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Showing posts with label pneumonia. Show all posts
Showing posts with label pneumonia. Show all posts

Sunday 5 April 2020

Yes, A True Awakening

Written by Mathew Naismith

If you don’t want to read this post all the way through, I suggest just going to the last link inserted in this post. Quite affective treatment seems to be right there in front of our face. Try to look at this in the absence of racialist ideologies though.   

“Nostradamus; considered that in 2020 a new era will begin, both in terms of the calendar, but also realistically.

The year 2020 marks a sacred moment, favorable and, at the same time, dangerous in the history of mankind, meant to bring both disasters and revelations.

And the preceding years herald this terrible, yet wonderful potential.

The critical year 2020 does not necessarily mean an end, but rather a fundamental transformation of the world we live in, a rebirth of humankind on a new spiritual level.

I now know what it must have been like in the years leading up to the rise of Nazi Germany. If you were one of a few Germans that could see through what Nazism actually stood for, you would have been dismayed, (verbally), at the masses that blindly follow such an ideology. So over 800 thousand children die year after year is shrugged off as nothing while the mass are lead to dreadfully fear a virus portrayed as something far worse than over 2.56 million people dying year after year!! 60 thousand people in the US alone die of pneumonia, of course they are still dying of pneumonias but you can bet these numbers are then added to the coronavirus COVID-19 fatality rate.   

Do your sums, in a decade 2.56 million x 10 = 25.6 million. In a decade, how many people will die of the coronavirus COVID-19? So no lockdowns for 25.6 million but by all means lockdown for the coronavirus COVID-19!!

In Nazi Germany, what was the mass lead to dreadfully fear the most? The undesirables of fascist Nazi society.  This is instead of focusing on were the Nazis were going to lead Germany and the rest of the world to!!  See the similarities; coronavirus COVID-19 is the undesirable to take the focus off of what?   

For only the few with open eyes will see the deceptions and travesty, all else will simply blindly follow Nazism, unbeknownst to them who follow blindly and unaware.

Am I one of the few? Not sure but I am aware of the deceptions in relation to this coronavirus COVID-19. If something is true, why the deception? I even have a friend who watched a movie and one of the scenes seemed very familiar. They checked their phone and here was the same exact image to do with coffins in a hanger that the Italian authorities showed of actual coffins presently being displayed in a hanger. Even the other objects and people placed and standing around the hunger were present!!      

Look, to people like me it is simple, any governmental system based on fear, paranoia, hysteria and deception is not something we should desire to be governed by, if we do, we must look at how manipulatively deceived and brainwashed we have become. However, as usual, only the aware will be wised up to this, and of course only the wise in circumstances like this will be persecuted by the masses.   

This information is dated 17th of March.

“It is an epidemic that has been nipped as it was growing and stopped in its tracks. This is very clear from the data that we have, as well as the observations that we can see in society in general”, he told UN News in the capital, Beijing, on Saturday.

Don’t’ praise our present governments in the west, after all the warnings, especially in relation to SARS, nothing was put in place to remotely combat such an outbreak. Further more, our present governments obviously handled this outbreak while it was occurring very badly to begin with. In Australia, it wasn’t our government that saved us from a higher fatality rate, it was the drought and bushfires. International visitors in significant number stopped visiting Australia. We still had to go in lockdown because our health services would have completely collapsed if we were put under the same strain like in Italy and the US. The people and the country has to greatly pay due to our governments misgoverning, it is this simple.   

For further study on pneumonia:

The present governing system of fear, paranoia, hysteria and deceit seemingly just let the present disease to simply occur on mass.

The term “coronavirus” may have initially been unfamiliar to many, but most everyone has encountered milder forms of such viruses, of which four strains cause about a fifth of common cold cases.


With viruses like flu and coronavirus, pneumonia often delivers the fatal blow”


The thing is coronavirus pneumonia is viral, not bacterial like common pneumonia, however!! The below will explain how to treat the however, the coronavirus pneumonia.

Supplement: It is hard to share this around, not sure it is advisable to do so but.

Why would the Chinese severely harm their own economy deliberately, at the same time risking sever retaliation?

Looking beyond the politics of this, it would seem that zinc and hydroxychloroquine are a recommended treatment for coronavirus pneumonia. It is still a worthwhile video to watch.