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Showing posts with label trafficking. Show all posts
Showing posts with label trafficking. Show all posts

Wednesday, 7 June 2023

Sound of Freedom


Written by Mathew Naismith

I actually named this post after the new human trafficking movie, Sound of Freedom. (1) Once we as a collective free ourselves from this kind of consciousness, the sounds of freedom will be heard and felt all over the world. Ignoring this consciousness, because it is negative or of bad vibrations, will only enhance this kind of consciousness plaguing man kind, in actuality to ignore it or not acknowledge it is of endorsing it. This is probably why this real life plague is devouring humanity at the rate is presently is, however, is it like the sun at the end of it's cycle, when the sun becomes more active before it dies?

The 100 monkey theory, under science observation. When it got to one hundred monkeys washing sweet potatoes, monkeys on another island started doing the same. (2) This is often related to something good occurring, while ignoring how 100 monkeys into human trafficking and paedophilia can also lead to millions if not billions of other people doing the same.

Is it 100 monkeys not of this kind of consciousness verses 100 monkeys of this consciousness?

Good luck to the people not of this consciousness if this is the case, because this kind of consciousness cannot be influenced by human consciousness alone as it stands at present, be it of 100 or one billion people. This human trafficking consciousnesses is that embedded in this type of consciousness it seems impervious to any other influence. Ever wonder why, when these day's while under heavy surveillance systems, that these human trafficking rings are not being taken down, in fact are growing at a phenomenal rate due to the protection this surveillance system gives this type of consciousness!!

So what 100 monkeys is in front in their influence upon the rest of humanity at present?

Can the 100 monkeys not of this human trafficking consciousnesses influence the rest of humanity?

Is this human trafficking consciousness like a dying sun, gives one last burst of energy before it passes on?

When I say that this human trafficking consciousness can't be influenced by human consciousness alone, I don't mean that a more consciously advanced human consciousness can't influence this type of consciousness. Would a more advanced human consciousness allow this human trafficking consciousness to burn itself out naturally? I would say it would, thus leaving allot of people to the perils of this consciousness, however, a far more advanced consciousness is able to influence this consciousness of human trafficking, in the process avoiding the need for this kind of abuse to occur.

This human trafficking consciousness can't exist within the same space as a far more advanced consciousness. Did Neanderthals survive from the influence of a more advanced human consciousness? This human trafficking consciousness is not of any kind of advanced consciousness, it is in actuality of Neanderthals, a consciousness that will give way to a more advanced consciousness naturally.

However, the sun will not burn out if we keep feeding the energy it needs to exist, it is this simple. To ignore the existence of this Neanderthal type consciousness, for whatever reason, will only encourage this consciousness to expand, in the process hindering any advancement in human consciousness.

