect in a huge way. It comes down to cause and effect, where a cause has created an effect not perceived or considered by participators.

It is wise to be aware that being spiritually aware is not about expressing less motion and only being of observation, being spirituality aware is the ability to observe your own participation. If you are of 3rd dimensional physical existence, you are of participation even if you are not aware of this or in observation of this. Yes, expressing less motion is important but what is more important is observing your own participation. Spiritual awareness is of a balance between observation and participation, not of the complete lack of observing your participation while in obvious motion. Yes, learning or becoming aware of motionlessness is important to learn to become an observer, but this is not what makes one spiritually aware, observing your own participation is.

Is motion or violence negative, bad or wrong? The observer or participator actually states the same thing, where the observer of the participator states quite the opposite in certain circumstances. The sun is one of the most violent entities in our solar system, especially when in full motion, is the sun negative, bad and wrong? No, so why is our own motions of violence often judged to be the case no matter what? We even judge our own participation in a negative way in relation to being spiritually aware!! If we start learning from our own violence instead of suffering from from this violence, the human collective consciousness will never again go down the path we are presently observing and experiencing. Some time ago I had a vision that we will never go down this path again, once we learn from our own motions, today, well known people are saying the same thing.

The observer is incapable of motion, this means while in participation, but not aware or accepting of your own participation, you could not eat, drink or participate in your own motion of keeping yourself healthy. Being fit is learning to become an observer but being healthy is learning to honesty observe your own participation. As what has recently personally occurred around me, a person physically fit saw themselves, as other people did, as being healthy. As soon as they were diagnosed with terminal cancer and given a certain time to live, they psychologically fell apart and died far sooner than they should have. Yes, a healthy person will live longer to what is predicted, but a person only physically fit will not!!

What I am saying is our observer self represents out fitness and our participating self represents our over all health, but only if we are honest in observation of our participation. Yes, by all means focus on observing but not in the absence of participating in what we are observing. In other words allow yourself to participate in what you are observing in the absence of judging your own participation as being negative, bad or wrong in relation to being spirituality aware. Yes, learn to become less of motion, but not in the absence of motion. Become fit while at the same time staying healthy while in obvious motion/participation.

As of always, balance is the key as moderation in what we do is and no, moderation is not of one replacing the other, as the observer replacing the participator and motionlessness replacing motion, it is all of one entity no matter what we desire, really!!