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Tuesday, 16 July 2019

Creating a Healthy Environment

Written by Mathew Naismith

After watching a documentary called One Strange Rock, narrated by Will Smith, the realisation we are one with the Earth is slowly coming to fruition. Of course to go on from this is to realise we are one with the universe, not just the Earth, solar system or galaxy. What we are simply talking about here is in relation to our material self, the immaterial self is thought or known to go way beyond any universe or material being.

We now realise the material part of humans is simply a by-product of Earth. Of course this also means that humans and the Earth itself is a by-product of the universe. Humans are simply a by-product of the present environment, like any living entity is in accordance with their present environment. What we create materially, we become materially.

I found that the documentary wasn't altogether honest. Avoiding the degradation of man's influence upon the Earths natural environment was too evident. Also, stating how big our brains are, therefore depicting our intelligence in comparison to all other living entities, even in the universe as a whole, is also dishonest. No other living entity purposely destroys the very same environment that created it. How humans presently measure intelligence is quite amusing.

However, in our present environment, which we have created, any consciousness that is honest to a great degree will be scorned and/or ignored. This documentary wasn't altogether honest but it wasn't altogether dishonest either. Honesty was evident without being too honest within the present created environment of dishonesty. There are other astronauts, such as Edgar Mitchell, who realised and tried to comprehend and understand the existence of our material and immaterial world/environment without separating one from the other. A created dishonest consciousness will only accept honesty to a degree. Considering that a dishonest consciousness environment is of dishonesty, any honest consciousness will seem foreign to it and even seen as a threat to this created environment of dishonesty. How many spiritually aware people see other people's environment threatening to their own environment? It's the dame thing.

It is the same thing because all the environments humans can create come from the same source. Once you realise that any environment we create comes from the same source, the threat of other environments becomes neutralised and nullified. It just is what it is.

So does this mean we should just accept it is what it is?

If you are unable to influence an environment, accept by force or by deceit, yes, accept it is what it is, to do otherwise is to be of the environment you are trying to influence. However, this doesn't mean you can't live within your own created environment.  

Is it deceitful, like the documentary mentioned here, to only be partially honest?

As I have proven to myself, to be anything but partially honest within a created environment of dishonesty, is only going to create one kind of reaction, a reaction totally forcefully against any other environment remotely threatening the existence of the present environment.

So why be more than partially honest within such an environment, seen as being partially honest is more influential upon such a dishonest created environment?

To me, being partially honest isn't changing a thing. In all honesty, humans have always been partially honest such as, there is a God or a source of creation of all things but it is depicted to be of man's image, a material representation instead of an immaterial representation. Of course many of us have now gotten to the stage of refuting the existence of our immaterial self's altogether, no matter what evidence their is to depict otherwise.

A true sense of honesty isn't a threat to a created dishonest environment, but it can seem that way to a crated dishonesty conscious environment. A true sense of honesty has always been present within human consciousness, no matter what environment human consciousness creates. This honesty is present within an awareness of all and the wisdom this kind of awareness creates. If this kind of environment was a threat to the present environment of dishonesty, this created environment of dishonesty, or of partial honesty, would have long ago been enveloped or totally eradicated an environment of dishonesty and partial honesty.

So why isn't this kind of honesty more influential upon an environment not of it's own?

A dishonest consciousness has the desire to be only of one environment or the other, be it of a material environment or an immaterial environment. Being of an environment of honesty, no matter what our desires may be, is of all environments, of material and immaterial environments. Why would such an environment desire to force change upon one environment on the other, while in favour of one environment over the other?

As depicted in the documentary, Earth is our home, not just the place we live on Earth. This is forgoing, in all honesty, that the universe is our home, materially, but so is our immaterial environment.

An honest environment isn't by force or trickery, but by choice.....

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