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Showing posts with label querying. Show all posts
Showing posts with label querying. Show all posts

Saturday, 22 October 2022

Feminine Querying Mind

Written by Mathew Naismith

When you take yin out of the equation, all you are left with is yang to formulate equations. Put in another way, when critical thinking is used in the absence of a queering mind, science stagnates or is distorted, like we have witnessed with the covid pandemic. It is like when relationships stagnate, you will notice that one element is no longer present or may not have been present in the first place. Same elements, like lustfulness, can attract each other but without the element of love, this kind of attraction is often transitory and not of genuine love, especially when one element loses it's lustfulness.

China's science is governed by a masculine energy, communism, which was not always the case, this is why a lot of their science is of western science these days, it is stolen. If this masculine governed science becomes the norm in the world, yes, science will end up stagnating, distorting. You will still have the critical mind at work but without the querying mind, the critical mind will end up stagnating and/or distorting.

You could say that the critical mind is represented by yang and the inquisitive mind yin. When the critical mind is governed by certain rules, especially masculine driven rules, what is allowed to be queried is greatly diminished. When critical thinking or the queering mind is diminished or overruled by the other, you no longer have true science. Spirituality works in the same way, especially when religion and/or church come before God, or whatever God is represented by in spirituality. Whenever in human history religion, being one element, overrules or overlords God, another element, chaos and devastation is created within a reality.

Make no mistake, eastern science was also taken by the west as being their own, when eastern science was not predominantly dominated by one element that is often driven by a masculine energy these days. Look at the masculine dominated parts of the world, where masculine ideologies dominate the feminine, science is distorted and religion comes before God. What religion is God of?

Critical thinking and the inquisitive mind should work in harmony together, as in any spirituality where all elements work in harmony together, not one coming before and over-lording the other. The same is with relationships. In my own personal relationship, most often for both of us the other comes first, resulting in elements working in unison together. We both realise one must look after themselves to be able to look after the other. By looking after yourself you are putting the other person first. In this relationship you look after yourself as well as each other, in the process creating a reality that is not distorted, working in prefect balance.

Notice during the covid pandemic that certain sciences and scientists were ignored, persecuted and even killed for not following certain protocols in accordance with certain masculine driven elements, such as covid vaccines will stop infections, while a pharmaceutical company like Pfizer had no scientific evidence of this to start with, as pointed out recently by a Pfizer executive. See how science is distorted when one element dominates the other!!

Be it of science, spirituality, relationships, etc, query if one elements is put before the other or dominates the other elements to see if any kind of distortion is present. Notice that the critical mind will denounce a querying mind if not of the critical minds protocol, like you are not of my religion, science or lustful desires!!

The querying mind to me is of a passive mind, a nurturing mind, therefore of feminine energy, and the critical mind of an active mind, a mind that is not nurturing but decisive, abrupt. Working in unison, both these elements bring the best out of each other, in the process creating a reality that is less distorted. When not working in unison, a distorted reality is sure to be created.