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Showing posts with label materialism. Show all posts
Showing posts with label materialism. Show all posts

Sunday 26 March 2023

The Shine

Written by Mathew Naismith

What is it to shine or to be of the shinning?

Recently, I looked around at all my friends and acquaintances and realised how they would shine in the absence of what has created trauma in their lives, be it of physical and/or mental pain. If you took away the lusts and desires of the world, the world would literally shine. Look at how children can shine when their lives are not fixated on the material world or the colour of people's skin, beliefs, culture, sex, gender, etc.

Klaus Schwab is right, one of the biggest materialists in the world, when he states that we will be happy owning nothing, while materialists like this own everything including you!! Well, yes, we would be a lot happier owning nothing, but not while materialists own and control everything, including our thinking processes. Materialists don't shine therefore are not conducive to creating a world that will shine, quite the opposite.

So what is it to shine or to be of the shinning?

I could recite from various texts but in my own words; to shine is to be of the absence of trauma but also what often creates trauma like lusts, desires, abuse, etc. The less lustful, desiring and abusive we become, the more we will shine. To shine is also of awareness, certainly not of some cancel culture like we are experiencing in the world at present, especially in the west. To shine is of being aware of everything, even of what we don't lust and desire to become aware of. Notice how children in the west at a very young age are coerced to question their own sexuality/gender today!! This gets back to the same mentality of judging people and yourself in accordance with skin colour, beliefs, culture, sex, gender, etc.

So we may now say that any teachings that take us away from the material world and it's associated fixations, like materialism and associated abuses, will create a world that will shine!! It certainly looks as though a lot of people desire this to be true, of course to desire a world separate from the existing material world is only one part of the problem here.

It is not if we interact or not not, in our case in the material world, it is how we interact. An example of this is the people not covid vaccinated called the covid vaccinated dirty blood, of course the covid vaccinated already had other choice labels for the people not covid vaccinated, in fact were happy to persecute the people not covid vaccinated. Not speaking out against the introduced medical apartheid system, that persecuted the people not covid vaccinated, took away a lot of shine from humanity. This one inaction alone created a great deal more trauma in the world. This kind of abuse should have never been accepted by so many, abuse caused by inaction's. To shine gets back to how we interact, not if we interact or not.

It is puzzling to me that so many people think that to shine we should interact less in a material world, when in fact it is how we interact in a material world that determines if we as a collective will shine or not. So to shine we deliberately stay unaware of what the woke movement is about, about the acceptance of all sexual preference including the sexual abuse and sexual exploitation of children!!

There is a however. If you are unable to interact without causing more trauma to yourself or the world around you, not interacting maybe your best option, the problem with this is within the inaction's that are knowingly causing further trauma and pain to humanity, especially if you desire not to become aware of this. Again, it comes down to how we interact because to desire not to interact or become aware of a collective trauma takes away the shine even more from humanity.

Yes, it is tricky, we must interact without causing more trauma, however, to not interact is to be of an inaction that can cause even more trauma. Humanity as a whole has a great opportunity here to shine, interestingly, an opportunity created by world leading materialists, the outcome from this is determined by how we interact, not if we interact or not.

Wednesday 26 February 2020

Very Aware Ancient Entities

Written by Mathew Naismith

I am going to start off making reference to past lives lived in this post, so this post will of course not be for everyone.

I fairly often have dreams where I am just very sad, sobbing or outright crying in parts of my dreams. You may think I have huge psychological problems to overcome, well, in a sense yes but not in reality, a reality pertaining to myself personally that is.

In one of my past lives lived in the 4th dynasty in Egypt, I was a priest of no high stature. Our order was somewhat different to most other priesthood orders of the day. Our order didn’t see the God’s as actual God’s as most other orders saw them, they were however entities of great significant awareness. No, at no time did we see the Pharaoh’s (kings) as being a representation or of a reincarnated God or Goddess. Our order kept this very secretive as we knew what the consequences would be otherwise, as what eventually occurred.

As I don’t today, see the rich and powerful as being demigods or see that their materialism has much value to me or the rest of humanity at all. Yes, I am a part of this materialism, but I am not of this materialism, there is a big difference. As in ancient Egypt, where I was a part of the present political and religious regime, our order was separate to this regime. The reason for this lays in how our order materialised. I can’t go into this for a couple of different reasons.

Now, to get back to why all of a sudden in a dream I will become very saddened. As I thought back then in ancient Egypt, presently, why are we still doing this to each other and the environment!! Even back in ancient Egypt, the environment was abused and manipulates to serve the few or the so-called elite. The environment to our order includes people as well as animals and nature, all of what is of physical and/or mental form. Actually, these significantly aware entities also didn’t like being abused, used in a way psychologically to primarily benefit the elite, as of today. The environment as a whole isn’t there to primarily serve the few elite as in ancient Egypt and today.

So many people are becoming a part of this materialist regime at present, being simply fed the scraps that the elite will benefit from by keeping the slaves to the elite materialistic, not spiritualistic!! So why am I so saddened at times? The answer to this can’t be found through materialistic ideologies but spiritually, where one knows one is all of what is in the absolute absence of bias or desire. Yes, I still express desire and bias, but not often at the expense or of abuse of the environment around me. As I think we all should be, yes, I am saddened at times.

The following is a good read on the recollection of past lives lived.

Tuesday 4 December 2018

Unlimiting Consciousness

Written by Mathew Naismith

I was asked recently about my thoughts on Buddhism, the following was my reply.  

There are different variants of Buddhism. I don't hold to that one ideology is the answer for everyone for there is never one answer to anything.

Buddhism has its boundaries or doctrines as of any ideology or ism, I am not myself into limiting my consciousness like this. "All else other than the ultimate state of pure awareness or nothingness is an illusion", I don't myself limit my consciousness to these perspectives or perceptions. In saying this, Buddhism teaches one to cope better in an ego created reality, as a lot of ideologies do.

I find that Taoism and Hinduism are far less limiting, of course this depends on how you use these ideologies. I prefer Buddhism to materialism or westernized atheism myself. I should also say that materialism and atheism have their place as well. How many people would have starved to death if it wasn't for materialism? Materialism has given us more soul experiences to be experienced, however, when materialism is abused and misused, it becomes too destructive when not balanced out with the likes of Buddhism or spirituality as a whole.

You see, to me there is never one answer or absolute state.

I wrote the following to someone in relation to the year being an emotional rollercoaster.

It is only as bad as we make it, why give it any more energy that it's worth? Learn from it and move on, of course at times easier said that done. I often look at it this way these days, it is what it is, nothing more, nothing less. As soon as we get into the negatives and positives, it's always more that it should be.

How often do we allow ideologies and isms to limit our consciousness? Probably the same amount we limit our own consciousness to certain specifics like positives and negatives, or, what is real and what is an illusion. Is Buddhism limiting consciousness to certain specifics? As of any ideology or ism, it is the way we use Buddhism that is limiting. As soon as we limit ideologies or isms to certain specifics, we are abusing energy as energy itself is of unlimited potentiality. It is like constricting energy to a certain space where motion is restricted to certain motions only. Often any motion outside these restricted boundaries is usually referred to as something negative and subsequently dealt with. Materialism, like religion or any other ideology, is fine when in balance within the environment that supports materialism. When used out of balance with the natural environment, abuse of energy is created and often accepted by the abusers, in other words we become conditioned to abusing energy through limiting it's potentiality to certain specifics, often to primarily serve the ego.

It is the same old story, if energy doesn't serve the elite, the ego in control, it is dealt with, usually discarded as something negative or illusionary. The elite can be a multinational but it can also be of people who try to be only of an elite or absolute state of being. An elite state of being in Buddhism is egoless, a state of pure awareness or nothingness, the funny thing is, once of this state, perceptions of negatives and positives, what is real and what is not real are absent, everything becomes what it is, nothing more, nothing less.

In a state in the absence of the ego, there is no negative and positive, what is an illusion and what is real, because there is no separation of energy in an egoless state, only through the ego can separation be perceived and put into motion. Look at it like this, as soon as you separate energy, energy becomes of motion, of the ego, of course separation of energy can only be implemented through the ego. This means the separation of energy to what is positive and negative, what is real and what is an illusion, is of the state of ego but a state that has always existed as well.

Once you get an imbalance of ego and egolessness, motion and motionlessness, through separation of energy is when an abuse of energy is often created. How many of us only desire to be of an elite state or status, where all else is discarded in one way or another thus creating a reality of abuse of energy? Who desires to be subservient or inferior to an elite status? The ego in control always desires to be of an elite status thus creating an imbalance in energy as of any separation of energy can. Yes, separate energy but be wise in how you separate energy, try to avoid abusing energy when separating energy. Balance is indeed the key here.  

I am subservient to the environment that is presently supporting my being, I would not have it any other way, accept to balance out my existence with the environment my existence is existing in and my ego (soul) is experiencing. As there is nothing wrong or negative with the ego or even the ego in control, there is nothing wrong with materialism. However, as it is of the way we use ideologies and isms, as soon as we become abusive to energy, we create a reality in line with this abuse. Try to remember, the only part of us that can see a wrong or negative in the ego and materialism, is the ego in control. There isn't even a wrong in being abusive, it's just being excessively abusive in the way we manipulate energy isn't a wise thing to do, not if we want to live in peace and harmony.

In all, it is what it is when we choose to abuse energy, nothing more, nothing less.......               

Sunday 12 August 2018

Materialistic Extremism Unveiled

Written by Mathew Naismith

 Note: This is quite a long post, sorry for this. 

Is materialism of lies and deceit and spirituality of truth and honesty? The more expressive of materialism we become, the more of lies and deceit we become!!

Materialism is based on how we feel. Spirituality is based on how we are. Unlike materialism, spirituality is not based on bad or good, wrong and right, negative or positive, spirituality is actually based on fewer motions, not more motions.

What is desire? A desire to feel good all the time materialistically; the more we desire to feel good, the more motion we are expressive of. Does it always feel good to guide the child you adore through chastising them? Spirituality is not about how good we feel but about what we constructively do. This is probably why a lot of children are not chastised, guided, these days, we have become far too materialistic.

This was in reply to, "Spiritual vision is given to those who live in truth", by Phil Good.

Imagine a reality void of materialistic desires, what then would determine what is and isn't negative or positive? The more motion we express, the more separation we will experience and the more we focus on feeling good. Seen as spirituality, especially Eastern spirituality, is about expressing less motions through practices like meditation and the realisation of oneness, expressing any kind of extreme motion, especially to feel good, isn't of spirituality, it's materialism.  

Don't be tricked by materialistic desires, materialistic desires often deceive us in thinking they are one thing when they are another. Of course if it feels good, it must be good, this could not be further from the truth.

I also love interacting with people who have experienced actual life experiences instead of simply expressing plagiarised life experiences. A life experience copied from books, studies and workshops and recited as a life experience experienced by the presenter. My interaction with Heather, who is a police officer, is always a pleasurable experience for me. So much comes from me with this kind of interaction.

Heather's Reply
Yes, being a Police Officer, I have to support all information with evidence. This has become standard for me and it is interesting to observe how it is not standard for others.
I have been caught out twice recently for posting information on FB that does not have supporting evidence, lazy on my side and poor reporting on the others.            

My Reply
Most often it's the atheists that don't give supporting evidence to their claims, this may seem strange but it's not.

I was once an atheist myself, this was until the rest of my family and I experienced ghostly occurrences on numerous occasions. Everyone, bar my dad, accepted what the experiences were in relation to. My dad to this day is still in total denial of these occurrences. Hard line atheists, as my dad, will never accept the obvious no matter what evidence was forthcoming. 

Giving evidence to their own claims is like accepting the obvious they want to ignore at all cost. Anyone presenting anything that they want to ignore as being factual in any sense, is usually defamed in some way, within this, they are able to continue to ignore what they detest the most, most often the obvious, the truth.

Giving evidence to claims to these people is like accepting someone as an equal. As I have found out myself through various interactions, the last thing these people want to do is look at you in respect and as an equal. Psychologically, most often these people have no idea what they are doing; they are oblivious to their own actions. Having worked in the welfare arena twice over in my life, these kinds of behavioural patterns are way too obvious.

Heather's Reply
Very interesting observations. I guess you could say that by avoiding fact so that one does not have to admit the truth, is really about fear.

We know that every 'reality' and emotion we experience is created from within by ourselves, so being intentionally blinkered to what is fact, is all about how you feel about yourself

My Reply
Indeed Heather, fear. How many criminals work on the emotion fear, they often use this emotion against people for some kind of gain on purpose. Are atheists in fear of being wrong and living the fantasy? They often rebuke, in any way they can, any science or other evidence that slightly hints at this, I have witnessed this numerous times in my interactions with hard core atheists.

Do excessively positive thinking people fear being negative? Considering a true positive person sees very little negative in anything, what they call true positive thinking today isn't true. Anything expressed in excess or in an extreme way is not true to the program, it's a virus. Could you imagine the existence of computer viruses without the existence of viruses with our own programs within our minds? Computer viruses would not exist in our computer systems unless they firstly existed in our minds, within our own minds programs and programming.

There is nothing wrong with anything from atheism to religion, science to spirituality, black to white, dark to light, love to hate, etc. Only when viruses are present within these programs do programs become corrupt and destructive. How many people fear the emotion hate? It's all based on fear and what is fear based on? Attachments and the inability to let go of these conditions of attachments. To many people, the condition of love is not to hate in a huge way!!

Do I hate, especially the people in my life who have abused me physically and mentally? What would have occurred if a lot of people loved Nazism or didn't hate Nazism? The thought isn't very constructive. Hate has to be a part of our program in our present situation. Of course we have created this reality that we need to hate at times even though hate is more of a bug than a virus. Hate being a glitch in the system program rather than a virus. Hate within itself is not destructive; it's the program that hate is bugged with that is. All excessive motions indicate a virus, for example, religious fanaticism/extremism is a prime example of a virus to the program of religion. 

I don't express hate within my own program but I am aware. I am simply aware avoid of as many labels as I can be. Mentioning viruses and bugs by the way are not labels, they are simply an awareness of a difference between having conditions and not having conditions. Is the condition of being aware not experiencing and expressing viruses? No, as being truly aware takes one to be expressive of fewer conditions, not expressive or more conditions.  A pure state of awareness simply has no conditions, the more conditions our programs are expressive of, the less aware we become.

Sorry for this Heather, I love expressing myself to people who have had actual life experiences. Too often do I come across people who plagiarise their experiences. Study and read from literature and then express this as a life experience. Actually, I might write up our interaction here in a post on my blog if that is alright with you.

Heather's Reply

Matthew, really interesting words that I am getting my head around. 

I understand totally when you say that the more conditioned we are, the less aware we are. Fear undoubtedly sits at the root of conditioning, whether it is new or generational. Perhaps an Atheist feels uncomfortable at the thought of bearing the consequence of their actions over a lifetime. 

I see your analogy of viruses and bugs as that, a tool for illustrating your view, not conditioning. Ultimately we both express the same point, that the good and bad that occur in life are a reflection of our state of awareness.

Of course you can use this interaction, always a pleasure Matthew