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Showing posts with label hostile. Show all posts
Showing posts with label hostile. Show all posts

Wednesday, 3 January 2018

Overcoming a Hostile Environment

Written by Mathew Naismith

The universe and our present reality is naturally hostile, this is its natural state. We might think a pristine environment like a rain forest isn't hostile, try existing in this kind of environment without some kind of protection. The stars are beautiful, try existing outside the Earths atmosphere without some kind of protection, in saying this; nothing is hostile to the spirit, the non-physical self.

If you could condition your mind to non-physicality void of crutches and fixations, all that is left is pure spirit, put in another way, pure energy. It's this state that is known as the shining, a state void of crutches and fixations. Look at it this way, what is negative and positive in the absence of crutches and fixations? Materialism, religion, new age spirituality, atheism and so forth, are created crutches and fixations in retaliation to other crutches and fixations. Yes, even love and light can be and often is a crutch and fixation as it's in retaliation to a hostile environment, however, a true sense of love and light is shining as it's not in retaliation to anything.

How fearful are the people of love and light to the questioning of their love and light? Also, everything else other than what is judged as love and light becomes negative, this is why there are more perceived negatives in today's new age spirituality than ever, not less. Considering that the spirit has no crutches and fixations, therefore no sense of what is and isn't negative or positive, how much closer is today's new age spirituality to the spirit?   

It's our crutches and fixations that create an even more hostile environment within a natural hostile environment. How hostile are materialists to a true sense spirit? Seen as materialism is based on and totally relies on crutches and fixations to exist, it's no wonder materialists are afraid of the spirit, a state void of crutches and fixations!!

Why do a lot of us only shine now an again and not all the time, considering that the shining is different to feeling simply euphoric? The answer is crutches and fixations which are created through fear, a state of insecurity, however, there is nothing wrong or negative to feeling fear or insecure, in turn, attaching ourselves and creating crutches and fixation within an environment that is naturally hostile. Try going into a forest full of snakes and panthers and not being respectively fearful. In this case fear becomes awareness of a danger. Yes, fear is also another kind of awareness but an awareness void of the spirit.

Now try going into the same forest shining, of pure spirit, there is simply no fear for there is no crutch or fixation to physicality, the spirit becomes one with all. However, this state does not mean that a fearful state is negative or wrong, it just simply means existing and experiencing a state void of the spirit. A state of fear is but a different state of awareness but its still awareness. This is very much like having a crutch and fixation to new age spirituality or materialism, there is nothing wrong or negative within this kind of awareness, it's just simply not of the pure spirit.

I thought I would insert a couple of replies of mine to a good internet friend of mine.


My Reply
Many blessings to you and yours as well Mike.

I am thinking of writing further on this, it's just got to come to me though.

The universe is highly chaotic and hostile, in actuality most of the physical realm is hostile to human beings, however, it's the spiritual realm that isn't chaotic and hostile.

I think what has occurred is that we have turned everything spiritual into everything physical. Religion, new age spirituality and materialism, for example, are all based on the physical. God becomes a physical figure of man. Light and love is the opposite of chaos, hostility, negativity. Materialism speaks for itself. It's all to do with euphoric pleasures, if it feels good it must be good. Giving birth doesn't feel good physically but emotionally or even spiritually it feels good!! 

We exist in a hostile environment that is naturally hostile, all we need to do is balance out this hostility with the spiritual, or, a balanced psyche.  The psyche is non-physical therefore spiritual in my mind.

My Reply
Do you mean people like you and I or humans as a whole Mike?

Human consciousness isn't infallible, it's most often conditioned to certain conditioning, spiritual consciousness however is infallible as it has nothing to be conditioned to.

Human consciousness on it's own is always going to be in the dark however in conjunction with the spirit, it's infallible to one extent or another.

The funny thing about light, the truth, is it's blinding to all else conditioned to the dark, untruths, therefore a negative!!

An important point to remember and to specifically accept, we exist in an environment that is naturally hostile, violent and destructive at times, the spirit accepts this and has no desire to change this very natural state. However, the non-spirit trying to become the spirit always desires to change this state, it's simply apart of the process to become the spirit. It's an awareness of what is hindering the process of becoming the spirit within a hostile environment, the trick is, don't become too fixated to one part of the process, all this does is continue the cycle of hostility thus creating more negativity, not less negativity. Simply accept it as a hostile environment, and move on, evolve, it's this simple.