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Showing posts with label playfulness. Show all posts
Showing posts with label playfulness. Show all posts

Tuesday, 13 June 2023

This Is It

Written by Mathew Naismith

The image above shows the playfulness within my relationship with my partner, who often aids and abets in this playfulness. I know I will lose a few more viewers for this openness, how immature, but does it look like I am worried about expressing this degree of openness and playfulness?

The interesting part of this image is that the dog was given to me years ago by a person who I clashed with due to them being highly abusive. The clash was simply not wanting to be apart of their abusive life. The point is, everything we gave as a present to them that we built or crafted for them was disposed of, all of what we received from them over the years we still have in our possession.

Not wanting to be apart of an abusive environment is not abusive, but the abusers themselves will make out it is, in fact not wanting to be apart of their abusive environment is often termed as immoral, abusive, racist, heinous or worse. Would a mentality not abusive throw away everything given to them by another person they clashed with, even when given by a highly abusive person? In fact my partner and I often use this toy dog in our playfulness, as you can see.

In no way are you the abuser, immoral or heinous in anyway not wanting to be apart of an abusive environment. You can equate this to many parts of life, like the covid pandemic mandates, where millions of people around the world did not want to be apart of obvious abuse. Notice how this abuse was turned around, it was the people not wanting to be apart of known abuse who were the abusers!! WHO has recently admitted that covid vaccines induce MS via cross reaction. So what else, other than creating an environment were transient autoimmune phenomena exists after vaccination? What else seems to be huge.

What group or mentality is cancelling out everything not of it's own design and desires? The same group or mentality that disposes of everything that was given to them by people who don't want to put up with their own created abusive environment. Women's rights are being eroded away, something that was given to us, a gift that was hard fought for by women speaking out for equality. Look at how transgender people are literally attacking women in every way, including physically, for speaking out for women's rights/equality. I don't know of any gay bloke who would abuse women in this way. I think the reason for this is to do with the feminine energy.

It is so easy to get non-abusers to see themselves as abusive, a lot easier than a lot of people think, like BLM, ANTIFA and the hijacked woke movement. Look at how these groups or mentalities cancel out everything not of their own deign or desire!!

Just because you don't want to be apart of an abusive environment, doesn't mean you are abusive. Notice with true abusers they will put the emphasis on the people they abuse, blame the abused for their abusive ways!! This mentality uses all sorts of other tricks to put blame on the abused, like the ignorant deserve to be abused, therefore the abuse occurring to them is their own doing.

Yes, this cancel culture thinks just like this. Look for anything given to humanity as an often hard fought for gift being disposed of, like women's rights and equality, free speech and liberty. If an environment wants to dispose of these gifts and many more, my advise is to avoid being apart of these abusive environments.

This is it, in a nut shell.