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Saturday, 14 April 2018

A True Positive Perception

Written by Mathew Naismith

First of all perceptions are, "The representation of what is perceived; basic component in the formation of a concept". Concepts are often based on a negative and positive, bad and good, wrong and right, etc; perceptions are simply to do with the way we look at our environment and ourselves. A good example is the formation of an ism or ideology which is often based on these concepts of opposing polarities, two opposite attributes or tendencies, atheism and religion, God and man, yin and yang, etc.

When one side or attribute is perceived as excessively positive, this instantly makes the opposing side excessively negative. The more perceived the positive is of one side, the more negative the opposing side becomes. So being excessively positive actually creates more and excessive negatives, not less. This is not a true example of positiveness; a true example of positiveness is perceiving the perceived negatives less negatively, not more negatively. In actuality working with the negative rather than running away from them or ignoring them because they are so negative!!

I will explain myself better by using a scenario as follow.

Who would a wealthy person embrace if there was only a choice of another wealthy person, a positive, or a wretched poor person, a negative, to embrace? Now, who would a spiritually aware person embrace, if there was only a choice of a positive spiritual person and a negative non-spiritual person to embrace? The scenario outcome is exactly the same, as the perceived positive person will always be embraced over and above a negative person. What if I told you that a true positive person would always embrace the negative person first and foremost, even if this takes them out of their own comfort zone?

What you have is the same exact mentality between a wealthy materialist and a spiritual aware person. The western spiritual perception of this is, materialism is of a 3rd dimensional consciousness where the spiritual is of a 5th dimensional consciousness. Not sure how this works when both mentalities express the same attributes or behavioural patterns!!

A 5th dimensional consciousness is supposed to entail a consciousness to be unconditionally loving, unconditionally accepting, unconditionally compassionate, etc. What we are talking about here is levels where human consciousness evolves to. The main point here is levels, where normally with levels one level is successfully completed to go onto the next level of consciousness. What level of completion, in a 3rd dimension, is there while excluding all excessively perceived negatives from the equation? A 3rd dimensional level can't be completed unless one can embrace all as one. This is clearly not occurring and in actuality quite the opposite is occurring.

Being excessively positive is simply creating excessive negatives in the first place, to go on from this and create even more negatives isn't of a 5th dimension consciousness, it's purely of a 3rd dimensional conscious mentality. 

A 5th dimensional consciousness simply neutralises the negatives by embracing them first and foremost. Being positive has nothing to do with creating excessive negatives and more negatives overall, or, ignoring these insurmountable negatives because they are excessively negative, it's about embracing all as one.

You must understand, this age is known as the age of false prophets, this simply means an age of trickery and deceit especially upon ourselves by ourselves. If you look at the world around us, where isn't there trickery and deceitfulness? We have simply been tricked into thinking we are positive in our thinking when we are not; to someone like me this is too obvious. We are simply trying to separate ourselves to what we have perceived and critically judged as being negative, separation just simply doesn't exist within a 5th dimensional consciousness.

To put it plainly, human consciousness will not evolve to the next level of consciousness with this kind of mentality of separation, not that I believe in levels myself. Levels simply give us the perception we are not at a certain stage or level of evolving, it really is just a perception we have. To see this one must first see everything as one, if everything is as one, where are the levels? Evolving to me simply means awakening, an awakening that everything is as one no matter how much we desire to separate ourselves from what we desire not to be of. 

Does yin and yang, positive and negative exist? Yes, but the perception of how negative and positive they are is really just based on our personal perceptions, no more. To evolve from human consciousness, as we have evolved before, doesn't incorporate us to accept less and separate ourselves more from everything, it takes quite the opposite.

To a lot of spiritually aware people, posts like this are excessively negative; I have simply lost count how many times I have been called negative just by simply pointing out the obvious and truth. Labelling everything that is not of our own vibrations negative is simply not being positive, far from it. This kind of separatist mentality certainly will not lead to evolving consciously, if anything a regression of consciousness.

True positiveness isn't excessive expressions of positiveness, far from it. True positiveness is all about embracing the negatives, in turn, turning them around to become anything but excessive negatives that need to be avoided at all cost.

Fear of what is negative will only create excessive negatives to be feared even more......M G Naismith   

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