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Showing posts with label interact. Show all posts

Sunday 26 March 2023

The Shine

Written by Mathew Naismith

What is it to shine or to be of the shinning?

Recently, I looked around at all my friends and acquaintances and realised how they would shine in the absence of what has created trauma in their lives, be it of physical and/or mental pain. If you took away the lusts and desires of the world, the world would literally shine. Look at how children can shine when their lives are not fixated on the material world or the colour of people's skin, beliefs, culture, sex, gender, etc.

Klaus Schwab is right, one of the biggest materialists in the world, when he states that we will be happy owning nothing, while materialists like this own everything including you!! Well, yes, we would be a lot happier owning nothing, but not while materialists own and control everything, including our thinking processes. Materialists don't shine therefore are not conducive to creating a world that will shine, quite the opposite.

So what is it to shine or to be of the shinning?

I could recite from various texts but in my own words; to shine is to be of the absence of trauma but also what often creates trauma like lusts, desires, abuse, etc. The less lustful, desiring and abusive we become, the more we will shine. To shine is also of awareness, certainly not of some cancel culture like we are experiencing in the world at present, especially in the west. To shine is of being aware of everything, even of what we don't lust and desire to become aware of. Notice how children in the west at a very young age are coerced to question their own sexuality/gender today!! This gets back to the same mentality of judging people and yourself in accordance with skin colour, beliefs, culture, sex, gender, etc.

So we may now say that any teachings that take us away from the material world and it's associated fixations, like materialism and associated abuses, will create a world that will shine!! It certainly looks as though a lot of people desire this to be true, of course to desire a world separate from the existing material world is only one part of the problem here.

It is not if we interact or not not, in our case in the material world, it is how we interact. An example of this is the people not covid vaccinated called the covid vaccinated dirty blood, of course the covid vaccinated already had other choice labels for the people not covid vaccinated, in fact were happy to persecute the people not covid vaccinated. Not speaking out against the introduced medical apartheid system, that persecuted the people not covid vaccinated, took away a lot of shine from humanity. This one inaction alone created a great deal more trauma in the world. This kind of abuse should have never been accepted by so many, abuse caused by inaction's. To shine gets back to how we interact, not if we interact or not.

It is puzzling to me that so many people think that to shine we should interact less in a material world, when in fact it is how we interact in a material world that determines if we as a collective will shine or not. So to shine we deliberately stay unaware of what the woke movement is about, about the acceptance of all sexual preference including the sexual abuse and sexual exploitation of children!!

There is a however. If you are unable to interact without causing more trauma to yourself or the world around you, not interacting maybe your best option, the problem with this is within the inaction's that are knowingly causing further trauma and pain to humanity, especially if you desire not to become aware of this. Again, it comes down to how we interact because to desire not to interact or become aware of a collective trauma takes away the shine even more from humanity.

Yes, it is tricky, we must interact without causing more trauma, however, to not interact is to be of an inaction that can cause even more trauma. Humanity as a whole has a great opportunity here to shine, interestingly, an opportunity created by world leading materialists, the outcome from this is determined by how we interact, not if we interact or not.