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Showing posts with label dream. Show all posts
Showing posts with label dream. Show all posts

Tuesday 24 September 2024

The Grand Temple of Human Consciousness

Written by Mathew Naismith

I was not going to write about this topic but it would seem that I am now encouraged to. I am not making reference to a physical representation of a religious temple, but a grand temple that it would seem was once a major part of human consciousness.

What encouraged me to write about this topic was a recurring dream, a dream that exposed the true entity behind the loss of this grand temple. To lead human consciousness away from this grand temple you would think that this entity was within itself of some kind of grand stature of great significance, quite the opposite is true.

On a personal level, not too recently my dreams told me of a hidden hostility which I eventually exposed which then turned into treachery and deceit, as it often does, which my dream told me of as well. This exposer can also occur on a global scale.

Within this dream, I usually did not have to deal with the worker ants, but what I call security guards or soldier ants, ants (people) that protect and reinforce the grand entity of great sinister intent and abuse. After this, I then face the grand master consciousness of great sinister intent and abuse, which is often very daunting but not recently. There was no soldier ants, only worker ants, and this grand master consciousness was insignificant and of no great stature.

To cover up this insignificance, this consciousness uses and abuses any energy it has enticed within it's field of influence, which in humanities case means the majority of people who were and are coxed and tricked into no longer being under the influence of this grand temple of human consciousness. By the way, this temple does not have to be rebuilt as it was never destroyed, humanity as a whole simply walked away from this temple of true great stature and benevolence.

Years ago when confronted with these quite sinister security guards, soldier ants, all I did was laugh at them. This is why, which I didn't quite comprehend back then when I was young, that this energy is actually of great insignificance, the only significance and stature it has is obtained from other energy sources it can coax within it's own field of influence. Look at how multinationals often obtain their energy/wealth. They would be quite insignificant in stature and wealth in the absence of other energy forms to obtain energy from, very much like what I experienced in my dream just recently.

So what is this grand temple of true great stature and benevolence, unlike it's supposed opposite?

I can't tell you as each and every one of us has their own perception of what this grand temple is represented by, what I can tell you is that this grand temple is of the absence of sinister intent and abuse, period. It is of the absence of which makes this temple so grand, an energy source or consciousness of significant self-perpetuating energy, unlike it's supposed opposite.

It will be interesting how this dream progresses from here. The last part of the dream showed a person being elated going on a train ride they have never experienced before themselves.

Friday 24 January 2020

Anna Haize My Dearest

Written by Mathew Naismith

A strange heading, especially considering that I don't know an Anna Haize.

Well, what I am talking about here is from a dream I had last night, where I sang a slow country melodic song to an elderly lady who was crippled from a hard life lived. This ladies name was Anna Haize and the song went sort of like this, "My dearest Anna Haize, how lovely you are, my dearest Anna Haize. You are my darling, my love, my dearest Anna Haize. Life has been hard on you but my love for you is never ending my dear, my dearest Anna Haize. Yes my lovely, you are loved beyond what words can say, my dearest Anna Haize. And so on it went.

When I was singing this song, I held this frail lady in my arms while I levitated and started doing a slow waltz around the eating area of a retirement home. When I first picked up Anna cradled in my arms, the rest of the people in the eating area were in shock and worried. I then started to sing to Anna while in a slow levitated waltz; there was not a dry eye in the room in the end.

Because of Anna's condition, Anna was always in a rigid position. Anna simply melted more and more in my arms as I sang Anna's song to her while doing a slow levitated waltz. At the end of the song and waltz, Anna just simply went into a restful deep sleep within my arms, a sleep she hadn't experienced for some years.

As it is, I have always had a soft spot for people who have legitimately had a hard time of it. When I was working with disabled people, my consideration and care was obvious. When I was asked to dump the disabled to start up another workshop for able bodied people, my consideration and care was greatly diminished, in fact I left that job before the workshop was up and running.  

When I was a healer in ancient Egypt in another life, the underprivileged, mainly the slaves, got my attention. This did not go down well with the privileged as the privileged at all times should come before the underprivileged, as the privileged often think even today. I could never remember doing this in this ancient Egyptian life as a healer. To me it was who was next in line, not that the privileged were always a head of the line. I also looked at the privileged as being also underprivileged, primarily because of their high and mighty stance. The abusers in my mind are as underprivileged as the underprivileged they abuse if not more so, this stance of mine today has not changed.

I look upon human conscious today as a whole as an Anna Haize, a crippled up consciousness, a consciousness that has had a very hard time of it, be it of their own making. As it is, a lost consciousness lost within their own creation, even though this consciousness is unaware of this, is of Anna Haize. This consciousness is worth my attention even though it will fight against me all the way, unlike Anna Haize, my dearest.

It is often mistakenly thought that dreaming relates to over thinking. Yes, this can be the case but most often dreams relate to the energy around you, this is why certain dreams can be foretelling. Last night I had a lot of levitating dreams, more than usual, Anna Haize was one of a number of vivid levitating dreams I experienced last night.           

Friday 23 August 2019

A True Malevolent Menace

Written by Mathew Naismith

I had a dream last night of children being physically abused by people who were influenced by malevolent forces. I tried to assist the children but to no avail, the malevolent forces were too entrenched. I had no choice but to give up helping these helpless victimised children. The malevolent force also tried to abuse my own family in the dream.

In my dream, I was married with two young daughters, two very beautiful souls that seemed more spiritually connected than myself. The malevolent force was unable to infiltrate the aura of our family to any extent.

In the next part of the dream, numerous people were at our home carrying and placing white and pink flowers around the outside of our house. Some kind of function was being held at our house.

Considering what I have been recently doing, being honest in exposing a certain group, it is a bit of a worry. If the malevolent forces in my dream represent this group in any sense, they are well and truly entrenched in today's collective consciousness.

There was an immaterial malevolent force influencing the father and another person to horribly and terrifyingly abuse the children in my dream. In turn, influencing these two men to also become malevolent therefore abusive materially/physically.

The two men could be representative of the founders/supporters of this group, while the children represented the members of this group. Or, the two men represented this group as a whole, while the children represent anyone outside this group. Either way, the two men were obviously influenced by an immaterial malevolent force, to then become malevolent themselves. It would seem this group is being manipulated and tricked into becoming materially malevolent by an immaterial malevolent force.

There is a good reason I take my dreams seriously.

It would seem to me that my dream family and the numerous other people depicted latter on in the dream were people of true virtue. It would also seem that I will have to stop trying to help those on the receiving end of this immaterial and material malevolent force, for now. I may have to accept that I may never be able to help these people depicted as abused children in my dream in my life time. Just maybe the children, who were depicted as being my own children, may be the people to do as I am unable to do in this life!!

Wednesday 13 March 2019

The Perception of God

Written by Mathew Naismith

Try to keep in mind before reading the following, I was brought up as an atheist and I have never followed a religion or any other ideology or ism in my life. What I have exercised in, after extracting myself from the doctrines of atheism, is finding reason within all the ideologies and isms man has created in discovering the environment man exists in. This of course includes the perception of God.

Before I go on, I would like to share with you a dream I had last night. As usual as in an awakened state, I was looking in all the nooks and crannies I could for whatever presents itself. I usually do this in the absence of bias as a lot of ideologies and isms can create a great deal of bias at times. I saw this cave so I of course decided to investigate even though this cave was quite dark. The cave didn't turn out to be a cave and I found myself looking out over an ocean. I was in awe while listening to the wave's crash on shore. The ocean was quite rough but still so beautiful. I then decided to in my dream on purpose think of the perception of God, what occurred then was quite amazing.

When you are consciously aware that you are having a dream, this is called lucid dreaming. In this state of dreaming, you are able to consciously influence the dream; in my case it was to do with an experiment to see how the perception of God changes my dream. As I said, I like to look into all the nooks and crannies, into all the possibilities in the absence of a much bias as possible. I thought the scenery was beautiful before. As soon as I had a perception of God, the ocean was no longer rough and everything simply sparkled. It is as if everything came alive.

Don't make the mistake and think religion is of God or has to be of God, religion is simply one of many tools for man to investigate he's environment as a whole. As of a lot of atheists who totally denounce that a consciousness can exist outside of the physical brain in accordance with atheistic doctrines, religion can have its own biases as well as human history clearly shows. As history clearly shows, not everyone of religion was of God, far more of the church than God sadly enough. You see, to be of God or have a perception of God has very little to do with religion but religion can keep us in touch with God or the perception of God.

It is also important not to separate religion from science. Take Hinduism for example, where science has always been apart of the religion of Hinduism. How many modern day scientists believe in a God and/or follow a religion of one kind or another?

So many people today are denouncing God just because of the perceptions of religion has in relation to God. In all honest truth, what would we know? We can't actually know so we can only perceive through various religions in relation to God. Try to remember, not everyone of a religion is of the perception of God as history quite clearly shows us, actually quite the opposite at times. Yes, as of any ideology or ism created by man to investigate and examine his environment, the ideology or ism to do this is only as perfect as man himself, considering man isn't perfect, denouncing God just because of a number of indiscretions in religious history, isn't exactly a wise of unbiased way of reasoning. Man is not perfect therefore it is quite unreasonable to expect his created ideologies and isms to be perfect. I actually expect them to be imperfect before expecting them to be perfect, within this, a reasonable an unbiased deduction can be formed. How perfect is numerous science theories taken as being fact? Even some of Albert Einstein's theories that were taken as fact are being questioned as science should to evolve.        

What I have exercised through life is an unbiased culmination of the universe being created by a far more aware and wiser consciousness. If you culminate all the research on out of body experiences (OBE's), reincarnation, CERN, that scientists can create mini universes and on it goes, I would have to be a total ignoramus or a very ignorant atheist to ignore all this evidence. Of course not all atheists are this ignorant, just not convinced enough to believe which is fair enough. Having been an atheist, it is amazing how bias one can get when you religiously follow atheistic doctrines. Of course the same can be the case for religious people as well as history clearly shows again.

God or the perception of God doesn't follow a certain religion; religion simply follows a perception of God or whatever you want to call a more aware and wiser consciousness than our own to be. As of my dream, the perception of God changed my scenery to something even more beautiful and spectacular. In a time of chaos, deception and destruction, what is so wrong in having this kind of perception? My subconscious and consciousness obviously perceives God to be a changer of worlds, but only through our own awakening and intervention.         

Friday 19 May 2017

Our Natural Non-inhibiting Abilities

Written by Mathew Naismith

I feel impelled to write this post strictly for the readers of my blog, this reason for this isn't clear to me as yet.

It's funny playing the lesser or minor role in dreams where I am not the hero or the main character, in actuality, I often usually play the observer without taking part in my dreams.

Last night I had two interesting compelling dreams. The first dream was to do with a stream that was clear at first, but then started to become polluted from a source further up from the stream. I collected samples of the polluted water to show the authorities, however, my endeavours were being hindered. Unusually in my dream, other people came to my aid; I was then able to produce my findings to appropriate people to take action.

I was not the authorities that found the source of the pollution and cleaned it up; all I did was take action to inform the appropriate people that were able to take action. What was interesting is that I had a feeling that the stream represented today's spirituality. My role was to only make the appropriate people aware of the pollution, that is all, I was to have no role in finding the source of the pollution and cleaning it up. I am wondering if that is not what I am doing in real life!!

My next dream was to do was a young lass (girl) who had extraordinary gifts.

There was this bloke (man) who had extraordinary gifts himself; no other person could match his gifts. On live television, this man tried to manipulate this lass, basically to see how gifted this lass actually was. He tried to control her moves, simular to people who have been hypnotised. The lass laughed and at this point made the bloke do exactly what the bloke tried to get the lass to do.

There was no feeling the lass was trying to take control of the bloke, all the lass did was repel back the energy the bloke tried to force onto the lass in the first place. The feeling I got from this was that all of us can do the same while trying to not take control of anything. This lass seemed to have no known human inhibitions. The simple lack of human inhibitions allowed this lass to do extraordinary things, however, to the lass, there wasn't anything extraordinary about herself, the way she was, was normal void of anything extraordinary.

The perception of being extraordinary or gifted actually takes away our natural abilities. Having the perception of being gifted in anyway gives us preconceptions thus inhibiting our real and natural abilities. Perceptions and preconceptions are limiting, we might have certain gifts but to an unlimited unrestricted source, such gifts are indeed a laugh.

This reminds me of a video I watched where a young woman was induced into a state where human inhibitions were themselves inhibited. Everything was seen as pure energy, however, what was more compelling to me was when this young woman was asked if she felt good or not. This young woman simply could not answer such a question as it had no significants. There was no question of feeling good or not, basically the perceptions of negative or positive had no meaning in this state.

We often take what makes us feel good like materialism, religion, love and light and so on, and perceive this as the highest pinnacle, very simular to the bloke in my last dream. With our inhibiting perceptions, we often seem to make everything into a religion that makes us feel good, in turn, inhibiting and at times regressing into states that are highly limiting.

Everything to materialists that isn't of materialism is negative. Everything not of actual church religion is negative. Everything that is not of love and light is negative. No wonder we are so limited therefore inhibited, look at all the negatives that these three inhibiting preconceptions have created on there own to start with. No one of the preconceptions will ever be of the lass in my dream, only of the bloke who in the end was anything but extraordinary.

I simply cannot properly and justifiably explain our natural state of existence; all I can do is give an outline of our truer being as of anyone.                 

Sunday 4 December 2016

Dreams - Participate or Observe

Written by Mathew Naismith

It's funny to re-enact out different dream scenarios while still dreaming. It would have been good if it was a nice dream but that wasn't the case, however, this particular dream had it's purpose. It's like being shouted at because you didn't listen to the whispers. This is so typical of me though as I can at times become overly involved in certain motions around me. This is funny coming from a person who has, on numerous occasions, written about avoiding expressing too much motion, for each motion we express, creates reactive motions. It would be nice if I practiced in what I preached, basically, put into motion what I often state!!

I played out this dream but I didn't like it's outcome, I then decided to replay the dream out but playing it out differently, I basically became more involved, more of motion,  in relation to the outcome of the dream. The dream was played out in a different scenario but this adversely change the course of the dream, further intervention by me made things a lot worse in the dream.

Take three; involved me to re-enact the dream out again but just as an observer, not a participator. This action by me to just become an observer, didn't change the path the dream was taking but it didn't make things worse either. I also wasn't observing the dream on my own either, as I wasn't on my own participating in the dream.

Too Involved!!: I don't like certain things that are occurring in the world at present, I have become involved, more expressive of motions in regards to these occurrences in the world. I basically don't like the scenarios they are playing out and the possible outcome of these scenarios. My dream was dark and ominous, this is how I see these occurrences in the world that I am reacting to, basically, these occurrences have caused a reaction by people like myself. It's cause and effect, the cause being what is seen as unbecoming to me, the effect, my reaction to the cause of my reaction. My reaction being sad with certain events in the world, this sadness has caused a reaction by me, of course this reaction is natural for a caring person to express, put into motion.

The observer on the other hand reacts quite differently, they observe while avoiding to become a participator no matter what occurs. We might think this is cold-hearted, lacking care or sympathy for other people's plight but this isn't the case at all. As the dream I had showed, intervention can actually cause more problems than what it solves, the more intervention, the worse the outcome can be. In my case this seems to be case. Some people's path is to intervene, my path is to not intervene or become to involved through participation while losing the ability to observe.

It is well known in quantum physic, that one can influence an outcome through observation alone, various science experiments, like the double slit experiment, seem to show this to be the case. The observer through observation alone, can influence a scenario but is more likely to influence a scenario in a more constructive way than a participator would. The reason for this lies in that the observer is more aware while not being involved than they would if involved while participating. The observer is of wisdom and awareness, this is lacking in being a participator as the more of a participator we become, the less aware and wise we will be. Yes, certain amounts of wisdom can be obtained through experiences but we must also remember, being an observer is also an experience, the only difference is, one is experiencing life through wisdom and awareness, the other most likely or obviously isn't.

Observation: In a lot of Western spirituality these days, a lot of love is being expressed, an observer who has a truer form of love, can influence what they observe without being a participator, however, a person of this kind of love must observe what they want to influence. In a lot of cases, this isn't occurring because we often judge what is and isn't negative and avoid what we have judged as such. We basically only want to observe the niceties of life and avoid participating in anything else not nice, this is fair enough, however, we are also avoiding observing anything not of these niceties. How can we influence anything if we are not even an observer of what we want to influence?

Try constructively influencing anything you are unwilling to observe. It is by the way unwise to influence anything you are unwilling to even observe, influencing anything through that lack of wisdom and awareness, is obviously an unwise thing to do. It's like taking a swim in known shark infested waters, if you haven't observed these sharks yourself, they just can't exist!! Yes, it's dangerous for any consciousness to try to influence what they are not observing, being primarily a participator, as most of us are, is doing just this.

If you participate too much, you lose being an observer and a constructive influencer of what is being observed, only then through participating can we be influential, however, because we haven't properly or wisely observed what we are influencing, it's like swimming in shark infested waters before observation.

What if we don't participate enough, we observe more than we participate, this would have to be a better way to exist? Has any consciousness the right to influence what they are not participating in? In actuality, if you are not also participating, you will most likely not have a need to influence what you observe, this is usually the case. A consciousness primarily of an observer, will not see a need or a desire to influence what they are not apart of.

What I am observing is that we have very little balance between an observer and a participator, it has to be one or the other when in actuality it should be both simultaneously. Yes, we have all this love, and maybe the ability to observe, but we still only want to observe the niceties while shunning and avoiding observing the not so niceties of life. 

In the dream, I first participated void of observation but because I didn't like the scenario of the dream, I then influenced the dream more void of observation, this obviously made things worse, not better. In the end, I observed what I participated in, in the first place, the scenario wasn't good still but it was a lot better than trying to influence something I wasn't observing. I didn't observe enough in the dream to constructively influence the dream scenario, this is still to come it would seem......                              

Tuesday 22 November 2016


Written by Mathew Naismith

I thought I would start up another blog simply titled, "Freedom", so welcome friends and other well wishes and philosophers looking for freedom from our present collective reality.

As the description of this blog infers, this blog is about freeing ourselves from our encumbrances and limitations. In my mind, we have become conditioned to these encumbrances and limitations that stop us from further evolving in consciousness.

This further evolving in consciousness doesn't mean we will evolve further in human consciousness either, it means we will evolve in consciousness beyond the limitations of human consciousness. To me, any consciousness that is obvious within it's self-destructiveness, is on the verge of a massive shift of consciousness. This shift in consciousness will also mean we will start to exist in a different reality to what we are conditioned to, a consciousness that is not as limited as human consciousness.

As I did in my previous blog, I will share a dream I had last night, this dream sort of says it all in relation to finding freedom, especially in regards to fear.


I had quite an interesting dream last night.

The world was going to the pack, it was destroying itself from within. The people within my group started panicking, this was the end, there was no way out.

Even though things were getting worse, I stated that things were actually improving, in actuality the state of decay was a sign that things will improve before the end occurs. The end being of fear which the human race was being conditioned to, I knew this wasn't going to occur. Faith can indeed move mountains. 

When approached by these people who were totally conditioned to the end, they spoke of being delivered through the end of the world as we know it. These people to our group seemed stupefied like zombies.

I then looked them straight in the eye and showed them their truer self. It was like switching on  a light switch, all of a sudden they became aware of their truer being, they no longer acted like zombies.

Within this one group of zombie like people, once one changed, they soon all changed their disposition that was no longer based on fear.

At the end of the dream, all I could hear was singing.......

The singing at the end of the dream was incredible, it sounded as if all of mankind came together as one after a tumultuous battle against fear, it was really beautiful.