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Friday, 29 May 2020

The Monster is Whimpering

Written by Mathew Naismith

In reality, the monster is whimpering so it would seem.

In reality, it is important not to look at the monster in a negative sense, it is simply a monster just doing what a monster does best, being a monster. Really, don’t expect a monster not to be what it is.

In reality, the monster is still trying to snarl, bite and roar, be it that the snarl, bite and roar is wailing. So why doesn’t it seem this is reality, in fact the monster seems stronger, not weaker at present?

Physiologically speaking, when you look upon the monster as something negative, especially in opposition to a positive, the monster never seems to wail, lament. Yes, a positive allows one to ignore the monsters strengths, but this is exactly what the monster needs to become strong.

Look at it this way. If part of a garden is diseased, do you ignore this diseased part of the garden to then spread to the rest of the garden? The process of just looking at the positive part of the garden is often the monsters strength, the disease within the garden being the monster in this case.

This is just something I wrote but it does have a more in-depth meaning to life. Really, stay away from the perceptions of negatives and positives especially at present, for all this will do is feed what the monster needs to exist. Yes, become involved if necessary but do it without separating one from the other, for nothing feeds the monster more than division and ignorance.

In reality, I actually feel for the monster in its wailing moment, as I should.     

Thursday, 21 May 2020

Shining Souls

Written by Mathew Nasimith

As the dark consciousness within human consciousness desires, soul don’t exist, this is in contradiction to what certain science research and real life experiences have construed. Internet search,” existence of souls through science”, is a good start. 

So why doesn’t this dark side to human consciousness desire to acknowledge the existence of souls? So when you do harm to others, there is no repercussion after death, you therefore can do as you will onto others.

To be of this dark consciousness, you have to by all means stay ignorant to the existence of things like souls. There of course is an opposite of this dark ignorant consciousness, it is of course a light aware consciousness.

What this dark ignorant consciousness desires you to stay ignorant to is the repercussion after death of being of this darkened consciousness, otherwise you would as a human stay right away from this darkened consciousness. As you would imagine, this dark consciousness is highly deceptive and manipulative.

It would certainly seem that if you die while of this dark consciousness, your soul will stay of this dark consciousness. This doesn’t even come close, but imagine being separated from everything and everyone. You are completely alone within a dark mass, an abyss of endless fear, paranoia and hysteria, probably inline with the depth of darkness one expresses in life. Within this endless abyss of darkness, loneliness and separation, you are being controlled and manipulated, not the other way around.

So does this mean if we die from the cause of this dark consciousness, we will end up in this dark abyss? You could if you are still suffering from this darkness after death.

What is occurring at this moment is the souls from children who have been abused by Satanist pedophile rings are actually shining. Why? Because a good deal of people in the world are now aware of these rings. You could say that awareness is a very powerful tool but it has nothing to do with power or control, simply influence through awareness. Yes, ignorance is a powerful tool, as we have recently experienced en masse, but awareness is simply influential even upon dark consciousness without effort. Power and control take a huge amount of effort and energy, where influence through awareness in simply in the absence of power and control and the abuse of energy. Light consciousness is simply in the absence of ignorance, power and control.

So many souls are going to end up in a very dark foreboding reality, where they will have no control or power of their souls. Yes, this includes multinationals and alike, if they only knew. No matter what occurs in the material reality, make sure your soul is protected against a material reality of darkened consciousness, really, this is all that will matter in the end. 

Monday, 18 May 2020

The Weight of Fear

Written by Mathew Naismith

It is utterly bewildering.

While waking up to the radio this morning, it would seem many people are still anxiously waiting on a cure vaccine, this is while the flu vaccine has a known 10% to 40% success rate only. Of course mandatory vaccination with a possible 10% to 40% successes rate should be enforced to save us from dying of covid-19, right? Of course on top of this no viral vaccine is a cure as they are simply of preventive treatments.


On top of this, it is known that no vaccine in 30+ years has been proven to be safe. This has been proven in a court of law. But here we are still waiting in fear, paranoia and hysteria, for a cure. Of course this degree of anxiety is known to weaken the immune system!!

Bewildering or what?

As it is also known, the world fatality rate of covid-19 is at present 0.2%. This percentage rate is worked out on the high infection rate which lowers the fatality rate of covid-19. This 0.2% could drop even further unless stage two of the introduction of covid-19 is implemented, a more advanced covid-19 infection planed in September this year. Also, 98% of people are at present suffering mild symptoms to no symptoms of covid-19 infections.

Now we are going beyond bewilderment here.

On a 0.2% fatality rate lockdowns are still enforced, in certain areas of the world enforced even more than ever. As it is now well known, people in lockdown make up 66% covid-19 infections today, this percentage is expected to rise. Lockdown countries also have the highest fatality rates.

I am now utterly flabbergasted.

Can you see how easy it was to psychologically manipulate a populous en masse?

Ask yourselves, who would implement this kind of psychological strategy, and why would they implement this kind of strategy? Why would the governments and main media around the world fully support such a strategy of psychological manipulations?

No, we can’t ask these questions, not while waiting anxiously in fear, paranoia and hysteria, for a cure vaccine for a virus that has a fatality rate of just 0.2%, this is while 2.56 million people die annually of pneumonia every year!!

Scammed en masse are we.

I think the following comical video says it all.  

Sunday, 17 May 2020

It is All One Garden

Written by Mathew Naismith

Yes indeed, it is not my garden, it is our garden, a one garden we should all be tending to but are not because we are still trying to tend to our own garden. So sitting within your own garden trying to manifest for a better reality is going to get us nowhere. In truth, all this will do is simply create more of what we are trying to escape from, as it has obviously done.

Imagine a lush garden surrounded or controlled by other singular gardens that are neglected and abused to then become diseased. This one or even a number of gardens surrounded by diseased gardens is not going to spread out to engulf other gardens that are diseased, actually quite the opposite will and has occurred.

Yes, tend to your own plot within this huge garden while under threat from diseased gardens, at the same time realise it is all one garden. What should also be attended to is the garden as a whole.
Humanly, many healthy garden plots are controlled by diseased garden plots at present, garden plots of lies, deceit, fear mongering, abuse, etc. Of course ignoring these diseases that controls our garden is going to lead to our own garden plot becoming diseased in the end, as is presently occurring.

We have the perception of our own garden being healthy, at the same time ignoring that other gardens around us are diseased. You of course ignore what is negative to retain a positive healthy garden!!

Look at it this way, having perception of tending to your own garden is of the finite, it is limited to the time you tend to this garden in your life. Now, can you say the same about the human garden, which by the way is simply a tiny garden plot within a much bigger garden? Human consciousness is actually of the infinite as it has no limitations, only a perceived limitation in that we all have our own separate gardens to attend to. Of course at present we are influenced to attend to certain other people’s garden while neglecting our own perceived garden, a perceived singular garden that is heavily diseased therefore limited in projection.

Yes, tend to your own garden plot, at the same time realise that the human garden plot is surrounded by a very healthy garden. If you have a healthy garden and one plant within this garden becomes diseased, this doesn’t mean the garden as a whole is unhealthy.  Yes, it would seem a great deal of the human garden plot is diseased, this doesn’t mean the whole garden is diseased. All this diseased garden needs is tending to. As many of us have done, just tending to our own gardens health is not going to lead to a very healthy human garden plot at all.  Be proactive but proactive while having the health of the whole garden in mind. Yes, parts of the garden are diseased, tend to it.

It is very important at this specific time to think of in one garden, not separate gardens we should attend to. I won’t go into this but if you think in terms of one garden, one collective consciousness, you will be accepted as being of the collective consciousness, a part of the whole garden that needs attending to.

Sunday, 10 May 2020

Tending to the Garden

Written by Mathew Naismith

Please realise, I can’t be more forthright with this, what is presently occurring in the world is so so positive, as the ego likes to see and feel it. Mistakenly, the dark (ignorance) is no longer in the dark, unaware to physical and non-physical consciousness, it is in the light. The more the dark consciousness tries to regain it’s stature of concealment, the more in the light this dark consciousness will become of. The light (awareness) has not tricked the dark into coming forth into the light, the dark has simply tricked itself as it often does at the end of its cycle. This revealing does take the light, an aware consciousness, to participate in this revealing. If a consciousness of light just sat their tending to its own garden as the dark desires and even entices the light to do, the dark would still be concealed to consciousness as a whole. 

Dark ignorant consciousness works better when incognito, an identity concealed by a façade, a false representation usually depicting something of the light (awareness) and even false intelligence. Intelligence in the absence of wisdom is not intelligence, it is simply a misrepresented perception of intelligence. Only in the light is wisdom present. Really, only in the light is wisdom present, actually, light can only exist within the presence of wisdom!! There is no wisdom or true intelligence within a dark (ignorant) consciousness, too many biases and desires to begin with which keeps one from being truly aware and wise. Yes, deceptive and manipulative but not of awareness and wisdom.

Tending to your own garden is like tending to your own desires or even needs, tending to your own health of your own mind, body and soul. Of course this tending to your own garden is supposed to spread outwardly or attract other gardeners to your garden, not to the collective garden. The collective garden is of all gardens, of all realities and consciousness. How you tend to this garden makes a huge difference to what is grown, in this case what reality and/or consciousness is manifested. Think of it like a plot within this huge garden. Humans are of a plot within this massively huge garden, what we do with this plot will make a difference to the garden as a whole. So if we make a mess or don’t properly tend to our plot of garden, this won’t spread to the rest of the garden as the rest of the garden is mostly healthy.

What we have done as humans is thinking that we own our own gardens not just a plot within a garden. The dark always thinks in relation to the small picture, the smaller the picture the better. You see where the ignorance comes from, the smaller the picture, the less aware!! Look around you today, who and what is trying to make you less aware. Each person is disillusioned to think they have their own separate garden, a garden that only is in servitude to one consciousness separate to all other consciousnesses.

Yes, in the light there is only one garden but not in servitude to this garden but in free sovereignty to his garden, a state free of control and power over you. You become of this massively huge garden, not just simply in servitude to this garden. Within this massive garden of awareness and wisdom, there is no separation of consciousness, all is as one in sovereignty.