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Showing posts with label sun. Show all posts
Showing posts with label sun. Show all posts

Tuesday 26 December 2023

The Sun is Green


Written by Mathew Naismith

This is so funny, the title came before the following that I had no idea of. I was actually looking at it in a different way, that the sun's true spectrum is very different to the way we physically see the sun. The interesting thing is, many of us actually see the sun in the same way we see ourselves and each other, what we see and experience physically is all we are, nothing else. Are humans living a lie, in the process create realities in accordance to lies?

“The Zohar – more than 2,000 years old – explicitly states that the sun is indeed green. Scientists would finally make this ‘discovery’ in the early 18th century, 1,800 years later – but who’s counting.”

“BONUS Fact: The Color of the Sun is Actually Green!”

What I am saying or visualised just recently is that the true spectrum of the sun in a non-psychical sense is also depicted as being green. Could we honesty say the same thing about man, that man is being his true self, he's true non-physical self as of the sun?

No joke, the sun is green in whatever existing spectrum the sun exists in, be it of it's physical state or non- physical state.

It is amazing how we can be drawn into living and existing in realities based on lies. What occurred just recently in relation to a neighbour we have helped over the years is by no mistake. The lie the whole family live by was eventually going to be exposed.

“Amazing, I am the one who is suppose to be imbalanced, I will tell you why this is not the case which goers for each and everyone of us!!

It is amazing how a whole family can live a lie, in this case that someone of the family has not got an aggressive bone in their body, even when they notably have, more than one it turns out.

Is this the same of a mass of people living a known lie? Now expose this lie for what it is, deceptive, and see the reaction you will get.

Lies told to deceive yourself, each other and everyone else is simply a sign of an imbalance. In a reality based on balance than imbalanced energies, it is impossible to live by lies like this as of any imbalances.“

When we live by lies, of course the sun is only going to be what we see it as, not what it really is, as of ourselves and a reality based on so many imbalances is going to be.

As of anyone, I am still awakening to our truer being.

Wednesday 7 June 2023

Sound of Freedom


Written by Mathew Naismith

I actually named this post after the new human trafficking movie, Sound of Freedom. (1) Once we as a collective free ourselves from this kind of consciousness, the sounds of freedom will be heard and felt all over the world. Ignoring this consciousness, because it is negative or of bad vibrations, will only enhance this kind of consciousness plaguing man kind, in actuality to ignore it or not acknowledge it is of endorsing it. This is probably why this real life plague is devouring humanity at the rate is presently is, however, is it like the sun at the end of it's cycle, when the sun becomes more active before it dies?

The 100 monkey theory, under science observation. When it got to one hundred monkeys washing sweet potatoes, monkeys on another island started doing the same. (2) This is often related to something good occurring, while ignoring how 100 monkeys into human trafficking and paedophilia can also lead to millions if not billions of other people doing the same.

Is it 100 monkeys not of this kind of consciousness verses 100 monkeys of this consciousness?

Good luck to the people not of this consciousness if this is the case, because this kind of consciousness cannot be influenced by human consciousness alone as it stands at present, be it of 100 or one billion people. This human trafficking consciousnesses is that embedded in this type of consciousness it seems impervious to any other influence. Ever wonder why, when these day's while under heavy surveillance systems, that these human trafficking rings are not being taken down, in fact are growing at a phenomenal rate due to the protection this surveillance system gives this type of consciousness!!

So what 100 monkeys is in front in their influence upon the rest of humanity at present?

Can the 100 monkeys not of this human trafficking consciousnesses influence the rest of humanity?

Is this human trafficking consciousness like a dying sun, gives one last burst of energy before it passes on?

When I say that this human trafficking consciousness can't be influenced by human consciousness alone, I don't mean that a more consciously advanced human consciousness can't influence this type of consciousness. Would a more advanced human consciousness allow this human trafficking consciousness to burn itself out naturally? I would say it would, thus leaving allot of people to the perils of this consciousness, however, a far more advanced consciousness is able to influence this consciousness of human trafficking, in the process avoiding the need for this kind of abuse to occur.

This human trafficking consciousness can't exist within the same space as a far more advanced consciousness. Did Neanderthals survive from the influence of a more advanced human consciousness? This human trafficking consciousness is not of any kind of advanced consciousness, it is in actuality of Neanderthals, a consciousness that will give way to a more advanced consciousness naturally.

However, the sun will not burn out if we keep feeding the energy it needs to exist, it is this simple. To ignore the existence of this Neanderthal type consciousness, for whatever reason, will only encourage this consciousness to expand, in the process hindering any advancement in human consciousness.



Wednesday 19 July 2017

Simply Ego Void of Control

Written by Mathew Naismith

I thought this was something else I wrote and wasn't going to post, instead it seems I was waiting for the second part of this post to materialise.

The second part to this post is titled Crystalline Consciousness, a consciousness of the energy of crystal void of physical properties. In this state of non-physicality, the energy of crystals is much greater. As of everything physical, crystals owe their existence to non-physical factors or influences.


The sun is one of the biggest controlling factors within our solar system, it's also one of the most destructive and violent, far more violent than all the humans at present as a collective could express. Of course if our own reality is negative, how negative would this make the sun? Compared to whatever humans can do while influenced by a controlling ego, the sun would have to be totally demonic but it's not. This is but another reason why I try to stay away from the perceptions of negative and positive.

We are guests, not just to the ego but to the controlling ego, of course an ego in control could never see it like this for this kind of awareness would greatly diminish the egos control over us. As I previously wrote in a post, "It is wise to remember that we are guests in a controlling egos reality, always have been, however, what lies beneath these factors is utter bliss.

The problem lies within the control of the ego itself, it simply negates this bliss for the sake of control over and above this bliss, for within this bliss there is no control, only being."

A controlling ego, like the sun or even our spouse/family members, take away bliss that is infinite in nature and replaces it with another kind of bliss that the ego is able to control at will. Of course not everyone under this kind of control will experience bliss but to one extent or another many people will. Of course as history shows, this kind of bliss is finite in nature; it simply doesn't last or is lasting as of everything controlled by a controlling ego. How long does a love for a family member or a spouse last when they become totally controlling?

This is the ego in control so what is ego void of control?

I wrote a while ago about an insight depicting a crystalline sun instead of a gas ball sun, basically a sun of pure crystal. A sun of crystal is infinite in nature; it is able to exist eternally, however, instead of the sun controlling everything it influences, crystalline suns are influenced by the inhabitants that exist under, or more precisely with, this kind of sun. In actuality, crystalline energy sources are not suns but are still able to sustain biological life, in actuality, because they are completely stable and in balance with all within it's influence, it is able to sustained biological life a lot more securely. Take away an insecurity, you take away a fear!!

The ego in control will of course categorically state that a crystal like energy sources supporting biological life forms could never exist, or anything else that is not controlling/dominating, you know why? A crystalline energy source like this isn't in control, the biological life that is influenced and supported by this kind of energy source is. Actually, there is no real control, only a cohabitation of equal value, a reality based on balance instead of an imbalance. This is the last thing a controlling ego wants and especially needs to know or exist as a controlling factor.

It would seem if we take away the controlling factors of the ego, the ego would be non-existent, this simply isn't the case but can be the case. If you take away the control of the ego, what you are left with is ego void of it's control. When we are able to be influential void of the ego being in control, this is balance due to a cohabitation of equal value of energy sources. One reliant on the other to exist, not one in total reliance on the other like in fear of the other of their control over us, but a coexistence free of fear altogether.   

I honestly believe we could influence the sun to become crystalline, of course I believe this would take us to take our consciousness into a totally different dimension that isn't controlling, dominant or destructive in any sense.

Can we be expressive of an ego that isn't in control or being controlled? In my mind absolutely, however, for a mind that is controlled by the ego, never, this of course is but one of numerous limitations of the ego mind in control.

I thought I would end this post by inserting a few relevant responses to other people by me in relation to this topic.                      


Look at it this way. The sun is controlling as everything of the ego is, so in a real sense, the ego has always had control in realities like this one.

Humanly, indeed, the ego hasn't always been in control by the controlling ego in a human sense.  I think realities like this one, the universe as a whole, is conducive to a controlling ego, not just ego. 

Are there realities that are just of the ego void of a controlling ego?  I believe so.


I think anything controlling and/or desiring is of the ego. Our sun is controlling, this is ego so everything within this control is also ego otherwise I doubt it could exist within this kind of reality.

I think the purpose of ego is creation for all of creation is ego. It's like an expression or motion of something that is motionless, Buddhism calls this motionless state pure awareness.  All of creation is simply the motion side of motionlessness, the yin to the yang if you like.

Is everything of creation not truly of solid mass? While this pure awareness is being expressed as motion, it is, when being simply being of pure awareness it's not. The ego as always needs to force a singular or ultimate answer when there isn't one in my mind, consciousness as a whole isn't this limited.


A wise interrogation, is the ego related to our memory loss?

Ego is motion for without motion the ego isn't able to exist, for example, as we quieten the mind, we experience less ego for there is less motion. Basically, instead of focusing on the quietness, we focus on motion which creates ego, the more motion expressed, the more egoistic we become, our present reality shows this. Because we are focused on motion, we forget what we are, we become the participator instead of the observer, in the process of participating forgetting what we are.