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Sunday, 6 May 2018

The Lotus Flower

Written by Mathew Naismith

While sitting on a floating lotus flower on a still pond, one is of the observer and the participator, the observation of one sitting on a lotus flower on a still pond. The question is, is the lotus flower big enough to carry you or are you small enough for the lotus flower to carry you? The answer is of course both as both occurrences are occurring simultaneously at the same time.

I should point out that this was just of a conscious state I found myself in recently, don't take it seriously or to heart.  

To be an observer, one has to have something to observe, as quantum physics has discovered, it's observation that creates occurrences, not occurrences creating observation. In saying this, what is observation without occurrences, without participation? One is never without the other which means participation is as important as the observer.  

It is a trick in our present state that it's either observation or participation; it's quite difficult for us to even perceive, while in participation, we can also be in observation of our participation. Also, it's our observation that creates our participation, our reality and related perceptions and perspectives. Of course being in this state of observation, while in participation, can only occur while in a different conscious state than our present state of consciousness, a state predominantly influenced by participation.

It's also advisable not to perceive that one state is higher or lower, positive or negative, to another, for one to be aware therefore experience this state. Any kind of separation simply makes us less aware, not more aware. In actuality, while in a true state like this, it is impossible to perceive in higher and lower, positive and negative, for everything becomes as one.

Floating on a lotus flower on a still pond is quite significant, especially if this kind of experience was not induced or desired. The significance being that it just is without separation, there is simply no desire to be within this state above all other states as all other states become just is. All states are what they are without bias/prejudice or separation created by a desire to be of a certain state.

It's amazing what occurs when you are aware of something you don't desire to experience or be apart of, it just simply occurs without effort. Effort means to try to be positive over negative, good over bad, right over wrong. Any desired state experienced in this way is false in nature no matter how real it might feel, simply let go.......   

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