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Showing posts with label awakening. Show all posts
Showing posts with label awakening. Show all posts

Tuesday, 15 November 2022

 A Great Awakening Through Trauma

Written by Mathew Naismith

This is interesting, I have been receiving a lot of hits on my freedom blog recently, seemingly due to a post written about putting consciousness before mind, like putting family before political ideologies and science before profits. So what happens when we put profits before science or political ideologies before family? How often is hate put before love or disunity before unity?

When profits and/or career come before science, science is governed by external element, leading to a science that is distorted by profits and/or career before science. Science should be only governed by an internal element, science itself. Should family be governed by external political ideologies? So when you have a family that is governed by political ideologies with different political preferences, a conscious distortion occurs, resulting in a chaotic family environment. This is the same with everything. As soon as an external element is allowed to dominate an environment, like a family or science environment, the environment often becomes distorted, as in chaotic, corrupt, criminal, etc.

Who started the war between Ukraine and Russia? To look at this in a different way we need to ask the question in a different way. What external element became dominant or influential within the region in 2014, the real date of the start of the war? Certain Ukrainian's simply allowed an external element to become far more influential in that region, the same external element that destabilised every other country it bombed and invaded, often leaving the common people in that country in the hands of people who are themselves excessively abusive and/or corrupt (criminal).

The Ukraine war is an awakening for a lot of people. Look at the external element in the Ukraine/Russian environment that does not want to put unity before disunity. Like with the covid pandemic, how often was the science governed by profits first and foremost, resulting in the excessive distortion of truth? Book burning on it's own is a sign of distortion, an element that only wants a certain narrative told, resulting in a distorted reality.

What is presently going on in the world is disheartening to a lot of us, but the awakening that can occur from this is phenomenal. It is very much in line with making the best of trying times instead of the worse, or the best of life instead of the worse. The deliberate distortion of reality presently occurring in the world at present can indeed awaken us as a collective to what we have been dominated by for a very long time now.

We have an opportunity for a great awakening, all we need to do is awaken to what external elements have created, a deeply distorted reality. Believe it or not, hate is an external element to all of us. Hating the Russians for starting this war in Ukraine is simply of a distorted reality in more than one way, especially when it was not the Russians who started this war, it was an external element to this region. NATO is not even of the region of Ukraine and Russia, NATO is an external element to this environment, this region.

When God is put before religion, science before profits and career, consciousness before mind, family before political ideologies, etc, is when we will create a reality far less distorted than it is today. Look at what external elements have politicised in the world today, gender, race, health, climate, etc. I could not think of a more distorted reality, but a distorted reality we can awaken to in a huge way. All we have to do is awaken to how distorted this reality really is and why this reality is presently so distorted. When a church puts religion before God, you have created a distorted reality. When profit and/or career come before science, you have created a distorted reality. When everything imaginable is politicised, you are now in a distorted reality. 


We just need to wake up to how distorted this reality has become, and what external elements are causing this to occur.

Wednesday, 10 March 2021

An Awakening - Guru!!


Written by Mathew Naismith

You may ask how can this be an awakening, when inhumanity and not humanity has infiltrated humanity as a whole to undermine the values of humanity. To put it another way, love and light was supposed to do exactly what hate and dark has done, infiltrate humanity to it's core structure, in the process create a much harmonious loving reality.

So you may ask what went wrong!!

Nothing went wrong, the inhumanity that has been plaguing humanity for centuries has now exposed or revealed itself to all of humanity and inhumanity. I observed this very dark infiltration occurring and unfolding for many years now, into every crevice of humanity, including consciousnesses of love and light, the humanity within humanity.

Not being directly involved in love and light or hate and dark, one could observe what was occurring without being drawn into becoming a participant. A lot of spiritually aware people can do this, simply observe, even in relation to their own beliefs and practices, you know this when they avoid judging what is or is not negative or positive. How many people of said love and light mislead other people for their own purposes. Usually these same people were preaching other people to stay away from gurus, often people of proven wisdom, but at the same time act as of a guru. I follow people's proven wisdom as I do my own, in other words I follow other people's and my own proven wisdom, the guru. You will however find that it is of the same wisdom, with an exception, often we become too much of a participant instead of an observer of our own perceived wisdom. Also, often our egos inflate our own wisdom, in other words our wisdom becomes of desired truths instead of actual truths.

It is like this woke, where only desired truths are accepted while denouncing proven actual truths. The denouncement of other people's wisdom through this woke and the infiltration of the dark of the light, is not of proven wisdom. Often these people will talk in negatives and positives, the light against the dark. Light, actual truth, is never in opposition to the dark, as the dark, of desired truths, through it's desired truth is never in actuality in opposition to the light. The dark desires to believe this and infiltrate the light to believe this as well, as it has clearly done.

A true sense of love and light, the humanity within humanity, is all about actual truths in the absence of desired truths. Desired truths simply come to fruition through participation, even of your own wisdom. Gurus have to often watch for this when they are of a guru, to avoid participating in their own wisdom, to simply observe wisdom, a wisdom that is not just of their own. This means you never become your own guru as is often taught by so many people, you simply become the guru, a person of proven wisdom.

Yes I know, this kind of actual truth is often seen negative and toxic to the participator but this is expected. It makes sense as the participator is often of desired truths and the observer of actual truths.

Look people, I know it feels good to follow what is of desired truths but this is the dark's (inhumanities) infiltration of the light (humanity). It is meant to feel that it is of good positive vibrations but try to remember, we are indeed in the age of false prophets, where false consciousness therefore false feelings resides in.

All I can say now is to follow true wisdom, a true reflection of the guru, within this you will be fine, if not in this life I am sure your soul will thank you for this effort. Be kind and thoughtful to your soul.

Monday, 9 November 2020

Differential Narratives

Written by Mathew Naismith

“It is not just about only black lives matter or all lives matter, it is about all living things matter”.......Mathew G

While still as an atheist 45 years ago, my spiritual journey began. It is by no mistake that this journey over time transformed my own atheism into a different narrative, to the point that I am today simply spiritually aware to one degree or another.

Yes, to people like me, in a true sense, all living things matter. This simply means that killing an animal to transform that energy into a different energy is not differentiated from transforming plant energy, it is all simply a transformation of energy, remembering that you can't destroy energy, you simply transform energy. What is important is that this transformation process doesn't entail abuse of energy in it's transformation. The abuse of plant form is seen as the same as abusing animals in transformational processes.

Yes, people like me get ourselves in all sorts of trouble when not going along with common or popular narratives. This is like people like me avoiding the common narratives of labelling negative and positives, good and bad, wrong and right, black and white. Are uncommon or less perceived narratives right over commonly accepted narratives or visa-versa? They are simply different narratives like religious views are simply of different narratives to atheist views, or one religious view is different to another religious view.

We may think as an atheist that religion has been highly abusive towards the transformation of energy, of course at present we are seeing how abusive towards energy atheism is, which is proving to be just as abusive as religion can be. Religion or atheism need not be abusive but often is when the awareness of this abuse towards energy is not noted or the act of deliberate abuse is enforced.

Presently, it seems like dark times to many, especially with the high degree of electoral fraud in the USA. It is not just that a great deal of fraud has been noted, it is that so many people are willing to live with the fraud by deliberately not seeing it. Yes, in a true sense this is of abuse of energy, where obvious fraud is of abuse of energy capped off with the deliberate act of desiring not to see this abuse of energy by so many people in the world.

45 years ago I started my spiritual journey. At that time I noted, while in my own space, that very few souls on Earth were awakened to narratives beyond their own human narratives. Today when I enter into this quietened space, I am observing that many souls are very awakened. As awareness is not the same as knowledge and wisdom is not the same as intelligence, the present narrative of awoke is not the same as awakened. The awoke souls are not of what I am observing in this quietened state, which means there are many more awakened souls today than 45 years ago.

Inhumanity works best while only partially observable, today this inhumanity is far more observable, in the process creating a more aware state for many people. This inhumanity has been a plague upon humanity for centuries, the abuse of energy is a prime indication of this. Due to the degree of observable inhumanity today, many more people are awakening, in the process transforming the energy of differential narratives. Even though we are still playing light against dark, black against white, negatives against positives, the exposure of inhumanity is transforming our narratives into a far more aware narrative postulate. The assertiveness of inhumanity upon humanity is, within my own observation in 45 years, inadvertently creating a greater awareness.

Is this awakening simply a desire of my ego? Possible, but the exposure of inhumanity is not, therefore neither is the awakening this kind of exposure can create.

Sunday, 5 April 2020

Yes, A True Awakening

Written by Mathew Naismith

If you don’t want to read this post all the way through, I suggest just going to the last link inserted in this post. Quite affective treatment seems to be right there in front of our face. Try to look at this in the absence of racialist ideologies though.   

“Nostradamus; considered that in 2020 a new era will begin, both in terms of the calendar, but also realistically.

The year 2020 marks a sacred moment, favorable and, at the same time, dangerous in the history of mankind, meant to bring both disasters and revelations.

And the preceding years herald this terrible, yet wonderful potential.

The critical year 2020 does not necessarily mean an end, but rather a fundamental transformation of the world we live in, a rebirth of humankind on a new spiritual level.

I now know what it must have been like in the years leading up to the rise of Nazi Germany. If you were one of a few Germans that could see through what Nazism actually stood for, you would have been dismayed, (verbally), at the masses that blindly follow such an ideology. So over 800 thousand children die year after year is shrugged off as nothing while the mass are lead to dreadfully fear a virus portrayed as something far worse than over 2.56 million people dying year after year!! 60 thousand people in the US alone die of pneumonia, of course they are still dying of pneumonias but you can bet these numbers are then added to the coronavirus COVID-19 fatality rate.   

Do your sums, in a decade 2.56 million x 10 = 25.6 million. In a decade, how many people will die of the coronavirus COVID-19? So no lockdowns for 25.6 million but by all means lockdown for the coronavirus COVID-19!!

In Nazi Germany, what was the mass lead to dreadfully fear the most? The undesirables of fascist Nazi society.  This is instead of focusing on were the Nazis were going to lead Germany and the rest of the world to!!  See the similarities; coronavirus COVID-19 is the undesirable to take the focus off of what?   

For only the few with open eyes will see the deceptions and travesty, all else will simply blindly follow Nazism, unbeknownst to them who follow blindly and unaware.

Am I one of the few? Not sure but I am aware of the deceptions in relation to this coronavirus COVID-19. If something is true, why the deception? I even have a friend who watched a movie and one of the scenes seemed very familiar. They checked their phone and here was the same exact image to do with coffins in a hanger that the Italian authorities showed of actual coffins presently being displayed in a hanger. Even the other objects and people placed and standing around the hunger were present!!      

Look, to people like me it is simple, any governmental system based on fear, paranoia, hysteria and deception is not something we should desire to be governed by, if we do, we must look at how manipulatively deceived and brainwashed we have become. However, as usual, only the aware will be wised up to this, and of course only the wise in circumstances like this will be persecuted by the masses.   

This information is dated 17th of March.

“It is an epidemic that has been nipped as it was growing and stopped in its tracks. This is very clear from the data that we have, as well as the observations that we can see in society in general”, he told UN News in the capital, Beijing, on Saturday.

Don’t’ praise our present governments in the west, after all the warnings, especially in relation to SARS, nothing was put in place to remotely combat such an outbreak. Further more, our present governments obviously handled this outbreak while it was occurring very badly to begin with. In Australia, it wasn’t our government that saved us from a higher fatality rate, it was the drought and bushfires. International visitors in significant number stopped visiting Australia. We still had to go in lockdown because our health services would have completely collapsed if we were put under the same strain like in Italy and the US. The people and the country has to greatly pay due to our governments misgoverning, it is this simple.   

For further study on pneumonia:

The present governing system of fear, paranoia, hysteria and deceit seemingly just let the present disease to simply occur on mass.

The term “coronavirus” may have initially been unfamiliar to many, but most everyone has encountered milder forms of such viruses, of which four strains cause about a fifth of common cold cases.


With viruses like flu and coronavirus, pneumonia often delivers the fatal blow”


The thing is coronavirus pneumonia is viral, not bacterial like common pneumonia, however!! The below will explain how to treat the however, the coronavirus pneumonia.

Supplement: It is hard to share this around, not sure it is advisable to do so but.

Why would the Chinese severely harm their own economy deliberately, at the same time risking sever retaliation?

Looking beyond the politics of this, it would seem that zinc and hydroxychloroquine are a recommended treatment for coronavirus pneumonia. It is still a worthwhile video to watch.   


Monday, 13 February 2017

The Awakening

Written by Mathew Naismith

I am not sure how I am going to go with this; I am just not comfortable with putting these topics in writing. I have headed this post the wakening as the two main topics of this post, which keep coming up for me, are directly to do with our own awakening, an awakening that is very natural by nature. One of the topics has to do with oneness, zero point, pure awareness, God's consciousness or what ever, a state that is often referred to as a higher consciousness by the ego. The second topic at hand is to do with order and control; this too is in reference to this higher consciousness as mentioned above.

Firstly, an awakening to me means to become more aware of our whole self other than just the human self. It is an awareness that often goes beyond normal human perceptions and perspectives, especially an awareness that goes way beyond physicality as a whole. An awakening that is not conditioned to physicality while in a mortal or immortal state of existence. Even in an immortal state of existence, our perceptions and perspectives can be based on physicality; I feel this is brought about by a fixation to physicality that can go beyond mortal existence.

Order and Control: We presume, or more precisely, the ego presumes, that to have peace and harmony, we need to be limited or controlled by some kind of order. Now I stated limited because all order limits a consciousness to a certain kind of order, for example, Fascism is a particular order of control that limits a consciousness to certain set boundaries. Materialism works in the same manner as of anything we allow ourselves to be controlled by; of course, control means to be limited to certain boundaries.

In the west, we so often presume that various eastern spiritual practices are about taking control when in actuality they are about releasing control, meditation is a prime example of one of these eastern practices that is about releasing control. Meditation, as of many other eastern practices, is not about helping us take control of our lives, these practices are about releasing ourselves from control period, this means they should never be used to take control of our lives, instead, used to release ourselves from control period. Only the ego presumes that these practices are about taking more control of our lives.

The ego presumes, as soon as we release ourselves from these restrictions or limitations of control, we then take more control of our lives. At no point are these practices about taking control. The reason for this is simple, all order and control is limiting, the last thing we want to do is limit our consciousness even further as spiritual awareness is about becoming less limited, not more limited, or, replacing one set of control and order with another set of control and order.

Let us take into consideration of this oneness, zero point, pure awareness, God's consciousness or what ever you want to call this state, how controlling is this higher consciousness? If this higher state was supposed to be of order and control, why are we existing in a world of chaos and mayhem?

We could say that because this higher consciousness is not controlling, this is the reason we exist in a chaotic existence but this is not so. Consider that this God's consciousness is not of order and controlling, this is the reason we are not of order and control. This higher consciousness has no control over us, or more precisely, our egos so we, being uncontrolled by the higher self, allow the ego to control us through some kind of order as mentioned previously thus limiting our conscious awareness.

We, our egos, are noticeably uncontrolled by the higher self, only the ego is controlling and of order, this means the ego is uncontrolled by the higher self, but at the same time controlled by it's own controlling orders that it fixates itself to. What all this means is order and control naturally creates an existence based on chaos, this is where the ego cons us to think order and control creates peace and harmony. As of the so called higher consciousness, there is no need of order or control within such a state for there is no chaos or mayhem, just pure bliss. Yes if the ego did not have us conned that we need order and control, we would indeed experience this bliss of our so called higher consciousness.   

It is a Con by the Ego: It is said that the awakening process is a part of the chaos we are presently experiencing; this is true but only in accordance with the ego. It's the ego that needs to be awakened, not our truer being, the ego seems to have us conned that we need to awaken, or as many people put it these days, ascend. The present circumstances in our existence are a part of that ascension/awakening, I must emphasise though, this need to ascend or awaken is the egos perception of what we must do, it is not something we have to do.

As the reply I received below refers to, the kick refers to a need, by the ego, to go through chaos and mayhem to ascend/awaken. The ego needs to be kicked by creating chaos and mayhem so the ego can ascend/awaken through this process. Our truer being or our higher consciousness needs no such thing to awaken; we truly need not go through what we are going through, but the ego states otherwise.         

I agree from a limited perspective but I feel you may be missing a bigger picture. This is about awakening the sleeping people and uniting them. Sometimes people who are asleep need a kick in the ass to awaken and this is the kick. We will see how many wake up on this call           

My Reply:
I keep getting that we don't have to wake up this way, but as you say, some people who are asleep need to awaken in this way, to comprehend there awoken state I feel, otherwise it would slip by unnoticed. It's a con by the ego, the ego wants us to be kicked or do the kicking, within this the ego stays controlling, otherwise it loses it's control. Yes, the ego needs to be kicked, or so the ego has made it seem that way. We really don't need to go down this track but the ego has us coned otherwise, I think we need to awaken to this.

The so-called higher self will humble itself to whatever the ego classes as a low level, however, there are no true higher or lower levels but there are ego controlled existences to non-ego controlled existences. 

The ego loves to class these as levels; I think the reason for this is so it can ascend to a higher level. This is not a bad thing when the ego exists in a destructive existence though; actually, it's quite natural for the ego to do so in this state I feel.